Hi, Well, I just as of a few minutes ago completed an install of Redhat 7.3 on my machine here at work using the upgrade option. It was very painless--all I did was hit enter after the install and it came up talking with absolutely no intervention on my part. After an iconfig command and a couple of route commands I had Internet connectivity. Based on this I would say that Redhat has really improved their upgrade procedure. Now, for the painful part. On my machine at home with exactly the same CD's I am now getting a failure in some script in /usr/src. Bill, if you are reading this, I'm sorry I don't have the specifics--it's at home. It definitely occurs after the 2nd stage initialization problem that was caused by the wrong boot.img, but its still early in the process. I'm tempted to put Linux on my WINDOWS machine and make it a dual boot system so I'm not down for long. I half suspect CD ROM problems on my old Linux machine. Jim Wantz WB0TFK