Meeting Log - 2009-01-28

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20:00 < mmcgrath> #startmeeting Infrastructure
20:00 < zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 28 20:02:02 2010 UTC.  The chair is mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at
20:00 < zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to:  (Meeting topic: Infrastructure)
20:00 -!- a-k [n=akistler@2002:6397:8981:3:20d:56ff:fe10:bb8d] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:00 < mmcgrath> #topic Role Call
20:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Role Call (Meeting topic: Infrastructure)
20:00 < mmcgrath> who's here?
20:01  * a-k is
20:01 < yawns1> Here
20:01 < wzzrd> here
20:03 < mmcgrath> well, this is going to be a short meeting :)
20:03 < mmcgrath> #topic Infrastructure -- Tickets.
20:03 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Infrastructure -- Tickets. (Meeting topic: Infrastructure)
20:04  * Oxf13 here
20:04 < mmcgrath> Looks like no tickets
20:04 -!- cmpahar [n=cmpahar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:04 < mmcgrath> #topic PHX Network outage this morning
20:04 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: PHX Network outage this morning (Meeting topic: Infrastructure)
20:04 < mmcgrath> the outage seems to be over.  I've not heard of the root cause yet.  We were seeing a 25% packet loss.
20:05 < mmcgrath> #topic Search Engine
20:05 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Search Engine (Meeting topic: Infrastructure)
20:05 < mmcgrath> a-k: want to talk about the latest?
20:05 < a-k> Sure
20:05 < a-k> The additional memory allocated for publictest3 helped Xapian a lot
20:05 < a-k> #link
20:05 -!- sgallagh [n=sgallagh@nat/redhat/x-kkeogxbyaopwqnes] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:05 < a-k> ... now has about 40k documents indexed to depth 5, instead of 15k documents to depth 4
20:05 < a-k> I haven't tested the new limits for how deeply I can crawl before things break again
20:05 < mmcgrath> excellent.
20:06 < a-k> I'm in the process of installing Nutch
20:06 < a-k> I really do expect Nutch to be disk bound, because it makes a copy of everything it indexes
20:06 < a-k> I'll see how fast it eats space probably later today
20:06 < mmcgrath> a raw copy or does it have some sort of compression it does?
20:06 -!- maravillo [n=maravilm@xxxxxxxxxxxx] has joined #fedora-meeting
20:06 < a-k> Do we know how much disk the wiki uses?
20:06 < a-k> I don't know about compression
20:07 < mmcgrath> well
20:07 < a-k> I can find out though ...
20:07 < mmcgrath> I can give you an estimate, one sec.
20:08 < mmcgrath> a-k: k, I'm running a job to see how big an uncompressed version of the db dump is
20:08 < a-k> OK
20:09 < mmcgrath> looks like it's about 920M
20:09 < a-k> M, not G ?
20:09 < mmcgrath> correct
20:09 < mmcgrath> that excludes images and things
20:09 < mmcgrath> that's just the text from the wiki
20:09 < a-k> OK
20:09 < a-k> Oops
20:09 < a-k> #link
20:10 < a-k> left off the important part in the last #link
20:10 < a-k> I think that's about it for now
20:10 < mmcgrath> a-k: excellent thanks.
20:10 < mmcgrath> I think that's really it for the moment.
20:10 < wzzrd> pretty fast
20:10 < mmcgrath> it's been a slow week.
20:10 < mmcgrath> #topic Open Floor
20:10 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Open Floor (Meeting topic: Infrastructure)
20:11 < mmcgrath> Anyone have anything they'd like to discuss?
20:11 < yawns1> mmcgrath: i'd like talk to you about how I can help out.
20:11 < yawns1> mmcgrath: maybe after the meeting
20:11 < Oxf13> I'd like to test doing simultaneous composes on /mnt/koji
20:11 < mmcgrath> yawns1: sure, we can chat in #fedora-admin after the meeting.
20:11 < Oxf13> to see if we can get no frozen rawhide activated for F13
20:11 < yawns1> mcgrath: great
20:12 < mmcgrath> what will that entail?
20:12 < Oxf13> mmcgrath: we'll need to use a second releng box that has write access to /mnt/koji
20:12 < mmcgrath> <nod>
20:12 < Oxf13> we may already have that, lmacken was testing some bodhi stuff
20:12 < mmcgrath> releng1 should be up and ready for it.
20:13 < mmcgrath> Oxf13: is everything that should be on alt already there for the work you were doing today?
20:13 < dgilmore> Oxf13: hopefully it will go soothly with the new storage
20:13 < Oxf13> ah goot.
20:13 < Oxf13> mmcgrath: yes
20:13 < dgilmore> reminds me i need to follow up on getting a tracking number
20:13 < Oxf13> dgilmore: yeah, but the timing is kinda bad.  need to have NFR ready in like 2 weeks
20:13 < dgilmore> Oxf13: right
20:13 < mmcgrath> Oxf13: has it already made it to ?
20:13 < Oxf13> if it works with current storage, we can expect it just gets faster
20:14 < Oxf13> mmcgrath: does not appear to have
20:14 < Oxf13> mmcgrath: it was on alt. within a few minutes of when I pinged you about it
20:14 < mmcgrath> Oxf13: k, its schedule dto run every hour at 15 past
20:14 < mmcgrath> which is in like 15 seconds :)
20:14 < mmcgrath> lets see if it starts pickign it up and how long it takes.
20:14 < Oxf13> k
20:15 < Oxf13> it's a fairly small amount of content this time
20:15 < mmcgrath> bingo, there it goes.  lets see how it goes.
20:15 < Oxf13> 862M
20:15 < mmcgrath> alrighty
20:15 < mmcgrath> Oxf13: anyone have anything else they'd like to discuss?  if not we can close the meeting early today.
20:16 < Oxf13> "releng1" has a hostname of "koji01"
20:16 < Oxf13> mmcgrath: i don't think I have anything else, we can keep talking about releng1 in #fedora-admin
20:16 < mmcgrath> Oxf13: heh, quality.  yeah I'll get that all figured out today.
20:16 < Oxf13> k
20:17 < mmcgrath> Alrighty, I'll close the meeting in 30 if no one has anything else.
20:17 -!- _buno_ [n=bernd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] has quit "Ex-Chat"
20:24 < mmcgrath> Sorry guys, forgot to actually end the meeting
20:24 < mmcgrath> #endmeeting
20:24 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Channel is used by various Fedora groups and committees for their regular meetings | Note that meetings often get logged | For questions about using Fedora please ask in #fedora | See for meeting schedule
20:24 < zodbot> Meeting ended Thu Jan 28 20:25:30 2010 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at .
20:24 < zodbot> Minutes:
20:24 < zodbot> Minutes (text):
20:24 < zodbot> Log:  

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