Fedora Infrastructure
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- Re: Change Request: Race condition syncing static websites to proxies, (continued)
- proxy07 logs sync additions (need review and +1),
Stephen John Smoogen
- [PATCH] add recoreds for all the new hosts,
- [PATCH] handle Amazon EC2 client yum misconfiguration,
Matt Domsch
- [PATCH] bump mirrorlist processes,
Matt Domsch
- Key-value store comparison,
Jorge A Gallegos
- BFO menu suggestion?,
G.Wolfe Woodbury
- [PATCH] Enable syncing of F13 stable updates,
Jesse Keating
- Outage: EL-6 mass branching - 2010-05-08 00:00 UTC,
Dennis Gilmore
- Hello Everyone,
Abhishek Bose
- [Change Request] Add trac xmlrpc plugin.,
Ricky Zhou
- Trip to PHX,
Mike McGrath
- Outage: PHX2 outage - 2010-05-04 22:13 UTC,
Mike McGrath
- Newcomer - Hello world!,
Rick Elrod
- Change Freeze!,
Mike McGrath
- Weird spammy domain,
Paul W. Frields
- Voting -- name ballot for F14, starting Tue 2010-05-04,
Paul Frields
- app07,
Mike McGrath
- HOT Fixes... which are still needed,
Stephen John Smoogen
- Howdy!,
Shawn Stephens
- Outage: $BRIEF_SUBJECT - 2010-04-29 03:50:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
- PHX2 Outage,
Ricky Zhou
- New security policy additions,
Mike McGrath
- [PATCH] Update cron jobs for docs site,
Nick Bebout
- [PATCH] Update sync script for git,
Nick Bebout
- [no subject],
Nick Bebout
- Merged to staging from master,
Mike McGrath
- Oustanding hosted requests?,
Mike McGrath
- Infra freeze starts in one week,
Mike McGrath
- Experimentation on proxy7,
Mike McGrath
- Outage: Buildsystem/koji - 2010-04-25 14:30 UTC,
Mike McGrath
- String freeze, and get.fp.o,
Paul W. Frields
bodhost is online,
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2010-04-22,
Ricky Zhou
Mike McGrath
hosted to rhel6,
Jon Stanley
回复: Newcomer from Russia),
Elections for next terms,
Paul W. Frields
[MERGE] Don't crash if user's full name is unset,
Stephen Gallagher
Newcomer from Russia),
Пашков Евгений
[MERGE] Handle groups more gracefully in Django,
Stephen Gallagher
[MERGE] Django auth should not hit the DB for every group,
Stephen Gallagher
ReviewBoard Performance Enhancement,
Stephen Gallagher
puppet on hosted1,
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2010-04-15,
Ricky Zhou
Gitweb-caching deployed!,
Mike McGrath
Heads up: Genshi will be abandoned and become obsolete,
Luke Macken
Freeze over!,
Mike McGrath
hotfix request - bump MM max_stale_days back to 7,
Matt Domsch
not enough disk on git.fedorahosted.org,
Miroslav Suchý
Re: not enough disk on git.fedorahosted.org,
Mike McGrath
Re: not enough disk on git.fedorahosted.org,
Mathieu Bridon
AUTO: Danny Brennan is out of the office (returning 04/17/2010),
Danny Brennan
my cv,
ibrahim IM
Telia going down.,
Stephen John Smoogen
Hosted02 puppet off,
Toshio Kuratomi
[PATCH] Removing db2 from commit list,
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2010-04-08,
Ricky Zhou
FW: [MediaWiki-announce] MediaWiki security update: 1.15.3 and 1.16.0beta2,
[PATCH] Adding browsable checksum directory,
Mike McGrath
[PATCH] Adding aliases for fedorahosted,
Mike McGrath
Action plan for koji01 reboots,
Jon Stanley
Meeting Log - 2010-04-01,
Ricky Zhou
Fedora 13 Beta Slip 1 week (fwd),
Mike McGrath
change request: make sure all the repos for el5 on infrastructure.fp.o have sqlite dbs made,
Seth Vidal
