Hi Marketing People,
I recently came across
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_F12_schedule . I would like to
add all the good information you have there to the master Fedora
schedule we have for all the teams.
http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-12/ To do this we also
need to add real dates for all of the TBD items, etc.
The advantage of this approach is that you won't have to recreate a new
wiki page for each release and new schedules can be generated
automatically. We can also create iCal versions of the schedule for
importing to online calendars.
To accomplish all this we've found it works best to use use Gobby and
FedoraTalk to discuss and clarify everything in real time. Other
methods can work, but I have yet to see them work in a reasonably
efficient way.
I've set up a calendar http://whenisgood.net/marketing
Please indicate the times you are available and add your name. Once we
get enough responses I'll send out another email with the time to meet.
I'd like to meet w/in the next week.
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