Meeting Log - 2010-01-21

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--- Log opened Thu Jan 21 00:00:09 2010
00:01 < jjmcd> #startmeeting Docs Project Meeting 2010-01-21
00:01 < zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 21 00:01:45 2010 UTC.  The chair is jjmcd. Information about MeetBot at
00:01 < zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
00:01 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:  (Meeting topic: Docs Project Meeting 2010-01-21)
00:01 -!- rudi [n=rlandman@nat/redhat/x-dzspknwnyjmvolra] has joined #fedora-meeting
00:01 < jjmcd> #topic roll call
00:01 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: roll call (Meeting topic: Docs Project Meeting 2010-01-21)
00:01  * jjmcd .
00:01  * quaid 
00:01  * rudi is here but not with 100% attention...
00:02 -!- marwalk [n=marwalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
00:02 < jjmcd> Sorry if a little disorganized.  I only found out sparks was AWOL a couple minutes ago
00:02 -!- laubersm [n=Susan@fedora/laubersm] has joined #fedora-meeting
00:03 < jjmcd> #topic F13 Release Schedule
00:03 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: F13 Release Schedule (Meeting topic: Docs Project Meeting 2010-01-21)
00:03  * laubersm stands in the back
00:03 < jjmcd> #link
00:03 < jjmcd> Don't be hiding laubersm
00:03 < jjmcd> ANyone have any comments, difficulties etc with the F13 schedule?
00:04 < jjmcd> I was unable to find my notes for John and haven't had time to recreate them, but they weren't biggies anyway
00:05 < quaid> for the last release, were there any miscommunications
00:05 < quaid> or disconnects?
00:05 < jjmcd> Yes
00:05 < jjmcd> quite a few
00:05 < jjmcd> I think most got addressed in the new schedule
00:05 < quaid> do we need to get an actual affirmative from people about the schedule?
00:05 < quaid> "Put your name on this wiki page" or mark a checkbox or something?
00:06 < jjmcd> That might be worthwhile, although I suspect ianweller, danielsmw, ke4qqq and othere may or may not be here
00:06 < jjmcd> But there is a good idea quaid
00:06 < jjmcd> #action jjmcd will put up a wiki page for each of the content owners to agree to the schedule
00:07 < jjmcd> Everyone OK with that?
00:07 < laubersm> I think the larger communication issues were with other groups though...  like releng needing the rpm before we were scheduled to build it..
00:07 -!- lfoppiano [n=lfoppian@fedora/lfoppiano] has quit Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
00:07 < laubersm> I'm good with the sched (as much as I have looked) and good with a wiki to get the people really involved to sign off
00:07 < jjmcd> Well, yeah.  That was a biggie, and you better believe this time i triple checked
00:08 -!- radsy [n=irc@nat/redhat/x-sojlpuxefsnjpjux] has joined #fedora-meeting
00:08 < jjmcd> And we will have some surprises this time since we are handling the L10N interface differently
00:08 < jjmcd> OK, anything else on the schedule?
00:09 < jjmcd> Moving on
00:09 < jjmcd> #topic Desktop Help Summit
00:09 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Desktop Help Summit (Meeting topic: Docs Project Meeting 2010-01-21)
00:09 -!- rwmjones_lptp_ [n=rjones@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
00:10 < jjmcd> #link
00:10 < jjmcd> OK, it looks as if sparks might not be able to go
00:10 < laubersm> too far out on the schedule for me to say if I can be there.  But it is not out of the question.
00:10 < jjmcd> laubersm, any news on whether you will make it?
00:10 < jjmcd> OK
00:10 < jjmcd> Is anyone else thinking about it?
00:10 < laubersm> Still even a possibilty I can get RH schedule me to teach up there before or after (thus covering plane at the same time)
00:11 < jjmcd> That would be a perfect scenario
00:11 < laubersm> They won't have the schedule together for a while (working on the first 2 weeks of Feb today)
00:11 < jjmcd> Right now I think I am the only for sure going, and we really should have two or three of us
00:12 < jjmcd> I told Max in a perfect world, rudi would be there but he didn't bite
00:12 < laubersm> :)
00:12 < rudi> lolz thanks anyway :)
00:12 < jjmcd> Well, especially without sparks it would be really good, but it is kind of a hike
00:13 < jjmcd> Anything else on the summit?
00:13 < jjmcd> Oh, I started to mention, Max did indicate he can make some funding available
00:14 < jjmcd> And we really should have more representation than me if Susan can't make it
00:15 < jjmcd> OK, moving on
00:15 < jjmcd> #topic Release Notes
00:15 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Release Notes (Meeting topic: Docs Project Meeting 2010-01-21)
00:15 < jjmcd> This one is quick.  I did post a new updated test RPM if anyone wants to test
00:16 < jjmcd> I don't have the link right here but I did send it to the list
00:16  * quaid has to move networks (head home), bbi7m
00:16 < jjmcd> Paul made a good catch on the first one, but other than that
00:16 < jjmcd> Thanks quaid
00:16 -!- bochecha [n=bochecha@fedora/bochecha] has quit "Leaving"
00:17 < jjmcd> Any questions, updates, comments, concerns about release notes?
