Fedora Websites
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- Re: Bug in Wiki Page "Get Info" Link
- From: "Siddharth Upmanyu" <siddharth@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bug in Wiki Page "Get Info" Link
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Bug in Wiki Page "Get Info" Link
- From: "Siddharth Upmanyu" <siddharth@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: WIki and kindofblue
- From: Michael Greifenkamp <grfnkmp@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: WIki and kindofblue
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: WIki and kindofblue
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Suggestion @ Fedoraproject / Wiki
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Suggestion @ Fedoraproject / Wiki
- From: "Paulo Santos" <paulo.banon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Suggestion @ Fedoraproject / Wiki
- From: "Siddharth Upmanyu" <siddharth@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Suggestion @ Fedoraproject / Wiki
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [Ambassadors] Suggestion @ Fedoraproject / Wiki
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Suggestion @ Fedoraproject / Wiki
- From: Máirín Duffy <duffy@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Suggestion @ Fedoraproject / Wiki
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Suggestion @ Fedoraproject / Wiki
- From: "Siddharth Upmanyu" <siddharth@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/scripts docbookhtml2php.py,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: reStructured Text now supported on the wiki
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Archive fedora-websites-list
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Info Feed
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Info Feed
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: WIki and kindofblue
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: WIki and kindofblue
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: reStructured Text now supported on the wiki
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Archive fedora-websites-list
- From: "Patrick W. Barnes" <nman64@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: WIki and kindofblue
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: reStructured Text now supported on the wiki
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: reStructured Text now supported on the wiki
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: WIki and kindofblue
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: reStructured Text now supported on the wiki
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- reStructured Text now supported on the wiki
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Archive fedora-websites-list
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Archive fedora-websites-list
- From: "Patrick W. Barnes" <nman64@xxxxxxxxx>
- Archive fedora-websites-list
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fwd: Fedora Project Wiki Account
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: WIki and kindofblue
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: WIki and kindofblue
- From: Michael Greifenkamp <grfnkmp@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: WIki and kindofblue
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: WIki and kindofblue
- From: Michael Greifenkamp <grfnkmp@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: WIki and kindofblue
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: WIki and kindofblue
- From: Michael Greifenkamp <grfnkmp@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: WIki and kindofblue
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-5, 1.30, 1.31 fedora-core-6, 1.24, 1.25
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.39,1.40
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: WIki and kindofblue
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Guide proposal
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: WIki and kindofblue
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: WIki and kindofblue
- From: Michael Greifenkamp <grfnkmp@xxxxxxxx>
- WIki and kindofblue
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Wiki Guide proposal
- From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora Info Feed
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki is now upgraded!
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki is now upgraded!
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki is now upgraded!
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki is now upgraded!
- From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki is now upgraded!
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki is now upgraded!
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki is now upgraded!
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki is now upgraded!
- From: Bart Couvreur <couf@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki is now upgraded!
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-5, 1.29, 1.30 fedora-core-6, 1.23, 1.24 fedora-extras-5, 1.15, 1.16 fedora-extras-6, 1.12, 1.13 updates-released-fc5, 1.29, 1.30 updates-released-fc6, 1.16, 1.17
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.38,1.39
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-6, 1.22, 1.23 updates-released-fc5, 1.28, 1.29 updates-released-fc6, 1.15, 1.16
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.37,1.38
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: docbookhtml2php.py
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/en ch-rootpassword.php, 1.2, 1.3 ch-timezone.php, 1.2, 1.3 sn-utc.php, 1.2, 1.3
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Who's point person on the wiki?
- From: "Patrick W. Barnes" <nman64@xxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-5, 1.28, 1.29 fedora-core-6, 1.21, 1.22
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Who's point person on the wiki?
- From: "John Babich" <jmbabich@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Who's point person on the wiki?
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Who's point person on the wiki?
- From: "Paulo Santos" <paulo.banon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/en ap-admin-options.php, 1.1, 1.2 ap-techref.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-abouttoinstall.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-background.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-before-begin.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-beginninginstallation.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-bootloader.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-disk-partitioning.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-firstboot.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-hwarchitecture.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-installer-locale.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-installing-packages.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-intro.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-networkconfig.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-next-steps.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-other-install-methods.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-packageselection.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-preparing-media.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-rootpassword.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-timezone.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-upgrading-system.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-welcome.php, 1.1, 1.2 fc6-install-guide-en.tar.gz, 1.1, 1.2 generated-index.php, 1.1, 1.2 index.php, 1.1, 1.2 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.1, 1.2 pr01s02.php, 1.1, 1.2 rv-revhistory.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-acknowledgements.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-alt-install-method.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-automating-installation.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-boot-modes.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-booting-from-px! e.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-bootloader-advanced.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-bootloader-others.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-bootloader-password.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-bootoptions-hardware.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-community.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-computer-hostname.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-disk-druid.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-firstboot-datetime.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-firstboot-firewall.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-firstboot-selinux.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-firstboot-soundcard.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-firstboot-systemuser.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-ftp-install-settings.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-http-install-settings.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-install-tcpip-config.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-installer-keyboard.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-installing-from-harddrive.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-installing-managed-network.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-installing-network-configurations.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-installing-networkinstallation.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-media-testing.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-network-misc-settings.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-news-subscriptions.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-nfs-install-settings.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-package-selection.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-preparing-usb-media.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-remote-logging.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-remoteaccess-installa! tion.php,1.1,1.2 sn-upgrading-bootloader.php,1.1,1.2 sn-utc.ph! p,1.1,
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/pt ap-admin-options.php, 1.1, 1.2 ap-techref.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-abouttoinstall.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-background.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-before-begin.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-beginninginstallation.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-bootloader.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-disk-partitioning.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-firstboot.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-hwarchitecture.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-installer-locale.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-installing-packages.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-intro.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-networkconfig.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-next-steps.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-other-install-methods.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-packageselection.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-preparing-media.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-rootpassword.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-timezone.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-upgrading-system.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-welcome.php, 1.1, 1.2 fc6-install-guide-pt.tar.gz, 1.1, 1.2 generated-index.php, 1.1, 1.2 index.php, 1.1, 1.2 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.1, 1.2 pr01s02.php, 1.1, 1.2 rv-revhistory.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-acknowledgements.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-alt-install-method.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-automating-installation.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-boot-modes.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-booting-from-px! e.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-bootloader-advanced.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-bootloader-others.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-bootloader-password.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-bootoptions-hardware.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-community.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-computer-hostname.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-disk-druid.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-firstboot-datetime.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-firstboot-firewall.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-firstboot-selinux.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-firstboot-soundcard.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-firstboot-systemuser.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-ftp-install-settings.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-http-install-settings.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-install-tcpip-config.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-installer-keyboard.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-installing-from-harddrive.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-installing-managed-network.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-installing-network-configurations.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-installing-networkinstallation.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-media-testing.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-network-misc-settings.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-news-subscriptions.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-nfs-install-settings.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-package-selection.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-preparing-usb-media.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-remote-logging.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-remoteaccess-installa! tion.php,1.1,1.2 sn-upgrading-bootloader.php,1.1,1.2 sn-utc.ph! p,1.1,
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6 index.php,1.4,1.5
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/sr/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/sr ap-admin-options.php, NONE, 1.1 ap-techref.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-abouttoinstall.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-background.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-before-begin.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-beginninginstallation.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-bootloader.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-disk-partitioning.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-firstboot.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-hwarchitecture.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-installer-locale.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-installing-packages.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-intro.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-networkconfig.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-next-steps.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-other-install-methods.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-packageselection.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-preparing-media.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-rootpassword.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-timezone.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-upgrading-system.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-welcome.php, NONE, 1.1 fc6-install-guide-sr.tar.gz, NONE, 1.1 generated-index.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1 pr01s02.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-acknowledgements.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-alt-install-method.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-automating-installation.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-boot-modes! .php, NONE, 1.1 sn-booting-from-pxe.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-bootloader-advanced.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-bootloader-others.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-bootloader-password.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-bootoptions-hardware.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-community.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-computer-hostname.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-disk-druid.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-datetime.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-firewall.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-selinux.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-soundcard.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-systemuser.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-ftp-install-settings.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-http-install-settings.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-install-tcpip-config.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installer-keyboard.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installing-from-harddrive.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installing-managed-network.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installing-network-configurations.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installing-networkinstallation.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-media-testing.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-network-misc-settings.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-news-subscriptions.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-nfs-install-settings.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-package-selection.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-preparing-usb-media.php, NONE! ,1.1 sn-remote-logging.php,NONE,1.1 sn-remoteaccess-installati! on.php
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/sr/figs abouttoinstall.png, NONE, 1.1 additionalrepo.png, NONE, 1.1 advancedbootloader.png, NONE, 1.1 advancedstorageoption.png, NONE, 1.1 anaipsetup.png, NONE, 1.1 askinstallmethod.png, NONE, 1.1 bootadvanced.png, NONE, 1.1 bootloader.png, NONE, 1.1 bootloaderothers.png, NONE, 1.1 bootloaderpassword.png, NONE, 1.1 bootprompt.png, NONE, 1.1 configureiscsi.png, NONE, 1.1 disksetup.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootdatetime.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootdatetimentp.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootfirewall.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootlicense.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootselinux.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootsoundcard.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootsystemuser.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootwelcome.png, NONE, 1.1 ftpsetup.png, NONE, 1.1 ftpsetupfurther.png, NONE, 1.1 grub.png, NONE, 1.1 hddinstmethod.png, NONE, 1.1 httpsetup.png, NONE, 1.1 installingpackages.png, NONE, 1.1 keylayoutselection.png, NONE, 1.1 langselection.png, NONE, 1.1 mediacheck.png, NONE, 1.1 mediachecknext.png, NONE, 1.1 mediacheckresult.png, NONE, 1.1 networkconfig.png, NONE, 1.1 nfssetup.png, NONE, 1.1 packagegroupdeta! il.png, NONE, 1.1 packagegroups.png, NONE, 1.1 partitionoption.png, NONE, 1.1 retrieving-stage2img.png, NONE, 1.1 rootpassword.png, NONE, 1.1 taskselection.png, NONE, 1.1 tcpipconfig-manual-ipv4.png, NONE, 1.1 tcpipconfig-manual-ipv6.png, NONE, 1.1 tcpipconfig.png, NONE, 1.1 timezone.png, NONE, 1.1 upgrade.png, NONE, 1.1 upgradebootloader.png, NONE, 1.1 welcome.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/pt_BR/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/sr/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/sr/figs - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/pt_BR/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/pt_BR/figs - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/pt_BR - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/sr - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Who's point person on the wiki?
