Linux Speakup
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- fc3 dl
- What do you use for ripping?
- A different OT: timer Question
- A different OT: timer Question
- fc3 dl
- A different OT: timer Question
- fc3 dl
- fc3 dl
- fc3 dl
- I need some help for a friendI need some assistance for a friend
- is speakup available for amd athelon?
- is speakup available for amd athelon?
- fc3 dl
- verizon and exim
- What do you use for ripping?
- Bittorrent client suggestions
- Bittorrent client suggestions
- Bittorrent client suggestions
- Slackware 10.1 is out, was Re: website
- website
- rh isos
- off topic braille display
- off topic braille display
- OT: timer
- rh isos
- (no subject)
- off topic braille display
- fc3 dl
- fc3 dl
- rh isos
- off topic braille display
- website
- upgrading a Slackware kernel
- website
- upgrading a Slackware kernel
- website
- upgrading a Slackware kernel
- upgrading a Slackware kernel
- upgrading a Slackware kernel
- upgrading a Slackware kernel
- OT: Site hosts?
- upgrading a Slackware kernel
- test message
- website
- test message
- Yahoo Messenger with Centericq
- Yahoo Messenger with Centericq
- Yahoo Messenger with Centericq
- error message, keyboard not working as a result
- Yahoo Messenger with Centericq
- Yahoo Messenger with Centericq
- Screen-reading Outreach
- Screen-reading Outreach
- error message, keyboard not working as a result
- error message, keyboard not working as a result
- error message, keyboard not working as a result
- error message, keyboard not working as a result
- error message, keyboard not working as a result
- error message, keyboard not working as a result
- error message, keyboard not working as a result
- error message, keyboard not working as a result
- Screen-reading Outreach
- error message, keyboard not working as a result
- Trouble with listen-up
- Trouble with listen-up
- queueing mail and sending it from another computer
- Trouble with listen-up
- Programming Project Information
- problem with Apache 2.0.52 on Debian
- Programming Project Information
- Programming Project Information
- Programming Project Information
- backspace says nothing while in a command line using speakup cvs from Dec 28
- backspace says nothing while in a command line using speakup cvs from Dec 28
- backspace says nothing while in a command line using speakup cvs from Dec 28
- New SpeakUP Sarge install isos
- New SpeakUP Sarge install isos
- Having trouble to print out password line
- New SpeakUP Sarge install isos
- Fw: Re: [program-l] Re: Programming Project Information
- Fw: Re: [program-l] Re: Programming Project Information
- Cell Phone Modem
- Having trouble to print out password line
- New SpeakUP Sarge install isos
- Cell Phone Modem
- Cell Phone Modem
- Having trouble to print out password line
- Cell Phone Modem
- New SpeakUP Sarge install isos
- Having trouble to print out password line
- New SpeakUP Sarge install isos
- New SpeakUP Sarge install isos
- Ot: Emailing: verizon_email_block
- Ot: Emailing: verizon_email_block
- Having trouble to print out password line
- Having trouble to print out password line
- Ot: Emailing: verizon_email_block
- queueing mail and sending it from another computer
- Speakup download
- apple tiger
- apple tiger
- are my messages reaching the list?
- are my messages reaching the list?
- moving folders
- moving folders
- moving folders
- moving folders
- Use Lynx And Go To Jail
- FSG Accessibility Workshop Now On Line
- gentoo and nano
- gentoo and nano
- Use Lynx And Go To Jail
- Use Lynx And Go To Jail
- Use Lynx And Go To Jail
- Use Lynx And Go To Jail
- mplayer sound stops: solved
- OT: Spinwrite
- OT: Spinwrite
- moving folders
- moving folders
- my ftp site
- FSG Accessibility Workshop Now On Line
- official mime types
- FSG Accessibility Workshop Now On Line
- FSG Accessibility Workshop Now On Line
- official mime types
- FSG Accessibility Workshop Now On Line
- official mime types
- gentoo and nano
- keynote Pc using 2 languages?
- vsftpd.conf question
- FSG Accessibility Workshop Now On Line
- official mime types
- gentoo and nano
- Installation question
- Linux installation question
- gentoo and nano
- gentoo and nano
- ot: daisy books
- gentoo and nano
- timer just a bit modifed
- gnu/linux CPU serial number control utility
- gentoo and nano
- timer just a bit modifed
- gnu/linux CPU serial number control utility
- gnu/linux CPU serial number control utility
- Playing cds with mplayer??
