Fedora Magazine
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- Re: New Magazine theme?, (continued)
- Editorial board meeting recap 2018-Mar-21, Paul W. Frields
- Fifteen-year anniversary,
Link Dupont
- Editorial board meeting recap 2018-Mar-14, Paul W. Frields
- Wordpress Code Highlighter plugin,
Clement Verna
- Article Pitch for Adding Wallpapers via Fedora Repos...,
Shaun Assam
- HDYF Articles -- Moving from Another Distro to Fedora :: update,
charles profitt
- Editorial board meeting recap 2018-Mar-07, Paul W. Frields
- Comment in the magazine,
Eduard Lucena
- Introducing myself & Python 3.7 beta article,
Petr Viktorin
- Editorial board meeting recap 2018-Feb-28,
Paul W. Frields
- Pitch : Getting started with Mypy,
Clement Verna
- article supplemental wallpaper,
- Webpage optimization series -- part one,
Ryan Lerch
- Editorial board meeting recap 2018-Feb-21, Paul W. Frields
- Security reason,
- Oxidizing Fedora: Rust and Fedora,
Igor Gnatenko
- [PITCH] Announcing the Fedora Podcast Serie,
Eduard Lucena
- Brief introduction, Curt Warfield
- Article pitch link,
Curt Warfield
3 Fedora videos from DevConf.cz,
Paul Frields
Self Introduction: Igor Gnatenko (ignatenkobrain),
Igor Gnatenko
Editorial board meeting recap 2018-Feb-07, Paul W. Frields
Conflict with meeting, Paul W. Frields
pitch idea,
servesha dudhgaonkar
Container testing article edited, Paul Frields
RSS notifier,
Clement Verna
Writing Documentation for Fedora - Docs FAD,
Brian Exelbierd
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Jan-17, Paul W. Frields
Note on copying, Paul Frields
Feedback needed : Metrics for Fedora Magazine,
Dhanesh B. Sabane
PITCH: An update on Spectre,
Laura Abbott
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Jan-10, Paul W. Frields
article idea: Fedora for Ubuntu users,
Matthew Miller
HDYF - Article ready for review,
charles profitt
Regarding ps article details,
Ashutosh Bhakare
Cinnamon on Fedora, servesha dudhgaonkar
Meltdown article typo,
Alessio Ciregia
Supplemental Wallpapers post on the magazine!,
Ryan Lerch
Editorial board meeting recap 2018-Jan-03, Paul W. Frields
Social Media Update,
Brian Exelbierd
2017 Magazine stats roundup!,
Ryan Lerch
New pitch idea: Raspberry GPIO expander,
Alessio Ciregia
V-rep on Fedora - Introduction,
Jogender Kvs
Pitch: schedule tasks using "at" on Fedora,
Shivkumar Ople
Best of articles done and scheduled!, Ryan Lerch
Invalid date for Fedora Classroom QA 102,
Justin W. Flory
[PITCH] Follow up article of Bitcoin on Fedora with Electrum,
Jonny Heggheim
[PITCH] Tell us your 2017 Year in Review,
Justin W. Flory
Mission accomplished!,
Paul W. Frields
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Dec-13, Paul W. Frields
Reminder about outage,
Paul W. Frields
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Dec-06, Paul W. Frields
Regarding New Article Idea,
Ashutosh Bhakare
Fwd: Magazine/Fedora-27-atomic-offering: Atomic blog links,
Josh Berkus
Hooking the public magazines - question for editors., Alberto Rodriguez Sanchez
desire to publish an article in fedora magazine,
servesha dudhgaonkar
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Nov-29,
Paul W. Frields
Proposed topic, Jogender Kvs
Request for Review : Fedora Classroom Post,
Sachin S. Kamath
Proposed article.,
Jogender Kvs
redis on fedora,
servesha dudhgaonkar
an article for fedora magazine, servesha dudhgaonkar
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Nov-15,
Paul W. Frields
Pitch approved: Redis on Fedora,
Paul W. Frields
Re: Pitch approved: Redis on Fedora, Paul W. Frields
Markdown/git article,
Paul W. Frields
Post about Markdown on GIT, Julita Inca
Should we move the meeting time?,
Paul W. Frields
We front-paged Hacker News,
Justin W. Flory
Proposed article on Fedora 27 Atomic Host,
Josh Berkus
desire to publish a post,
Matěj Týč
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Nov-08, Paul W. Frields
[IDEA] i686 support article,
Eduard Lucena
Getting Started with Ansible Container - Ready for Review,
Clement Verna
Request for creating posts,
Rudra Banerjee
Fernando Espinoza Onassis
HDYF: Update,
Charles Profitt
Pitch: Fedora 27 Atomic Host Availability on Multiple Architectures,
Sinny Kumari
Pitch submission for DIY Digital Jukebox Project,
Shaun Assam
Coredumpctl article, Paul W. Frields
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Nov-01,
Paul W. Frields
Pitch about GTK,
Julita Inca
Cutting down administrator access?,
Paul W. Frields
Audacious for Audio Files (1st Draft),
Shaun Assam
Post Proposal: Kcontac,
William Moreno
Fedora 27 Release Announcement,
