Linux Audio Users
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- Re: audio configuration for ulatencyd, (continued)
- Pd-convention Call for Papers and Workshops,
Bjoern Lindig
- codecs vs patents,
Patrick Shirkey
- DSSI-VST in Rosegarden and latency compensation while syncing with Ardour,
- Harrison Mixbus ... now available on Linux!,
Ben Loftis
- Lightweight, small-screen-real-estate sequencer?,
Ken Restivo
- Re: Lightweight, small-screen-real-estate sequencer?,
Hartmut Noack
- Re: Lightweight, small-screen-real-estate sequencer?,
- Re: Lightweight, small-screen-real-estate sequencer?,
Philipp Überbacher
- Message not available
- Re: Lightweight, small-screen-real-estate sequencer?,
Rock Band 3 Keyboard Controller (was: live performance, midi program change from the keyboard),
Luke Peterson
LAC2011: Paper deadline coming closer,
Frank Neumann
Re: Snd learning curve,
Bill Schottstaedt
audio hw blessed by Canonical,
Kim Cascone
live performance, midi program change from the keyboard,
Alessandro Preziosi
Pits And Gits - new piece from AVSynthesis/Csound,
Dave Phillips
Guitarix as SC plugins,
blvco usage help,
Julien Claassen
Mounting /tmp to tmpfs,
Jeremy Jongepier
Old song, with new life.. Trace of Events,
Re: Linux programs for creatiing/manipulating sound, effects,
Kim Cascone
Any users from Texas?,
Josh Lawrence
Music Made with Linux: Yachebada,
paul feitzinger
Linux programs for creatiing/manipulating sound effects,
Bearcat M.
Re: Linux programs for creatiing/manipulating sound effects,
Hartmut Noack
Re: Linux programs for creatiing/manipulating sound effects,
Edgar Aichinger
Re: Linux programs for creatiing/manipulating sound effects,
Mike Cookson
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Linux programs for creatiing/manipulating sound effects,
Kjetil S. Matheussen
Re: Linux programs for creatiing/manipulating sound effects,
Kim Cascone
Three Minutes Turkish - new AVSynthesis video,
Dave Phillips
Old music,
Julien Claassen
Music Made with Linux: Love's Gonna Live Here,
Josh Lawrence
No audio with RT kernel,
S. Massy
dyn is noise : drone synth software,
new Linux Audio hardware and software,
Malte Steiner
looking for a USB soundcard,
Cedric Roux
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Fwd: looking for a USB soundcard,
Cedric Roux
USB guitar newbie,
Rendering multiple midi files for mixing,
S. Massy
Re: a lot of xruns after upgrading from ubuntu 8.04 to, 10.04,
Kim Cascone
bad news/good news,
Giorgio - Audiophilo
sf2 contents,
Bob van der Poel
Sine Wave Generator,
Andrew Bryant
a lot of xruns after upgrading from ubuntu 8.04 to 10.04,
Lilli Chiffon
Re: [64studio-users] [Development enquiry] 64 Studio 4.0,
Jack problem?,
Gabbe Nord
[OT] guitar pickups: how to get separate signals for each string?,
Jörn Nettingsmeier
Klick with jack transport: strange issues,
Mike Cookson
Card advice: M-aud. Fasttrack vs. Rol. UA25EX vs. ?,
S. Massy
Someone on list was looking for laptop with Firewire port?,
Ardour recording,
Moshe Werner
Jack uninstall problems,
Re: State of the art GUI,
Ivica Ico Bukvic
OT - impulse response recording,
Michal Seta
OT(ish): Strange coding problem (audio related),
James Stone
New Piece!,
Kevin Utter
new track -- all Linux inside,
Kim Cascone
OpenOctaveMidi2 (OOM2) beta release,
alex stone
Sorta-OT: Linux phones?,
Ken Restivo
Audacity book,
A. C. Censi
done in linux: plasticizing_limit.mp3,
James Morris
Building a low latency friendly kernel,
S. Massy
Rebuild Ardour 2.8.11-3.6.src.rpm on openSUSE 11.2 (64),
Yosef Werner
what is happening on,
OSC - where to start?,
James Morris
[ANN] IR: version 1.2,
Tom Szilagyi
Qtractor 0.4.8, compile prob with libslv2 on Kubuntu Hardy,
Nigel Henry
Firewire linuxaudio laptops, recomendations?,
ubuntu studio 64 vs. plain ubuntu 64 with ubuntu studio packages,
Robin Paulson
Not seeing Lv2 in Ardour,
Moshe Werner
Audio applications menu generation,
James Morris
Midi Sample Dump transmission,
Brent Busby
plugins update,
Dave Phillips
Re: Foo YC-20 1.2.0 released,
Stéphane Letz
timemachine bug,
Kim Cascone
Linux Audio Monthly Round-Up #6 - January 2011,
Jeremy Jongepier
Re: [LAA] Foo YC-20 1.2.0 released,
Jeremy Jongepier
yoshimi save state,
capturing sysex dumps in ubuntu,
Robin Paulson
[Music] Prog/synth/atmospheric/IDK: Vale Fanfare,
ninjam + JACK transport fix,
Robin Gareus
q's: gigedit redux & zynaddsubfx,
Kim Cascone
JACK-native MIDI monitor?,
Leigh Dyer
simple lv2-host,
Julien Claassen
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