[PATCH] Adding simple nrpe check,
Mike McGrath
Introduction of a Free software proponent.,
Ameya Sathe
change notification (security update),
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2010-03-25,
Ricky Zhou
Change Request: fedoracommunity upgrade,
Luke Macken
Change Request: theme priorities in pkgdb,
Toshio Kuratomi
Change request: add old pkgdb url to robots.txt,
Toshio Kuratomi
Trac logs..,
Mike McGrath
Change request: smolt_new db,
Mike McGrath
[PATCH] Ensure that rsync backups are only running one at a time,
Mike McGrath
Mohammed Sikandar has invited you to Dropbox,
[PATCH] rate limiting rsync copies,
Mike McGrath
Freeze tomorrow,
Mike McGrath
Outage: fedorahosted.org - 2010-03-21 08:00:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
Possibility of Fedora sponsoring a Freenode server,
Nick Bebout
Re: main problems of fedora?,
Jose Mathew Manimala
Questions: Change management,
Jose Mathew Manimala
[PATCH] expose MM crawler logs on bapp01,
Matt Domsch
Fwd: Broken dependencies: linphone,
Jeffrey Ollie
Freeze in one week!,
Mike McGrath
Sysadmin gets back,
log analysis,
John Poelstra
introduction of a freshman,
Senwell Wu(吴成伟)
Test Day!,
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2010-03-11,
Ricky Zhou
Potential pkgdb-0.5.x release on staging,
Toshio Kuratomi
Outage: Transifex Upgrade - 2010-03-11,
Ricky Zhou
Mike McGrath
New version of PackageDB in staging,
Toshio Kuratomi
TEE JIA HEN wants to stay in touch on LinkedIn,
Zikula - staging, SOP, production,
Karsten Wade
Mike McGrath
Stephen John Smoogen
Change Request: bodhi upgrade on app1-7 relepel01 releng02,
Luke Macken
asterisk2: Use sounds for all conferences,
Paul W. Frields
Freeze week extension,
Mike McGrath
RFR - A kerberos and ldap server available for participants of the SSSD test day,
James Laska
[RFR] Infrastructure sponsor needed for Fedora Distribution App.,
susmit shannigrahi
Reminder about public test servers,
Mike McGrath
Change Request: Archive mount change,
Mike McGrath
[PATCH] Make sure git and koji get into the compose boxes,
Jesse Keating
[PATCH] another mock class,
Mike McGrath
[PATCH] the mock class does not actuall exist, this is causing a puppet error,
Mike McGrath
Change request - mock pubkey,
Mike McGrath
[PATCH] Add a package module to get intltool installed,
Jesse Keating
[PATCH] Make sure cvs gets onto the places where we try to make rawhide/branched,
Jesse Keating
One more change I snuck in, posted here for review,
Jesse Keating
Patch set for composing "Branched" each night,
Jesse Keating
[PATCH] Add ftpsync to the lock group for lock-wrapper.,
Ricky Zhou
[PATCH] Enabling the wrapper script and removing F10,
Mike McGrath
Spins late TM approval,
Paul W. Frields
Change Request: spins1,
Mike McGrath
Ticket cleanup,
Mike McGrath
[PATCH] Add 13 to the updates-testing set to be synced,
Jesse Keating
local koji server - creating certificates,
Doug Reiland
[PATCH] Doing a mass branch, we don't want new ACLs during that time,
Jesse Keating
Change Request - Bodhi bugfix,
Luke Macken
Change Request - Fedora Community update,
Luke Macken
[MERGE] Fixing errors found with ReviewBoard integration,
Stephen Gallagher
Change Request - Transifex ticket 1655,
Mike McGrath
We are frozen,
Mike McGrath
Reminder: freeze on tuesday,
Mike McGrath
[PATCH] Changed email addresses for lists migrated to lists.fp.o,
