Fedora Infrastructure
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- Re: Wan't to join and why, (continued)
- Self-introduction: Mel Chua,
Mel Chua
- IPv6 for Fedora services?,
Jeff Garzik
- Thoughts on NOPASSWD and disabling agent forwarding on publictest machines?,
Ricky Zhou
- [Change Request] Enable rw /mnt/fedora on puppet1,
Toshio Kuratomi
- [Change Request] Spam l10n-admin-members instead.,
Ricky Zhou
- IPTable setting for Infrastructure,
Frank Chiulli
- [Change Request] Bodhi masher update on releng2 and relepel1,
Luke Macken
- Need a package added to the compose for F-10 and F-11,
Rich Megginson
- [Change Request] Don't try to restart iscsi{,d},
Ricky Zhou
- Change request - Convert smolt host table to innodb,
Ricky Zhou
- xen15 outage - sorry :-(,
Ricky Zhou
- Change request - Yum update,
Mike McGrath
- F-I freeze!,
Mike McGrath
- Meeting Log - 2009-08-06,
Ricky Zhou
- Outage/Reboot of systems 2009-08-13 1800 UFC,
Stephen John Smoogen
- RFR: Hosting for Beacon (DocBook Editor) Testing,
satya komaragiri
- Messaging SIG - proposal for our notification infrastructure,
John Palmieri
- Purged 2 tapes,
Stephen John Smoogen
- RFR: Hosting for AutoQA test hardware,
James Laska
- August 2nd Systems Updated,
Stephen John Smoogen
- Handling Undeliverable mail messages,
Domsch, Matt
- Mailing list migration procedures,
Jon Stanley
- Meeting Log - 2009-07-30,
Ricky Zhou
- Ok. Looks like this one _may_ fulfill our calendering needs. Testing required.,
susmit shannigrahi
- AGPL compliancewith moksha,
Toshio Kuratomi
- transif user in packager group,
Toshio Kuratomi
- Brainstorming Session for Fedora Community 2.0 - Monday August 3, 2009 - 1500 UTC,
Tom "spot" Callaway
- Thursday meeting.,
Stephen John Smoogen
- A discussion on licensing and the AGPLv3,
Tom "spot" Callaway
- bash_history on x86-5,
Dennis Gilmore
- AGPL Licensing: Another "configuration" file example,
Toshio Kuratomi
- Is F-community using its FAS account?,
Toshio Kuratomi
- Re: Cron <nobody@xen11> /bin/rpm -Va --nofiles --nomd5,
Stephen John Smoogen
- torrent1 warnings.,
Stephen John Smoogen
- Second try, patch set for sigul,
Jesse Keating
- Proposed setup for sigul bridge/server for review,
Jesse Keating
- Meeting Log - 2009-07-23,
Ricky Zhou
- blogs.fedoraproject.org Update,
Nick Bebout
- Checking / fixing permissions on hosted git projects,
Todd Zullinger
- Relicensing Part II (redux),
Toshio Kuratomi
- Fedora Community Post-mortem meeting log,
Ricky Zhou
- MirrorManager crawler patch,
Ricky Zhou
- Re: Cron <nobody@log1> /bin/rpm -Va --nofiles --nomd5,
Stephen John Smoogen
- log1 filling up..,
Stephen John Smoogen
- New SOP: Non-human accounts,
Ricky Zhou
- Add patch to global.pp,
Toshio Kuratomi
- Relicensing Part II,
Toshio Kuratomi
- Re: Cron <root@puppet1> run-parts /etc/cron.hourly,
Stephen John Smoogen
- trac-git-plugin updated on hosted1/2,
Jesse Keating
- Meeting Log - 2009-07-16,
Ricky Zhou
- Greetings,
Hjörleifur Jónsson
- ASU,
Mike McGrath
- about me and my experience,
Bhatt Niraj
- marketing needs some input on a news platform,
Ian Weller
- exim: SELinux,
Frank Chiulli
- Fedora Planet Spam,
Stephen John Smoogen
- Bugzilla bot account / Fedora mail alias,
Till Maas
- New rule,
Mike McGrath
- Outage Notification - 2009-07-10 22:00 UTC and 2009-07-15 20:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
- Why not Proxy with Nginx ?,
Jörg Stephan
- Meeting Log - 2009-07-09,
Ricky Zhou
- Removed old logs from proxy2,
Stephen John Smoogen
- zodbot minor issue,
Jon Stanley
- [Request for Resources] Global ambassadors map.,
susmit shannigrahi
- Some ongoing issues,
Mike McGrath
- package category "new-package" for fedora-package-announce,
David Juran
- Review request for hosting mapping applications.,
susmit shannigrahi
- bodhi 0.6.0 with EPEL support,
Luke Macken
- logistics list,
John Poelstra
- Systems updated,
Stephen John Smoogen
- Meeting Log - 2009-07-02,
Ricky Zhou
- Suggestions required for generating Ambassadors map.,
susmit shannigrahi
- pkgdb -> bugzilla sync broken?,
Michael Schwendt
- May I have a sample output of this script?,
susmit shannigrahi
- Licensing Guidelines for apps we write,
Toshio Kuratomi
- Need some looking at iptables change.,
Stephen John Smoogen
- memcached opinions,
Mike McGrath
- Outage Notification - 2009-07-01 01:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
- Re: [puppet] using new yum::repo module,
Todd Zullinger
- Apresentation,
- Cleanup of func step 1,
Stephen John Smoogen
- Fwd: [puppet] Sign up for transifex error notifications.,
Toshio Kuratomi
- Introduction: Sandro "red" Mathys,
Sandro "red" Mathys
- Puppet Cleanup,