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Who's point person on the wiki?
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Who's point person on the wiki?
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Who's point person on the wiki?
- From: Greg Dekoenigsberg <gdk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Who's point person on the wiki?
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Wiki outage (upgrade)
- From: Mike McGrath <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.36,1.37
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki upgrade
- From: "Mike McGrath" <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki upgrade
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Wiki upgrade
- From: "Mike McGrath" <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/stateless/stylesheet-images caution.png,, NONE important.png,, NONE note.png,, NONE tip.png,, NONE warning.png,, NONE
- From: Bill Nottingham (notting) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: Bill Nottingham (notting) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/stateless index.php,,NONE
- From: Bill Nottingham (notting) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fwd: Fedora website for newbies
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: Fedora website for newbies
- From: "Frederic Hornain" <fhornain@xxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/sv index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-ArchSpecific.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-BackwardsCompatibility.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Colophon.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-DatabaseServers.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Desktop.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Devel.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Entertainment.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Extras.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Feedback.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-FileSystems.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-I18n.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Installer.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Java.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Kernel.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Legacy.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Multimedia.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-OverView.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-PackageChanges.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-PackageNotes.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-ProjectOverview.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Security.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Virtualization.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-WebServers.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Xorg.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1 index.html, 1.1, NONE ln-legalnotice.html, 1.1, NONE rv-revhistory.html, 1.1, NONE sn-ArchSpecific.html, 1.1, NONE sn-BackwardsCompatibility.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Colophon.html, 1.1, NONE sn-DatabaseServers.html, 1.1, NON! E sn-Desktop.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Devel.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Entertainment.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Extras.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Feedback.html, 1.1, NONE sn-FileSystems.html, 1.1, NONE sn-I18n.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Installer.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Java.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Kernel.html, 1.2, NONE sn-Legacy.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Multimedia.html, 1.1, NONE sn-OverView.html, 1.1, NONE sn-PackageChanges.html, 1.1, NONE sn-PackageNotes.html, 1.1, NONE sn-ProjectOverview.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Security.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Virtualization.html, 1.1, NONE sn-WebServers.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Xorg.html, 1.1, NONE sn-legalnotice.html, 1.1, NONE
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/it index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-ArchSpecific.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-BackwardsCompatibility.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Colophon.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-DatabaseServers.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Desktop.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Devel.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Entertainment.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Extras.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Feedback.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-FileSystems.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-I18n.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Installer.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Java.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Kernel.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Legacy.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Multimedia.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-OverView.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-PackageChanges.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-PackageNotes.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-ProjectOverview.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Security.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Virtualization.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-WebServers.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Xorg.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1 index.html, 1.1, NONE ln-legalnotice.html, 1.1, NONE rv-revhistory.html, 1.1, NONE sn-ArchSpecific.html, 1.1, NONE sn-BackwardsCompatibility.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Colophon.html, 1.1, NONE sn-DatabaseServers.html, 1.1, NON! E sn-Desktop.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Devel.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Entertainment.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Extras.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Feedback.html, 1.1, NONE sn-FileSystems.html, 1.1, NONE sn-I18n.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Installer.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Java.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Kernel.html, 1.2, NONE sn-Legacy.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Multimedia.html, 1.1, NONE sn-OverView.html, 1.1, NONE sn-PackageChanges.html, 1.1, NONE sn-PackageNotes.html, 1.1, NONE sn-ProjectOverview.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Security.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Virtualization.html, 1.1, NONE sn-WebServers.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Xorg.html, 1.1, NONE sn-legalnotice.html, 1.1, NONE
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/es index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-ArchSpecific.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-BackwardsCompatibility.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Colophon.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-DatabaseServers.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Desktop.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Devel.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Entertainment.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Extras.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Feedback.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-FileSystems.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-I18n.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Installer.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Java.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Kernel.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Legacy.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Multimedia.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-OverView.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-PackageChanges.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-PackageNotes.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-ProjectOverview.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Security.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Virtualization.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-WebServers.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Xorg.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1 index.html, 1.1, NONE ln-legalnotice.html, 1.1, NONE rv-revhistory.html, 1.1, NONE sn-ArchSpecific.html, 1.1, NONE sn-BackwardsCompatibility.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Colophon.html, 1.1, NONE sn-DatabaseServers.html, 1.1, NON! E sn-Desktop.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Devel.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Entertainment.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Extras.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Feedback.html, 1.1, NONE sn-FileSystems.html, 1.1, NONE sn-I18n.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Installer.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Java.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Kernel.html, 1.2, NONE sn-Legacy.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Multimedia.html, 1.1, NONE sn-OverView.html, 1.1, NONE sn-PackageChanges.html, 1.1, NONE sn-PackageNotes.html, 1.1, NONE sn-ProjectOverview.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Security.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Virtualization.html, 1.1, NONE sn-WebServers.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Xorg.html, 1.1, NONE sn-legalnotice.html, 1.1, NONE
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/en_US index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-ArchSpecific.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-BackwardsCompatibility.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Colophon.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-DatabaseServers.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Desktop.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Devel.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Entertainment.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Extras.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Feedback.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-FileSystems.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-I18n.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Installer.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Java.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Kernel.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Legacy.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Multimedia.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-OverView.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-PackageChanges.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-PackageNotes.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-ProjectOverview.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Security.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Virtualization.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-WebServers.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Xorg.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1 index.html, 1.1, NONE ln-legalnotice.html, 1.1, NONE rv-revhistory.html, 1.1, NONE sn-ArchSpecific.html, 1.1, NONE sn-BackwardsCompatibility.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Colophon.html, 1.1, NONE sn-DatabaseServers.html, 1.1, ! NONE sn-Desktop.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Devel.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Entertainment.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Extras.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Feedback.html, 1.1, NONE sn-FileSystems.html, 1.1, NONE sn-I18n.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Installer.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Java.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Kernel.html, 1.2, NONE sn-Legacy.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Multimedia.html, 1.1, NONE sn-OverView.html, 1.1, NONE sn-PackageChanges.html, 1.1, NONE sn-PackageNotes.html, 1.1, NONE sn-ProjectOverview.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Security.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Virtualization.html, 1.1, NONE sn-WebServers.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Xorg.html, 1.1, NONE sn-legalnotice.html, 1.1, NONE
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/el index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-ArchSpecific.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-BackwardsCompatibility.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Colophon.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-DatabaseServers.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Desktop.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Devel.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Entertainment.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Extras.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Feedback.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-FileSystems.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-I18n.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Installer.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Java.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Kernel.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Legacy.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Multimedia.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-OverView.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-PackageChanges.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-PackageNotes.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-ProjectOverview.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Security.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Virtualization.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-WebServers.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-Xorg.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1 index.html, 1.1, NONE ln-legalnotice.html, 1.1, NONE rv-revhistory.html, 1.1, NONE sn-ArchSpecific.html, 1.1, NONE sn-BackwardsCompatibility.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Colophon.html, 1.1, NONE sn-DatabaseServers.html, 1.1, NON! E sn-Desktop.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Devel.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Entertainment.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Extras.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Feedback.html, 1.1, NONE sn-FileSystems.html, 1.1, NONE sn-I18n.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Installer.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Java.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Kernel.html, 1.2, NONE sn-Legacy.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Multimedia.html, 1.1, NONE sn-OverView.html, 1.1, NONE sn-PackageChanges.html, 1.1, NONE sn-PackageNotes.html, 1.1, NONE sn-ProjectOverview.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Security.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Virtualization.html, 1.1, NONE sn-WebServers.html, 1.1, NONE sn-Xorg.html, 1.1, NONE sn-legalnotice.html, 1.1, NONE
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE : Welcome to the "Fedora-websites-list" mailing list (Digest mode)
- From: Coulibaly mamadou <mcoul7@xxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-5, 1.27, 1.28 fedora-core-6, 1.20, 1.21 updates-released-fc5, 1.27, 1.28 updates-released-fc6, 1.14, 1.15
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.35,1.36
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-5, 1.26, 1.27 fedora-core-6, 1.19, 1.20 updates-released-fc5, 1.26, 1.27 updates-released-fc6, 1.13, 1.14
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.34,1.35
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Upgrade
- From: "Paulo Santos" <paulo.banon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Upgrade
- From: "Mike McGrath" <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Upgrade
- From: "Paulo Santos" <paulo.banon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Upgrade
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Upgrade
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Upgrade
- From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.33,1.34
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Wiki Upgrade
- From: "Mike McGrath" <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora Infrastructure needs kid templates!
