Short Steam article

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Hello everyone,

At this week's meeting, Paul and Ryan asked me to work on a short article
about the gaming platform Steam as you can now install it as a Flatpak
<> app using Flathub <>. Unfortunately,
I've hit a couple of problems. BTW I understand this isn't Stack Overflow
and my rookie mistakes might be a little frustrating!

Anyway, after I'd set up Flatpak/Flathub, I installed  Steam using Gnome
Software (which appears to be recommended). However, I couldn't run Steam
after installation because I was missing some drivers (see screenshot).
When I couldn't find the drivers on the internet, I uninstalled Steam and
used these instructions
<> to install
Steam the normal way to check if it worked. That was fine and, ironically,
told me how to fix my driver problem at the same time.

The problem I have now is that I can't install Steam at all using Gnome
Software. The install button disappears after I click it, only to reappear
a few moments later, and the download % bar doesn't appear at all. It works
fine when I install Steam with Flathub at the command line, though.

What I need is someone to check that they can install and run Steam using
Flathub and Gnome Software. I then could write the article once I know it
works, but, to be fair, I'd feel a bit of douche writing something knowing
I couldn't get it to work properly myself!

Apologies for the hassles,

Stu Brady
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