Fedora Linux Marketing and Advocacy
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- Re: What happened in June of 2009 within the Fedora Project?, (continued)
- [OT][Crosspost] Thinking of a shopping-cart solution for Fedora Online Vendors and Local Vendors.,
susmit shannigrahi
- Fedora 12 Talking Points,
Rahul Sundaram
- Self-Introduction : Hiemanshu Sharma,
Hiemanshu Sharma
- Self-introduction: Nick Bebout,
Nick Bebout
- 2009-10-13 meeting logs... sort of.,
Mel Chua
- Schedule reminder for 2009-10-12,
John Poelstra
- Fwd: FI module update: zikula WYSIWYG packaged, needs reviewer,
Mel Chua
- An advisory board conversation that might be of interest,
Mel Chua
- [Fwd: Re: didn't see "md5 mismatch" error on today's Rawhide noarch packages],
Paul W. Frields
- Meeting minutes 2009-10-06,
Mel Chua
- New blog post,
Kara Schiltz
- Fedora Electronic Lab 12 Promotional Materials,
Chitlesh GOORAH
- Fedora Electronic Lab Talking Points 12,
Chitlesh GOORAH
- In-depth profiles,
Paul W. Frields
- Red Hat Files its Bilski Brief: Asks Supreme Ct. to Exclude Software From Patentability,
Rahul Sundaram
- Re: about interviewing,
Mel Chua
- Fedora People on PBOOK-flickr,
María Leandro
- Meeting minutes 2009-09-29,
Mel Chua
- A reminder for new Marketing team members...,
Mel Chua
- Upcoming Fedora 12 Marketing Tasks,
John Poelstra
- Fedora Insight: FWN experimentation,
Pascal Calarco
- Fedora 12 demonstrates sandbox for desktop applications,
Rahul Sundaram
- Fedora Insight schedule slip: new launch date 10/14,
Mel Chua
- F12 In-depth features - Print / Podcast interviews,
Robyn Bergeron
- Upcoming Marketing Schedule,
John Poelstra
- Marketing beat in,
chaitanya mehandru
- List of Planet content for FI,
Jonathan Roberts
- F12 talking points are out!,
Mel Chua
- zikula fwn experimentation,
Dale Bewley
- Fedora weekly news 193 podcast,
- Surveys Swags,
Tareq Al Jurf
- Notes and logs from "Direction of Marketing" conversation,
Mel Chua
- Slogan use,
Paul W. Frields
- "I Use Fedora" stories for Fedora Insight,
Mel Chua
- Tracking FI infrastructure blockers in logistics,
Mel Chua
- Talking points writing sprint,
Mel Chua
- Volunteer needed to run next week's Marketing meeting,
Mel Chua
- Meeting notes 2009-09-15,
Mel Chua
- Podcasts for F12,
Paul W. Frields
- This week's task status,
Mel Chua
- Call for Review : FEL 12 Release Notes (draft),
Chitlesh GOORAH
- First Marketing HOWTO (write a press release),
Mel Chua
- Unavailable for the week,
chaitanya mehandru
- Center for Student Innovation at RIT » Blog Archive » Classroom Spotlight: One Laptop per Child,
Karlie Robinson
- FUDCon Toronto 2009 update!,
Paul W. Frields
- Re: Fedora News on Zikula,
Mel Chua
- Call for release slogan suggestions,
Mel Chua
- Marketing research drafts (thanks, Robyn!),
Mel Chua
- Red Hat Delivers Grant To Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science,
Ricky Zhou
- A group/workflow for regularly poking the magazine contacts and writers.,
susmit shannigrahi
- Fwd: Zikula theme status,
Máirín Duffy
- Re: Zikula theme status,
Mel Chua
Re: Fedoracommunity.org index page,
Mel Chua
Meeting notes 2009-09-08,
Mel Chua
Fedora 12 Marketing Schedule Reminder,
John Poelstra
Fedora Insight update - finally up to date!,
Mel Chua
Re: CC BY-SA announcement drafts (also: holy crap ian did something!),
Mel Chua
Fedora Insight Zikula on pt6 Is About To Be Upgraded,
Existing F12 materials for LPM magazine proposal context,
Mel Chua
Save time on downloads with delta RPMs in Fedora 11,
Rahul Sundaram
Fedora Insight zikula getting upgraded.,
Mel Chua
Fedora print magazine proposal from Linux Pro Magazine,
Mel Chua
LATAM ambassadors with awesome magazine layout skills,
Mel Chua
Fedora Magazine: notes,
Mel Chua
Upcoming schedule tasks,
John Poelstra
Marketing meeting minutes, 2009-09-01,
Mel Chua
Zikula questions at this week's Marketing meeting,
Mel Chua
Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
- Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
