Linux Audio Users
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Recording a video with High quality audio,
Ivan K
Re: *** GMX Spamverdacht *** Re: [LAD] GuitarSynth,
Gerald Mwangi
JACK hangs on openSUSE Tumbleweed,
Jörn Nettingsmeier
Re: [LAD] GuitarSynth,
Gianfranco Ceccolini
running jackd from rc.local,
Athanasios Silis
LAC 2015 thanks,
Giso Grimm
Pixel Land Jazz Ensemble,
Patrick Shirkey
kernel 4.0 issues,
$3 MCP MIDI controller,
Len Ovens
A couple of new plugins,
Hermann Meyer
Bye bye LAC2015 - Hello LAU,
lac2015 photo gallery & videos,
Rui Nuno Capela
LAC 2015 feedback,
Christopher Arndt
Re: [LAA] Could there be a better day?,
Jonathan E. Brickman
Job opportunity at CCRMA,
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
"spyder" for audio data analysis, etc?,
Kevin Cosgrove
New song and new Ardour project available,
Massimo Barbieri
Preparing for and going to LAC 2015,
Carlos sanchiavedraz
Re: Preparing for and going to LAC 2015,
Set Hallström
News - New interfaces Motu (AVB linux status ?) - Arturia Audiofuse - Anyone tested those ?,
If you don't like Behringer...,
Len Ovens
zoom r16/r24,
fader mapping,
Len Ovens
Calf Envelope Filter = Ardour crash,
multichannel interface recommendations?,
Studio Channing
An Auspicious Occasion,
Will Godfrey
Sequencer drum voice assignment - Was: Behringer and Linux,
Ralf Mardorf
Check compliance of SF2 soundfont,
Alexandre DENIS
[ANN] Qtractor 0.6.6 - The Lazy Tachyon is out!,
Rui Nuno Capela
Behringer and Linux,
Jostein Chr. Andersen
Difference between Yoshi 1.3.3 and Zyn,
io GNU/Linux 2015.02 released,
Manu Kebab
Return with us now to those thrilling days !,
Dave Phillips
[ANN] QjackCtl 0.3.13, Qsynth 0.3.9, Qsampler 0.3.0 released!,
Rui Nuno Capela
[OT] qt4/qt5 on same system ?,
Dave Phillips
hmm, updated to yoshimi 1.3.3 in debian sid repository AND,
[ANN] QmidiNet 0.2.1, QmidiCtl 0.2.0 released!,
Rui Nuno Capela
Linux Show Player 0.3 released,
Francesco Ceruti
LV2 plugin to control alsa?,
Len Ovens
Travel to LAC,
Will Godfrey
io GNU/Linux 2015.01 released,
Manu Kebab
OT but the ultimate tribute!,
Will Godfrey
Rolling ur own software,
Russell Hanaghan
QJackCtl starts up with message window displaying this message,
free/libre/open online music distribution,
Wayne DePrince Jr.
Re: free/libre/open online music distribution,
Set Hallstrom
Re: free/libre/open online music distribution,
Set Hallstrom
DrumGizmo version released!,
Bent Bisballe Nyeng
sound sculptor,
pierre jocelyn andre
jcm800 lv2 plug,
Hermann Meyer
Len Ovens
RME multiface detected as digiface,
Peter P.
[ANN] Vee One Suite 0.6.1 - A fourth beta release,
Rui Nuno Capela
Ardour export question...,
alexus / dotcommon
[NOOB] How to I configure jack to connect to alsa hw:0?,
Bill White
3.18.7-rt2 issue and journalctl log files,
Ralf Mardorf
Audacity to SoX?,
using home jack server (or pulse audio) as an audio sink for sound from android. possible?,
Athanasios Silis
Cutting the USB cord :-),
Jonathan E. Brickman
Mac and PC,
Len Ovens
Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 - reliable?,
Ben Bell
Re: Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 - reliable?,
Len Ovens
Re: Problems with sample rate and recordings (Mackie onyx > 1640-i < Firewire > Debian ),
Chris Caudle
retuning bristol,
tom haddington
Problems with sample rate and recordings (Mackie onyx 1640-i < Firewire > Debian ),
SPDIF plus NetJack for digital audio transfer between computers.,
Brendan Furneaux
Raspberry PI, internal audio IF + testing new USB IF,
Carlos sanchiavedraz
new Gxwavescharper.lv2,
Hermann Meyer
Off topic - sorry,
Will Godfrey
ams-lv2 1.1.0,
Aurélien Leblond
phase inversion plugin,
Chris Bungue
MusicRadar - Why should you consider using a Linux-based system for music making?,
Simplest USB MIDI --> wireless --> JACK ?,
Jonathan E. Brickman
Alternative Kernel for Mint 17.1?,
Artem Vakhitov
New real-time patch available for 3.18,
Jeremy Jongepier
Concurrent Patch Management, and process control,
Jonathan E. Brickman
OM6.9 on Arch,
anders . vinjar
Graphic designer wanted,
Hermann Meyer
Sampling an external oscillator waveform,
F. Silvain
Music made with Linux: Wanda & Nova deViator - ARP 339,
Luka Prinčič / Nova deViator
Blog about micro-editing with Ardour on Linux,
More playing with an Android,
Len Ovens
ground loop hell,
Len Ovens
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