00:17 -!- rwmjones [n=rjones@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)
00:17 -!- Cheshirc__ [n=lalala@unaffiliated/cheshirc] has quit Read error: 113 (No route to host)
00:17 < jjmcd> #topic Status on CMS (Zikula)
00:17 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Status on CMS (Zikula) (Meeting topic: Docs Project Meeting 2010-01-21)
00:17 < jjmcd> #link
00:18 -!- Cheshirc__ [n=lalala@unaffiliated/cheshirc] has joined #fedora-meeting
00:18 < jjmcd> I'm not so sure we have any of the usual suspects here
00:18 < jjmcd> Any reports on Zikula?
00:19 < jjmcd> I guess not
00:19 < jjmcd> so
00:19 < jjmcd> #topic Guide Status
00:19 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Guide Status (Meeting topic: Docs Project Meeting 2010-01-21)
00:20 < jjmcd> rudi, any comments/updates on the guides?
00:20 < rudi> jjmcd -- nothing this week
00:20 < jjmcd> OK, anyone else on guides?
00:21 < jjmcd> #topic New Guides
00:21 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: New Guides (Meeting topic: Docs Project Meeting 2010-01-21)
00:21 < jjmcd> Anyone starting new guides?
00:22 < jjmcd> #topic All other business
00:22 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: All other business (Meeting topic: Docs Project Meeting 2010-01-21)
00:22 < radsy> i'm updating that
00:22 < jjmcd> OK, here I do have something
00:23 < jjmcd> It looks as if sparks may be scarce for a little while here, I don't have any data on how long at this point, so if you see a leadership vacuum please don't be shy about stepping up
00:24 < jjmcd> Of course, under normal circumstances there is no need to be timid, but for now try to get over your timidity please
00:25 < jjmcd> Ahh, rasdy, sorry I middes that
00:25 < jjmcd> How are you coming?  Need anything?
00:25 < radsy> nope, going fine - waiting for the next sync on that page, and adding a lot from dwalsh@
00:26 < jjmcd> good deal
00:26 < jjmcd> I still need to do some recruiting for the ARG
00:26 < radsy> was considerably out-dated
00:27 < jjmcd> hehe - that is something that needs not only documentation, but also marketing
00:27 -!- dychen_ [n=dingyich@xxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit Remote closed the connection
00:28 < radsy> i also had a couple of EOI for adding to the wireless-guide, but no email responses or IRC arrivals :(
00:28 < jjmcd> ahh
00:28 < jjmcd> I think a lot of people imagine that they aren't 31337 enough or something
00:29 -!- dychen_ [n=dingyich@xxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
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00:29 < radsy> nothing else from me at this point
00:29 < jjmcd> Is there anything else for the good of the order?
00:30 < jjmcd> If you're thinking about going to Chicago, think harder!
00:30 < jjmcd> last call
00:31 < jjmcd> 9
00:31 < jjmcd> 8
00:31 < jjmcd> 7
00:31 < jjmcd> 6
00:31 < jjmcd> 5
00:31 < laubersm> 12
00:31 < laubersm> 42
00:31 < laubersm> hut
00:31 < jjmcd> 432
00:31 < jjmcd> #endmeeting
00:31 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Channel is used by various Fedora groups and committees for their regular meetings | Note that meetings often get logged | For questions about using Fedora please ask in #fedora | See for meeting schedule
00:31 < zodbot> Meeting ended Thu Jan 21 00:32:19 2010 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at .
00:31 < zodbot> Minutes:
00:31 < zodbot> Minutes (text):
00:31 < laubersm> thanks jjmcd
00:31 < zodbot> Log:  
00:31 < jjmcd> thanks everyone
00:32 -!- laubersm [n=Susan@fedora/laubersm] has left #fedora-meeting ["Leaving"]
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00:46 -!- jjmcd [n=jjmcd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has left #Fedora-Meeting ["Leaving"]
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16:30 < nirik> #startmeeting IRC Support SIG (2010-01-21)
16:30 < zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 21 16:30:45 2010 UTC.  The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at
16:30 < zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:30 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:  (Meeting topic: IRC Support SIG (2010-01-21))
16:30 < nirik> #meetingname irc-support-sig
16:30 < nirik> #topic init process
16:30 < zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'irc-support-sig'
16:30 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: init process (Meeting topic: IRC Support SIG (2010-01-21))
16:30 -!- hiemanshu [n=hiemansh@fedora/hiemanshu] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:30 < nirik> who all is around for meeting?
16:30  * hiemanshu 
16:30  * EvilBob  
16:30 -!- Dan_NH [n=subnuke@pdpc/supporter/professional/SubNuke] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:30 -!- XanThaOs [n=sacredde@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:31 -!- Muhammad_Saad [n=saad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:32  * nirik will wait a minute or two more for folks to wander in. 
16:32 -!- fbijlsma [n=fbijlsma@nat/redhat/x-tdntbezwihoqavxz] has quit "Leaving"
16:34 < nirik> ok, I guess we should go ahead and get starteed.
16:34 < nirik> started even.
16:34 < nirik> #topic registration and spam
16:35 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: registration and spam (Meeting topic: IRC Support SIG (2010-01-21))
16:35 < nirik> so, the big news this last week has been the spammers/floodbots on freenode.
16:35  * thomasj here
16:35 < nirik> we have setup a redirect for any unregistered user to #fedora-unregistered
16:35 < nirik> along with a number of ways to tell people there that they should register.
16:36 < nirik> The thought was that we keep this setup until the freenode ircd move and try going back to the old setup then.
16:36 < nirik> any thoughts on things we should change now or other ideas moving ahead?