usesthis.com interview,
Máirín Duffy
Fedora swag,
Fedora 12 Beta Release Notes: How you can help,
Rahul Sundaram
Fedora Insight status,
Mel Chua
Re: Fwd: Fedora Insight Zikula Instance - please help us find a packager,
Mel Chua
Fedora Insight Zikula Instance - please help us find a packager,
Mel Chua
Meeting minutes 2009-08-25,
Mel Chua
NDN: Spread the news about Fedora 12 Alpha!,
Steven Moix
Re: Fedora 12 Alpha release notes: TODO,
Paul W. Frields
Mozilla Participate-week,
Fedora 12 Alpha To Bring Many Linux Desktop Improvements,
Rahul Sundaram
Doing Evolutionary Design on Fedora :) : a Piezoelectric Pipe-Crawling Robot",
Chitlesh GOORAH
Alpha announcement checked,
Mel Chua
Meeting minutes 2009-08-18,
Mel Chua
Talking points: final call,
Mel Chua
Fedora Pens and Mousepads,
tareq aljurf
Paul W. Frields
Fedora 12 release announcement,
Steven Moix
AW: The Time Has Come to Say Good Bye,
Oliver Falk
The Time Has Come to Say Good Bye,
Jack Aboutboul
Temporary FI platform,
Mel Chua
Summit USB key doco,
Paul W. Frields
Fedora 12 Marketing Schedule,
John Poelstra
Meeting minutes 2009-08-11,
Mel Chua
FI roadmap preview,
Mel Chua
[Fwd: Fedora 12 Alpha Release Readiness Meeting :: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 @ 17:00 UTC],
Mel Chua
Marketing Meeting 2009-08-04 IRC Log,
Steven Moix
rafaelliu has invited you to Spacelocker,
F12 Marketing schedule frozen,
Mel Chua
Generic Marketing release cycle schedule (draft),
Mel Chua
Trac instance for Marketing tasks requested,
Mel Chua
Design + Marketing schedules: Synced!,
Mel Chua
Websites + Marketing schedules: synced!,
Mel Chua
News distribution network 2.0,
Steven Moix
I won't be around Wednesday during the day,
Jack Aboutboul
Self-Introduction: Chaitanya Mehandru,
chaitanya mehandru
Meeting minutes 2009-07-28,
Mel Chua
FooBar --> Fedora Insight,
Mel Chua
Reviewed: Fedora 11,
Rahul Sundaram
Reminder: #fedora-meeting, 20:00 UTC,
Mel Chua
Almost-finalized: Marketing F12 schedule,
Mel Chua
KDE 4.3 Shaping Up Nicely, KWin Needs Work,
Rahul Sundaram
Jack is Going, Going, Going...Gone!,
Jack Aboutboul
Fedora Twibbon Campaign,
Ayrton Araújo
old, old, old Fedora Insight notes.,
Mel Chua
Fedora 12 Marketing Schedule Meeting - Monday 2009-07-23 @ 17:00 UTC (1 PM EDT),
John Poelstra
Please Help: Voice Wanted!,
Jonathan Roberts
Welcome, fellow new people!,
Mel Chua
Joining Marketting team,
Rangeen Basu
Re: Comments about Microsoft and the GPL [OFF TOPIC],
Yaakov Nemoy
[[Talking points]] updated,
Mel Chua
Meeting notes 2009-07-21,
Mel Chua
Slogan task for schedule,
Paul W. Frields
Fedora 12 Marketing Schedule Review,
John Poelstra
Comments about Microsoft and the GPL,
Yaakov Nemoy
Reminder: Fedora Marketing weekly meeting, 20:00UTC #fedora-meetings,
Mel Chua
Open Source Activity Map (for Red Hat marketing),
Valent Turkovic
foobar name,
Jonathan Roberts
New member to the group,
Andrew Cuga
FUDCon Berlin blog,
Kara Schiltz
Red Hat Developer Conference,
John Babich
foobar platform pre-decision,
Ian Weller
Re: Fedora Classroom,
Mel Chua
Self-Introduction: Martin Duffy,
Martin Duffy
foobar rawhide weather report,
Máirín Duffy
testing moderation,
Paul W. Frields
Meeting logs July 14 2009,
Mel Chua
Fedora on Netbooks (Was: Re: Reminder: Meeting in 24 hours, #fedora-meeting),
Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)
Fedora Event at Sastra [was:Re: Is Fedora for you?],
Fedora 9 is dead. Long Live Fedora 10 and 11?,
Rahul Sundaram
The "One" Page Release Notes,
Eric Christensen
Reminder: Meeting in 24 hours, #fedora-meeting,
Mel Chua
Is Fedora for you?,
Rahul Sundaram
Is Fedora for me?,
Rahul Sundaram
Wiki cleanup,
Steven Moix
FooBar page: now with more background/notes/mockups,
Mel Chua
FooBar: The wiki page and update,
Mel Chua
$foobar update,
Jonathan Roberts
Marketing Meeting 2009-07-07 IRC Log,
Steven Moix
[Fwd: Marketing Meeting Agendas for Next Two weeks],
Mel Chua
Re: Self-Introduction,
Salvadesswaran P.S.
