EPEL Development
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python-unversioned-command for epel8 (provides /usr/bin/python),
Troy Dawson
Proposed change to bodhi days to stable for epel,
Troy Dawson
Do we need Mock supported on EL7?,
Pavel Raiskup
Nemo for EPEL8?,
Michel Alexandre Salim
Re: rpmautospec deployment into production,
Michel Alexandre Salim
Neovim 0.5 for EPEL8 (FAO Andreas Schneider... I think),
Where should branch requests be filed?,
Michel Alexandre Salim
Planning for EPEL9,
Mohan Boddu
libaom update issue,
Chris Schanzle
proposed recommendation - missing devel packages,
Troy Dawson
EPEL 8 Next is now available, Carl George
Requesting missing devel packages: How to request one be put in RHEL 8 CRB,
Troy Dawson
help request: libksysguard build failure on Stream 8,
Troy Dawson
missing rhel devel packages - another proposal,
Troy Dawson
Git-annex missing on Fedora EPEL 8,
Odilon Junior
What about future EPEL for Centos ?,
john tatt
KDE / QT package conflicts on CentOS 8,
Andy Hall
Becoming maintainer for pdsh for EPEL - unresponsive maintainer,
Trey Dockendorf
rpmconf does not install on Amazon Linux 2 with EPEL7,
Danie de Jager
KDE roadmap for EPEL8, Troy Dawson
anyone knows why perl in epel8 give me a lot of "security" errors ?,
Sérgio Basto
fedpkg Kerberos failing for me on el7,
Dave Dykstra
EPEL build target in COPR,
Leon Fauster
intent to retire roundcubemail in epel7,
Kevin Fenzi
Postgrey packaging issue,
Nick Howitt
dpkg Requires po4a >= 0.59 on epel 8 but version available is po4a-0.52-4.el8,
Sérgio Basto
unintended soname bump on fluidsynth-libs in epel8, Christoph Karl
Fwd: fmt soname bump in EPEL7,
kefu chai
Remmina crashes after latest updates.,
Is it possible to have openldap in EPEL8?,
Trey Dockendorf
Intent to update nginx to 1.20.0,
Felix Kaechele
Getting conman into EPEL8,
EPEL7 and ARM,
Nick Howitt
python39 in EPEL7,
Pim Rupert
EPEL Steering Committee Meeting - New Day/Time, Troy Dawson
Intent to orphan: freeimage, Richard Shaw
What to do with openjpeg2, Richard Shaw
Fwd: openjpeg2 in RHEL, Richard Shaw
EPEL Steering Committee meeting - find a new time,
Troy Dawson
Request for daemonize package,
Gerard Braad
Status of KDE in EPEL8,
Orion Poplawski
Xfce 4.16 on EPEL-8,
Mukundan Ragavan
Proposal: EPEL9 timeline,
Troy Dawson
how to request access for EPEL-only package which existed in Fedora previously?,
Felix Schwarz
[EPEL-devel]EPEL whats version of RHEL will follow,
Filip Bartmann
EPEL9 - thoughts and timings,
Troy Dawson
pybind11 in RHEL 8, but no action needed, Tomas Orsava
EPEL7 python3/python36 standardization,
Carl George
RHEL contacting EPEL maintainers when package goes into RHEL,
Troy Dawson
How do I request an update to ddclient for EL7?,
Nick Howitt
Re: %{python3} no defined in epel-7-aarch64?,
Miro Hrončok
Version of gcc in EPEL7,
José Abílio Matos
Re: bundled libraries, Antonio T. sagitter
License field change in EPEL7: gaupol, Benjamin Beasley
Re: Disabling Python Dependency Generator Challenges,
Miro Hrončok
Epel 8 (and 9) build against what?,
Miroslav Suchý
Initial attempts to build for Python 3.8 in EPEL8, Orion Poplawski
Proposal for RHEL8 missing -devel packages,
Troy Dawson
Issue with kmod-sata_via (trying to understand)., Sergio Cipolla
Heads-up: Discussing proposed changes to the EPEL Packagers SIG documentation, Michel Alexandre Salim
plasma desktop not starting on CentOS 8.3,
Orion Poplawski
Local mock builds for EPEL 8 (not Next) after CentOS Linux 8 EOL (also, EPEL 9),
Miro Hrončok
EPEL, Playground, CentOS Stream, etc,
Japheth Cleaver
Re: "CMake to do out-of-source builds" implemented under EPEL 7?, Antonio T. sagitter
Broken EPEL7 builds,
Antonio T. sagitter
openblas updates,
Antonio T. sagitter
Andrew C Aitchison
Is it worthwhile to get fedora-review into EPEL8?,
Michel Alexandre Salim
Netdata EPEL package,
Fedpkg wrote "Create package.cfg to specify build targets to build. ",
