On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, Todd Zullinger wrote:
Jesse Keating wrote:
Can one of the mailman folks look into this?
I believe this is basically due to lists.fedoraproject.org using the
Mailman default archiver (pipermail) versus redhat.com using MHonArc
as the archiver. There's a ticket open regarding other archive
differences where MHonArc is suggested as a potential enhancement¹.
I'm not certain whether we can switch over at this point without
breaking existing URLs which point to the archives on lists.fp.o,
which would be one of the main concerns IMO.
¹ https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/1180
We can import the new archives - but I'm not positive it is worth it to do
if people want more advanced archives point them to gmane, seriously.
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