Squid Proxy Cache Users
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Coss stable for squid3 ?,
David B.
"retry_on_error on" not effective for failed CONNECT request,
Squid Transparent and Apache,
Alberto García Gómez
Priority of http over https traffic,
squid squid
Blacklist in Squid,
Want to improve the Request Hit Ratios to 99.999%,
ongoing gmail attachment problem,
Daniel Rose
Is it possible that the proxy server acts as web server when the real web server is down temporally,
output of squidclient mgr:info,
Guido Marino Lorenzutti
Postmap question,
Augusto Casagrande
NTLM - log failed authentications,
Alejandro Bednarik
Auth NTLM ?,
Phibee Network Operation Center
Build squid on x64 Windows,
Serge Fonville
Icap Reqmod,
Robert Szabo
Logging ACL name matched,
Evan Champion
-k reconfigure to slow,
Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz
Purge of those dynamic url return 404,
Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz
Secure connections with accelerator cache,
Brian Mearns
Connection issue of the Inps software EMENS (Italy Only) - Solution,
Sergio Marchi
anonymous proxy,
In what order does acls work,
Siju George
msn messenger login issue,
Accelerator mode, select peer form request destination ip (feature request?),
Justo Alonso
Strange site access problem,
Meyerovich Aleksandr EH_NY
Squid & squid_session,
Adam Binks
jesred: regex,
Riccardo Castellani
Squid 3.1 + mrtg,
Babu Chaliyath
Squid Auth question for machines not belonging to a AD domain,
Markus Moeller
Squid + WCCP + TProxy,
Roth, Joe
squid seems to be altering Content-Type response headers,
ntlm_auth issue,
Hendrik Suantio
squid always generates 2 lines of syslog,
Squid redirector not working with "?" in url,
squid_ldap_auth \5c issue,
Hendrik Suantio
ERR_ACCESS_DENIED despite ACLChecklist...answer=1,
Brian Mearns
Squid 3.0.STABLE20 is available,
Amos Jeffries
prefer ipv4 addresses,
Brian J. Murrell
Pb with Microsoft Integrated Login and Squid 3.1,
can squid filter the contents of request's payload?,
Asim Ahmed @ Folio3
can squid redirect the browser?,
squid refresh_pattern question,
Transparent SSL allowed list. If not possible with squid, would it be possible other ways?,
Matthew Young
Squid 2.7 with ICAP,
Kelly, Jack
LDAP authentication not working,
Jason McGuidwin
Problem with IPv6 config when destination is dual-stacked (but everything works when destination is IPv4 or IPv6 only),
Moser, Stefan (SIDB)
I keep getting connection refused,
Re: adding content to the cache -- a revisit,
Skipping logging certain traffic in access.log?,
Kelly, Jack
sibling peer problems,
SNMP counters for bytes in hits/misses,
Brian J. Murrell
Intermittent access issue for ssl sites,
John s
poor performance video caching,
J. Webster
Squid 2.7 on windows with authentication,
Jason McGuidwin
sslBump, error SSL unknown certificate error,
Tproxy4+squid: ebtables wiki,
Marko Kotar
Error with flight booking websites,
Alex Marsal
UfdbGuard refrences,
Anders Larsson
Squid ... delay in startup,
Asim Ahmed @ Folio3
Webpage partially downloaded via squid,
Gerard Saunders
Obtaining the GET query string from logs?,
Andres Salazar
Web Based Proxy like hidemyass.com, how to?,
Matthew Young
Writing a access_log for an acl user doesnt work!,
Matthew Young
Squid Server With Multiple Outgoing IPs, each ip with separate login and password,
Франсуа Мартiнес
using squid as a sql insersion filter,
Michael da Silva Pereire
Cache_peer based on destination's geoip,
Frito Lay
Re: half_closed_clients Policy Change,
Dimitri Syuoul
Set tcp_outgoing_address to take effect on the cache_peer,
Dimitri Syuoul
Managing timeouts,
Matthew Young
Caching youtube videos and similar...,
Guillermo Javier Nardoni
Help customizing ACLs sites with destination ports,
Matthew Young
Whois FD13,
Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz
external_acl_type, stops at externalAclLookup ?,
Joao S Veiga
Which is the best softwaer to Load Balancing over Wiless + ADSL,
Mr Crack
CHALLENGE super complex proxy scenario. There must be a practical way! commercial solution?,
Andres Salazar
Antoni Villalonga
how to add cache_dir without terminate existing squid,
johan firdianto
Interpreting this log,
Andres Salazar
Randomize outgoing_address,
Andres Salazar
Authentication fall through,
