tis 2009-11-03 klockan 07:43 -0800 skrev espoire20: > I have my Server proxy under Squid work very well but in the last time the > users start to use anonymous proxy that allow users to connect to the > Internet via an external site and bypass restrictions , so if you know some > blocking tools under squid or linux to stop this big problem The first and primary tool you need is an agreed and enforceable terms of use which clearly states that the users are not allowed to try to bypass the access restrictions. Then set up a blacklist of known proxy sites, responding with a clear message in the line of "Terms of use / Policy violation. Your unauthorized access have been reported to management". Then if users continue to intentionally ignore the rules then suitable action needs to be taken administratively. When this has been done once or twice the rest usually learns not to do the same.. Trying to fight this purely technical is a doomed failure. If the users want to bypass the rules and know it's entirely safe to do so then they will continue and all you end up with is a technical war between you as technical maintainer of the restrictions and your users trying to find ways to bypass whatever technical means you set up to implement the restrictions. Regards Henrik