Fedora Docs
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- Re: This is so bogus., (continued)
- Docs QA Proposal,
Eric H. Christensen
- Meeting Minutes 08 June 2011,
John J. McDonough
- Looking for help: SELinux user guide follow up,
Dominick Grift
- Docs Project Leader,
Zach Oglesby
- Introduction email,
Richard Vijay
- e-mail of introduction.,
Luis Enrique Bazan de Leon
- F15 release notes show wrong hardware requirements,
Kévin Raymond
- Introductory email,
Martin Prpic
- new member,
Andy Garcia
- [Bug 709726] New: New Bugzilla component for Fedora Resource Management Guide,
- [danishka@xxxxxxxxx: Re: [Fedora-spins] 640MB memory for remix],
Paul W. Frields
- RE: docs Digest, Vol 87, Issue 18,
yagami raito
- display settings,
- Installation,
yagami raito
- Task Schedules,
Юрий Хабаров
- Fedora 16 Alpha release notes,
Rahul Sundaram
- UDS docs summary,
Rahul Sundaram
- Help with Fedora 15 one page release notes,
Rahul Sundaram
- Meeting Minutes 2011-05-18,
John J. McDonough
- Feedback needed : Fedora 15 Announcement,
Rahul Sundaram
- Live Image Guide status update (esp. for translators),
Nathan Thomas
- Language mappings for Publican in tx-client,
Dimitris Glezos
- What happens to docs,
Kévin Raymond
- Request to Join,
Pedro Corá
- Meeting Minutes May 11, 2011,
John J. McDonough
- Problems with docs.fedoraproject.org,
Nathan Thomas
- Problem with Publican and PDFs,
Nathan Thomas
- Meeting Reminder April 4th 2301 UTC,
Zach Oglesby
- [Bug 699855] Please fix address for Fedora Docs Project,
- adding FreeIPA docs to Fedora doc site?,
Deon Lackey
- Re: docs Digest, Vol 86, Issue 19,
Christopher Antila
- What happens to Anaconda PO files (f15-branch),
Kévin Raymond
- [Bug 699833] New: Add FreeIPA docs to Fedora docs site,
- [Bug 699833] Add FreeIPA docs to Fedora docs site,
- [Bug 699833] Add FreeIPA docs to Fedora docs site,
- [Bug 699833] Add FreeIPA docs to Fedora docs site,
- [Bug 699833] Add FreeIPA docs to Fedora docs site,
- [Bug 699833] Add FreeIPA docs to Fedora docs site,
- [Bug 699833] Add FreeIPA docs to Fedora docs site,
- [Bug 699833] Add FreeIPA docs to Fedora docs site,
- [Bug 699833] Add FreeIPA docs to Fedora docs site,
- [Bug 699833] Add FreeIPA docs to Fedora docs site,
- [Bug 699833] Add FreeIPA docs to Fedora docs site,
- Meeting Update,
Zach Oglesby
- Guide Status,
Zach Oglesby
- Nightly Guide builds,
Nathan Thomas
- gnome change for delete button in files manager,
David Timms
- Re: security bug (Re: Announcing the release of Fedora 15 Beta!!),
Michał Piotrowski
- Meeting Minutes: April 20th 2011,
Zach Oglesby
- Meeting Reminder 20 April 2011,
Zach Oglesby
- SELinux Guide for Fedora 15,
Misha Shnurapet
- Re: [transifex] adding existing team to all guides?,
Dimitris Glezos
- Meeting Minutes: April 13th 2011,
Zach Oglesby
- [awilliam@xxxxxxxxxx: Re: Connection Sharing in F15],
Paul W. Frields
- fedora-release-notes-14.96.1-2,
John J. McDonough
- Ownership of fedora-release-notes,
Paul W. Frields
- Many thanks (self stoppage),
Luigi Votta
- Meeting Minutes 6-Apr-11,
John J. McDonough
- [Bug 693635] New: Intel Mac and Live USB,
- Re: [Bug 693635] New: Intel Mac and Live USB,
mike cloaked
- [Bug 693635] Intel Mac and Live USB,
- [Bug 693635] Intel Mac and Live USB,
- [Bug 693635] Intel Mac and Live USB,
- [Bug 693635] Intel Mac and Live USB,
- [Bug 693635] Intel Mac and Live USB,
- [Bug 693635] Intel Mac and Live USB,
- [Bug 693635] Intel Mac and Live USB,
- [Bug 693635] Intel Mac and Live USB,
- [Bug 693635] Intel Mac and Live USB,
- [Bug 693635] Intel Mac and Live USB,
- [Bug 693635] Intel Mac and Live USB,
- [Bug 693635] Intel Mac and Live USB,
- [Bug 693635] Intel Mac and Live USB,
- [Bug 693536] New: How to increase the number of configured loop devices,
- Talking about seahorse in OpenSSH guide.,
Eric H. Christensen
- Do we need a documentation application?,
John J. McDonough
- OpenSSH Guide in need of love,
Eric H. Christensen
- SVN Permissions,
Eric H. Christensen
- "Welcome" on docs.fp.o,
Adam Pribyl
- Release Notes on F15,
John J. McDonough
- Got itchy fingers?,
John J. McDonough
- Meeting Minutes 23 March 2011,
Zach Oglesby
- Transifex Accounts,
Zach Oglesby
- KDE help needed,
John J. McDonough
- Release Notes Beats closing,
John J. McDonough
- Owners list,
Paul W. Frields
- Meeting Notes Wed March 16, 2011,
Zach Oglesby
- Deployment Guide list,
Eric H. Christensen
- Congrats on Fedora 15 Alpha release docs,
Rahul Sundaram
- Automatisch: Auto-reply,
Roger Boussen/audax
- Open Help Conference,
Shaun McCance
- Update for F14 release notes,