16:36 < EvilBob> I am not aware of the changes the newbring IRCd will
16:37 < EvilBob> I am not aware of the changes the new IRCd will bring
16:37 < nirik> I have heard from a number of staffers that the new ircd should help block floodbots like we were seeing this last week.
16:37 < nirik> but I have no details on how it would.
16:37 < EvilBob> This is working, keeping some of the part/join noise down even
16:38 < nirik> from the freenode blog: "This new ircd provides a number of exciting new capabilities including improved capability to deal with spam of all kinds, including this most recent type which is entirely mitigated by improvements in seven"
16:38 < fenris02> the existint ircd is quite hackable
16:38 < thomasj> Works very well. Not just the spam bots are out, even most of the trolls.
16:38 < fenris02> also provides ircs
16:38 < EvilBob> The users "stuck" in -unregistered are not participants in the channel anyhow
16:38 < thomasj> Speaking of #fedora now
16:39 < nirik> yeah, it's caught a few of those for sure.
16:39 < fenris02> very few trolls remain in #fedora after +rR
16:39 < EvilBob> again with the +rR
16:39 < hiemanshu> I think the current setup is good, and probably even continue after the new IRCd
16:39  * fenris02 guesses that the number of kbans has gone down considerably since
16:40 < nirik> we don't have +R set. ;)
16:40 < nirik> but yeah...
16:40 < thomasj> No kick/ban from my side since we changed it.
16:40 < EvilBob> The current policy is different than the old policy
16:40 < nirik> so, sounds like folks are wanting to keep the current setup moving forward?
16:40 < thomasj> +1
16:40 < hiemanshu> +1
16:41 < Dan_NH> +1
16:41 < fenris02> EvilBob, what was the old policy?
16:41 < fenris02> +1 nirik
16:41 < EvilBob> the current sends unregistered users to a channel where communication is not prevented
16:41  * fenris02 nods
16:41 < EvilBob> the old policy sent them in to a muted channel
16:41 < EvilBob> +1 keep the current
16:41 < nirik> well, not sure we need to decide right now...
16:42 < fenris02> EvilBob, did the old policy work better, worse, or about the same as the current one?
16:42  * Dan_NH can see benefit of old policy.
16:42 < EvilBob> fenris02: does not matter it is not allowed
16:43 < nirik> EvilBob: ?
16:43 -!- cwickert [n=chris@fedora/cwickert] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:43 < fenris02> EvilBob, oic.  i'd asked about doing that a bit earlier
16:43 < EvilBob> fenris02: ;^) this is by far better
16:43 < EvilBob> fenris02: sending unknowing/uneducated users in to a block hole really sucked
16:44 < fenris02> ok, fair enough
16:44 < EvilBob> fenris02: with -unregistered not muted they can at least ask for help registering
16:44 < nirik> I think if we are going to go this long term we need: board buyin, and docs updated (to note about registering, etc).
16:45 < EvilBob> see "the board" when reading my "not allowed" comment
16:45 < thomasj> What docs need updating?
16:45 < nirik> thomasj: the communicate ones on the wiki most likely?
16:45 < nirik> and/or any of the install/release notes that talk about where to get help
16:46 < fenris02> the irc page on fp.o already mentions registering.  that's how i knew.  it does need updates - but only to add the newer channels (-uk, 398, freeipa, etc..)
16:46 < thomasj> nirik, good point
16:46 < nirik> EvilBob: sure, but I think we can get buyin if we approach with clear advantages, etc.
16:46 -!- poelcat [n=slick@fedora/poelcat] has quit "rebooting"
16:46 < nb> is anyone in #fedora-unregistered to help people register?
16:46 < EvilBob> nb: yes
16:46 < nirik> nb: yep. A number of us ops are.
16:46 < EvilBob> nb: most of the ops hang out there
16:46 < nb> oh ok
16:46  * nb will idle in there too
16:47 < nirik> we also have: a welcome message with a link, a topic with a link, a bot that spews every 15min with a note/link.
16:47 < nb> nice
16:47 < nirik> I think since freenode is now not +R, we could also point folks there to help get registered.
16:47 < EvilBob> nirik: I think we are doing everything "right" this time
16:47 < nirik> if we can't figure it out.
16:48 -!- fab_ [n=bellet@xxxxxxxxxxx] has quit Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)
16:48 < nirik> yeah, I think it's working not too bad...
16:48  * EvilBob waits for the next item
16:48 < nirik> anything further on this topic? or shall we move along?
16:48 < nirik> #topic Stats
16:48 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Stats (Meeting topic: IRC Support SIG (2010-01-21))
16:49 < nirik> weekly stats over at as usual.
16:49 < fenris02> woot!  not #1 for a change!
16:49 < nirik> been a lighter than normal week I think...
16:49 < nirik> yikes. I am.
16:50 < EvilBob> Looks like a few kicks, not a list of bans?
16:50 < nirik> sadly, one of the spammer links is in there. ;(
16:51 < nirik> (please don't click on it :)
16:51 < hiemanshu> at the top
16:51 < fenris02> 94x sheesh
16:51 -!- fab_ [n=bellet@xxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:51 < hiemanshu> I am sure imageshack does not have 527 img servers
16:51 -!- llaumgui [n=llaumgui@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:51 < fenris02> the host looks down anyhow
16:51 -!- MooDoo [n=paulmell@fedora/MooDoo] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:51 < EvilBob> In -social we had no kicks and one ban
16:51 < nirik> EvilBob: I think the second part talking about kicks was really bans.
