The Tivo (digital video recorder) is Linux-based. I gave my sighted fiance one for Christmas, but after he installed a network card and bigger hard disk, it's been my job to get all the software hacks working. It's really fun, easy and completely accessible. A Tivo lets you watch what you want on TV when you want it and it takes care of all the details like when a program airs and how long to record. As a blind person, I haven't really been in to television, but having access to the program guide is very nifty. Being able to control a machine to tape good PBS stuff like Nova and Frontline is also quite fun. And to have a home appliance that can run Emacs, well that's just 'way cool! From bookshare you can download Tivo Hacks and I have scanned Jeff Keegan's Hacking Tivo book. Email me if you want a copy. You can see his website at My work email is: norlingdeborah (at) My home email is: debee (at) --Debee (Deborah Norling, Milpitas, California.)