Re: Progress of migration to plone? IRC meeting suggestion

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Le mardi 25 juillet 2006 08:34, Patrick W. Barnes a écrit :
> When we first started on this idea, Jon had packaged the new versions for
> Unity, but they weren't in Fedora Extras. Thanks to Jon and Aurelian
> Bompard, the new versions are now in Fedora Extras.

> 1.  The platform currently installed on fpserv (the Plone site), CentOS,
> is not running a recent-enough version of Python to handle the new Zope
> version. The new Plone version requires the new Zope version.  We'll
> either have to upgrade Python or the entire system to something more
> recent.  If we move the system to Fedora Core 5, we'll be able to install
> the new Zope and Plone versions from Fedora Extras.  We're just not sure
> that Fedora is right for these servers due to its short lifecycle.

I'm maintaining Zope & Plone in Extras, with the help of some contributors. 
Those pieces of software have very strong requirements on the versions 
(Zope requires a particular version of python, and Plone requires a 
particular version of Zope). And usually, those versions are not the latest 

If you want to use a long lifcycle distribution like CentOS or RHEL, you 
will pretty much end up having to use custom packages of Zope/Plone if you 
need recent versions of the stack. That said, it is not very hard to do, 
and it could be a very viable solution.

> 2.  We'll have to handle some of the planning for the new Account System
> to make sure that the Plone authentication will be compatible.  The
> Infrastructure team has to decide whether it will be using SQL or LDAP as
> the storage backend for the new system, and a compatible schema will have
> to be created for that backend.  In theory, we could put something
> together that works for now and make revisions for compatibility later,
> but we might save ourselves some hassle by doing a little planning first.

I am working in the Infrastructure team on the Account System rewrite. The 
decision for the back-end is not certain yet, but LDAP will very probably 
be available. At the worst it will not be the primary source of information 
(it would be kept in sync), but that should not change anything for Plone.

Anyway, we're still working on it, but rest assured that we'll keep you 
informed when the new Account System takes shape.

--  ~~~~  Jabber : abompard@xxxxxxxxx
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build
bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce
bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." -- Rich Cook

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