16:52 -!- nullsys [n=nullsys@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:52 < EvilBob> user posted a link to a porn banners site
16:52 < nirik> but I can only think of one ban in fedora recently.
16:52  * Southern_Gentlem  
16:52 < EvilBob> I set a 1 weekban using the bot so it should autoexpire
16:52 < nirik> ok, anything further on stats? Perhaps we could ask to get stats on unregistered as well...
16:53 < nirik> EvilBob: you may need to check that, the bot might have been restarted since then... and it forgets it's timer then. ;(
16:53 < fenris02> EvilBob, unless the bot restarts somewhere between when you set +1w and 1w later.
16:53 < EvilBob> THe Sonars are out of town on Family business
16:53  * nirik restarted the bot on the 18th. 
16:53 < EvilBob> nirik fenris02: I have a note here somewhere
16:53 -!- fab_ is now known as fab
16:53 < nirik> ok, anything else on stats?
16:54 < EvilBob> if I never find it or forget it will get cleaned up someday
16:54 < nirik> #topic Open Floor
16:54 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Open Floor (Meeting topic: IRC Support SIG (2010-01-21))
16:55 < nirik> ok, I had nothing else off hand... anyone have any items for open floor?
16:55 < fenris02> the new -uk channel
16:55 < nullsys> :)
16:55 < Southern_Gentlem> nirik,  fedbot in -uk??
16:55 < Southern_Gentlem> nirik,  fedbot in -uk??
16:55 < nirik> ah yes, there is a new #fedora-uk channel starting up.
16:55 < EvilBob> the point of -uk?
16:55 < nb> do we want zodbot in therE?
16:55  * nb can join it
16:55 < nullsys> My and MooDoo set it up
16:55 -!- slipp3d [n=Slip@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:55 < nirik> nullsys: care to talk about the channel a bit?
16:56 < nirik> #topic #fedora-uk
16:56 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: #fedora-uk (Meeting topic: IRC Support SIG (2010-01-21))
16:56 < nullsys> Sure
16:56 < nb> .join #fedora-uk
16:56 -!- llaumgui [n=llaumgui@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)
16:56 < MooDoo> nirik: it's just a channel i thought we'd setup for uk users.
16:56 < EvilBob> Most #fedora-XX channels are for specific language support
16:56 < MooDoo> nothing special but it seems the people of the uk did want somewhere to go other than #fedora
16:56 < EvilBob> Last I checked those in the UK used English...
16:56 < Southern_Gentlem> basic to help organize UK people
16:56 < fenris02> MooDoo, purely out of curiosity - what reasons to they mention ?
16:57 < nirik> EvilBob: if we see someone type 'colour' we can send them there?
16:57 < nullsys> Myself and MooDoo are UK ambassadors. After I joined the ambassador group we had a discussion about the lack of response Fedora is seeing in the UK. So after speaking to rsc and a few other ambasadors we felt it would be a great idea to start a specific UK group were events, ideas and discussions could acumulate to a positive Fedora community for the UK
16:57 < EvilBob> nirik: or #fedora-Kanehdah
16:57 < nullsys> The positive response from the past 48 hours of it being active has been impressive.
16:57 < nirik> EvilBob: take off eh.
16:57 < Southern_Gentlem> ok guys the roads are getting bad so i am heading for the house
16:57 < MooDoo> fenris02: the ones i've spoken to, too busy, hard to get yourself heard, the odd one mentioned unhelpfulness [although i've experienced that]
16:57 < EvilBob> Southern_Gentlem: be safe
16:57 < nirik> Southern_Gentlem: drive safe.
16:58 < MooDoo> Southern_Gentlem: bye bye
16:58 < nullsys> Coupled with the website we have had new ambassador requests, new members, new irc users, new offers for freemedia distrobution and alot of requests to help with events and support
16:58 < fenris02> Southern_Gentlem, have a safe trip
16:58 < nirik> MooDoo: excellent. So we should point community folks that we notice that are in the uk your way?
16:58 < nullsys> THere is a specific mailing list, planet.* and hopefully a wiki/forum soon.
16:58 < fenris02> MooDoo, unhelpfulness = reading docs, or rudeness?
16:58 -!- stickster [n=nnnnpfri@fedora/stickster] has quit "Terminated with extreme prejudice - dircproxy 1.2.0"
16:58 < EvilBob> Building Community is a great reason for the channel
16:58 < MooDoo> fenris02: rudeness
16:58 < fenris02> the fp.o page should mention -uk as well imho
16:59 < EvilBob> MooDoo: I resemble that remark
16:59 < nirik> yeah, can get it added there.
16:59 -!- stickster [n=pfrields@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
16:59 < nullsys> Thanks fenris02, that would be a great positive help to do that.
16:59 < nullsys> I have a blog on blogs.* and the room is also mentioned in two other places on the wiki
17:00 < EvilBob> Many people find someone pointing them to a document rude
17:00 < nullsys> spot is of course the owner of the channel, but we have also had help from VileGent, nirik and others. So I also just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has helped so far.
17:00 < fenris02> EvilBob, thats why i had to ask, to make exactly that distinction
17:00 < EvilBob> I have experienced this reaction from many including those from the UK
17:00 < nirik> excellent. If you guys need any further help, let us know!