- From: "Mike McGrath" <mmcgrath@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-4.us.west, 1.2, 1.3 updates-released-fc4.us.west, 1.2, 1.3 updates-released-fc5, 1.25, 1.26 updates-released-fc5-redirect, 1.13, 1.14 updates-released-fc6, 1.12, 1.13 updates-released-fc6-redirect, 1.3, 1.4 updates-testing-fc4.us.west, 1.2, 1.3 updates-testing-fc5, 1.22, 1.23 updates-testing-fc5-redirect, 1.15, 1.16 updates-testing-fc6, 1.11, 1.12 updates-testing-fc6-redirect, 1.7, 1.8
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.32,1.33
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-5, 1.25, 1.26 fedora-core-6, 1.18, 1.19
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.31,1.32
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-1.us.east, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-core-2.us.east, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-core-5, 1.24, 1.25 fedora-core-6, 1.17, 1.18 fedora-core-rawhide, 1.8, 1.9 fedora-core-rawhide.us.east, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-extras-5, 1.14, 1.15 fedora-extras-6, 1.11, 1.12 updates-released, 1.2, 1.3 updates-released-fc1.us.east, 1.2, 1.3 updates-released-fc2.us.east, 1.2, 1.3 updates-released.us.east, 1.2, 1.3 updates-testing, 1.2, 1.3 updates-testing-fc1.us.east, 1.2, 1.3 updates-testing-fc2.us.east, 1.2, 1.3 updates-testing.us.east, 1.2, 1.3
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-5, 1.23, 1.24 fedora-core-6, 1.16, 1.17
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.30,1.31
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-3.us.east, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-core-5, 1.22, 1.23 fedora-core-5-redirect, 1.14, 1.15 fedora-core-6, 1.15, 1.16 fedora-core-6-redirect, 1.7, 1.8 fedora-extras-5, 1.13, 1.14 fedora-extras-6, 1.10, 1.11 updates-released-fc5, 1.24, 1.25 updates-released-fc5-redirect, 1.12, 1.13 updates-released-fc6, 1.11, 1.12 updates-released-fc6-redirect, 1.2, 1.3 updates-testing-fc5, 1.21, 1.22 updates-testing-fc5-redirect, 1.14, 1.15 updates-testing-fc6, 1.10, 1.11 updates-testing-fc6-redirect, 1.6, 1.7
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download index.php,1.7,1.8
- From: "Patrick Barnes" (nman64) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-5,1.21,1.22
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html 404.php,,1.2
- From: "Patrick Barnes" (nman64) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/include template.inc,1.12,1.13
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-3.de, 1.1, 1.2 fedora-core-4.de, 1.1, 1.2 fedora-core-5, 1.20, 1.21 fedora-core-6, 1.14, 1.15 fedora-core-rawhide, 1.7, 1.8 fedora-core-rawhide-source, 1.6, 1.7 fedora-core-source-5, 1.6, 1.7 fedora-core-source-6, 1.7, 1.8 fedora-extras-4, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-extras-5, 1.12, 1.13 fedora-extras-6, 1.9, 1.10 fedora-extras-devel, 1.7, 1.8 fedora-extras-source-5, 1.8, 1.9 fedora-extras-source-6, 1.7, 1.8 updates-released-fc3.de, 1.1, 1.2 updates-released-fc4.de, 1.1, 1.2 updates-released-fc5, 1.23, 1.24 updates-released-fc6, 1.10, 1.11 updates-released-source-fc5, 1.3, 1.4 updates-released-source-fc6, 1.2, 1.3 updates-testing-fc3.de, 1.1, 1.2 updates-testing-fc4.de, 1.1, 1.2 updates-testing-fc5, 1.20, 1.21 updates-testing-fc6, 1.9, 1.10 updates-testing-source-fc5, 1.7, 1.8 updates-testing-source-fc6, 1.6, 1.7
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.29,1.30
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-5, 1.19, 1.20 fedora-core-6, 1.13, 1.14 fedora-core-source-5, 1.5, 1.6 fedora-core-source-6, 1.6, 1.7 updates-released-fc5, 1.22, 1.23 updates-released-fc6, 1.9, 1.10
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/About/security index.php,1.3,1.4
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download mirrors.php,1.43,1.44
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.28,1.29
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download/mirrors fedora-extras-devel,1.9,1.10
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-5, 1.18, 1.19 fedora-core-6, 1.12, 1.13 fedora-core-rawhide, 1.6, 1.7 fedora-core-rawhide-source, 1.5, 1.6 fedora-core-source-5, 1.4, 1.5 fedora-core-source-6, 1.5, 1.6 fedora-extras-5, 1.11, 1.12 fedora-extras-6, 1.8, 1.9 fedora-extras-source-5, 1.7, 1.8 fedora-extras-source-6, 1.6, 1.7 updates-released-fc5, 1.21, 1.22 updates-released-fc6, 1.8, 1.9 updates-released-source-fc5, 1.2, 1.3 updates-released-source-fc6, 1.1, 1.2 updates-testing-fc5, 1.19, 1.20 updates-testing-fc6, 1.8, 1.9 updates-testing-source-fc5, 1.6, 1.7 updates-testing-source-fc6, 1.5, 1.6
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download/mirrors fedora-core-5, 1.21, 1.22 fedora-core-6, 1.8, 1.9 fedora-core-rawhide, 1.8, 1.9 fedora-core-rawhide-source, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-core-source-5, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-core-source-6, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-extras-5, 1.9, 1.10 fedora-extras-6, 1.7, 1.8 fedora-extras-source-5, 1.5, 1.6 fedora-extras-source-6, 1.6, 1.7 updates-released-fc5, 1.23, 1.24 updates-released-fc6, 1.6, 1.7 updates-released-source-fc6, 1.1, 1.2 updates-testing-fc5, 1.21, 1.22 updates-testing-fc6, 1.6, 1.7 updates-testing-source-fc5, 1.4, 1.5 updates-testing-source-fc6, 1.5, 1.6
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/documentation-guide sn-cvs-config.php,1.1,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/About/security index.php,1.2,1.3
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/About/security index.php,1.1,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.27,1.28
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download mirrors.php,1.42,1.43
- From: "Matt Domsch" (mdomsch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- mirror list issue
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki theme sugestion
- From: "John Babich" <jmbabich@xxxxxxxxx>
- Wiki theme sugestion
- From: "Paulo Santos" <paulo.banon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki page structure [RFC]
- From: "Patrick W. Barnes" <nman64@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki page structure [RFC]
- From: Jesse Keating <jkeating@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki page structure [RFC]
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki page structure [RFC]
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Migration
- From: "Paulo Santos" <paulo.banon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki page structure [RFC]
- From: "Patrick W. Barnes" <nman64@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki page structure [RFC]
- From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ToC note (still is Re: Wiki page structure [RFC])
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Wiki page structure [RFC]
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Migration
- From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Migration
- From: "Paulo Santos" <paulo.banon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Migration
- From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/About/Projects docs.php,1.3,1.4
- From: Karsten Wade (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Migration
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Migration
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Migration
- From: "Paulo Santos" <paulo.banon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- programming help for Moin & DocBook XML
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Migration
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Migration
- From: "Paulo Santos" <paulo.banon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Migration
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Migration
- From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Migration
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Migration
- From: "John Babich" <jmbabich@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Migration
- From: "Paulo Santos" <paulo.banon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Migration
- From: "Paulo Santos" <paulo.banon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Migration
- From: "John Babich" <jmbabich@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Migration
- From: "Arthur Pemberton" <pemboa@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wiki Migration
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Tweaking the design of the wiki
- From: "Patrick W. Barnes" <nman64@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Tweaking the design of the wiki
- From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Wiki Migration
- From: "Paulo Santos" <paulo.banon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Tweaking the design of the wiki
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Website
- From: "Patrick W. Barnes" <nman64@xxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora Website
- From: "Jeremy Sieczko" <i.scheme.a.lot@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Tweaking the design of the wiki
- From: "Patrick W. Barnes" <nman64@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Tweaking the design of the wiki
- From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Tweaking the design of the wiki
- From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: moin 1.5.6 + squid = new wiki
- From: "Patrick W. Barnes" <nman64@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Tweaking the design of the wiki
- From: "Patrick W. Barnes" <nman64@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Tweaking the design of the wiki
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Tweaking the design of the wiki
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Tweaking the design of the wiki
- From: Jesse Keating <jkeating@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Tweaking the design of the wiki
- From: "Patrick W. Barnes" <nman64@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Tweaking the design of the wiki
- From: Máirín Duffy <duffy@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Tweaking the design of the wiki
- From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Tweaking the design of the wiki
- From: "John Babich" <jmbabich@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Tweaking the design of the wiki
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Tweaking the design of the wiki
- From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Wiki (moinmoin) Theme.