Fedora Marketing meeting Tuesday July 7,
Max Spevack
Robert Strickland,
Robert Strickland
Distro Review: Fedora 11,
Frank Murphy
Introduction to Fedora, What's New in Fedora 11 and What's upcoming in Fedora 12,
Rahul Sundaram
Jack's Going on Vacation!!!,
Jack Aboutboul
Interviews from LinuxTag & FUDCon,
Max Spevack
Proposed business card format changes,
Ian Weller
Self-Introduction: Ely,
ely castellano
Marketing meeting 2009-06-30 log,
Ian Weller
Fedora: A Hat with a History,
Rahul Sundaram
"materials for ambassadors requests",
Frank Murphy
OLPC software to power ageing PCs,
Rahul Sundaram
Fedora 12 to be named Constantine,
Rahul Sundaram
Sugar on a Stick brings sweet taste of Linux to classrooms,
Rahul Sundaram
Meeting TODAY 2009.06.30 @ 20.00UTC/4PM Eastern/1PM Pacific,
Jack Aboutboul
Raising the bar,
Rahul Sundaram
Self-Introduction: Braden Faulkner,
Braden Faulkner
f11 dvd,
Arnav Kalra
Help Wanted?,
Jonathan Roberts
Bad Press (Blog),
Frank Murphy
Meeting TODAY 2009.06.23 @ 18.00UTC/2PM Eastern/11AM Pacific,
Jack Aboutboul
Mirroring Fedora,
Rahul Sundaram
Some notes on Fedora and Mono,
Rahul Sundaram
TOI article,
Arnav Kalra
CMS (Zikula) kick-off,
John Poelstra
[Fwd: Calendaring idea],
John Poelstra
Fedora Marketing TNG: Project FooBar,
Jack Aboutboul
Meeting TOMORROW 2009.06.23 @ 18.00UTC/2PM Eastern/11AM Pacific,
Jack Aboutboul
test post,
Jack Aboutboul
Can we have tomorrow's meeting 2 hours early?,
Jack Aboutboul
TOI Artiicle - Open source is more stable and better supported,
susmit shannigrahi
Fedora 11 Launch Video,
Rahul Sundaram
Benchmarks Of Fedora 9 Through 11,
Rahul Sundaram
Fwd: Fedora 11 s390x preview,
Rahul Sundaram
Fedora 12 Release Schedule and Goals,
Rahul Sundaram
recording more metrics and doing more data mining about Fedora,
Ian Weller
FEL being evaluated at unam in Mexico,
Chitlesh GOORAH
Open source EDA software defeats Lock-in,
Chitlesh GOORAH
Goodbye Fedora 9,
Rahul Sundaram
NO MEETING TODAY 2009.06.16,
Jack Aboutboul
Fedora 11 Retrospective Recap,
John Poelstra
Available Now: Fedora 11 LXDE Remix,
Rahul Sundaram
Fedora 11 Review,
Rahul Sundaram
RE: Open Source Software & Hardware and GNU/Linux fest at NIT Agartala, India,
Aveek Sen
A talk about digital rights a suggestion to the government,
Tushar Neupaney
f11 retrospective,
Arnav Kalra
Fedora is concerned about Mono,
Rahul Sundaram
Fedora 11's Biggest Improvements Are In Virtualization, eWEEK Labs Finds,
Rahul Sundaram
Fedora 11 mini review,
Rahul Sundaram
Fedora 11 on a Macbook,
Rahul Sundaram
Fedora 11 Release Party in Hanoi, Vietnam,
Truong Anh. Tuan
Tomorrow's FAD Start Time,
Eric Christensen
First Look: Fedora 11,
Rahul Sundaram
What's new in Fedora 11,
Rahul Sundaram
FEEDBACK: How did we do for F11?,
Jack Aboutboul
Attendees needed for Fedora 11 Retrospective on Tuesday June 16, 2009 @ 14:00 UTC,
John Poelstra
Hands-on: new Fedora release goes up to 11 but doesn't rock,
Rahul Sundaram
Fedora 11 - Wow!,
Max Spevack
From the desk of Jim Whitehurst...,
Paul W. Frields
Marketing Meeting 2009-06-09 IRC Log,
Steven Moix
Linux 2.6.30 Gets Faster Boot,
Rahul Sundaram
Re: Fedora-marketing-list Digest, Vol 60, Issue 11,
Hector Alfonso Gonzalez Ramirez
Self-Introduction: Desi Verdant,
Desi Verdant
Red Hat's Fedora 11: So easy you'll forget it's Linux,
Rahul Sundaram
Fedora 11 packs a next-gen file system, faster boot times, all the joys and pitfalls of Linux,
Rahul Sundaram
Red Hat goes one louder with Fedora 11,
Rahul Sundaram
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