Ryan Lerch
Pitch: Running Fedora images on Microsoft Azure,
Dusty Mabe
Fedora Magazine Editorial,
Eduard Lucena
Disk space math article?, Paul W. Frields
Pitch submission,
Shaun Assam
Self Introduction: Raphael Groner,
Raphael Groner
Self Introduction: Shaun Assam,
Shaun Assam
Introduction: Roní Gonçalves,
Roní Gonçalves
Pitch: RHEL developer subs on Fedora, Paul W. Frields
Pitch - ansible-container,
Clement Verna
Drafts preview,
Eduard Lucena
Openbox update,
Paul W. Frields
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Oct-18, Paul W. Frields
Fwd: Re: Question on the WIFI security issue Key Reinstallation Attack ("krack" attack), Matthew Miller
Pitch - Firefox 57 update,
James Hogarth
Testing a new meeting time next week!, Paul W. Frields
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Oct-11,
Paul W. Frields
Draft for a OpenBox post,
William Moreno
Proposed Schedule for next week,
Ryan Lerch
Revisiting time again?,
Paul W. Frields
Visual Studio Code on Fedora,
Jogender Kvs
Pitch - How to build a module in Mock,
Miroslav Suchý
FWD in Lima, Peru,
Julita Inca
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Sep-27, Paul W. Frields
Stepping down from Magazine,
Justin W. Flory
Fedora Atomic/Cloud Test Day Post,
Dusty Mabe
Article on the Fedora Magazine,
Mariana Balla
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Sep-21, Paul W. Frields
Draft for new Copr article,
Dominik Turecek
Regarding Pitch Approval, Ashutosh Bhakare
Pitch - Ansible and AWX,
Diego R. Santos
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Sep-14,
Paul W. Frields
pitch: benefits of using modules in container images,
Tomas Tomecek
Vacations, Eduard Lucena
Regarding Pitch for new article,
Ashutosh Bhakare
New meeting time?, Paul Frields
Pitch:Troubleshooting docker containers,
Pinaki Mukherjee
PITCH: Latex on Fedora,
Julita Inca
PITCH: Running the Fedora kernel tests,
Laura Abbott
[Review Request] - Fedora Magazine Session,
Amita Sharma
Regarding Article Idea,
Ashutosh Bhakare
[magazine] Introduction and request to be an author,
Dominik Turecek
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Aug-17,
Paul W. Frields
"4 ways to trick out your terminal emulator",
Justin W. Flory
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Aug-10, Paul W. Frields
Still working on Atomic upgrade article?,
Paul W. Frields
Re: [marketing] new post: Fedora 25->26 Atomic Host Upgrade Guide,
Justin W. Flory
New HDYF article,
Paul W. Frields
Ring.cx article,
Paul W. Frields
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Aug-03,
Paul W. Frields
[pitch] Disk space maths: The difference between KiB and KB,
Eduard Lucena
Pitch approved,
Paul W. Frields
Re: Pitch approved, Julita Inca
<Possible follow-ups>
Pitch approved, Paul W. Frields
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Jul-27, Paul W. Frields
Intro and article on changes in the Atomic WG,
Josh Berkus
Help needed: article on Vultr.com fedora hosting,
Matthew Miller
Fedora Classroom Article,
Eduard Lucena
Pitch: Social Media Roundup,
Brian Exelbierd
Boltron article forthcoming,
Paul W. Frields
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Jul-20, Paul W. Frields
(re)Introducing myself, Zachary Snyder
Backup series part 3 + feature image ideas,
Link Dupont
Backup series,
Link Dupont
Introduction: Ryan Desofsses,
ryan desfosses
New idea,
Alessio Ciregia
Pitch: AWS for system administrators,
Diego R. Santos
Article Idea for Fedora 26,
SELF 2017 article on the CommBlog, Justin W. Flory
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Jul-13, Paul W. Frields
<-- removing that tag,
Paul W. Frields
New pitch about "How to use a single SSH key pair for all AWS regions",
Diego R. Santos
New best day!,
Ryan Lerch
Pitch: Fedora configuration options, Laura Abbott
draft release notes (also, ryan, a request),
Matthew Miller
[magazine] "What’s new in the Anaconda Installer for Fedora 26" article is ready for review!, Martin Kolman
F26 article idea: what's new in DNF?, Matthew Miller
Fedora 26 Released post,
Ryan Lerch
Pitch for a article on Container Technologies.,
[magazine] New author introduction & "What’s new in the Anaconda Installer for Fedora 26" article,
Martin Kolman
[Minutes] [2017-07-06] Getting ready for release week!, Justin W. Flory
New Pitch: Use DoD Smatcards in Firefox,
Khristian Byrd
New Author Intro,
Khris Byrd
Powerline article requeued, Paul W. Frields
Editorial board meeting recap 2017-Jun-29, Paul W. Frields
Sorry for any spam suffering,
Paul W. Frields
Short Steam article,
Stuart Brady
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