- From: Benjamin Weber <benny1990@xxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes index.php,1.27,1.28
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes index.php,1.26,1.27
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/include template.inc,1.11,1.12
- From: "Patrick Barnes" (nman64) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html index.php,1.21,1.22
- From: "Patrick Barnes" (nman64) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/include template.inc,1.10,1.11
- From: "Patrick Barnes" (nman64) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/include site.inc,1.2,1.3
- From: "Patrick Barnes" (nman64) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download index.php,1.6,1.7
- From: "Patrick Barnes" (nman64) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html index.php,1.20,1.21
- From: "Patrick Barnes" (nman64) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download mirrors.php,1.41,1.42
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.26,1.27
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download/mirrors fedora-core-rawhide, 1.7, 1.8 fedora-core-rawhide-source, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-core-rawhide-debug, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-core-source-6, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-core-6, 1.7, 1.8 fedora-core-6-redirect, 1.6, 1.7 updates-released-fc6, 1.5, 1.6 fedora-extras-6, 1.6, 1.7 fedora-extras-debug-6, 1.5, 1.6 fedora-extras-source-6, 1.5, 1.6 updates-testing-fc6, 1.5, 1.6 updates-testing-fc6-redirect, 1.5, 1.6 updates-testing-source-fc6, 1.4, 1.5 fedora-core-source-5, 1.1, 1.2 fedora-core-5, 1.20, 1.21 fedora-core-5-redirect, 1.14, 1.15 updates-released-fc5, 1.22, 1.23 fedora-extras-5, 1.8, 1.9 fedora-extras-debug-5, 1.4, 1.5 fedora-extras-source-5, 1.4, 1.5 updates-testing-fc5, 1.20, 1.21 updates-testing-fc5-redirect, 1.14, 1.15 updates-testing-source-fc5, 1.3, 1.4
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-rawhide, 1.5, 1.6 fedora-core-rawhide-source, 1.4, 1.5 fedora-core-rawhide-debug, 1.5, 1.6 fedora-core-source-6, 1.4, 1.5 fedora-core-6, 1.11, 1.12 fedora-core-6-redirect, 1.6, 1.7 updates-released-fc6, 1.7, 1.8 fedora-extras-6, 1.7, 1.8 fedora-extras-debug-6, 1.5, 1.6 fedora-extras-source-6, 1.5, 1.6 updates-testing-fc6, 1.7, 1.8 updates-testing-fc6-redirect, 1.5, 1.6 updates-testing-source-fc6, 1.4, 1.5 fedora-core-source-5, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-core-5, 1.17, 1.18 fedora-core-5-redirect, 1.13, 1.14 updates-released-fc5, 1.20, 1.21 fedora-extras-5, 1.10, 1.11 fedora-extras-debug-5, 1.6, 1.7 fedora-extras-source-5, 1.6, 1.7 updates-testing-fc5, 1.18, 1.19 updates-testing-fc5-redirect, 1.13, 1.14 updates-testing-source-fc5, 1.5, 1.6
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download mirrors.php,1.40,1.41
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.25,1.26
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download/mirrors fedora-core-source-5, NONE, 1.1 fedora-core-rawhide, 1.6, 1.7 fedora-core-rawhide-source, 1.1, 1.2 fedora-core-rawhide-debug, 1.1, 1.2 fedora-core-source-6, 1.1, 1.2 fedora-core-6, 1.6, 1.7 fedora-core-6-redirect, 1.5, 1.6 updates-released-fc6, 1.4, 1.5 fedora-extras-6, 1.5, 1.6 fedora-extras-debug-6, 1.4, 1.5 fedora-extras-source-6, 1.4, 1.5 updates-testing-fc6, 1.4, 1.5 updates-testing-fc6-redirect, 1.4, 1.5 updates-testing-source-fc6, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-core-5, 1.19, 1.20 fedora-core-5-redirect, 1.13, 1.14 updates-released-fc5, 1.21, 1.22 fedora-extras-5, 1.7, 1.8 fedora-extras-debug-5, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-extras-source-5, 1.3, 1.4 updates-testing-fc5, 1.19, 1.20 updates-testing-fc5-redirect, 1.13, 1.14 updates-testing-source-fc5, 1.2, 1.3
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-rawhide, 1.4, 1.5 fedora-core-rawhide-source, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-core-rawhide-debug, 1.4, 1.5 fedora-core-source-6, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-core-6, 1.10, 1.11 fedora-core-6-redirect, 1.5, 1.6 updates-released-fc6, 1.6, 1.7 fedora-extras-6, 1.6, 1.7 fedora-extras-debug-6, 1.4, 1.5 fedora-extras-source-6, 1.4, 1.5 updates-testing-fc6, 1.6, 1.7 updates-testing-fc6-redirect, 1.4, 1.5 updates-testing-source-fc6, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-core-source-5, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-core-5, 1.16, 1.17 fedora-core-5-redirect, 1.12, 1.13 updates-released-fc5, 1.19, 1.20 fedora-extras-5, 1.9, 1.10 fedora-extras-debug-5, 1.5, 1.6 fedora-extras-source-5, 1.5, 1.6 updates-testing-fc5, 1.17, 1.18 updates-testing-fc5-redirect, 1.12, 1.13 updates-testing-source-fc5, 1.4, 1.5
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download/mirrors fedora-extras-5, 1.6, 1.7 fedora-extras-6, 1.4, 1.5 fedora-extras-debug-5, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-extras-debug-6, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-extras-devel, 1.8, 1.9 fedora-extras-source-5, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-extras-source-6, 1.3, 1.4
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-extras-5, 1.8, 1.9 fedora-extras-6, 1.5, 1.6 fedora-extras-debug-5, 1.4, 1.5 fedora-extras-debug-6, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-extras-devel, 1.6, 1.7 fedora-extras-source-5, 1.4, 1.5 fedora-extras-source-6, 1.3, 1.4
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download mirrors.php,1.39,1.40
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.24,1.25
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download/mirrors fedora-core-6, 1.5, 1.6 fedora-core-6-redirect, 1.4, 1.5 updates-released-fc6, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-extras-6, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-extras-debug-6, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-extras-source-6, 1.2, 1.3 updates-testing-fc6, 1.3, 1.4 updates-testing-fc6-redirect, 1.3, 1.4 updates-testing-source-fc6, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-core-5, 1.18, 1.19 fedora-core-5-redirect, 1.12, 1.13 updates-released-fc5, 1.20, 1.21 fedora-extras-5, 1.5, 1.6 fedora-extras-debug-5, 1.1, 1.2 fedora-extras-source-5, 1.1, 1.2 updates-testing-fc5, 1.18, 1.19 updates-testing-fc5-redirect, 1.12, 1.13 updates-testing-source-fc5, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-6, 1.9, 1.10 fedora-core-6-redirect, 1.4, 1.5 updates-released-fc6, 1.5, 1.6 fedora-extras-6, 1.4, 1.5 fedora-extras-debug-6, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-extras-source-6, 1.2, 1.3 updates-testing-fc6, 1.5, 1.6 updates-testing-fc6-redirect, 1.3, 1.4 updates-testing-source-fc6, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-core-5, 1.15, 1.16 fedora-core-5-redirect, 1.11, 1.12 updates-released-fc5, 1.18, 1.19 fedora-extras-5, 1.7, 1.8 fedora-extras-debug-5, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-extras-source-5, 1.3, 1.4 updates-testing-fc5, 1.16, 1.17 updates-testing-fc5-redirect, 1.11, 1.12 updates-testing-source-fc5, 1.3, 1.4
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download mirrors.php,1.38,1.39
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.23,1.24
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download mirrors.php,1.37,1.38
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.22,1.23
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download/mirrors fedora-core-6, 1.4, 1.5 fedora-core-6-redirect, 1.3, 1.4 updates-released-fc6, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-extras-6, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-extras-debug-6, 1.1, 1.2 fedora-extras-source-6, 1.1, 1.2 updates-testing-fc6, 1.2, 1.3 updates-testing-fc6-redirect, 1.2, 1.3 updates-testing-source-fc6, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-6, 1.8, 1.9 fedora-core-6-redirect, 1.3, 1.4 updates-released-fc6, 1.4, 1.5 fedora-extras-6, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-extras-debug-6, 1.1, 1.2 fedora-extras-source-6, 1.1, 1.2 updates-testing-fc6, 1.4, 1.5 updates-testing-fc6-redirect, 1.2, 1.3 updates-testing-source-fc6, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download/mirrors fedora-extras-debug-5, NONE, 1.1 fedora-extras-source-5, NONE, 1.1 updates-testing-source-fc5, NONE, 1.1 fedora-core-5, 1.17, 1.18 fedora-core-5-redirect, 1.11, 1.12 updates-released-fc5, 1.19, 1.20 fedora-core-rawhide, 1.5, 1.6 fedora-extras-5, 1.4, 1.5 updates-testing-fc5, 1.17, 1.18 updates-testing-fc5-redirect, 1.11, 1.12
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-5, 1.14, 1.15 fedora-core-5-redirect, 1.10, 1.11 updates-released-fc5, 1.17, 1.18 fedora-core-rawhide, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-extras-5, 1.6, 1.7 fedora-extras-debug-5, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-extras-source-5, 1.2, 1.3 updates-testing-fc5, 1.15, 1.16 updates-testing-fc5-redirect, 1.10, 1.11 updates-testing-source-fc5, 1.2, 1.3
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download mirrors.php,1.36,1.37
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.21,1.22
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.20,1.21
- From: "Jesse Keating" (jkeating) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-6, 1.7, 1.8 updates-released-fc6, 1.3, 1.4 updates-testing-fc6, 1.3, 1.4
- From: "Jesse Keating" (jkeating) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-5, 1.13, 1.14 fedora-core-6, 1.6, 1.7 fedora-extras-5, 1.5, 1.6 fedora-extras-6, 1.2, 1.3 updates-released-fc5, 1.16, 1.17 updates-released-fc6, 1.2, 1.3 updates-testing-fc5, 1.14, 1.15 updates-testing-fc6, 1.2, 1.3
- From: "Jesse Keating" (jkeating) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-6, 1.5, 1.6 fedora-core-debug-6, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-core-source-6, 1.2, 1.3
- From: "Jesse Keating" (jkeating) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-6, 1.4, 1.5 fedora-core-debug-6, 1.1, 1.2 fedora-core-source-6, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Jesse Keating" (jkeating) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/About/Projects directory.php,1.1,1.2
- From: Bill Nottingham (notting) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes index.php,1.25,1.26
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/ru fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/pt fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/pt_BR fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/pl fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/es fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/el fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/zh_CN fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/sv fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes index.php,1.24,1.25
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/zh_CN/figs Fedora_Desktop.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/ru/figs Fedora_Desktop.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/pt_BR/figs Fedora_Desktop.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/pt/figs Fedora_Desktop.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/pl/figs Fedora_Desktop.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/it/figs Fedora_Desktop.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/es/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/es/figs Fedora_Desktop.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/el/figs Fedora_Desktop.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/en_US/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/zh_CN/figs - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/pl/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/it/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/el/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/ru/figs - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/pt_BR/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/pt_BR/figs - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/es/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/sv/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/sv/figs - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/ru/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/pt/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/pt/figs - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/pl/figs - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/it/figs - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/es/figs - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/en_US/figs - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/el/figs - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/zh_CN - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/pt_BR - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/sv - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/ru - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/pt - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/es - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/pl - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/it - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/en_US - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6/el - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6 - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6 index.php,1.3,1.4
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/da/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/da/figs - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/da/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6 index.php,1.2,1.3