- Playing cds with mplayer??
- From: Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 1 9 5 3 4 6)
- Is the website still down?
- Speakup Install on Redhat Enterprise Linux
- timer script
- programming project
- gnu/linux CPU serial number control utility
- gnu/linux CPU serial number control utility
- gnopernicus
- gnu/linux CPU serial number control utility
- speakupp module question
- speakupp module question
- programming project
- periodic snapshots of Speakup CVS?
- speakupp module question
- keynote Pc using 2 languages?
- software speech with speakup in Debian
- keynote Pc using 2 languages?
- was working beyond standards with alsaconf
- reinstall option
- speakupconf and software speech
- keynote Pc using 2 languages?
- International FSG Accessibility Meeting Announcement
- keynote Pc using 2 languages?
- speakupp module question
- software speech with speakup in Debian
- speakupp module question
- speakupp module question
- Fw: Re: [program-l] Re: Programming Project Information
- timer
- bastille linux puzzle
- speakupp module question
- speakupp module question
- /etc/apt/sources.list
- bastille linux puzzle
- was working beyond standards with alsaconf
- reinstall option
- reinstall option
- pdftotext problem?
- Fwd: Re: Playing tone through speakers
- question on Exim
- (off topic) if you can help a fellow Ham
- (off topic) if you can help a fellow Ham
- periodic snapshots of Speakup CVS?
- speakupconf and software speech
- vsftpd.conf file
- speakupconf and software speech
- periodic snapshots of Speakup CVS?
- speakupconf and software speech
- speakupconf and software speech
- timer
- timer
- timer
- timer
- Dectalk USB mini-review
- Dectalk USB mini-review
- Dectalk USB mini-review
- Dectalk USB mini-review
- another vsftpd question
- another vsftpd question
- another vsftpd question
- timer
- (no subject)
- /etc/apt/sources.list
- Has the speakup website moved?
- Has the speakup website moved?
- OT: timer
- Has the speakup website moved?
- lynx question
- vsftpd (was proftpd)
- still can't get in
- vsftpd (proftpd)
- vsftpd (proftpd)
- alsaconf error
- /etc/apt/sources.list
- alsaconf error
- lynx question
- lynx question
- lynx question
- some progress with debian
- (no subject)
- (no subject)
- lynx question
- lynx question
- lynx question
- lynx question
- lynx question
- lynx question
- lynx question
- lynx question
- the Line
- vsftpd
- lynx question
- lynx help please
- From: lists.speakup at
- lynx help please
- lynx question
- lynx question
- lynx question
- lynx question
- lynx question
- try it now
- try it now
- vsftpd
- vsftpd
- vsftpd
- the Line
- vsftpd
- vsftpd
- vsftpd
- vsftpd
- proftpd
- proftpd
- proftpd
- proftpd
- proftpd
- fc3 dl
- fc3 dl
- fc3 dl
- proftpd
- proftpd
- proftpd
- proftpd
- fc3 dl
- Modified Fedora Installation
- Networking
- Modified Fedora Installation
- doubletalk pricing
- other hardware synths
- The New DecTalk USB External Synthesizer
- The New DecTalk USB External Synthesizer
- The New DecTalk USB External Synthesizer
- The New DecTalk USB External Synthesizer
- The New DecTalk USB External Synthesizer
- Modified Fedora Installation
- The New DecTalk USB External Synthesizer
- new hardware
- new hardware
- Linux BBS software
- Modified Fedora Installation
- Yeah, Sure
- Modified Fedora Installation
- Linux BBS software
- debian sarge speakup question
- cepstral, please help
- Linux BBS software
- debian sarge speakup question
- x and gnopernicus
- Yeah, Sure
- test
- cepstral, please help
- Yeah, Sure
- Yeah, Sure
- x and gnopernicus
- Yeah, Sure
- x and gnopernicus
- Software DEC Talk and Speechd_Up
- Software DEC Talk and Speechd_Up
- Software DEC Talk and Speechd_Up
- test
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- test
- PPP was Re: Ethernet Card
- test
- Ethernet Card
- Ethernet Card
- test
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- speakup debian sarge install
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- Ethernet Card
- Ethernet Card
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- debian sarge speakup kernel question
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- Ethernet Card
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- Ethernet Card
- Ethernet Card
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- debian sarge speakup kernel question
- speakup debian sarge install
- Ethernet Card
- Ethernet Card
- Ethernet Card
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- unsubscribe!