17:00 < nullsys> will do, dont you worry ;)
17:00 < nirik> anything further on #fedora-uk ?
17:01 < MooDoo> nothing i can think of, approval would be good ;)
17:01 < EvilBob> Send those that need help to #fedora, send a chaperon if needed
17:01 -!- nphilipp [n=nils@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit "Leaving"
17:01 < MooDoo> EvilBob: that's what we'd do anyway
17:01 < nullsys> Absolutely, we dont want to be an alternative for fedora channels, just somewhere specific for uk users.
17:01 < fenris02> anytime you have 500+ people, there will be some rude apples
17:02 < nullsys> thanks for letting us talk :)
17:02 < nirik> #topic Open Floor Redux
17:02 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Open Floor Redux (Meeting topic: IRC Support SIG (2010-01-21))
17:02 < nirik> ok, anything further before we close out?
17:02 < Dan_NH> thank you for having this meeting in the open.
17:03 < nullsys> I'd just like to say thanks to everyone for welcoming me to the community, im very new here but the support has been great.
17:03 < EvilBob> Just request to continue to be tolerant of others perhaps being more relaxed than you are or might expect
17:03 -!- tibbs [n=tibbs@fedora/tibbs] has joined #fedora-meeting
17:04 < nirik> Dan_NH: no problem. Thanks for coming. We really want more feedback from the community if we can get it...
17:04 < nirik> EvilBob: +1
17:04 < EvilBob> Just because someone likes to joke a bit does not mean that they should be "removed"
17:05 -!- giallu [n=giallu@fedora/giallu] has quit Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
17:05 < EvilBob> Hope we have another Great week
17:05 < MooDoo> what about requesting ops for a channel?
17:05 < fenris02> that's a thin line EvilBob ... if the joke involves steering someone to breaking their system, it is not funny
17:05 < EvilBob> Oh and welcome hiemanshu
17:05 < hiemanshu> Thank you EvilBob :)
17:05 < fenris02> oh, we didnt welcome hiemanshu last week?  my bad
17:05 < nirik> MooDoo: which channel?
17:05 < MooDoo> #fedora-ambassadors
17:05 < nirik> oh yeah, welcome hiemanshu
17:06 < nirik> MooDoo: you would have to talk to spot about that...
17:06 < EvilBob> fenris02: setting the default runlevel to 6 is not breaking a system and is VERY funny... ;^)
17:06 < EvilBob> NOTE: Dont do this
17:06 < hiemanshu> EvilBob: +1
17:06 < MooDoo> nirik: ok thanks
17:06 < hiemanshu> nirik, fenris02 : Thank you :)
17:06 < nirik> thanks for coming everyone!
17:06 < EvilBob> Buhbye
17:06 < nirik> #endmeeting
17:06 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Channel is used by various Fedora groups and committees for their regular meetings | Note that meetings often get logged | For questions about using Fedora please ask in #fedora | See for meeting schedule
17:06 < zodbot> Meeting ended Thu Jan 21 17:07:21 2010 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at .
17:06 < zodbot> Minutes:
17:06 < zodbot> Minutes (text):
17:06 < zodbot> Log:  
17:06 -!- MooDoo [n=paulmell@fedora/MooDoo] has left #fedora-meeting []
17:07 < hiemanshu> No one spoke bacon this week :P
17:07 -!- fenris02 [n=dj@fedora/fenris02] has left #fedora-meeting ["Leaving"]
17:07 < Dan_NH> pork? :P
17:07 < nirik> hiemanshu: thats pretty shocking.
17:07 < hiemanshu> nirik: probably because the Sonar_* were missing :)
17:08  * nullsys runs off into the caverns of cheerio breakfast cereal...
17:08 < nullsys> thanks all
17:08 -!- nullsys [n=nullsys@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has left #fedora-meeting ["Byesicles"]
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19:59 < mmcgrath> #startmeeting
19:59 < zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 21 20:00:08 2010 UTC.  The chair is mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at
19:59 < zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:59 -!- nullsys [n=nullsys@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
19:59  * ricky 
19:59 < mmcgrath> #topic Who's here?
19:59 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Who's here?
19:59  * ricky 
19:59  * jds2001 
19:59 < jaxjax> Hi
19:59  * wzzrd 
20:00 < abadger1999> Here.
20:00  * nirik is lingering in the back
20:00 -!- sijis [n=sijis@fedora/sijis] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:00 < nullsys> Here
20:00  * sijis is here
20:00 -!- a-k [n=akistler@2002:638e:2930:3:20d:56ff:fe10:bb8d] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:00 < jaxjax> I'm newby here
20:00  * a-k is
20:00 < mmcgrath> Lets see if we can get through the meeting without taking the wiki down or losing a chunk of one of our production switches.
20:00 < mmcgrath> OK, lets get started
20:01 < mmcgrath> #topic Infrastructure -- Tickets
20:01 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Tickets
20:01  * sijis is wondering how a meeting can take down the wiki
20:01 < mmcgrath> sijis: ehh, we lost the wiki twice last night for seemingly very strange reasons.
20:01 < mmcgrath> .tiny
20:01 < zodbot> mmcgrath:
20:01 < mmcgrath> hey look, no tickets.
20:01 < mmcgrath> that makes this easy.
20:01 < mmcgrath> #topic
20:01 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:
20:01 < jaxjax> :)
20:02 < mmcgrath> So this is kind of an odd topic since we don't really deal directly with the OS all that often.
