Fedora Linux General Discussion
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GA?: "Fedora 27 Final Release (GA)",
William Mattison
Re: voyage, Frédéric Bron
spec noarch example for packaging jar files, Adrian Sevcenco
Phishing Expedition [Fwd: (announce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)E-mail suspension notice],
Jonathan Ryshpan
DNF: ValueError: Can't set use_includes for repo with given name.,
Problem: Cross compile to arm (Raspberry pi) using autotools,
Dirk Gottschalk
how to enable/start "git@.service" via systemd?,
Robert P. J. Day
install polymake,
Patrick Dupre
This morning's update & bluetooth,
Wells, Roger K.
Is it possible to start without nouveau?,
Install with /boot in LVM,
S P Arif Sahari Wibowo
wireless mouse dies,
Antonio M
chronyc keeps on running,
Ranjan Maitra
Re: Services Offered by Freelance Network and Infrastructure Engineer,
Ed Greshko
What's wrong with new kernels,
Enable SSLv3 in Postfix,
Nelson Crosby
Asterisk 15.0 availibility in Fedora Release 26, Bogdan Cristea
boot device options,
Jeffrey Ross
During update,
Patrick Dupre
Portable Fedora that doesn't suck,
Richard Shaw
No Flash in Firefox 56?,
Juan Orti Alcaine
How to install ytnef?,
ldbsearch and missing LDB_MODULES_PATH, how to set it correctly?,
Lin Pro
[F26] Cannot log in with sddm (Plasma), sddm-helper[6948]: segfault, Frédéric Bron
F26: Print from gnome is not respect cups directive 'ErrorPolicy retry-job',
Dario Lesca
I give up using Fedora ...,
Walter H.
update fails,
Patrick Dupre
Radeon(Kaveri) missing firmware and lost HW video acceleration?,
Anyone using kodi?,
Tom Horsley
F27 Beta install issue for existing RAID1,
what is an administrator?,
Tom Horsley
No wayland on Intel HD graphics?,
Tom Horsley
No login screen after update FC26 from 4.11 kernel to 4.12.*,
Installing pandoc-crossref on Fedora 26 using Cabal, Ankur Sinha
DNF undo,
ogio spam
Networkmanager openvpn and IPv6 address, Ed Greshko
Jeffrey Ross
Failure with Intel wireless on Dell XPS 17,
Go Canes
Help frub to detect the righ OS, Patrick Dupre
Fwd: [openFATE 322297] Yast2 working in wayland, ChunYu Wang
Tomcat - different users for different instances?,
Peter Boy
DNF packages?,
Jeffrey Ross
gcc unsupported version,
Hiisi T
Build a network bridge with Fedora,
Cristian Sava
Failed Delta RPMs increased 10.7 MB of updates to 15.9 MB -,
Bob Goodwin
Failed SDDM Login to KDE Plasma for a Specific User,
Bob Jackson
[F26] missing /run/user/${USER} directory,
Frédéric Bron
corrupted /tmp on F26, Frédéric Bron
(OT) CCleaner alert., William Mattison
OT: unable to close my linked in account,
Problem with SELinux: cannot change password, cannot open Plasma session,
Frédéric Bron
Fedora and KVM switch,
Blue login sreen error FC25,
Urgent: f24: dvb_usb_rtl28xxu not tuning "Leadtek Winfast DTV2000 DS PLUS TV",
Eyal Lebedinsky
Patrick Dupre
Patrick Dupre
Weird video glitch with nvidia drivers,
Tom Horsley
driver for epson WF-2760DWF,
Patrick Dupre
OT: restoring Chrome bookmarks,
Patrick O'Callaghan
howto re-enable SELinux,
Spamassassin and sa-update/sa-compile, Jeffrey Ross
Build signature doesn't match environment failed loading RPMDB,
Sudhir Khanger
installing updates not in the background on F26? reboot giving me a 15 min delay...,
Peter Teuben
F26: wifi not working on hp af103ax,
Ranjan Maitra
Possible to "dnf upgrade" in a Fedora Gnome without the need to reboot?,
Wolfgang Pfeiffer
Upgrade from f19,
Eyal Lebedinsky
how do I enable the telnet server?,
Christian Groessler
ip forwarding/masquerading and dhcpd,
Never ending stream of PackageKit messages, Juan Orti Alcaine
Strange login screen,
Jonathan Ryshpan
F26: cannot import libraries in LibreOffice Calc, Frédéric Bron
dillo's ssl support does not work with F26,
Ranjan Maitra
Post long pending moderation [was Re: Your message to users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx awaits moderator approval],
Jonathan Ryshpan
Fedora 25 not booting after update,
Matt Morgan
What is fedora?,
Pranesh P
Discrepancy in f26 iso sizes,
End of i686 Support,
Jeff Backus
VMware player with Fedora 26 (kernel module not loaded),
Robbi Nespu
i686/x86_64 conflict when installing steam,
Florian Sievert
F26+vim 8.0.983: No more gitcommit filetype in vim,
Frédéric Bron
File transfer for a GoPro Hero Session,
Philip Rhoades
F26+Plasma: windows go to background when resized!,
Frédéric Bron
F26: in konsole vim shows $q q at startup!,
Frédéric Bron
F26 not updating?,
f26 logwatch users: audit report tons of messages?, Tony Nelson
f26 chroot PATH doesn't include /bin,
Tony Nelson
Satellite upstream,
Daniel Ståhl
Why size of Firefox package is double in Fedora and CentOS?,
Farhad Mohammadi Majd
Fedora documentation,
PSA: RTL8723BE users beware upgrading to kernel 4.12+,
Samuel Sieb
akmod timing problem or what?,
Tom Horsley
Bug? Multiple password prompts for encrypted partitions,
What's up with firefox on f26?,
Eyal Lebedinsky
dnf upgrade to F26,
Paolo Galtieri
several issues with F25,
Paolo Galtieri
F26 guest in qemu/kvm and 4.12.8-300 kernel,
Ed Greshko
xorg-x11-drv-libinput touchpad middle-click?, Ian Pilcher
requests for root password, Fulko Hew
mdadm confusion,
Jeffrey Ross
Kseniya Blashchuk
Typing Emoji in F26?,
Issues burning files to DVD -- Fedora 26,
Terry Polzin
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