- unsubscribe!
- The website for this particular speakup howto is down
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- re-setting the defaults
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- test
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- re-setting the defaults
- The website for this particular speakup howto is down
- Kernel Compilation Successful!
- Kernel Compilation
- The website for this particular speakup howto is down
- The website for this particular speakup howto is down
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- re-setting the defaults
- Kernel Compilation Successful!
- speech-dispatcher compile error
- speech-dispatcher compile error
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- re-setting the defaults
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- Kernel Compilation
- re-setting the defaults
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- Software Synths
- Software Synths
- An Accessible Adobe Reader for Linux
- Software Synths
- Software Synths
- Software Synths
- Kernel Compilation Successful!
- Kernel Compilation Successful!
- Kernel Compilation Successful!
- Fwd: Re: Kernel Compilation
- Kernel Compilation
- Kernel Compilation
- Kernel Compilation
- Kernel Compilation
- Kernel Compilation
- Learning Debian
- Kernel Compilation
- lynx temporary files
- a question about fedora core downloads
- lynx temporary files
- speech-dispatcher compile error
- lynx temporary files
- usb modems
- speech-dispatcher compile error
- speech-dispatcher compile error
- question about partitioning
- question about partitioning
- Any postfix people?
- Kernel Compilation
- Kernel Compilation
- question about partitioning
- question about partitioning
- Kernel Compilation
- a question about fedora core downloads
- lynx temporary files
- Kernel Compilation
- usb modems
- Accessible CdRom version of Linux
- Kernel Compilation
- a question about fedora core downloads
- a question about fedora core downloads
- re-setting the defaults
- lynx temporary files
- lynx temporary files
- Accessible CdRom version of Linux
- Any postfix people?
- Any postfix people?
- test
- testing
- testing
- to the person asking about new sound cards
- Accessible CdRom version of Linux
- to the person asking about new sound cards
- Accessible CdRom version of Linux
- tiger voiceover
- Sound Card Suggestions
- tiger voiceover
- tiger voiceover
- Mirror or possibly faster download for speakup modified fredoracore 3?
- Mirror or possibly faster download for speakup modified fredora core 3?
- Speakup Questions
- Mirror or possibly faster download for speakup modified fredora core 3?
- Sound Card Suggestions
- Accessible CdRom version of Linux
- Accessible CdRom version of Linux
- Speakup Questions
- speakup and serial hubs?
- speakup and serial hubs?
- speakup and serial hubs?
- speakup and serial hubs?
- Sound Card Suggestions
- speakup and serial hubs?
- speakup and serial hubs?
- forgot
- unable to interrupt speech with Linux-2.6.10 and latest Speakup CVS build
- speakup and serial hubs?
- Sound Card Suggestions
- Any postfix people?
- speakup and serial hubs?
- Backspacing in vi/vim.
- Sound Card Suggestions
- Sound Card Suggestions
- Sound Card Suggestions
- Sound Card Suggestions
- Sound Card Suggestions
- Question about Knoppix modified
- [wisconsin] Unabridged Service offered by Libraries (fwd)
- CD-ROM "mplayer" saga continues
- newbie question...
- newbie question...
- test -- please ignore
- CD-ROM "mplayer" saga continues
- CD-ROM "mplayer" saga continues
- newbie question...
- Any postfix people?
- Any postfix people?
- newbie question...
- newbie question...
- Progress and a Question
- restarting speakup
- restarting speakup
- newbie question...
- restarting speakup
- restarting speakup
- newbie question...
- my FTP speed
- restarting speakup
- newbie question...