20:02 < mmcgrath> but -
20:02 -!- brothers [n=brothers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:02 < mmcgrath> is unofficially online.
20:02 < mmcgrath> I'd appreciate it if people with abilities can give it a try.
20:02 < mmcgrath> there's experimental stuff on there that flat out doesn't work
20:02 -!- giallu [n=giallu@fedora/giallu] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:02 < mmcgrath> but install and rescue bits should
20:03 < mmcgrath> Has anyone had a chance to play with it yet?
20:03 < abadger1999> Anyway to generate a list of what's hosted semi-automatically?
20:03 < mmcgrath> abadger1999: on fedorahosted?
20:03 < abadger1999> On boot.fp.o
20:03 < abadger1999> The images we can boot.
20:04 < mmcgrath> abadger1999: ah, I'll try to get one together, at the moment just install media.  I'm hoping to get live media going though
20:04 < wzzrd> mmcgrath: boot is wicked; anything specific you want tested?
20:04 < mmcgrath> wzzrd: just it, over and over and over.
20:04 < wzzrd> doing it as we speak
20:04 < mmcgrath> if it's buggy I don't want to expose the users to it yet.
20:04 -!- drago01 [n=linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
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20:04 -!- fraggle_ [n=fraggle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit "-ENOBRAIN"
20:05 < mmcgrath> abadger1999: oh, and some other tools are on there.
20:05 < jds2001> is BKO officially launcehd yet?
20:05 < sijis> is this going to be the new way to install fedora?
20:05 < mmcgrath> the thing that's nice is we can update it without having to force people to re-burn the image.
20:05 < mmcgrath> jds2001: good question, I'm not sure if he's advertising it actively or not yet.
20:05 < mmcgrath> BFO (based on BKO) is not yet official but I have a feature request in
20:05 < mmcgrath> sijis: it's going to be "a new way" to install fedora
20:06 < wzzrd> won't this cost massive bandwidth? or doesn't that matter?
20:06 < sijis> gotcha, an alternative
20:06 < mmcgrath> wzzrd: actually, as it stands right now, it won't.
20:06 < mmcgrath> since it relies on the mirrors.
20:06 < mmcgrath> having said that... if we go into live media..  That gets much trickier.
20:06 < Oxf13> yeah
20:06 < mmcgrath> and involves some architectural decisions.
20:07 < mmcgrath> I may not post them at all, I may just point to what BKO already has setup.
20:07 < Oxf13> mmcgrath: is there anything about boot.fp.o that requires releng to put content somewhere different/else/triggersomething/whatever?
20:07 < mmcgrath> Oxf13: not really, the one thing I was hoping from you guys is to get some things into our default initrd's that aren't there now
20:07 < mmcgrath> like iscsi and nfs support
20:07 < mmcgrath> other then that I don't think there's any changes for anyone.
20:08 < Oxf13> I've been trying to get notting and warthog to talk about that for months :/
20:08 < mmcgrath> Oxf13: as I understand it there's an ordering problem with dracut.
20:08 < Oxf13> I really don't know what the deal is
20:08 < mmcgrath> Oxf13: perhaps after the meeting you can step me through exactly what command you run to build an ISO and I can do some tests and see if I can get it working.
20:08 < mmcgrath> I've gotten it working after the fact.
20:08 < mmcgrath> but in the actual build process I'm a little confused what is going on
20:08 < Oxf13> sure
20:09 -!- quaid [n=quaid@fedora/quaid] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:09 < mmcgrath> Anyone else have any questions about that?
20:09 < mmcgrath> If not we'll move on.
20:09 < mmcgrath> k
20:09 < mmcgrath> #topic The outages last night
20:09 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: The outages last night
20:09 < mmcgrath> So last night was weird.
20:10 < mmcgrath> special thanks for ricky and nigel for taking care of things.
20:10 < mmcgrath> The wiki went out twice, then we lost a switch blade in one of our switches.
20:10 -!- dwmw2_gone is now known as dwmw2_WLG
20:10 < mmcgrath> that's now replaced as of an hour or two ago.
20:10 -!- mchua_afk is now known as mchua
20:10 < mmcgrath> We're not sure if the switch issues caused the wiki issues or not
20:10 < mmcgrath> really not much else to say about that.
20:10 < mmcgrath> #topic NTP
20:10 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: NTP
20:10 < mmcgrath> smooge: this all done?
20:11 < smooge> NTP is done
20:11 < ricky> I have some puppet errors about being unable to remove the ntp package
20:11 < ricky> Some machines need system-config-date for something, and thus need ntp
20:11 < mmcgrath> ricky: how many errors?
20:12 < ricky> So I'd juts disable the service and not remove the package in ntp::noclient
20:12 < smooge> all hardware systems should be running NTP
20:12 < smooge> oh ok
20:12 < smooge> I can change the logic
20:12 < ricky> compose machines, spin1, publictest2
20:12 < smooge> sorry didn't know that
20:12 < ricky> No worries, it didn't cause any harm
20:12 < pjones> mmcgrath: Oxf13: the ordering problem is that there's no way to tell rpm to order something earlier in the transaction /if and only if/ it's already there.
20:12 < mmcgrath> ricky: so non-RHEL hosts?
20:13 < smooge> well I was planning on installing it on all machines at first and just have it not running.. but I was worried if that was outside of standard scope
20:13 < ricky> Ah, looks like it, didn't notice that.
