Re: Xapian/Cyrus/Thunderbird

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On Fri, May 11, 2018, at 14:25, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
--On 11. Mai 2018 um 13:32:29 +0200 Robert Stepanek
<rsto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:
> For non-FUZZY text SEARCH, Cyrus attempts to match the string on its
> own [1].

That sounds strange to me, because Cyrus 2.4 and earlier don't support
FUZZY, and there the SQUAT index was used, if present. Only messages
that  were added after the last squatter run were searched directly. Why
would  that have changed?
Right, it hasn't. SQUAT is still the backend for non-FUZZY text search.
But search_engine is either squat or xapian. That would mean that one would 
have to run squatter with two separate configurations in order to cover 
both search types. That's at the very least counterintuitive ...
Should I open a Github issue for that topic? I see more than one approach 
to solve that.
I think if Xapian only does fuzzy, some searches may be *slower* than
using  a SQUAT index. That seems counterintuitive, at the least. Do you
have  internal search benchmarks? Without metrics it's hard to say if
any of this  actually matters ...
I don't know of any benchmarks for this. It hasn't popped up as a
performance issue.
I thought Xapian was added to improve all IMAP BODY searches, but I guess 
the only reason was to enable IMAP FUZZY searches. In my opinion this needs 
to be stated explicitly in the documentation, if that's the way it will be 
going forward.
Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121, Zimmer 2.02
Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK)
Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - Tel. +49-221-470-89578

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