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/es ap-admin-options.php, NONE, 1.1 ap-techref.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-abouttoinstall.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-background.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-before-begin.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-beginninginstallation.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-bootloader.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-disk-partitioning.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-firstboot.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-hwarchitecture.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-installer-locale.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-installing-packages.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-intro.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-networkconfig.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-next-steps.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-other-install-methods.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-packageselection.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-preparing-media.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-rootpassword.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-timezone.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-upgrading-system.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-welcome.php, NONE, 1.1 fc6-install-guide-es.tar.gz, NONE, 1.1 generated-index.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1 pr01s02.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-acknowledgements.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-alt-install-method.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-automating-installation.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-boot-modes! .php, NONE, 1.1 sn-booting-from-pxe.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-bootloader-advanced.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-bootloader-others.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-bootloader-password.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-bootoptions-hardware.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-community.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-computer-hostname.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-disk-druid.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-datetime.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-firewall.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-selinux.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-soundcard.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-systemuser.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-ftp-install-settings.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-http-install-settings.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-install-tcpip-config.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installer-keyboard.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installing-from-harddrive.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installing-managed-network.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installing-network-configurations.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installing-networkinstallation.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-media-testing.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-network-misc-settings.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-news-subscriptions.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-nfs-install-settings.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-package-selection.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-preparing-usb-media.php, NONE! ,1.1 sn-remote-logging.php,NONE,1.1 sn-remoteaccess-installati! on.php
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/sv/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/sv/figs - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/es/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/es/figs - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/pt_BR fedora.css, 1.2, 1.3
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/it fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/ru fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/pt fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/pl fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/About/Projects/translations/translation-windows fedora.css, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/jargon-buster fedora.css,1.2,1.3
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-windows fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/en fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/beta/fedora-install-guide-en fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/css content.css,, 1.2 fedora.css, 1.1, 1.2 layout.css,, 1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/fedora-install-guide-en/fc5 fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/fr_FR fedora.css, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/fedora-install-guide-en/fc4 fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/nl fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc5/pt fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc5 fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/el fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror/en fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-faq-fc5/it fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/jargon-buster/pt fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-faq-fc5 fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc4/ru fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror/pt_BR fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror fedora.css,1.3,1.4
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/participate/translation-windows fedora.css,,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/jargon-buster/en_US fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/updates fedora.css,,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/yum fedora.css,1.1,1.2
- From: "Dimitris Glezos" (glezos) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/es - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/da - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/sv - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs index.php,1.24,1.25
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/sv/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide index.php,1.12,1.13
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/sv index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_accounts.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_translating_docs.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_translating_software.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/sv/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/sv - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/it/figs abouttoinstall.png, NONE, 1.1 additionalrepo.png, NONE, 1.1 advancedbootloader.png, NONE, 1.1 advancedstorageoption.png, NONE, 1.1 anaipsetup.png, NONE, 1.1 askinstallmethod.png, NONE, 1.1 bootadvanced.png, NONE, 1.1 bootloader.png, NONE, 1.1 bootloaderothers.png, NONE, 1.1 bootloaderpassword.png, NONE, 1.1 bootprompt.png, NONE, 1.1 configureiscsi.png, NONE, 1.1 disksetup.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootdatetime.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootdatetimentp.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootfirewall.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootlicense.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootselinux.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootsoundcard.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootsystemuser.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootwelcome.png, NONE, 1.1 ftpsetup.png, NONE, 1.1 ftpsetupfurther.png, NONE, 1.1 grub.png, NONE, 1.1 hddinstmethod.png, NONE, 1.1 httpsetup.png, NONE, 1.1 installingpackages.png, NONE, 1.1 keylayoutselection.png, NONE, 1.1 langselection.png, NONE, 1.1 mediacheck.png, NONE, 1.1 mediachecknext.png, NONE, 1.1 mediacheckresult.png, NONE, 1.1 networkconfig.png, NONE, 1.1 nfssetup.png, NONE, 1.1 packagegroupdeta! il.png, NONE, 1.1 packagegroups.png, NONE, 1.1 partitionoption.png, NONE, 1.1 retrieving-stage2img.png, NONE, 1.1 rootpassword.png, NONE, 1.1 taskselection.png, NONE, 1.1 tcpipconfig-manual-ipv4.png, NONE, 1.1 tcpipconfig-manual-ipv6.png, NONE, 1.1 tcpipconfig.png, NONE, 1.1 timezone.png, NONE, 1.1 upgrade.png, NONE, 1.1 upgradebootloader.png, NONE, 1.1 welcome.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/it/figs - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/it index.php, 1.4, 1.5 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.2, 1.3 rv-revhistory.php, 1.4, 1.5 sn_accounts.php, 1.4, 1.5 sn_translating_docs.php, 1.4, 1.5 sn_translating_software.php, 1.4, 1.5
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download/mirrors fedora-core-4, 1.6, 1.7 updates-released-fc4, 1.6, 1.7 updates-testing-fc4, 1.6, 1.7
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download mirrors.php,1.35,1.36
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.19,1.20
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download/mirrors fedora-core-5, 1.16, 1.17 fedora-core-5-redirect, 1.10, 1.11 fedora-core-6, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-core-6-redirect, 1.2, 1.3
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-5, 1.12, 1.13 fedora-core-5-redirect, 1.9, 1.10 fedora-core-6, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-core-6-redirect, 1.2, 1.3
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6 index.php,1.1,1.2
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/it ap-admin-options.php, NONE, 1.1 ap-techref.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-abouttoinstall.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-background.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-before-begin.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-beginninginstallation.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-bootloader.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-disk-partitioning.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-firstboot.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-hwarchitecture.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-installer-locale.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-installing-packages.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-intro.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-networkconfig.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-next-steps.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-other-install-methods.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-packageselection.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-preparing-media.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-rootpassword.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-timezone.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-upgrading-system.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-welcome.php, NONE, 1.1 fc6-install-guide-it.tar.gz, NONE, 1.1 generated-index.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1 pr01s02.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-acknowledgements.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-alt-install-method.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-automating-installation.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-boot-modes! .php, NONE, 1.1 sn-booting-from-pxe.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-bootloader-advanced.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-bootloader-others.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-bootloader-password.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-bootoptions-hardware.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-community.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-computer-hostname.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-disk-druid.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-datetime.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-firewall.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-selinux.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-soundcard.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-systemuser.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-ftp-install-settings.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-http-install-settings.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-install-tcpip-config.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installer-keyboard.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installing-from-harddrive.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installing-managed-network.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installing-network-configurations.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installing-networkinstallation.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-media-testing.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-network-misc-settings.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-news-subscriptions.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-nfs-install-settings.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-package-selection.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-preparing-usb-media.php, NONE! ,1.1 sn-remote-logging.php,NONE,1.1 sn-remoteaccess-installati! on.php
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/it/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/it - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/es/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/es - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/pt index.php, 1.2, 1.3 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.2, 1.3 rv-revhistory.php, 1.2, 1.3 sn_accounts.php, 1.2, 1.3 sn_translating_docs.php, 1.2, 1.3 sn_translating_software.php, 1.2, 1.3
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/ru/stylesheet-images caution.png, 1.1, 1.2 important.png, 1.1, 1.2 note.png, 1.1, 1.2 tip.png, 1.1, 1.2 warning.png, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc5/pt fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes index.php,1.23,1.24
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc5/pt/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc5/pt index.php,NONE,1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc5/pt/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc5/pt - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/pt/stylesheet-images caution.png, 1.1, 1.2 important.png, 1.1, 1.2 note.png, 1.1, 1.2 tip.png, 1.1, 1.2 warning.png, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/pt index.php, 1.1, 1.2 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.1, 1.2 rv-revhistory.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn_accounts.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn_translating_docs.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn_translating_software.php, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs index.php,1.23,1.24