20:13 < mmcgrath> pjones: is there some command we can run in %post?
20:14 < pjones> not really; for mpath I'm probably going to change anaconda to set hostonly in the dracut config and rebuild the initrd at the end of install.  which sucks.
20:14 < pjones> (we could make other things do that as well)
20:14 < mmcgrath> pjones: mind if I ping you after the meeting for more?
20:15 < pjones> mmcgrath: no problem
20:15 < mmcgrath> smooge: ricky: we can take a look after the meeting
20:15 < mmcgrath> ricky: what is the error btw?
20:15 < smooge> np
20:15 < ricky> Thu Jan 21 17:10:55 +0000 2010 //ntp::noclient/Package[ntp]/ensure (err): change from 4.2.4p8-1.fc13 t
20:15 < ricky> o absent failed: Execution of '/bin/rpm -e ntp-4.2.4p8-1.fc13.x86_64' returned 1: error: Failed depend
20:15 < ricky> encies: ntp is needed by (installed) system-config-date-1.9.53-1.fc13.noarch
20:15 < mmcgrath> ricky: thanks.
20:16 < dgilmore> we should use yum to remove it :)
20:16 -!- fraggle_ [n=fraggle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:16 < mmcgrath> Ok, any questions on that?
20:16 < mmcgrath> dgilmore: I think puppet actually used to do that.
20:17 < mmcgrath> Ok, moving along
20:17 < mmcgrath> #topic Search Engine
20:17 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Search Engine
20:17 < mmcgrath> a-k: around?
20:17 < a-k> yep
20:17 < a-k> One of our candidates, Xapian, is on publictest3
20:17 -!- cassmodiah [n=cassie@fedora/cassmodiah] has quit Remote closed the connection
20:17 < a-k> I got it to crawl to a depth of 4 (after about 4 hours of running)
20:17 < mmcgrath> how'd the crawl go?
20:17 < a-k> I expected disk to be the issue, but it was memory, instead
20:18 < a-k> The indexer chewed up all the memory at a depth of 5 (after about 10 hours of running)
20:18 < a-k> So I backed off one level
20:18 < a-k> The search tool is available at:
20:18 -!- _lmr_ [n=lmr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)
20:18 < a-k> #link
20:18 < a-k> Nutch is next to do
20:18 < a-k> I'll update the wiki with the new info on publictest
20:18 -!- _lmr_ [n=lmr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:19 < a-k> huzaifas also says he'll be updating the wiki with the stuff he's evaluated in the past month or so
20:19 -!- bochecha [n=bochecha@fedora/bochecha] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:19 < a-k> That's about it for now
20:19 < mmcgrath> a-k: excellent.
20:19 < mmcgrath> seems pretty peppy
20:19 < mmcgrath> a-k: do you need more memory?
20:19 < mmcgrath> how much does pt3 have now?
20:19 < a-k> I don't know if the memory issue was a leak or if it really needs more
20:19 < a-k> We could always try more, if you're up for it
20:20 < a-k> But I don't know how much more more is
20:20 < jds2001> its got 2gb
20:20 < a-k> A 2g of swap
20:20 < mmcgrath> jds2001: it's x86_64 though :-/
20:20 < mmcgrath> hmm
20:20 < mmcgrath> I wonder if we should rebuild it i386
20:20 < jds2001> mmcgrath: it's at ibiblio, so we've got plenty of resources there
20:20 -!- _lmr_ [n=lmr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit Remote closed the connection
20:20 < a-k> Where will it run when deployed?
20:21 < a-k> ... if ever ...
20:21 < mmcgrath> yeah
20:21 < jds2001> on the app servers, i think....
20:21 < mmcgrath> a-k: probably across multiple hosts in PHX2
20:21 < mmcgrath> a-k: can I reboot publictest3 right now?
20:21 < a-k> reboot, sure
20:22 < a-k> But it will run on x86_64, right, so we should test there
20:22 < jds2001> mmcgrath: how are you doing this? :)
20:22 < mmcgrath> a-k: it may or may not.
20:22 < mmcgrath> a-k: we run lots of stuff on i386 and get a considerable memory savings on some.
20:22 < mmcgrath> a-k: ok, publictest3 is booting and now has 4G of RAM.
20:22 < mmcgrath> we'll see if that helps.
20:23 < mmcgrath> Anyone have any other questions about that?
20:23 -!- _lmr_ [n=lmr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:23 < mmcgrath> jds2001: I'm doing it on ibiblio1 if that's what you're asking?
20:24 < mmcgrath> anywho, that's that
20:24 < mmcgrath> #topic Noobs?
20:24 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Noobs?
20:24 < mmcgrath> Any new people around that want to say hey?
20:25 < nullsys> Im a noob
20:25 < _yawns_> hey
20:25 < mmcgrath> nullsys: yeah, you're working with the websites team right?
20:25 < ricky> Welcome
20:25 < mmcgrath> and helped with blogs?
20:25 < jaxjax> Hi
20:25  * wzzrd is a noob too :-)
20:25  * dgilmore is n00b
20:25 < nullsys> hiemanshu, been around  a week or two. Working on blogsadmin, helping out with website team on a few projects. Im an ambassador and in the freemedia group. Also working with MooDoo to head the fedora-uk stuff too.
20:25 < nullsys> sorry, "hi" + tab again lol.
