Hi all, I've got another dns question. I would like to set up dns for my internal lan in addition to my dns setup for my domain, since modifying /etc/hosts on every single box whenever I make a change is getting to be tedious and annoying. I know that you can setup chrooted servers for your lan and the wan, but I'm not that paranoied yet. I would like, of course, the boxes on my lan to have romualt.dhs.org as their domain, and to be in the 192.168.0.x ip range. My problem or lack of understanding is this. I know that I can simply identify the lan machines in the romualt.dhs.org zone file using a records as something like mybox 86400 a The problem however is that in my named.conf, I have notify yes; for the romualt.dhs.org zone. I obviously don't want my secondary dns servers to be notified about my lan. Can I get around this without needing to run a chrooted setup? Can I have more then one file per zone (for example romualt.dhs.org-int for my lan and romualt.dhs.org-ext for the world)? Any solution to this problem would be very welcome. Thanks for any help in advance. Greg