I've written a couple programs SPeakupcfg and Speakupctl that I thought some of you might find useful. Speakup-utils is a package that consists of the two utilities, speakupcfg and speakupctl. Speakupcfg can be used to configure Speakup's synthesizer settings using your arrow keys. You use the up and down arrow keys to raise and lower settings. You would use the right and left arrow keys to move between parameters. For example; When you start Speakupcfg, you should here something like Rate 9. If you hit the right-arrow, you would here something like pitch 50. After you're done adjusting your settings you can hit "q" to quit, and then save your settings with the command "speakupctl store." If you want your settings to be restored the next time you boot, you could put the following command in one of your start-up scripts: "/usr/local/bin/speakupctl restore". Compiling the programs First, unpack the archive by doing "gunzip speakup-utils.tar.gz", then "tar -x -f speakup-utils.tar." If you're sure you have the Gcc and G++ compilers, and the Ncurses libraries installed on your system, you can type the following commands from within the speakup-utils directory: make make install. Speakupctl and Speakupcfg will be installed in/usr/local/bin. Enjoy. If there are any questions, e-mail rmann at rmisp.net. -- Ryan