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror index.php,1.6,1.7
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror/pt/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror/pt generated-index.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-client-config.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-planning-and-setup.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-server-config.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror/pt/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror/pt - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/it index.php, 1.3, 1.4 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.1, 1.2 rv-revhistory.php, 1.3, 1.4 sn_accounts.php, 1.3, 1.4 sn_translating_docs.php, 1.3, 1.4 sn_translating_software.php, 1.3, 1.4
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/it/stylesheet-images 1.png, 1.1, 1.2 10.png, 1.1, 1.2 11.png, 1.1, 1.2 12.png, 1.1, 1.2 13.png, 1.1, 1.2 14.png, 1.1, 1.2 15.png, 1.1, 1.2 2.png, 1.1, 1.2 3.png, 1.1, 1.2 4.png, 1.1, 1.2 5.png, 1.1, 1.2 6.png, 1.1, 1.2 7.png, 1.1, 1.2 8.png, 1.1, 1.2 9.png, 1.1, 1.2 caution.png, 1.1, 1.2 important.png, 1.1, 1.2 note.png, 1.1, 1.2 tip.png, 1.1, 1.2 warning.png, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/en/stylesheet-images 1.png, 1.1, 1.2 10.png, 1.1, 1.2 11.png, 1.1, 1.2 12.png, 1.1, 1.2 13.png, 1.1, 1.2 14.png, 1.1, 1.2 15.png, 1.1, 1.2 2.png, 1.1, 1.2 3.png, 1.1, 1.2 4.png, 1.1, 1.2 5.png, 1.1, 1.2 6.png, 1.1, 1.2 7.png, 1.1, 1.2 8.png, 1.1, 1.2 9.png, 1.1, 1.2 caution.png, 1.1, 1.2 important.png, 1.1, 1.2 note.png, 1.1, 1.2 tip.png, 1.1, 1.2 warning.png, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/en index.php, 1.8, 1.9 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.4, 1.5 rv-revhistory.php, 1.8, 1.9 sn_accounts.php, 1.8, 1.9 sn_translating_docs.php, 1.8, 1.9 sn_translating_software.php, 1.8, 1.9
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/licenses/export index.php,1.2,1.3
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/participate/schedule index.php,1.11,1.12
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Jesse Keating" (jkeating) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Jesse Keating" (jkeating) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-4.us.east, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-core-5, 1.11, 1.12 fedora-core-5-redirect, 1.8, 1.9 fedora-core-6, 1.2, 1.3 fedora-core-6-redirect, 1.1, 1.2 updates-released-fc4.us.east, 1.2, 1.3 updates-released-fc5, 1.15, 1.16 updates-released-fc5-redirect, 1.11, 1.12 updates-released-fc6, 1.1, 1.2 updates-released-fc6-redirect, 1.1, 1.2 updates-testing-fc4.us.east, 1.2, 1.3 updates-testing-fc5, 1.13, 1.14 updates-testing-fc5-redirect, 1.9, 1.10 updates-testing-fc6, 1.1, 1.2 updates-testing-fc6-redirect, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Jesse Keating" (jkeating) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.18,1.19
- From: "Jesse Keating" (jkeating) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs index.php,1.22,1.23
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/projects index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/about/security index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/about/history index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/participate/translation-faq index.php,1.3,1.4
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/participate/roadmap index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/projects/translations index.php,1.2,1.3
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/projects/stateless index.php,1.3,1.4
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/participate/translation-guide index.php,1.3,1.4
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/about/faq index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/projects/docs index.php,1.8,1.9
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/participate/communicate index.php,1.7,1.8
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/projects/selinux index.php,1.3,1.4
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/About/schedule index.php,1.10,1.11
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/participate/artwork-guide index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/licenses/export index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/projects/i18n index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/projects/desktop/mozilla index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/participate index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/projects/artwork index.php,1.3,1.4
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/projects/directory index.php,1.1,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/documentation-faq index.php,1.1,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/projects/anaconda-installer index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download/up2date-mirrors index.php,,1.3
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/projects/desktop index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/projects/virtualization index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/projects/virtualisation index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/about/trademarks/guidelines index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/licenses index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/legal index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download/mirrors index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-guide index.php,1.1,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/about/trademarks index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-faq-fc5 fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/include navigation.inc,1.20,1.21
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/en ap-admin-options.php, NONE, 1.1 ap-techref.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-abouttoinstall.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-background.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-before-begin.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-beginninginstallation.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-bootloader.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-disk-partitioning.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-firstboot.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-hwarchitecture.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-installer-locale.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-installing-packages.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-intro.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-networkconfig.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-next-steps.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-other-install-methods.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-packageselection.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-preparing-media.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-rootpassword.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-timezone.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-upgrading-system.php, NONE, 1.1 ch-welcome.php, NONE, 1.1 generated-index.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1 pr01s02.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-acknowledgements.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-alt-install-method.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-automating-installation.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-booting-from-pxe.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-bootloader-adv! anced.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-bootloader-others.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-bootloader-password.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-boot-modes.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-bootoptions-hardware.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-community.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-computer-hostname.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-disk-druid.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-datetime.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-firewall.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-selinux.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-soundcard.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-firstboot-systemuser.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-ftp-install-settings.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-http-install-settings.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installer-keyboard.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installing-from-harddrive.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installing-managed-network.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installing-network-configurations.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-installing-networkinstallation.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-install-tcpip-config.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-media-testing.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-network-misc-settings.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-news-subscriptions.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-nfs-install-settings.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-package-selection.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-preparing-usb-media.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-remoteaccess-installation.php! ,NONE,1.1 sn-remote-logging.php,NONE,1.1 sn-upgrading-bootload! er.php
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/fedora-install-guide-en index.php,1.6,1.7
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6 index.php,NONE,1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/en fc6-install-guide-en.tar.gz, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide index.php,NONE,1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/en/figs abouttoinstall.png, NONE, 1.1 additionalrepo.png, NONE, 1.1 advancedbootloader.png, NONE, 1.1 advancedstorageoption.png, NONE, 1.1 anaipsetup.png, NONE, 1.1 askinstallmethod.png, NONE, 1.1 bootadvanced.png, NONE, 1.1 bootloader.png, NONE, 1.1 bootloaderothers.png, NONE, 1.1 bootloaderpassword.png, NONE, 1.1 bootprompt.png, NONE, 1.1 configureiscsi.png, NONE, 1.1 disksetup.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootdatetime.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootdatetimentp.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootfirewall.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootlicense.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootselinux.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootsoundcard.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootsystemuser.png, NONE, 1.1 fbootwelcome.png, NONE, 1.1 ftpsetup.png, NONE, 1.1 ftpsetupfurther.png, NONE, 1.1 grub.png, NONE, 1.1 hddinstmethod.png, NONE, 1.1 httpsetup.png, NONE, 1.1 installingpackages.png, NONE, 1.1 keylayoutselection.png, NONE, 1.1 langselection.png, NONE, 1.1 mediacheck.png, NONE, 1.1 mediachecknext.png, NONE, 1.1 mediacheckresult.png, NONE, 1.1 networkconfig.png, NONE, 1.1 nfssetup.png, NONE, 1.1 packagegroupdeta! il.png, NONE, 1.1 packagegroups.png, NONE, 1.1 partitionoption.png, NONE, 1.1 retrieving-stage2img.png, NONE, 1.1 rootpassword.png, NONE, 1.1 taskselection.png, NONE, 1.1 tcpipconfig-manual-ipv4.png, NONE, 1.1 tcpipconfig-manual-ipv6.png, NONE, 1.1 tcpipconfig.png, NONE, 1.1 timezone.png, NONE, 1.1 upgrade.png, NONE, 1.1 upgradebootloader.png, NONE, 1.1 welcome.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/pt/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/pt/figs - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/en/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/en/figs - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/pt - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6/en - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/pt - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/en - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download/mirrors fedora-core-6, 1.1, 1.2 fedora-extras-6, 1.1, 1.2 fedora-extras-devel, 1.7, 1.8
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-6, 1.1, 1.2 fedora-extras-6, 1.1, 1.2 fedora-extras-devel, 1.5, 1.6
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/download/mirrors fedora-core-6, NONE, 1.1 fedora-core-6-redirect, NONE, 1.1 fedora-core-debug-6, NONE, 1.1 fedora-core-source-6, NONE, 1.1 fedora-extras-6, NONE, 1.1 fedora-extras-debug-6, NONE, 1.1 fedora-extras-source-6, NONE, 1.1 updates-released-debug-fc6, NONE, 1.1 updates-released-fc6, NONE, 1.1 updates-released-fc6-redirect, NONE, 1.1 updates-released-source-fc6, NONE, 1.1 updates-testing-debug-fc6, NONE, 1.1 updates-testing-fc6, NONE, 1.1 updates-testing-fc6-redirect, NONE, 1.1 updates-testing-source-fc6, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-6, NONE, 1.1 fedora-core-6-redirect, NONE, 1.1 fedora-core-debug-6, NONE, 1.1 fedora-core-source-6, NONE, 1.1 fedora-extras-6, NONE, 1.1 fedora-extras-debug-6, NONE, 1.1 fedora-extras-source-6, NONE, 1.1 updates-released-debug-fc6, NONE, 1.1 updates-released-fc6, NONE, 1.1 updates-released-fc6-redirect, NONE, 1.1 updates-released-source-fc6, NONE, 1.1 updates-testing-debug-fc6, NONE, 1.1 updates-testing-fc6, NONE, 1.1 updates-testing-fc6-redirect, NONE, 1.1 updates-testing-source-fc6, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/fedora-install-guide-en/fc5 sn-utc.php, 1.5, 1.6 ch-rootpassword.php, 1.5, 1.6 ch-timezone.php, 1.5, 1.6
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/About/Projects index.php,1.4,1.5
- From: "Patrick Barnes" (nman64) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/About/Projects index.php,1.3,1.4
