On 01/22/2018 07:55 PM, Heiler Bemerguy via Info-cyrus wrote:
The way I interpret it is that the / means unixhierarchysep is on.
Just tested this on 2.4.18 and the same thing happens. When you
rename back no messages are listed and reconstruct does nothing.
Ah. As suspected the rights are wrong. You just need to set the rights
back to the real user. You probably need to use / instead of .
localhost> lam user.test
testtodelete lrswipkxtecda
localhost> sam user.test test lrswipkxtecda
localhost> lam user.test
testtodelete lrswipkxtecda
test lrswipkxtecda
localhost> sam user.test testtodelete ''
localhost> lam user.test
test lrswipkxtecda
localhost> lam user/asaude
asaudetodelete lrswipkxtecda
localhost> lam user/ana^claudia
ana.claudiatodelete lrswipkxtecda
OMG it's completely borked. Why did it happen? How it changed to
"TODELETE" but didn't change back hours later?!?
Just looks like a bug.
Maybe was the capital
Yup. I tested and using capital letters causes this behaviour.
Then I'll have to change one by one? with "sam"? Could you please
explain what you did? I understood the LAMs but didn't the SAMs lol it
seems in your case you had two acls?! a right and a wrong?
You will have to change the rights somehow. Should be able to do it with
a PHP or perl script.
Correct, need to remove the wrong ACL and put the correct one on. For
sam user/asaude asaudetodelete ''
sam user/asaude asaude lrswipkxtecda
First sam deletes the wrong ACL, second sam adds the correct one.
Of course those only get the InBox. For folders you will have to also do
something like:
sam user/asaude/* asaudetodelete ''
sam user/asaude/* asaude lrswipkxtecda
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