web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/en index.php, 1.7, 1.8 ln-legalnotice-opl.php, 1.3, 1.4 rv-revhistory.php, 1.7, 1.8 sn_accounts.php, 1.7, 1.8 sn_translating_docs.php, 1.7, 1.8 sn_translating_software.php, 1.7, 1.8

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Author: pfrields

Update of /cvs/fedora/web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/en
In directory cvs-int.fedora.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv5427

Modified Files:
	index.php ln-legalnotice-opl.php rv-revhistory.php 
	sn_accounts.php sn_translating_docs.php 
Log Message:
Update trans QSG (en) to 0.3.5, translations to follow soon...

Index: index.php
RCS file: /cvs/fedora/web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/en/index.php,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
--- index.php	11 Aug 2006 02:34:34 -0000	1.7
+++ index.php	14 Aug 2006 13:32:41 -0000	1.8
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
     at <a href="http://bugzilla.redhat.com"; target="_top">http://bugzilla.redhat.com</a>.  When you file your bug, select "Fedora Documentation" as the
     <code class="systemitem">Product</code>, and select the title of this document as
     the <code class="systemitem">Component</code>.  The version of this document is
-    translation-quick-start-guide-0.3.4 (2006-08-10).
+    translation-quick-start-guide-0.3.5 (2006-08-14).
     The maintainers of this document will automatically receive your bug report.
     On behalf of the entire Fedora community, thank you for helping us make

Index: ln-legalnotice-opl.php
RCS file: /cvs/fedora/web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/en/ln-legalnotice-opl.php,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.3 -r1.4
--- ln-legalnotice-opl.php	11 Aug 2006 02:34:34 -0000	1.3
+++ ln-legalnotice-opl.php	14 Aug 2006 13:32:41 -0000	1.4
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
     Permission is granted to copy, distribute, and/or modify this
     document under the terms of the Open Publication Licence, Version
     1.0, or any later version. The terms of the OPL are set out below.
-  </p><div class="orderedlist"><a name="opl.terms"></a><ol type="I"><li><a name="opl.require"></a><h2><a name="id2780317"></a>REQUIREMENTS ON BOTH UNMODIFIED AND MODIFIED
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 	Open Publication works may be reproduced and distributed in
 	whole or in part, in any medium physical or electronic, provided
@@ -37,10 +37,10 @@
 	surfaces of the book the original publisher's name shall be as
 	large as the title of the work and cited as possessive with
 	respect to the title.
-      </p></li><li><a name="opl.copyright"></a><h2><a name="id2796095"></a>COPYRIGHT</h2><p>
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 	The copyright to each Open Publication is owned by its author(s)
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-      </p></li><li><a name="opl.scope"></a><h2><a name="id2781613"></a>SCOPE OF LICENSE</h2><p>
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 	The following license terms apply to all Open Publication works,
 	unless otherwise explicitly stated in the document.
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 	including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
 	merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose or a
 	warranty of non-infringement.
-      </p></li><li><a name="opl.modified.works"></a><h2><a name="id2784666"></a>REQUIREMENTS ON MODIFIED WORKS</h2><p>
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 	All modified versions of documents covered by this license,
 	including translations, anthologies, compilations and partial
 	documents, must meet the following requirements:
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 	    The original author's (or authors') name(s) may not be used
 	    to assert or imply endorsement of the resulting document
 	    without the original author's (or authors') permission.
-	  </p></li></ol></div></li><li><a name="opl.good-practice"></a><h2><a name="id2753698"></a>GOOD-PRACTICE RECOMMENDATIONS</h2><p>
+	  </p></li></ol></div></li><li><a name="opl.good-practice"></a><h2><a name="id2833734"></a>GOOD-PRACTICE RECOMMENDATIONS</h2><p>
 	In addition to the requirements of this license, it is requested
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@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
 	    considered good form to offer a free copy of any hardcopy
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 	The author(s) and/or publisher of an Open Publication-licensed
 	document may elect certain options by appending language to the
 	reference to or copy of the license. These options are

Index: rv-revhistory.php
RCS file: /cvs/fedora/web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/en/rv-revhistory.php,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
--- rv-revhistory.php	11 Aug 2006 02:34:34 -0000	1.7
+++ rv-revhistory.php	14 Aug 2006 13:32:41 -0000	1.8
@@ -7,7 +7,11 @@
-<div class="revhistory"><table border="1" width="100%" summary="Revision history"><tr><th align="left" valign="top" colspan="3"><b>Revision History</b></th></tr><tr><td align="left">Revision 0.3.4</td><td align="left">2006-08-10</td><td align="left">MO</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="3">
+<div class="revhistory"><table border="1" width="100%" summary="Revision history"><tr><th align="left" valign="top" colspan="3"><b>Revision History</b></th></tr><tr><td align="left">Revision 0.3.5</td><td align="left">2006-08-14</td><td align="left">PWF</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="3">
+        <p>
+          Editorial pass, revising procedure to match proper ordering
+        </p>
+      </td></tr><tr><td align="left">Revision 0.3.4</td><td align="left">2006-08-10</td><td align="left">MO</td></tr><tr><td align="left" colspan="3">
           Additional information about joining the Docs Project and GPG.

