Fedora Infrastructure
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Updated systems for 2009-12-01,
Stephen John Smoogen
Fedora Talk Follow-up Meeting Wed or Thurs?,
John Poelstra
Disabling bapp1 for a bit,
Mike McGrath
CSRF protection done!,
Toshio Kuratomi
Do overlapping release dates matter for our mirrors?,
John Poelstra
Is there F11/12 test boxes around?,
susmit shannigrahi
Creating a trusted sha256sum.exe binary for verifying *-CHECKSUM files on Windows,
Todd Zullinger
iptables heads up,
Mike McGrath
Permission for an off-site copy of CVS,
Jon Stanley
Introduction -- new subscriber,
Andreas Osowski
DNSSEC and Geodns,
Mike McGrath
Introduction New subscriber - Contributor,
Rene Purcell
PackageDB 0.5.x branched,
Toshio Kuratomi
PKI (Was: Re: Meeting Log - 2009-11-19),
Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)
Meeting Log - 2009-11-19,
Ricky Zhou
New Subscriber - Introduction,
Ashley Biar
temporary rsync files visible on download-i2,
Adrian Reber
FWD: [Fedora-freemedia-list] SHA1 vs SHA256...,
susmit shannigrahi
PackageDB Update,
Toshio Kuratomi
[PATCH] supybot-fedora: add mirroradmins command,
Matt Domsch
Change Request: Force SSL for /keys and /verify,
Ricky Zhou
[PATCH] Enabling wiki cache for ticket 1795,
Mike McGrath
scripts that need to be updated to f11? f12,
Stephen John Smoogen
We can make fedora easier.,
Tareq Al Jurf
rsyncd: s/ignore unreadable/ignore nonreadable/,
Matt Domsch
Meeting Log - 2009-11-12,
Ricky Zhou
[Change Request] Re: [kerry@xxxxxxx: broken link on home page],
Ricky Zhou
Outage Notification - 2009-11-11 21:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
F13 Naming: Leonidas -> Constantine -> <New Name>? (fwd),
Mike McGrath
Outage Notification - 2009-11-09 13:00 UTC,
Stephen John Smoogen
SSH key updates [PATCH] Added new ssh keys for asterisk1 and serverbeach1,
Stephen John Smoogen
Re: [Fedora-freemedia-list] NA requests update,
Nick Bebout
[PATCH] Close freemedia form,
[PATCH] Had a request from the freemedia people to do this. 2 +1's?,
Mike McGrath
Introduction and kickstart,
Vivek Shah
Outage of Fedora Talk - 20091107 - 0230 UTC,
Jon Stanley
[PATCH] Enable pushing of Fedora 12 updates,
Jesse Keating
[PATCH] logging cron job,
Mike McGrath
Change Request: add ppc koji instance,
Dennis Gilmore
change request: switch MM off using pgpool,
Meeting reminder today,
Mike McGrath
bodhi log analysis,
Luke Macken
Outage Notification - 2009-11-05 13:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
How do we link the auto-update of ssh banner with update of wiki page?,
susmit shannigrahi
python buildbot,
Ruben Kerkhof
Change Freeze Reminder,
Mike McGrath
Added "Follow on Twitter/Identica" link to planet fedora.,
susmit shannigrahi
Various Calendars,
Tareq Al Jurf
Fwd: Puppet Report for proxy1.stg.fedora.phx.redhat.com,
Stephen John Smoogen
Meeting Log - 2009-10-29,
Ricky Zhou
Update/reboot of Fedora Infrastructure on 2009-10-29 21:00 UTC,
Stephen John Smoogen
[off-topic] Help requested:Query on dual/quad port NIC,
susmit shannigrahi
Mass update to RHEL-5.4,
Stephen John Smoogen
Suitability of Python for daemon processes,
Ben Boeckel
Meeting Log - 2009-10-22,
Ricky Zhou
old torrents,
Seth Vidal
Mike McGrath
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Unfrozen!,
Mike McGrath
publictest15 rebuild,
Nigel Jones
FTF IRC meeting recap 2009-10-20,
John Poelstra
Change request - Removing files,
Mike McGrath
change freeze ends tomorrow,
Mike McGrath
Attention sysadmins!,
Mike McGrath
Emergency Change Freeze Request,
Dennis Gilmore
LAST FTF (FedoraTalk FAD) IRC Prep meeting :: 2009-10-20 @ 19:00 UTC (3 PM EDT/12 PM PDT),
John Poelstra
getting involved,
Sándor Levente
[PATCH] Add a module for lftp package,
Jesse Keating
Meeting Log - 2009-10-15,
Ricky Zhou
Fedora Talk Use Cases,
John Poelstra
FTF (FedoraTalk FAD) IRC Prep meeting :: 2009-10-13 @ 19:00 UTC (3 PM EDT/12 PM PDT),
John Poelstra
Change Request (post),
Mike McGrath
[PATCH] adding asterisk2 to the global ssh_known_hosts list,
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2009-10-08,
Ricky Zhou
Mike McGrath
[CHANGE REQUEST] Open freemedia form for October,
Nick Bebout
Sándor Levente
Streaming media server for Fedora Talk,
Paul W. Frields
[Test-Announce] 2009-10-08 - Fedora Test Day - RAID (fwd),
Mike McGrath
FAD Fedora Talk 2009 IRC meeting, 2009-10-06 UTC 1900,