Matt Richards
password policy,
Indunil Jayasooriya
Help with srcdomain and IP lookups instead of rDNS,
Mark Ruder
getting started with Squid - suggestions on a router?,
Kevin Dankwardt
TCS with ServerIron,
Squid uses considerably more memory than 2.7.x,
Ralf Hildebrandt
TCS load balancing,
Looking for authentication ideas,
Squid throughput issue,
sz liu
Forcing source IP of an authenticated user's concurrent connections to be the same,
Junho Ryu
how do I pass through the proxy for all data within the intranet,
time ACL not working properly,
Asim Ahmed @ Folio3
3.0 STABLE 19: New cache_dirs are marked dirty?,
Ralf Hildebrandt
any comprehensive list of regex patterns for video blocking available?,
Asim Ahmed @ Folio3
Custom max-age header,
Struzik Wojciech
squid3: assertion failed: store_client.cc:430: "STORE_DISK_CLIENT == getType()",
Ralf Hildebrandt
problem with java aplets squid stable 2.6,
Hubert Choma
forwarding each src ip to specific proxy,
Andres Salazar
TCP_HIT/504 problem with small Squid cluster,
Robert Knepp
HTTPS connections through squid transparent,
Ryan Turnbull
List of mobile device regex for Microsoft OWA,
Nick Duda
1024 file descriptors is good,
Mariel Sebedio
squid performance results ready - reverse proxy - (2.6.x vs 3.1.x) - need help,
GaneshKumar Natarajan
ACL function problem,
Asim Ahmed @ Folio3
QUID stops responding intermittently.,
Asim Ahmed @ Folio3
If used as transparent proxy, anyway to authenticate users?,
Andres Salazar
help on squid setup,
Benedict simon
Compiling squid 3.0 on AIX,
Perry Smith
Squid not caching some sites,
Squid Reverse Proxy help,
Jones, Keven
squid centralized log,
anti spamЯ
Squid-2.6.5 SSL reverse proxy ?,
acl auth & time,
Michael Gargiullo
Posting Files,
Steve Allen
How To Allow Different Sites at Different Times,
Manuel Beltrandelrio
-X option causes squid to abort,
acl aclname myip,
Mikio Kishi
cache peer help,
intermittent hangings to one or another of the 30 users on squid.,
Andres Salazar
Confused on NTLM Passthrough,
Matt Weisberg
Allow Access - No Whitelist,
brian k chastain
Blacklists without Squid,
Alberto Medina
Squid Stops of working after some time,
Sergio Belkin
2 kerberos realms,
L.S. Keijser
ACL filter by domain AND url,
how to log headers,
Mario Remy Almeida
FW: Question about IPTABLES Configuration / Squid Proxy,
Andrew Schmid
Justin Yaple
206 response code,
Miguel Cruz
Setup Squid for http firefox surfing,
HIP Company
Forwarding Apache .htaccess authentication,
Kaya Saman
peerDigetSwapInCBlock failure in cache.log,
Werner Müller
Dynamic Whitelist?,
brian k chastain
error: url_rewriter,
Ross Kovelman
Re: https in transparent mode (fwd),
Al - Image Hosting Services
squid peering pipeIX in Aus,
Nathan Ridge
https in transparent mode,
Andres Salazar
squid -k <cmd> with multiple copies running,
Pieter De Wit
Squid miss Content-Type,
Change tcp_outgoing_address every hour, best way to do this?,
Andres Salazar
trouble with google,
Maurizio Marini
Bad url sites,
Ross Kovelman
Help with per user allowed list config.,
Andres Salazar
Increase File Descriptors,
John s
Lock Out times,
Ross Kovelman
FTP Error,
John Dakos [ Enovation Technologies ]
Squid-3.1 behaving differently from 2.7.x?,
Ralf Hildebrandt
Re: acl regex not working right [SOLVED],
Dayo Adewunmi
acl regex not working right,
Dayo Adewunmi
Squid-3.1: comm_open: socket failure: (97) Address family not supported by protocol,
Ralf Hildebrandt
bypass certain IP,
Said Jaffer
Digest Ldap Authentication got failed for some user accounts,
sankar m
<Possible follow-ups>
Digest Ldap Authentication got failed for some user accounts,
sankar m
(mis)understanding delay pools?,
Gavin McCullagh
Can every squid user get a different IP and max_body_size limit? or do I need several instances of squid?,
Andres Salazar
Re: AW: Re: Squid and Intranet,
- leer -
Connection Pinning,
Ross Kovelman
http_port 80 transparent issues,
Ross Kovelman
auth failed to downstream squid proxy,
negative ttl and 404,
Frank Ruiz
Transparent issues,
Ross Kovelman
Strange issues with accessing facebook and other php driven sites via proxy,
Kelly, Jack
Squid on multiple interfaces,
Jacopo Cappelli
truncated swfobject.js,
John Andrunas
Squid behavour,
Miguel Cruz
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