Linux Speakup
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- newby sound question, (continued)
- gpl,
jwantz at
- How can I undelete a file or directory?,
Octavian Rasnita
- Open Source and Sec. 508 -- An Invitation to Attend,
Janina Sajka
- speakup in Linux kernel!,
Whitley GS11 Cecil H
- Introduction about me,
- Please clarify my doubt,
- installing debian and windows xp,
Patrick Turnage
- Does Pine wrap lines?,
Octavian Rasnita
- long file names,
Tyler Spivey
- long dos filenames,
Raul A. Gallegos
- braille lite as a terminal?,
Tyler Spivey
- announcing trplayer-1.2.0-ts3,
Tyler Spivey
- testing lists,
Ed Barnes
- SSH and Firewalls?,
Steve Holmes
- Speakup with USB,
Jan Buchal
- please help with whois,
Gregory Nowak
- more apache info,
Gregory Nowak
- announcing Speakup-utils 0.1,
Ryan Mann
- A couple of questions.,
Cris Ali
- is this an attack attempt?,
Gregory Nowak
mo.valli at
- errors when installing speakup.,
Jeremy R Schmidt
- Installing Linux,
- Information Request,
- smbclient tar and windows shares,
Gregory Nowak
- Lynx and Java Script,
jwantz at
- buzzing sound in recordings,
Gregory Nowak
- bug in speakup,
Ryan Mann
- Installing Slackware 8.0,
- another dns question/problem,
Gregory Nowak
- mac address,
Gregory Nowak
- is there a way to emulate my Keynote PC as an accent in linux.,
Jeremy R Schmidt
- Painless and Painful,
jwantz at
- Question regarding talking redhat install.,
Aaron Howell
- Freeamp needs musicbrain, but I can't download it.,
Toby Fisher
- former power status,
Gregory Nowak
- speakup and the usenet,
Michael Malver
- How to find out the size of more files?,
Octavian Rasnita
- efax as fax-server?,
Dietmar Segbert
- german language with speakup,
Dietmar Segbert
- L i n k s Not lynx with speakup,
Dan Murphy
- Alex' Page,
Patricia Logan
- dynamic dns services,
Ed Barnes
- Links and javascript.,
Toby Fisher
- Visit my Homepage,
Alex Snow
- Amazingly dumb remark about Linux (fwd),
Ed Barnes
- testing list,
Ed Barnes
- Why Programmers Work For Free,
Alex Snow
- booking marking pages in lynx,
Gregory Nowak
John Lee
- vorbis questions,
Igor Gueths
- Enquiring Speakup for GUI Linux,
- UnitedLinux born without a Red Hat,
Dawes, Stephen
- nfbtrans question,
Igor Gueths
- Web Braille,
Steve Holmes
- linux spreading into government systems here and abroad,
- [DHS Members] DHS International - Emergency Down Time (fwd),
Ed Barnes
- linis-2.0pre and java,
Cheryl Homiak
- scanner advice?,
Adam Myrow
- HTML in Emacs,
Steve Holmes
- Amazingly dumb remark about Linux,
Adam Myrow
- Reply to your enquiry,
- Reply to your enquiry,
Ann Parsons
- Reply to your enquiry,
Ryan Mann
- Reply to your enquiry,
Ann Parsons
- Reply to your enquiry,
Raul A. Gallegos
- kernel synth info,
Patrick Turnage
- Reply to your enquiry,
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- Reply to your enquiry,
Ann Parsons
- Reply to your enquiry,
Dave Hunt <
- Reply to your enquiry,
Gregory Nowak
- Reply to your enquiry,
Ann Parsons
- Reply to your enquiry,
Raul A. Gallegos
- network problems,
Patrick Turnage
- Reply to your enquiry,
Gregory Nowak
- Reply to your enquiry,
Aaron Howell
- Reply to your enquiry,
Gregory Nowak
- Reply to your enquiry,
Ann Parsons
- Reply to your enquiry,
Igor Gueths
- Reply to your enquiry,
Ann Parsons
- Reply to your enquiry,
Dave Hunt <
- Reply to your enquiry,
Scott Howell
- Ripping audio from a DVD disk,
- IDE1/cdrom and cdwriter problem: interesting!,
Cheryl Homiak
- Minicom problem,
- #speakup on,
Deedra Waters
- My ide1 is back!!!,
Cheryl Homiak
- DecTalk express for sale,
Mike Pedersen
- trplayer problem.,
Thomas Stivers
- my mistake,
Deedra Waters
- cdrom/cdr trouble or ide1 problem: BIG TROUBLE I think,
Cheryl Homiak
- Kernel panic: no init found. try passing init to kernel,
- This could be a problem,
Adam Myrow
- imap daemon that supports maildir?,
Gregory Nowak
- problem with installing speakup,
Pham Trang
- Kernel problems.,
Thomas Ward
- sound card(s),
Cecil H. Whitley
- .fetchmailrc example,
Cecil H. Whitley
- speakup channel,
Deedra Waters
- Sound on the Motherboard,
- redhat speakup distribution and lynx.,
Nektarios Mallas
- Emacspeak howto,
Ann Parsons
- an interesting idea on how to deal with javascript. dealing with javascript (fwd),
Shaun Oliver
- sb16 problem taken care of,
Gregory Nowak
- [wb8foz@xxxxxxx: [dclug] while Rome burns, we squabble over what color the flames are...],
Scott Howell
- keymap trouble,
Raul A. Gallegos
- Recording from lin problem,
- US Robotics 56K Voice PCI,
- OT: From Today's Washington Post ...,
Janina Sajka
- Linux speakup distribution installation problem.,
Nektarios Mallas
- ACB and games.,
Thomas Ward
- Compiling new keymaps.,
Thomas Ward
- JFW keymap ready.,
Thomas Ward
- mail exchanger needed (fwd),
Ed Barnes
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Gregory Nowak
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Kerry Hoath
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Igor Gueths
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Gregory Nowak
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Igor Gueths
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Gregory Nowak
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Igor Gueths
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Gregory Nowak
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Igor Gueths
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Gregory Nowak
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Igor Gueths
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Gregory Nowak
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Igor Gueths
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Gregory Nowak
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Igor Gueths
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Gregory Nowak
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Cheryl Homiak
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Gregory Nowak
- <Possible follow-ups>
- problem configuring sb16 and alsa,
Thomas Ward
- 2.2R6 Speakup ISO,
Erik Heil
- test, plz ignore,
Keith Watson
- [t.toner@xxxxxxxxxxxx: tech buffs crack copy-protected CDs with a marker],
Buddy Brannan
- mutt and the list archive,
Gregory Nowak
Cecil H. Whitley
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