Paul W. Frields
If you are using a publictest machine (or have finished using one) Please Read,
Nigel Jones
FW: [Fedora Infrastructure] #1719: MM hotfix: crawler incorrectly creating dir entries for not up-to-date mirrors,
Outstanding Tickets (overall),
Mike McGrath
Outstanding F12 tickets,
Mike McGrath
blogs site (lets finish it),
Mike McGrath
[PATCH] Ensure HG useses utf-8 encoding,
Mike McGrath
Fwd: PATCH: Add DNSKEY records to prepare for DNSSEC signing of zones Add dnssec-enable to named.conf,
Nick Bebout
FTF (FedoraTalk FAD) IRC Meeting this TUESDAY @ 3 PM EDT (19:00 UTC),
John Poelstra
Emergency Fix (Change freeze),
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2009-10-01,
Ricky Zhou
New deltarpm -- who do I talk to about testing?,
Toshio Kuratomi
Opening the freemedia form for october.,
susmit shannigrahi
Having more than 6 years of experience in sys admin.,
Nilesh Patil
FAD F-Talk non-tech stuff,
Paul W. Frields
FAD Fedora Talk tech items,
Paul W. Frields
FAD Fedora Talk -- IRC, to-do,
Paul W. Frields
Blogs site?,
Mike McGrath
Finally ready to get involved and applied to the Sysadmin group,
Daniele Catanesi
CVS Outage Notification - 2009-09-29 04:25 UTC,
Jesse Keating
[OFF] About my collaborations.,
Davi Vercillo C. Garcia
Updating servers before the freeze.,
Stephen John Smoogen
Fedora Insight Zikula on pt6 Is About To Be Upgraded,
Looking for people who need guests.,
Mike McGrath
Re: FAD -- startin' early,
Paul W. Frields
Freeze on Tuesday!,
Mike McGrath
Very large logfile on torrent1,
Stephen John Smoogen
Meeting Log - 2009-09-24,
Ricky Zhou
Re: Wiki account removal needed?,
Jon Stanley
Developers and sysadmins: Config settings in wsgi scripts,
Toshio Kuratomi
Re: [puppet: 1/2] Adding memcached selinux policy",
Darren VanBuren
CVS1 and selinux,
Mike McGrath
TG1/Cherrypy config change to make redirects more robust,
Toshio Kuratomi
Meeting Log - 2009-09-17,
Ricky Zhou
Self introduction Daniele Catanesi,
Daniele Catanesi
Eric Meng
Merging from staging to master,
Mike McGrath
MirrorManager is now IPv6 enabled,
Matt Domsch
Torrent changes,
Jesse Keating
Meeting Log - 2009-09-10,
Ricky Zhou
Fixing the name of bastion1,
Stephen John Smoogen
fp.o content via IPv6,
Allen Kistler
Licensing policy for apps developed by Fedora Infrastructure now in effect,
Toshio Kuratomi
[Important] app7 information Re: [puppet] Add app7 to main rotation for most apps, follow up to fedora-infrastructure-list,
Nigel Jones
FW: python-geoip IPv6 functions?,
IPv6 enablement patches,
Matt Domsch
RE: F8/F9 torrent links,
Couple of things.,
Mike McGrath
[PATCH] shared session data,
Mike McGrath
[PATCH] Enabling confirm-edit again for smolt,
Mike McGrath
[Change Request] Website changes for F12-Alpha,
Todd Zullinger
[PATCH] Temporary setting for galgoci,
Mike McGrath
Joining the Fedora Infrstructure team,
Terrance Hutchinson
RfR: Two AMQP Brokers for Infrastructure and Fedora Community,
John Palmieri
Infrastructure Introduction,
[Change Request] koji theming,
Dennis Gilmore
Joining the Fedora Infrastructure team,
Mathieu Bridon (bochecha)
CSI doc,
Paul W. Frields
changing tabs to spaces in pager.py,
Darren VanBuren
[PATCH/RFC] mailman: Use Mailman's Secure_MakeRandomPassword() for list passwords,
Todd Zullinger
smolt change request,
Mike McGrath
[Change Request] Add script/cron job for checking git repo perms,
Todd Zullinger
Change request - Mercurial - app1,
Mike McGrath
[Change Request] Mercurial upgrade on app1,
Diego Búrigo Zacarão
proxy1.stg and xen6,
Mike McGrath
[PATCH] Try an autodisablePuppet fix.,
Ricky Zhou
[Change Request] Update xz on the builders,
Toshio Kuratomi
[Change Request] Set replace => false on some db files which I missed.,
Ricky Zhou
Recent change freeze exception - MXs for our domains,
Ricky Zhou
[PATCH] Adding mod_limitipconn,
Mike McGrath
[Change Request] Don't replace sigul db files.,
Ricky Zhou
Moksha/Fedora Community Planning Meetings,
Tom "spot" Callaway
Freeze break request for sigul fine tuning,
Jesse Keating
Seeking comments on my proposal,
Steven M. Parrish
Last call for talking points - what makes you excited about F12?,
Mel Chua
publictest10 rebuild,
Ricky Zhou
Wan't to join and why,
Steven M. Parrish
Self-introduction: Mel Chua,
Mel Chua
IPv6 for Fedora services?,
Jeff Garzik
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