Paul W. Frields
Re: Cancel account request - account name "wsl",
Paul Frields
Hello Fedora Infrastructure team!,
RE: Additional IPv6 Bittorrent tracker,
FYI, toshio and lmacken going to pycon,
Toshio Kuratomi
New member to Infrastructure!,
Ama M
Meeting Log - 2010-02-11,
Ricky Zhou
blogs.fedoraproject.org and planet,
Luca Foppiano
[Fwd: List archive grouping],
Jesse Keating
Minor freeze next week!,
Mike McGrath
RFR for AMQP project,
Brennan Ashton
EMail configuration for server,
Adam Young
Daniele Catanesi
Trac and Fedorahosted,
Heherson Pagcaliwagan
Outage Notification - 2010-02-04 23:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2010-02-04,
Ricky Zhou
Outage Notification - 2010-02-10 17:00 UTC,
Stephen John Smoogen
RFR - KDC for NFSv4 test day,
James Laska
[SPAM] RFC: SpamAssassin subject munging considered harmful :),
Todd Zullinger
Fedora Hosted entry on Wikipedia,
Paul W. Frields
freemedia tickets, nobody@fp,
Matt Domsch
Meeting Log - 2009-01-28,
Ricky Zhou
Outage Notification - 2010-01-28 16:40:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
Re: Upcoming Fedora 13 Tasks,
Paul W. Frields
Logging cleanup and changes,
Stephen John Smoogen
Invite-only groups in FAS,
Jason L Tibbitts III
Re: Introduction Nelio,
Nelio Junior
Changes to #fedora-admin,
Mike McGrath
Re: which tool chain are you guys using for c(not c++),
which tool chain are you guys using for c(not c++) application on fedora,
yunhui song
Meeting Log - 2010-01-21,
Ricky Zhou
Outage Notification - 2010-01-21 11:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
Introduction and Notes of Experience,
yancy ribbens
Mike McGrath
Won't be around off-hours,
Toshio Kuratomi
Outage Notification - Fri Jan 15 10:30:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2010-01-14,
Ricky Zhou
logging infrastructure and notes,
Seth Vidal
Old IP names,
Stephen John Smoogen
Outage Notification - 2010-01-13 22:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
Introducing Jacob.,
Jacob López Curciel
Jon Stanley,
Mike McGrath
Log management,
Maxim Burgerhout
[PATCH 0/4] Misc. improvements for fedora-mailing-list-setup script,
Todd Zullinger
Iptables: Want to open port 8888 on pt15,
susmit shannigrahi
yslow website stats,
Bert Desmet
Review Board,
Mike McGrath
Goals for F13?,
Mike McGrath
Increase my quota size,
Frederic Hornain
Frederic Hornain
Bugzilla Outage/Upgrade - 2010-01-09,
Ricky Zhou
Mike McGrath
Bad blog settings.,
Stephen John Smoogen
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Red Hat Bugzilla 3.4 RC,
James Laska
AUTO: Danny Brennan is out of the office (returning 01/04/2010),
Danny Brennan
List migration and fedora-india list,
Rahul Sundaram
<Possible follow-ups>
List migration and fedora-india list,
Rahul Sundaram
Re: Introduction (Maxim Burgerhout),
Outage Notification - 2009-12-18 02:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
Outage tomorrow night,
Mike McGrath
Meeting Log - 2009-12-17,
Ricky Zhou
Post Move Stuff,
Mike McGrath
Marketing Infrastructure projects, update 2009-12-15,
Mel Chua
Mike McGrath
Mea Culpa and Apology,
Stephen John Smoogen
SOP creation made easier,
Mel Chua
Re: mirrors.fedoraproject.org problem?,
Itamar Reis Peixoto
[FOSDEM'10] Community infrastructure talk,
Frederic Hornain
Major dns issues,
Mike McGrath
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