- From: "Patrick Barnes" (nman64) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/About/Projects index.php,1.2,1.3
- From: "Patrick Barnes" (nman64) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Copyright suggestion
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide/fc6 - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/install-guide - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/About/Projects/translations index.php,1.4,1.5
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/About/Projects/translations index.php,1.3,1.4
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/About/Projects/translations index.php,1.2,1.3
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Copyright suggestion
- From: "Patrick W. Barnes" <nman64@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Copyright suggestion
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Copyright suggestion
- From: Rahul <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Copyright suggestion
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Copyright suggestion
- From: Rahul <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Copyright suggestion
- From: Greg DeKoenigsberg <gdk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Copyright suggestion
- From: Jonathan Steffan <jonathansteffan@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Copyright suggestion
- From: Max Spevack <mspevack@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Copyright suggestion
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Copyright suggestion
- From: "Russell John" <russell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Art Gallery and Plone Issues
- From: Jonathan Steffan <jonathansteffan@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Art Gallery and Plone Issues
- From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Copyright suggestion
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Art Gallery and Plone Issues
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Art Gallery and Plone Issues
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Copyright suggestion
- From: "Patrick W. Barnes" <nman64@xxxxxxxxx>
- Copyright suggestion
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- [Fwd: fpserv.fedoraproject.org on google]
- From: Jonathan Steffan <jonathansteffan@xxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror/en generated-index.php, 1.1, 1.2 index.php, 1.1, 1.2 rv-revhistory.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-client-config.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-planning-and-setup.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-server-config.php, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror/pt_BR generated-index.php, 1.2, 1.3 index.php, 1.2, 1.3 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.2, 1.3 rv-revhistory.php, 1.2, 1.3 sn-client-config.php, 1.2, 1.3 sn-planning-and-setup.php, 1.2, 1.3 sn-server-config.php, 1.2, 1.3
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror/pt_BR generated-index.php, 1.1, 1.2 index.php, 1.1, 1.2 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.1, 1.2 rv-revhistory.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-client-config.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-planning-and-setup.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-server-config.php, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror/pt_BR fedora.css,NONE,1.1
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs index.php,1.21,1.22
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror fedora.css,1.2,1.3 index.php,1.5,1.6
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror/pt_BR/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror/pt_BR generated-index.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-client-config.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-planning-and-setup.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-server-config.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror fedora.css, 1.1, NONE generated-index.php, 1.4, NONE index.php, 1.4, NONE ln-legalnotice.php, 1.4, NONE rv-revhistory.php, 1.4, NONE sn-client-config.php, 1.4, NONE sn-planning-and-setup.php, 1.4, NONE sn-server-config.php, 1.4, NONE
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror/pt_BR/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror/pt_BR - New directory
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror/en/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror/en fedora.css, NONE, 1.1 generated-index.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-client-config.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-planning-and-setup.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-server-config.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror/en/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/mirror/en - New directory
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/en index.php, 1.7, 1.8 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.3, 1.4 rv-revhistory.php, 1.7, 1.8 sn_accounts.php, 1.7, 1.8 sn_translating_docs.php, 1.7, 1.8 sn_translating_software.php, 1.7, 1.8
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes index.php,1.22,1.23
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes index.php,1.21,1.22
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6test2 index.php,1.1,1.2
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6test2 index.php,NONE,1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6test2/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes index.php,1.20,1.21
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6test2/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6test2/ISO - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6test2/iso - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/release-notes/fc6test2 - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/en index.php, 1.6, 1.7 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.2, 1.3 rv-revhistory.php, 1.6, 1.7 sn_accounts.php, 1.6, 1.7 sn_translating_docs.php, 1.6, 1.7 sn_translating_software.php, 1.6, 1.7
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide index.php,1.11,1.12
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs index.php,1.20,1.21
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/ja_JP/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/ja_JP fedora.css, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_accounts.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_translating_docs.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_translating_software.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/ja_JP/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/ja_JP - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/fr_FR index.php, 1.1, 1.2 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.1, 1.2 rv-revhistory.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn_accounts.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn_translating_docs.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn_translating_software.php, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/nl index.php, 1.1, 1.2 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.1, 1.2 rv-revhistory.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn_accounts.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn_translating_docs.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn_translating_software.php, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide index.php,1.10,1.11
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs index.php,1.19,1.20
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/pl fedora.css, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_accounts.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_translating_docs.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_translating_software.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/en index.php, 1.5, 1.6 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.1, 1.2 rv-revhistory.php, 1.5, 1.6 sn_accounts.php, 1.5, 1.6 sn_translating_docs.php, 1.5, 1.6 sn_translating_software.php, 1.5, 1.6
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/pl/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/pl/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/pl - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/en ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/pt_BR ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/it ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora usability : a new project?
- From: "Damien Durand" <splinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Art Gallery and Plone Issues
- From: Jonathan Steffan <jonathansteffan@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Progress of migration to plone? IRC meeting suggestion
- From: Aurelien Bompard <gauret@xxxxxxx>
- Art Gallery and Plone Issues
- From: Warren Togami <wtogami@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New CSS set for wiki
- From: Hugo Cisneiros <hugo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Progress of migration to plone? IRC meeting suggestion
- From: Greg DeKoenigsberg <gdk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Progress of migration to plone? IRC meeting suggestion
- From: "Patrick W. Barnes" <nman64@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Progress of migration to plone? IRC meeting suggestion
- From: Greg DeKoenigsberg <gdk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Progress of migration to plone? IRC meeting suggestion
- From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: release-notes-ISO word not needed in URL -- use short, clean URLs
- From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: release-notes-ISO word not needed in URL -- use short, clean URLs
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.17,1.18
- From: "Robert Theisen" (trobert) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.16,1.17
- From: "Robert Theisen" (trobert) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.15,1.16
- From: "Robert Theisen" (trobert) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.14,1.15
- From: "Robert Theisen" (trobert) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download mirrors.php,1.13,1.14
- From: "Robert Theisen" (trobert) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/participate/translation-faq index.php,1.2,1.3
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs index.php,1.18,1.19
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/el fedora.css, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_accounts.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_translating_docs.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_translating_software.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/el/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide index.php,1.9,1.10
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/el/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/el - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: release-notes-ISO word not needed in URL -- use short, clean URLs
- From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: release-notes-ISO word not needed in URL -- use short, clean URLs
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- release-notes-ISO word not needed in URL -- use short, clean URLs
- From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs index.php,1.17,1.18
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide index.php,1.8,1.9
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/fr_FR/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/fr_FR fedora.css, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_accounts.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_translating_docs.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_translating_software.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/fr_FR/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/fr_FR - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors legacy-updates-released-fc6, NONE, 1.1 legacy-updates-testing-fc6, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Jesse Keating" (jkeating) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors legacy-updates-released-fc4, NONE, 1.1 legacy-updates-testing-fc4, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Jesse Keating" (jkeating) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New CSS set for wiki
- From: Hugo Cisneiros <hugo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs index.php,1.16,1.17
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/jargon-buster/pt fedora-glossary.php, 1.2, 1.3 index.php, 1.2, 1.3 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.2, 1.3 rv-revhistory.php, 1.2, 1.3
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/jargon-buster index.php,1.9,1.10
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/jargon-buster/pt fedora-glossary.php, 1.1, 1.2 index.php, 1.1, 1.2 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.1, 1.2 rv-revhistory.php, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/jargon-buster fedora-glossary.php, 1.7, NONE index.php, 1.8, NONE ln-legalnotice.php, 1.6, NONE rv-revhistory.php, 1.6, NONE
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New CSS set for wiki
- From: Diana Fong <dfong@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New CSS set for wiki
- From: Hugo Cisneiros <hugo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New CSS set for wiki
- From: Diana Fong <dfong@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New CSS set for wiki
- From: Diana Fong <dfong@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New CSS set for wiki
- From: Hugo Cisneiros <hugo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New CSS set for wiki
- From: Dimitris Glezos <dimitris@xxxxxxxxxx>
- New CSS set for wiki
- From: Hugo Cisneiros <hugo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/include project.inc,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/include navigation.inc,1.19,1.20
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/projects/selinux index.php,1.2,1.3
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: cron error?
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- cron error?
