On 12/5/06, Paulo Santos <
paulo.banon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi John,
I will reply to number 1.
1. Is the move back to a temporary situation for testing?
Yes. , was the available domain name, that i could use to deploy the 'testing' environment. Don't forget that is just an A record pointing to a server in Duke.
Whenever you go to you are already going through the architecture to where we will change the domain to.
So currently you have:
end user > browser > fpserv
and in a near future:
end user > browser > Load balancer > proxy servers (with squid) > app (wiki)
So in conclusion, is the actual server that will support the wiki, but with a different domain name.
Feel free to ask, if you still have any doubts.
I'm currently also in #fedora-docs as paulobanon, so drop me an email or ask on the channel :)
PauloOn 12/5/06, John Babich < jmbabich@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:Karsten:
Three questions:
I understand the need to prevent the website outage due to unusual
demand when FC6 was released. I support any and all efforts to improve
the infrastructure.
I also am very much committed to improving the "public face" of the
Fedora Project.
With that in mind, I am confused with the website migration back to .
I thought the direction was to move everything to I
also thought that Plone was the preferred platform, at least for
static pages.
1. Is the move back to a temporary situation for testing?
2. Are we still going with Plone for static pages and MoinMoin wiki
for drafts, etc.?
By the way, I'm intrigued by the "Render as Docbook" feature.
3. Is there a way to generate our valid DocBook XML code with this facility?
Best Regards,
John Babich
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