Ricky Zhou
- mdomsch on vacation,
Matt Domsch
- SSH key warnings,
Ricky Zhou
- Meeting Log - 2009-06-25,
Ricky Zhou
- Here I am,
Jorge Gallegos
- Enabling syntax checking for puppet via a git update hook,
Todd Zullinger
- DNS cleanup: 10.8.34.x network,
Stephen John Smoogen
- CVS upgrade step2,
Mike McGrath
- [PATCH RFC] hosted: Add mailing lists to new project template,
Todd Zullinger
- [PATCH RFC] hosted-setup.sh: Automate trac-admin initenv,
Todd Zullinger
- New member intro,
Paul Guglielmino
- Puppet Web Apps Refactoring,
Ricky Zhou
- Cleanup/expansion of puppet/func,
Stephen John Smoogen
- Packagedb 0.3.x branch closed; 0.4.x open,
Toshio Kuratomi
- New to the group,
Chris Krough
- Re: fedora-git-commit-mail-hook: Fix command for finding previous tag,
Todd Zullinger
- Outage Notification - 2009-06-23 20:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
- Travelling,
Toshio Kuratomi
- Is there a way to automatically update a wiki page?,
susmit shannigrahi
- 2-3 hour CVS outage,
Mike McGrath
- Meeting Log - 2009-06-18,
Ricky Zhou
- Calendaring idea,
John Poelstra
- recording more metrics and doing more data mining about Fedora,
Ian Weller
- publictest boxes,
Mike McGrath
- Fedora 11 Retrospective Recap,
John Poelstra
- Hi!,
Scott Thistle
- Any DBA's in the house?,
Mike McGrath
- Bad cvs commit,
Xavier Lamien
- start.fedoraproject.org,
Ashwin Muni
- Sysadmin-hosted,
Mike McGrath
- PackageDB release candidate testing,
Toshio Kuratomi
- Attendees needed for Fedora 11 Retrospective on Tuesday June 16, 2009 @ 14:00 UTC,
John Poelstra
- Meeting Log - 2009-06-11,
Ricky Zhou
- 2 MM metalink fixes pushed,
Matt Domsch
- koji database wrong?,
Thomas Spura
- koji database,
Ricky Zhou
- AGPLv3 and GPLv2,
Mike McGrath
- Change freeze lifted,
Mike McGrath
- [PATCH] Add proxy1.stg to staging separation rules.,
Ricky Zhou
- [PATCH] Make sure these redirects get seen first.,
Ricky Zhou
- [PATCH] Redirect get-prerelease to get-fedora.,
Ricky Zhou
- Using Asterisk with Fedora Talk documentation,
Bruno Wolff III
- Won't be around today,
Toshio Kuratomi
- [PATCH] removing encoding so .asc files display properly,
Mike McGrath
- More agressive caching,
Mike McGrath
- [PATCH] Re-enable rawhide compose.,
Jesse Keating
- [PATCH] Move elections to app3 and app4.,
Ricky Zhou
- Go Vote,
Mike McGrath
- Change Request: Replace perl-Date-Manip with perl-DateManip on log1,
Ricky Zhou
- Fedora Project, Stack Overflow and OpenID,
Mat Booth
[PATCH] Disable rawhide for now.,
Jesse Keating
[PATCH] the new package name is perl-DateManip,
Mike McGrath
Change Request backup1,
Mike McGrath
[PATCH] Updated new staging hosts in ssh_known_keys,
Mike McGrath
Google releases Page Speed,
Rahul Sundaram
[PATCH] add rsyncd to torrent1,
Matt Domsch
[PATCH] This was causing issues, can I get 2 +1's?,
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2009-06-04,
Ricky Zhou
[PATCH] Added hosted-content group to secondary1,
Mike McGrath
KB for Fedora,
Sijis Aviles
[webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: FedoraProject page FUDCon:FUDConF10 has been changed by anonymous user],
Chuck Anderson
To start work on some project,
Bhavinkumar patel
introduction again,
Bhavinkumar patel
Re: Fedora 11 RC2 installation testing,
Allen Kistler
Change request - Proxy1 (x86_64),
Mike McGrath
haproxy update,
Mike McGrath
httpd update on servers,
Mike McGrath
remove old video torrents,
Matt Domsch
Meeting Log - 2009-05-28,
Ricky Zhou
[PATCH] Add requested redirects for release notes.,
Ricky Zhou
Redirect needed for docs.fp.o,
Paul W. Frields
[PATCH] Make bacula backup to /bacula/, include db1's db3 dumps.,
Ricky Zhou
mobile phone + password = 2 factor auth?,
Seth Vidal
Greetings from a potential new contributor,
Jorn Argelo
Change Request - email alias handling,
Toshio Kuratomi
Gone on Friday,
Mike McGrath
Problems with bugzilla and FAS account,
Michael Schwendt
Re: Re: introdution,
Miguel Lopes
SSH vulnerability,
Mike McGrath
Cattle call for reviews,
Mike McGrath
[PATCH] Creating sftp disable mechanism,
Mike McGrath
Change Request (bring ibiblio and telia back online),
Mike McGrath
Change Request - Stop puppet on releng2 for the night.,
Jesse Keating
Change Freeze (telia1 reboot),
Mike McGrath
Fedora Community Pre-Beta Testing (fwd),
Mike McGrath
change freeze tomorrow,
Mike McGrath
Outage Notification - 2009-05-10 20:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
Outage Notification - 2009-05-09 00:00 UTC,
Ricky Zhou
wiki caching old content,
Rahul Sundaram
How to generate a .template and .jigdo from an iso image?,
Marcelo M. Garcia
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