- From: "Anand Capur" <anandcomputerphreak@xxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/projects/selinux index.php,,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Plone issues
- From: "Paul W. Frields" <stickster@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: French community website
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: French community website
- From: Thomas Canniot <thomas.canniot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: French community website
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Plone needs/wishes/requirements
- From: Karsten Wade <kwade@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/fedora-install-guide-en index.php,1.5,1.6
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/About index.php,1.2,1.3 contact.php,1.1,1.2
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/fedora-install-guide-en/fc5 ch-rootpassword.php, 1.3, 1.4 ch-timezone.php, 1.3, 1.4 sn-utc.php, 1.3, 1.4
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/fedora-install-guide-en/fc5/figs fbootdatetime.png, 1.1, 1.2 fbootdatetimentp.png, 1.1, 1.2 fbootdisplay.png, 1.1, 1.2 fbootdisplaymonitor.png, 1.1, 1.2 fbootfirewall.png, 1.1, 1.2 fbootlicense.png, 1.1, 1.2 fbootselinux.png, 1.1, 1.2 fbootsystemuser.png, 1.1, 1.2 fbootwelcome.png, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/fedora-install-guide-en/fc5 ap-admin-options.php, 1.1, 1.2 ap-techref.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-abouttoinstall.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-acknowledgements.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-beginninginstallation.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-bootloader.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-disk-partitioning.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-firstboot.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-installer-locale.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-installing-packages.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-intro.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-networkconfig.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-next-steps.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-other-install-methods.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-packageselection.php, 1.1, 1.2 ch-rootpassword.php, 1.2, 1.3 ch-timezone.php, 1.2, 1.3 ch-upgrading-system.php, 1.1, 1.2 fedora-install-guide-en_US.tar.gz, 1.1, 1.2 generated-index.php, 1.1, 1.2 index.php, 1.1, 1.2 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.1, 1.2 rv-revhistory.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-automating-installation.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-before-begin.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-boot-modes.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-booting-from-pxe.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-bootloader-advanced.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-bootloader-others.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-bootloader-password.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-bootoptions-hardware.php, 1.1, 1.! 2 sn-community.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-computer-hostname.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-disk-druid.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-firstboot-datetime.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-firstboot-display.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-firstboot-firewall.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-firstboot-selinux.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-firstboot-systemuser.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-hwarchitecture.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-installer-keyboard.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-installing-from-harddrive.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-lang-packages.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-media-testing.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-network-misc-settings.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-news-subscriptions.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-package-selection.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-preparing-media.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-remote-logging.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-remoteaccess-installation.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-upgrading-bootloader.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn-utc.php, 1.2, 1.3 sn-web-help.php, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/fedora-install-guide-en/fc5/figs fbootsoundcard.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/fedora-install-guide-en/fc5/stylesheet-images titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/fedora-install-guide-en/fc5/stylesheet-images 1.png, 1.1, 1.2 10.png, 1.1, 1.2 11.png, 1.1, 1.2 12.png, 1.1, 1.2 13.png, 1.1, 1.2 14.png, 1.1, 1.2 15.png, 1.1, 1.2 2.png, 1.1, 1.2 3.png, 1.1, 1.2 4.png, 1.1, 1.2 5.png, 1.1, 1.2 6.png, 1.1, 1.2 7.png, 1.1, 1.2 8.png, 1.1, 1.2 9.png, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/fedora-install-guide-en/fc5 sn-firstboot-soundcard.php, NONE, 1.1 watermark.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- French community website
- From: Thomas Canniot <thomas.canniot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/it index.php, 1.2, 1.3 rv-revhistory.php, 1.2, 1.3 sn_accounts.php, 1.2, 1.3 sn_translating_docs.php, 1.2, 1.3 sn_translating_software.php, 1.2, 1.3
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/Download/mirrors fedora-core-rawhide-debug,1.3,1.4
- From: "Jeremy Katz" (katzj) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-faq-fc5 index.php,1.6,1.7
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-faq index.php,1.5,1.6
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-faq-fc5/pt index.php,NONE,1.1
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-faq-fc5/pt - New directory
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs index.php,1.15,1.16
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/en index.php, 1.4, 1.5 rv-revhistory.php, 1.4, 1.5 sn_accounts.php, 1.4, 1.5 sn_translating_docs.php, 1.4, 1.5 sn_translating_software.php, 1.4, 1.5
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/pt_BR fedora.css, 1.1, 1.2 index.php, 1.2, 1.3 rv-revhistory.php, 1.2, 1.3 sn_accounts.php, 1.2, 1.3 sn_translating_docs.php, 1.2, 1.3 sn_translating_software.php, 1.2, 1.3
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide index.php,1.7,1.8
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/ru fedora.css, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_accounts.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_translating_docs.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_translating_software.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/ru/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/pt_BR/stylesheet-images titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 1.png, 1.1, 1.2 10.png, 1.1, 1.2 11.png, 1.1, 1.2 12.png, 1.1, 1.2 13.png, 1.1, 1.2 14.png, 1.1, 1.2 15.png, 1.1, 1.2 2.png, 1.1, 1.2 3.png, 1.1, 1.2 4.png, 1.1, 1.2 5.png, 1.1, 1.2 6.png, 1.1, 1.2 7.png, 1.1, 1.2 8.png, 1.1, 1.2 9.png, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/nl/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/nl fedora.css, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_accounts.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_translating_docs.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_translating_software.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/ru/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/nl/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/ru - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/nl - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-faq-fc5 index.php,1.5,1.6
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-faq-fc5/it/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-faq-fc5/en_US/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-faq-fc5/it fedora.css, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-faq-fc5/en_US index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-faq-fc5/it/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-faq-fc5/en_US/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-faq-fc5/it - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/selinux-faq-fc5/en_US - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I am not sure this is teh right list but I have a prpblem with FC4
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- I am not sure this is teh right list but I have a prpblem with FC4
- From: "Bill Loy" <bill@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs index.php,1.14,1.15
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/yum index.php,1.10,1.11
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/yum generated-index.php, 1.9, NONE index.php, 1.9, NONE ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.1, NONE ln-legalnotice.php, 1.8, NONE rv-revhistory.php, 1.4, NONE sn-acknowledgements.php, 1.8, NONE sn-acknowledgments.php, 1.1, NONE sn-managing-packages.php, 1.9, NONE sn-searching-packages.php, 1.9, NONE sn-software-management-concepts.php, 1.9, NONE sn-software-management-tools.php, 1.9, NONE sn-updating-your-system.php, 1.9, NONE sn-using-repositories.php, 1.9, NONE sn-yum-caching.php, 1.1, NONE sn-yum-customizing.php, 1.1, NONE sn-yum-installing-frompackage.php, 1.9, NONE sn-yum-maintenance.php, 1.8, NONE sn-yum-proxy-server.php, 1.9, NONE
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/include navigation.inc,1.18,1.19
- From: "Karsten Wade" (kwade) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide index.php,1.6,1.7
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/it index.php, 1.1, 1.2 rv-revhistory.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn_accounts.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn_translating_docs.php, 1.1, 1.2 sn_translating_software.php, 1.1, 1.2
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/en index.php, 1.3, 1.4 rv-revhistory.php, 1.3, 1.4 sn_accounts.php, 1.3, 1.4 sn_translating_docs.php, 1.3, 1.4 sn_translating_software.php, 1.3, 1.4
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/pt/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/pt fedora.css, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_accounts.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_translating_docs.php, NONE, 1.1 sn_translating_software.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide index.php, 1.5, NONE ln-legalnotice.php, 1.5, NONE rv-revhistory.php, 1.5, NONE sn_accounts.php, 1.5, NONE sn_translating_docs.php, 1.5, NONE sn_translating_software.php, 1.5, NONE
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs index.php,1.13,1.14
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/pt/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/pt - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/jargon-buster/pt/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/jargon-buster/en_US/stylesheet-images 1.png, NONE, 1.1 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/jargon-buster/en_US/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/jargon-buster/pt/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/jargon-buster index.php,1.7,1.8
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/jargon-buster/pt fedora-glossary.php, NONE, 1.1 fedora.css, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/jargon-buster/en_US fedora-glossary.php, NONE, 1.1 fedora.css, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Paul W. Frields" (pfrields) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora-websites-list Digest, Vol 7, Issue 19
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora-websites-list Digest, Vol 7, Issue 19
- From: "Darren Seet Ser Kai" <darren.seet@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New Fedora Wiki Logo
- From: Hugo Cisneiros <hugo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New Fedora Wiki Logo
- From: Diana Fong <dfong@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: load sharing and webtest.fedora
- From: Elliot Lee <sopwith@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New Fedora Wiki Logo
- From: Thomas Canniot <thomas.canniot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New Fedora Wiki Logo
- From: "Thomas Chung" <tchung@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New Fedora Wiki Logo
- From: Rahul Sundaram <sundaram@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New Fedora Wiki Logo
- From: Hugo Cisneiros <hugo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/yum ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-acknowledgments.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-yum-caching.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-yum-customizing.php, NONE, 1.1 generated-index.php, 1.8, 1.9 index.php, 1.8, 1.9 rv-revhistory.php, 1.3, 1.4 sn-managing-packages.php, 1.8, 1.9 sn-searching-packages.php, 1.8, 1.9 sn-software-management-concepts.php, 1.8, 1.9 sn-software-management-tools.php, 1.8, 1.9 sn-updating-your-system.php, 1.8, 1.9 sn-using-repositories.php, 1.8, 1.9 sn-yum-installing-frompackage.php, 1.8, 1.9 sn-yum-proxy-server.php, 1.8, 1.9
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs index.php,1.12,1.13
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/yum/en/stylesheet-images 10.png, NONE, 1.1 11.png, NONE, 1.1 12.png, NONE, 1.1 13.png, NONE, 1.1 14.png, NONE, 1.1 15.png, NONE, 1.1 1.png, NONE, 1.1 2.png, NONE, 1.1 3.png, NONE, 1.1 4.png, NONE, 1.1 5.png, NONE, 1.1 6.png, NONE, 1.1 7.png, NONE, 1.1 8.png, NONE, 1.1 9.png, NONE, 1.1 caution.png, NONE, 1.1 important.png, NONE, 1.1 note.png, NONE, 1.1 tip.png, NONE, 1.1 titlepage.png, NONE, 1.1 warning.png, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/yum/en/stylesheet-images - New directory
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
- web/html/docs/yum/en generated-index.php, NONE, 1.1 index.php, NONE, 1.1 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, NONE, 1.1 rv-revhistory.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-acknowledgments.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-managing-packages.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-searching-packages.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-software-management-concepts.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-software-management-tools.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-updating-your-system.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-using-repositories.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-yum-caching.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-yum-customizing.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-yum-installing-frompackage.php, NONE, 1.1 sn-yum-proxy-server.php, NONE, 1.1
- From: "Hugo Cisneiros" (eitch) <fedora-websites-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
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