Paul W. Frields
- Alpha Release Notes,
Zach Oglesby
- [Fwd: ACTION REQUIRED: Important changes to Fedora translation workflow],
Dimitris Glezos
- [Help files] - Should help be local or internet based?,
Jose Mathew Manimala
- Docs Meeting Notes for March 3, 2011,
Zach Oglesby
- GNOME Docs Hackfest,
Paul W. Frields
- FAQ for migration to transifex.net,
Paul W. Frields
- Alpha Release Notes -- Started,
Zach Oglesby
- Meeting Reminder Fed 24, 2011 0001 UTC,
Zach Oglesby
- Re: Migrating Docs to new Transifxed server,
Christopher Antila
- Attention beat writers: Updated Tech Notes,
John J. McDonough
- Migrating Docs to new Transifex server,
Dimitris Glezos
- Self Introduction: Jack Peirce,
Jack Peirce
- Meeting Summary Feb 17, 2011,
Zach Oglesby
- pingall in #fedora-docs,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- L10N migration to transifex.net,
Zach Oglesby
- Fwd: Removing rhold docs and docs.old,
Paul W. Frields
- Welcome on board,
Luigi Votta
- Self Introduction: NIitesh Narayan Lal,
Nitesh Narayan Lal
- Self-Introduction: Danny Stieben,
Danny Stieben
- Meeting Time,
Zach Oglesby
- Docs meeting summary for 10 Feb 2010,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Docs Hackfest at SELF,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Fwd: Package: fedora-accessibility-guide-en-US-12.0-2.fc15 Tag: dist-f15-rebuild Status: failed Built by: ausil,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Docs Meeting Minutes Feb 3, 2011 0001UTC,
Zach Oglesby
- Docs Meeting Minutes Fed 03, 2011 0001UTC,
Zach Oglesby
- Accessibility Guide: can I help with it?,
Luigi Votta
- a reintroduction :),
Simon Roberts
- Wiki Cleanup,
Zach Oglesby
- [Bug 673612] New: Collapsible guides menu button on docs.fedoraproject.org as seen in docs.redhat.com,
- Docs Project Meeting Summary for 27 January 2011,
John J. McDonough
- Stepping down as Documentation Project Leader,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Self Introduction:,
- Re: Fedora repo and publishing questions,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Guide Goals for F15,
Zach Oglesby
- Release Notes Beats Signup,
Zach Oglesby
- Is it too eary to enter F15 feature info?,
Bruno Wolff III
- Publican: problem with toc.html,
Thomas Canniot
- Error building storage-administration-guide,
Geert Warrink
- Re: Please tutor a crash course on Docs Project tools & workflow.,
Christopher Antila
- Docs Project meeting summary for 20 January 2011,
John J. McDonough
- Access to the Fedora Documentation Project,
madhusudhanan Elangovan
- sw managmente guide english version available !,
Guillermo Gómez
- Docs Project meeting summary for 13 January 2011,
John J. McDonough
- Reminder: Docs Meeting Tonight,
John J. McDonough
- join group,
andy york
- Publican issue,
Ruediger Landmann
- [Bug 666759] New: Fedora logo must not be distributed as SVG,
- Join the Docs group,
- Musicians' Guide Links Are Broken,
Christopher Antila
- Not available for tonight's meeting,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Interested In Helping!,
Jacob Haug
- Docs Project meeting summary for 16 December 2010,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Virtualization Guide needs love,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Thank you for credit,
- fedora-bookmarks,
John J. McDonough
- Docs Project meeting summary for 02 December 2010,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Docs Project meeting summary for 25 Nov 2010,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- A new guide for newbies,
Dilip P Kumar
- QA Process,
Zach Oglesby
- Re: Fedora Elections Voting Period,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Removing all redirects from docs.fp.o,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- [Bug 655287] Fedora 14 release notes redirects to Fedora 13 release notes,
- PROPOSAL: Create docs-bug list.,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Default ticket assignment for the Software Management Guide,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Fwd: 92 Deployment-guide-list moderator request(s) waiting,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Default QA for Bugzilla components,
Ruediger Landmann
- Docs project meeting summary,
John J. McDonough
- [Bug 654484] New: New Bugzilla component for Storage Administration Guide,
- BZ Component for Power Management Guide,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- [Bug 652690] New: Change default owner of various doc components,
