Hi, I have a Squid setup . Past 20 days am facing Intermittent access issue while opening ssl based websites . sitename: www.hdfcbank.com , and after than opening 'enetbanking.hdfcbank.com ' from the link provided in the Main Url . Issue is that sometimes,unable to access enetbanking site. Received following error in browser "connection to failed " and same time following log is observed in access.log file . "1256646352.314 203 TCP_MISS/200 1115 CONNECT enetbanking.hdfcbank.com:443 - DIRECT/ - 1256646508.001 59474 TCP_MISS/503 0 CONNECT enetbanking.hdfcbank.com:443 - DIRECT/ - 1256646568.029 59973 TCP_MISS/503 0 CONNECT enetbanking.hdfcbank.com:443 - DIRECT/ - 1256646568.069 40 TCP_MISS/200 39 CONNECT enetbanking.hdfcbank.com:443 - DIRECT/ - 1256646668.003 59704 TCP_MISS/503 0 CONNECT enetbanking.hdfcbank.com:443 - DIRECT/ - 1256646713.492 45068 TCP_MISS/200 62373 CONNECT enetbanking.hdfcbank.com:443 - DIRECT/ -" Following are some observations: 1:Stopped content filtering websense and checked ,but still unable to access website. 2:Squid Details. Version 2.5.STABLE14 3: Checked the squid faqs and disabled following options: client_persistent_connections off server_persistent_connections off 4:Enabled negative_dns_ttl 1 second Issue is for 1-2 min only. Please let me know is this related any Squid configuration error or ISP dns issue . Thanks in advance for help!!!! Regards John