Hi everyone. Anna Schneider here. I've been quiet for a long time. So here's the deal. I got my computer a couple of months ago and have made almost no progress. I'm overwhelmed is the problem. I don't know where to start. Even the information available is too vast for me to know what to do with it. I'm one of those people who can't read How To and documentational text for very long. My brain fries pretty fast, and if I don't see any immediate application to it, it's even worse. I need some specific things to focus on to start and I need to know where to find them. So, I know about the info pages, and I know that there is a tutorial on the CD's I got, thoug I can't now remember how to use the cd's even though someone told me. And I know that a couple of the first things I need to accomplish are getting online with my new computer and bringing some sort of word processing/editting into play. Can anyone give me some very specific ideas on where to look to learn how to accomplish these things? Thanks. Anna