Index: sn_accounts.php
RCS file: /cvs/fedora/web/html/docs/translation-quick-start-guide/en/sn_accounts.php,v
retrieving revision 1.7
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
--- sn_accounts.php	11 Aug 2006 02:34:34 -0000	1.7
+++ sn_accounts.php	14 Aug 2006 13:32:41 -0000	1.8
@@ -44,30 +44,62 @@
 	translators, to discuss issues that affect only the individual
 	community of translators.
       </p></div><div class="section" lang="en-US"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="sn-accounts-docs"></a>2.3. Accounts for Documentation</h3></div></div></div><p>
-	If you plan to translate Fedora documentation, you must have a
-	Fedora CVS account and membership on the Fedora Documentation Project mailing list.  To
-	join the Fedora Documentation Project mailing list, refer to <a href="http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-docs-list/"; target="_top">http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-docs-list/</a>. 
-	You should also create a GPG key, since the Fedora Documentation Project encourages all
-	participants to sign e-mails.  To create a key, use the
-	following command:
-      </p><pre class="screen">
+	Follow this procedure to start working directly with the Fedora Documentation Project
+	to translate documentation.
+      </p><div class="procedure"><ol type="1"><li><p>
+	    The Fedora Documentation Project encourages all participants to sign e-mails with a
+	    GPG key.  To create a key, use the following command:
+	  </p><pre class="screen">
 <code class="command">gpg --gen-key</code>
-	A series of prompts guides you through the process. Press
-	<span><strong class="keycap">Enter</strong></span> to select the default values.
-      </p><p>
-	You must export your public key so other people can verify your
-	signature. Use this command to export your key to a public
-	server:
-      </p><pre class="screen">
+	    A series of prompts guides you through the process. Press
+	    <span><strong class="keycap">Enter</strong></span> to select the default values.
+	  </p><p>
+	    You must export your public key so other people can verify
+	    your signature. Use this command to export your key to a
+	    public server:
+	  </p><pre class="screen">
 <code class="command">gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --send-keys GPGKEYID</code>
-	You also need to sign up for a Fedora CVS account.  Visit <a href="https://admin.fedoraproject.com/accounts/"; target="_top">https://admin.fedoraproject.com/accounts/</a> for
-	  details and instructions.
-      </p><p>
-	You should post a self-introduction to the Fedora Documentation Project mailing
-	list.  For details, refer to <a href="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DocsProject/SelfIntroduction"; target="_top">http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DocsProject/SelfIntroduction</a>.
-      </p></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="index.php">Prev</a> </td><td width="20%" align="center"> </td><td width="40%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="sn_translating_software.php">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Translation Quick Start Guide </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.php">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top"> 3. Translating Software</td></tr></table></div>
+	    Request a membership on the Fedora Documentation Project mailing list. To do that,
+	    fill out the form at <a href="http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-docs-list/"; target="_top">http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-docs-list/</a>.
+	  </p></li><li><p>
+	    You should post a self-introduction to the Fedora Documentation Project mailing
+	    list. For details, refer to <a href="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DocsProject/SelfIntroduction"; target="_top">http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DocsProject/SelfIntroduction</a>.
+	  </p></li><li><p>
+	    You also need to sign up for a Fedora account.  Visit <a href="https://admin.fedoraproject.com/accounts/"; target="_top">https://admin.fedoraproject.com/accounts/</a> and
+	    select the link <span><strong class="guilabel">Apply for a new
+	      account</strong></span>. After filling out this form, you have
+	    a basic account.
+	  </p><p>
+	    You must complete the Contributors License Agreement
+	    (<span class="acronym">CLA</span>), refer to <a href="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/AccountSystem/CLAHowTo"; target="_top">http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/AccountSystem/CLAHowTo</a> for instructions.
+	  </p></li><li><p>
+	    Once you have successfully completed the CLA, return to the
+	    account system and select <span><strong class="guilabel">Edit Your
+	      Account</strong></span>. Enter the password you received by
+	    email and select <span><strong class="guilabel">Add new membership</strong></span> at
+	    the bottom of the page.  In the field
+	    <span><strong class="guilabel">Groupname</strong></span>, enter
+	    <strong class="userinput"><code>cvsdocs</code></strong> and select
+	    <span><strong class="guilabel">Add</strong></span>.  This action requests access
+	    to the CVS repository where the documentation is stored.
+	  </p><div class="important" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><table border="0" summary="Important: CVS Access is Not Automatic"><tr><td rowspan="2" align="center" valign="top" width="25"><img alt="[Important]" src="./stylesheet-images/important.png"></td><th align="left">CVS Access is Not Automatic</th></tr><tr><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
+	      When you fill out this form, you are not automatically
+	      granted write access to the CVS repository.  You may need
+	      sponsorship from one of the Fedora Documentation Project managers to get this
+	      access.
+	    </p></td></tr></table></div></li><li><p>
+	    The next step is to create a wiki account. Fill out the form
+	    at <a href="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/UserPreferences"; target="_top">http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/UserPreferences</a>,
+	    and select <span><strong class="guilabel">Create Profile</strong></span>.
+	  </p></li><li><p>
+	    Contact any person with edit access and ask to be added to
+	    the Wiki edit account in <a href="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EditGroup"; target="_top">http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EditGroup</a>.  You can
+	    do this on IRC or by posting on the
+	    <code class="systemitem">fedora-docs-list</code> mailing list you
+	    joined in a previous step.
+	  </p></li></ol></div></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="index.php">Prev</a> </td><td width="20%" align="center"> </td><td width="40%" align="right"> <a accesskey="n" href="sn_translating_software.php">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Translation Quick Start Guide </td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.php">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top"> 3. Translating Software</td></tr></table></div>

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