20:26 < mmcgrath> nullsys: excellent, welcome
20:26 < nullsys> thanks :)
20:26 < mmcgrath> _yawns_: you're new?  what brings you to Infrastructure?
20:26 < hiemanshu> nullsys: fix it :)
20:26 < nullsys> Told you i'd bug you :P
20:26 < _yawns_> interested in helping how I can
20:27 < _yawns_> not really sure exactly in what fashion yet
20:27 < nullsys> Im sure plenty of projects require allsorts of happy. Have you had a look at the different ways you can "join"?
20:28 < _yawns_> I had a look around a bit last night and saw this meeting today
20:28 < mmcgrath> _yawns_: interested just in something in Fedora or in Infrastructure specifically?
20:28 < _yawns_> Infrastructure seemed to match my interest the most as well as skill set
20:29 < mmcgrath> _yawns_: well make sure you've read through -
20:29 < _yawns_> I hope you don't mind if I sit in and listen for a while
20:29 < _yawns_> will do
20:29 < mmcgrath> jaxjax: I know you're new here, tell us a bit about yourself and what you were interested in doing.
20:29 < mmcgrath> _yawns_: of course not.
20:29 < nullsys> If I could offer any advice here, it would be to contact any project leaders your interested in helping out with. Also a good setup for your wiki user page would help any questions asked. Good luck with it.
20:30 < _yawns_> Thanks :)
20:30 -!- warren [n=warren@redhat/wombat/warren] has quit "Leaving"
20:30 < jaxjax> Hi I'm interested about virtualization and stor
20:30 < jaxjax> Sorry storage
20:30 < mmcgrath> jaxjax: ah, have you read through the GettingStarted page?
20:30 < jaxjax> But will help with everything you think I can help with
20:31 < jaxjax> Yeah I did
20:31 < jaxjax> Sent my intro last days
20:31 < jaxjax> I think I can help a lot just let me how
20:32 < mmcgrath> jaxjax: excellent, lets meet up after the meeting
20:32 < jaxjax> Sure
20:32 < mmcgrath> Ok, anyone have anything else to say before I open the floor?
20:33 < mmcgrath> k
20:33 < mmcgrath> #topic Open Floor
20:33 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Open Floor
20:33 < mmcgrath> Anyone have anything in particular they'd like to discuss?
20:34 < wzzrd> i saw gregdek has created a cloud sig
20:34 < mmcgrath> wzzrd: he did, I'm on it.
20:34 < Oxf13> "cloud"
20:34 < mmcgrath> :)
20:34 < wzzrd> is that something the Infra team will cooperate in, in any way?
20:34 < mmcgrath> wzzrd: well, that's a complex question.  Fedora was actually going to offer some free guests running in the cloud.
20:34 < mmcgrath> but the software to manage that cloud never really got put together.
20:35 < mmcgrath> so it's very much left in a state of limbo at the moment.
20:35 < wzzrd> i guess management software like that gets real complex real quick
20:35 < mmcgrath> wzzrd: espeically when the requirements are completely spelled out.
20:36 < skvidal> mmcgrath: or they are - but they're spelled out mostly in klingon :)
20:36 < mmcgrath> heh
20:36 < mmcgrath> Oh, one thing I wanted to mention
20:36 < mmcgrath> did everyone have a chance to look through -
20:36 < mmcgrath> ?
20:36 < mmcgrath> Nothing too objectionable about it?
20:37 < wzzrd> pretty long read; not completely through it
20:37 < smooge> "cloud" poop
20:37 < mmcgrath> wzzrd: yeah, we also have a security policy that's worth a look.
20:37 < mmcgrath> oh, and the free software policy :)
20:37 < mmcgrath>
20:38 < mmcgrath>
20:38 -!- jaxjax [n=jaxjax@xxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit "Leaving"
20:38 < wzzrd> my eyes are almost square from reading fp.o stuff already :)
20:38 -!- jaxjax [n=jaxjax@xxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:38 < skvidal> 'eyes  are almost square'
20:38 < skvidal> I'll have to remember that one
20:38 < mmcgrath> heh
20:38 < Oxf13> the cloud sig will first focus on getting our EC2 presence up to date
20:38 < wzzrd> is that the wrong way to say it?
20:39 < Oxf13> and moving forward keeping it up to date
20:39 -!- rrix [n=rrix@fedora/PhrkOnLsh] has quit "leaving"
20:39 < Oxf13> after that, not sure what the next goal will be
20:39 < skvidal> wzzrd: I'm sure it's not - I've just never heard it before
20:39 -!- PhrkOnLsh [n=rrix@fedora/PhrkOnLsh] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:39 < mmcgrath> Oxf13: yeah, that's a worthy goal at least.
20:39 -!- PhrkOnLsh is now known as rrix
20:39 < wzzrd> skvidal: literally translated from Dutch
20:39 < mmcgrath> Ok, so anyone have anything else to say?  if not we'll end the meeting a little early today
20:39 < skvidal> wzzrd: it sounds great
20:40 < mmcgrath> ok then, done :)
20:40 < mmcgrath> #endmeeting
20:40 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Channel is used by various Fedora groups and committees for their regular meetings | Note that meetings often get logged | For questions about using Fedora please ask in #fedora | See for meeting schedule
20:40 < zodbot> Meeting ended Thu Jan 21 20:41:31 2010 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at .
20:40 < zodbot> Minutes:
20:40 < zodbot> Minutes (text):
20:40 < zodbot> Log:  

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