Sérgio Basto
Re: EL7 and 8 latest release rpms 403, Stephen John Smoogen
ANNOUNCE: Nov 2020 EPEL6 End of Life, Stephen John Smoogen
EPEL-ANNOUNCE EPEL-6 is End of Life in 2020-11-30, Troy Dawson
Re: python packaging and EPEL: the %py_provides macro,
Miro Hrončok
RHEL 8.3,
Thomas Stephen Lee
missing libc++ (libcxx-devel) in EPEL 8,
Alexandru Lazarev
Retiring blender for epel7, Nicolas Chauvet
Fast-moving packages in EPEL,
Christopher Engelhard
[EPEL7] Celery stack update & Python 3 enablement,
Frantisek Zatloukal
Retire mongodb from EPEL7,
Patrik Novotny
EPEL Playground - Policy and Plans, Troy Dawson
EPEL playground && mock builds against released repos,
Pavel Raiskup
Proposing an EPEL packaging SIG,
Michel Alexandre Salim
Message not available
Re: Proposing an EPEL packaging SIG, Kevin Fenzi
Re: Proposing an EPEL packaging SIG, Christoph Karl
proposal: EPEL 8 Next,
Carl George
Proposed EPEL Playground Documentation,
Troy Dawson
kde-connect has incorrect dependencies (Centos 8 Stream),
Jason Oppel
Audacious dependency issue no gnome-icon-theme available to install (Centos 8 Stream),
Jason Oppel
EPEL-6 is End of Life in 2020-11, Troy Dawson
Seeking maintainer for perl-Sys-SigAction, Mike Ely
python2-jsonschema update,
kf5-5.68.0-3.el8 not in Bodhi?,
Michel Alexandre Salim
plasma has moved from epel into playground causing update conflicts,
Andy Hall
EPEL8 R package rebuilds,
Dave Love
Richard G
using newer nodejs from SCL on EPEL7, Dominik 'Rathann' Mierzejewski
Continuing playground discussion,
Troy Dawson
First draft of will-it-install,
Troy Dawson
Getting some packages into EPEL 8,
Christoph Karl
clusterssh for EPEL 8,
Chris Schanzle
Problems with yum update,
Gnome 2 for EPEL8, Orion Poplawski
Puppet 6 in EPEL 8,
Breno Brand Fernandes
Erick Wittman
Re: Fedora 33 System-Wide Change proposal: CMake to do out-of-source builds,
Neal Gompa
apcupsd now available on EPEL 8, Germano Massullo
Can anyone help me build or build and share gnome-pomodoro for Centos 8.2?,
EPEL repos packaged for Fedora (for repoquery),
Miro Hrončok
Questions about installing epel-release,
Wei, Catherine
EPEL 8: modular libnghttp2 replaces package from RHEL base,
Felix Schwarz
EPEL Module proposal to update policy., Troy Dawson
apt-cacher-ng not working on CentOS 7,
Nicolas Kovacs
intent to update eccodes,
Jos de Kloe
Please clarify if EPEL8 need the scriptlets of Icon Cache, mimeinfo and Desktop databases,
Sérgio Basto
Another Python macro backports for EPEL 8,
Miro Hrončok
backwards incompatible update of oniguruma in EPEL 7,
Carl George
boinc-tui available, Germano Massullo
Updated KDE available in EPEL 8,
Troy Dawson
zram as swap on EL?, Richard Shaw
When does a RHEL (non-security) update get released?,
Scott Talbert
EPEL builds are currently broken,
Stephen John Smoogen
Mate desktop environment update,
unable to submit updates to stable: 504 Gateway Time-out,
Felix Schwarz
Modules again,
Paul Howarth
Soname bump of libb2 on F31/EPEL7,
Antonio Trande
Incompatible upgrade for oniguruma in EPEL 7,
Carl George
EPEL bugzilla / component listing limited,
Leon Fauster
Re: Documentation for EPEL modules?,
Antonio Trande
Updating CMake in EPEL-8: How to create a module?,
Alexander Korsunsky
Handling packages retired in epel but not yet available in CentOS?,
Michel Alexandre Salim
Message not available
What to do about python 3.4 in EPEL7?,
Orion Poplawski
Clarification needed: Conflicts in compat packages,
Miro Hrončok
Re: epel-devel Digest, Vol 85, Issue 7, Denis Arnaud
EPEL 7 packages that fail to install on RHEL / CentOS / SL 7.8,
Troy Dawson
Looking for someone to take ngircd in EPEL,
Orion Poplawski
KDE on RHEL 8.2,
Troy Dawson
EPEL 8 python builds broken, Orion Poplawski
Broken %python_provide macro for Koji's epel8-playground target?,
Michel Alexandre Salim
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