lör 2009-10-31 klockan 21:23 +0800 skrev Hendrik Suantio: > Basically internet explorer or other browser will automatically insert > username "foo\jack" and password the same as login password for the > authentication, but when I check with : No it won't. MSIE can perform authmatic NTLM authentication which results in usernames like that, but when using basic authentication the user has to enter his login. > foo\jack somepassword > > Then, the debug will says that : > user filter 'sAMAccountName=foo\5cjack' This is the same as foo\jack in LDAP syntax. \ is a reserved/special character in LDAP and needs special treatment and is why it shows up as \5c here. \5c in a search filter matches a literal \ in the LDAP field. Regards Henrik