- restarting speakup
- Progress and a Question
- Need help geeting a SATA drive accessible
- Need help geeting a SATA drive accessible
- Progress and a Question
- Accessing my CD-Drive
- Progress and a Question
- mplayer
- mplayer
- Stuck in TAR
- Accessing my CD-Drive
- check out my ftp site speed
- "mplayer"
- Accessing my CD-Drive
- my FTP speed
- check out my ftp site speed
- check out my ftp site speed
- "mplayer"
- "mplayer"
- frustrated
- frustrated
- frustrated
- frustrated
- hi Glenn
- hi Glenn
- frustrated
- sound blaster live problems
- sound blaster live problems
- Need help geeting a SATA drive accessible
- mplayer
- Need help geeting a SATA drive accessible
- more mplayer questions
- mplayer
- mplayer
- mplayer
- Need help geeting a SATA drive accessible
- mplayer
- mplayer
- mplayer
- x and gnopernicus
- frustrated
- test -- please ignore
- Talks/Nokia-6620 question
- Stuck in TAR
- Stuck in TAR
- Accessing my CD-Drive
- Talks/Nokia-6620 question
- Accessing my CD-Drive
- Accessing my CD-Drive
- "mplayer"
- Accessing my CD-Drive
- the "who" command ?
- check out my ftp site speed
- the "who" command ?
- my FTP speed
- my FTP speed
- check out my ftp site speed
- check out my ftp site speed
- OT: Mplayer Display
- my FTP speed
- check out my ftp site speed
- check out my ftp site speed
- check out my ftp site speed
- check out my ftp site speed
- devices in /dev
- rsync command
- rsync command
- "mplayer"
- frustrated
- OT: Hacking your Tivo
- Announcing Updates to the Speakup Modified Fedora Distribution Pages
- "mplayer"
- updating with yum
- Announcing Updates to the Speakup Modified Fedora Distribution Pages
- check out my ftp site speed
- devices in /dev
- frustrated
- updating with yum
- "mplayer"
- updating with yum
- frustrated
- frustrated
- frustrated
- frustrated
- frustrated
- frustrated
- IP address
- hello Janina
- frustrated
- IP address
- frustrated
- frustrated
- frustrated
- IP address
- zip drive and sound card on slackware 10.0
- ntfs and fedora
- frustrated
- IP address
- Learning Debian
- hello
- zip drive and sound card on slackware 10.0
- IP address
- Learning Debian
- frustrated
- frustrated
- frustrated
- ntfs and fedora
- hi Glenn
- networking
- networking
- ntfs and fedora
- ntfs and fedora
- ntfs and fedora
- ntfs and fedora
- hi Glenn
- frustrated
- no sound
- no sound
- version.h
- frustrated
- frustrated
- frustrated
- OT: Hacking your Tivo
- frustrated
- ntfs and fedora
- IP address
- hi Glenn
- frustrated
- hi Glenn
- hi Glenn
- frustrated
- hi Glenn
- version.h
- hi Glenn
- frustrated
- hi Glenn
- frustrated
- ntfs and fedora
- ntfs and fedora
- freshrpms key
- FC3 installation report
- pdftotext error
- version.h
- fedora core disks
- fedora core disks
- IP address
- fedora core disks
- sound blaster live problems
- fedora core disks
- fedora core disks
- sound blaster live problems
- FC3 12/27/2004 install report
- freshrpms question
- freshrpms question
- editing files
- emacspeak installation
- I think I know the cause but maybe not
- FC3 12/27/2004 install report
- Second disk of FC3 doesn't work
- Second disk of FC3 doesn't work
- OT: Hacking your Tivo
- no sound
- repairing failed emacspeak install
- repairing failed emacspeak install
- OT: Hacking your Tivo
- pdftotext error
- OT: Hacking your Tivo
- pdftotext error
- Hacking your Tivo
- repairing failed emacspeak install
- pdftotext error
- OT: Hacking your Tivo
- emacspeak installation
- emacspeak installation
- OT: Hacking your Tivo
- problems with new speakup kernel compilation using 2.4.27 source
- mac os screen reader
- OT: Hacking your Tivo
- Second disk of FC3 doesn't work
- Second disk of FC3 doesn't work
- Talks/Nokia-6620 question
- OT: Hacking your Tivo
- mac os screen reader
- mac os screen reader
- pdftotext error
- mp3 splitting
- Second disk of FC3 doesn't work
- Second disk of FC3 doesn't work
- Second disk of FC3 doesn't work
- audio software upgrades
- kernel-2.6.10 spk compilation fails
- kernel-2.6.10 spk compilation fails
- More "Log-On" related questions
[Index of Archives]
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