Hi, I've create a wiki for the Brazilian Fedora Community, and I tried to do something similar with the fedoraproject.org official wiki. Indeed ithe result looks like the fp.o wiki, but I made (IMO) some improvements to the CSS set. They are located in: common - http://projetofedora.org/wikidata/fedora/css/common.css screen - http://projetofedora.org//wikidata/fedora/css/screen.css print http://projetofedora.org//wikidata/fedora/css/print.css projection - http://projetofedora.org//wikidata/fedora/css/projection.css Our current wiki (to see some preview) is located in: http://projetofedora.org/wiki/ or http://projetofedora.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi Maybe if you like it, it can be used in fp.o too. Some main notes about the modifications: - Paragraph (<p>) margins: they are too short in current theme. I added some space between them. - Unordered list (<ul>): added some indentation to get visually nicer. - Heading titles <h1,h2,h3,...>: Heading and sub-headings currently are always one-sized in font, and no indentation. This sometimes confuses the page's organization on Topics and Sub-Topics. I added font-size (parent headings means larger fonts) and indentation. The result IMO is nicer. Look at these examples (ignore the strange portuguese language): * http://projetofedora.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/Documentacao * http://projetofedora.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/ObtenhaAjuda/RegrasConduta Note: I made a new <h1> style for the main heading (usually the page's title), you can ignore this if you don't like. - I also did some more css classes to tip admonitions and table of contents. (optional) - The TableOfContents macro was modified to reflect the new table of contents' css class, giving a default look to all pages without having to do "complicated" styling in wiki raw pages (as in /wiki/FAQ). (optional) Hope you like it. Any feedback is really appreciated. Cheers, -- []'s Eitch http://www.devin.com.br/eitch/ "Talk is cheap. Show me the code." - Linus Torvalds