- Project goals for F15,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Elections for new Docs Project Leader,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- New language translation request,
Misha Shnurapet
- Docs Project meeting summary for 11 Nov 2010,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Applying for docs-publisher groups.,
Jesús Franco
- REMINDER: Meeting time change due to DST,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Docs QA,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- ISSUE: Release Notes F14,
Robert Antoni
- Building docs for kids,
Aditya Patawari
- Docs Project meeting summary for 03 Nov 2010,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- [Bug 649422] New: Index links not working properly in sw management guide Spanish version,
- Installation guide - Need amendment for "http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/14/html/Installation_Guide/s1-x86-bootloader.html",
mike cloaked
- Docs Fedora 14 Release Announcement,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Need more time,
Mario Santagiuliana
- Release Notes Error (Systemd).,
Christopher Antila
- Drivers, start your engines! OR Now is the time to publish!,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Fwd: Installation misspelled as "insatallation",
Sijis Aviles
- Docs - so many question marks,
Adam Pribyl
- systemd,
Rahul Sundaram
- Translation won't build,
Nathan Thomas
- Guide Translations Published on Monday,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Tasks in BZ,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- [Bug 533327] "Fedora_11" should be "Fedora_12" in urls for Fedora 12 beta,
- Docs Project meeting summary for 27 October 2010,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Docs Project F14 Announcement,
Eric Christensen
- Re: docs Digest, Vol 80, Issue 26,
Christopher Antila
- An erroneous intrusion,
- Fwd: [publican-list] Publican 2.3 released,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Publican 2.3 is here,
Ruediger Landmann
- Double-check User Guide bits,
Ben Cotton
- New Members!,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- relnotes-content list needs moderation,
Paul W. Frields
- Tracking release notes bugs,
John Poelstra
- Upcoming Fedora 14 Tasks--GA is 1 week away,
John Poelstra
- Fedora Library,
- Uploading a guide,
Nathan Thomas
- Is fedora-doc-utils Trac deprecated?,
Beth Lynn Eicher
- Introducing...,
Scott Thistle
- Open Feedback Publishing System (OFPS),
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Docs Project meeting summary for 20 October 2010,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Changes to readme-burning-isos,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Docs Project Blog,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Membership requests to Docs FAS Group,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- docs-publishers membership,
Nathan Thomas
- Joining the team,
Simon Roberts
- Tx problem for F14 rel-note,
- Meego will not have an ISO for F14,
Bruno Wolff III
- Release Notes version numbers,
John J. McDonough
- Release Notes needs testing,
John J. McDonough
- Docs Project Meeting summary for 13 October 2010,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Amateur Radio Guide for F14,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- McD back (sort of),
John J. McDonough
- Published Guides,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Revised wording for Feedback section,
Ruediger Landmann
- IMPORTANT -- site config changes,
Ruediger Landmann
- Changes to the Release Notes,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Mysterious CSS reference in Hardware_Overview.xml in Release Notes,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Self-Introduction: Robertvbolton,
Robert V. Bolton
- fact checking Fedora-14-Burning_ISO_images_to_disc-en-US,
Dilip P Kumar
- Readme Burning ISOs up for translation,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Docs meeting summary for 6 October 2010,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Publican 2.2 is here,
Ruediger Landmann
- Status of all Guides,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Changes to the Security Guide.ent file,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Anaconda Changes,
Rahul Sundaram
- Addressing Tor in the Fedora Security Guide,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
- Re: F14: what to do about pino / twitter,
Paul W. Frields
- PROPOSAL: All new BZ tickets assigned to the Docs List,
Eric "Sparks" Christensen
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