Linux Audio Users
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- Re: 192kHz, (continued)
- Re: 192kHz,
Florin Andrei
- Re: 192kHz,
Mike Taht
- Re: 192kHz,
Carlo Capocasa
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Florin Andrei
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Lee Revell
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Florin Andrei
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Brent Busby
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Esben Stien
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
fons adriaensen
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Wolfgang Woehl
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Jan Depner
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
fons adriaensen
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Wolfgang Woehl
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
fons adriaensen
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Tracey Hytry
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Wolfgang Woehl
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Gene Heskett
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Cesare Marilungo
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Georg Holzmann
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Cesare Marilungo
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Georg Holzmann
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Cesare Marilungo
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
fons adriaensen
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Thomas Ilnseher
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Cesare Marilungo
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Thomas Ilnseher
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Phil Sexton
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Wolfgang Woehl
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
John Anderson
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Gene Heskett
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
Ismael Valladolid Torres
- Re: 192kHz,
Carlo Capocasa
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
tim hall
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
tim hall
- Re: Re: 192kHz,
- Re: 192kHz,
Esben Stien
- DVD-Video for CD-Audio - HOWTO?,
Andrew Gaydenko
- Help with fst-1.6, error on config,
Josh Lawrence
- One channel clipping on centred mono source,
- Choosing a sound card for video playback,
Tony Houghton
- Re: finding format 0 and 2 midi files,
Clemens Ladisch
- Request for opinions on TASCAM US-224 (and US-122),
Björn Lindström
- Re: rosegarden-4-1.0: can't seem to get any MIDI out ...,
Sylvain Robitaille
- Re: Homemade music,
tim hall
- Acid type program,
Vaughan Famularo
- FLAC in OGG?,
- Still some issue with Edirol UA25,
Christian Gagneraud
- [Music] New Year Child,
Dmitry Baikov
- Re: Xi instruments,
Kai Vehmanen
- Re: [linux-audio-user] fst 1.7 doesn't compile,
- Re: [linux-audio-user] Re: WINE + audio experiences ?,
Josh Lawrence
- Re: [linux-audio-user] rosegarden-4-1.0: can't seem to get any MIDI out ...,
Sylvain Robitaille
- [linux-audio-user] Filtering out distortion?,
Alex Polite
- [linux-audio-user] USB again,
Victor Lazzarini
- Re: [linux-audio-user] finding format 0 and 2 midi files,
Dave Phillips
- Re: [linux-audio-user] USB and Kernel 2.6.15,
Victor Lazzarini
- Re: [linux-audio-user] ZynAddSubFX and fftw question,
Brian Dunn
- [linux-audio-user] favicon,
- [linux-audio-user] [ANN] WhySynth DSSI plugin 20060122 release,
Sean Bolton
- Re: [linux-audio-user] M-audio MobilePre USB status,
Christian Gagneraud
- [linux-audio-user] JAD kernel released,
Michael Bohle
- [linux-audio-user] Complete Linux Audio System,
- [linux-audio-user] Edirol UA 1EX @ 44.1kHz,
Christoph Eckert
- [linux-audio-user] RME Multiface - MIDI,
Edwin Peer
- [linux-audio-user] Behringer FCB1010 foot controller,
Olivier Ricordeau
- [linux-audio-user] Alien Systems...,
Russell Hanaghan
- [linux-audio-user] help with virtual midi?,
bernie arai
- [linux-audio-user] MidiSport 4x4 on SuSE 10,
christian bunge
- [linux-audio-user] more information - Ubuntu,
Josh Lawrence
- [linux-audio-user] Designing system for 'virtual' whole house audiosystem that deals with all kinds of audio sources ?,
Robert Rozman
- [linux-audio-user] rlimit problem on opensuse 10.0: pam_limits: unknown limit item 'rtprio',
Joern Nettingsmeier
- [linux-audio-user] Slightly OT: Jack-aware applications on OSX,
Adrian Prantl
- [linux-audio-user] Re: M-Audio MidiSport 2x2,
Peter Clarke
- [linux-audio-user] Re: Frontier Design Tranzport working,
Sampo Savolainen
- [linux-audio-user] keeping alsa stable,
Atte André Jensen
- [linux-audio-user] Multi-port MIDI interface,
Ben Loftis
- [linux-audio-user] Re: vst: emulate mac intead of win?,
Kjetil S. Matheussen
- [linux-audio-user] Re: linux-audio-user Digest, Vol 28, Issue 10,
David Baron
- [linux-audio-user] Copyleftmedia News: The GIMP and Sex, New Madonna Remix Project contributions,
- [linux-audio-user] [ANN] ICMC 2006 Call for Works,
Ge Wang
- [linux-audio-user] Copyleftmedia News: The GIMP and Sex, New Madonna Remix Project contributions,
miriam clinton (iriXx)
- [linux-audio-user] Debian 2.6.14 alsa problems,
David Baron
- [linux-audio-user] maudio 1814,
Noah Roberts
- [linux-audio-user] Re: [DMCA_Discuss] Copyleftmedia News: The GIMP and Sex, new Madonna Remixes,
miriam clinton (iriXx)
- [linux-audio-user] how to record on sb live (low recording levels),
Erik Steffl
- [linux-audio-user] Copyleftmedia News: The GIMP and Sex, New Madonna Remix Project contributions,
miriam clinton (iriXx)
- [linux-audio-user] [admin] server downtime,
Joern Nettingsmeier
- [linux-audio-user] anybody using seq24 for live performances?,
charles thorley
- [linux-audio-user] Pysol Sound Server problem solved,
Laura Conrad
- [linux-audio-user] Help: Audiotrak Maya 44 USB doesn't work,
Harri Tuomela
- [linux-audio-user] Problem possibly RT related?,
Noah Roberts
- [linux-audio-user] OT: Hardware Question-- Is this a 64bit system?,
The Other
- [linux-audio-user] hardware,
Lee Revell
- [linux-audio-user] a nice song recorded with ardour, rosegarden, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc...,
Marcos Guglielmetti
- [linux-audio-user] Re: [ardour-users] a nice song recorded with ardour, rosegarden, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc...,
John Anderson
- [linux-audio-user] [ardour-users] a nice song recorded with ardour, rosegarden, etc., etc., etc., etc., etc...,
R Parker
- [linux-audio-user] How to keep alsa sound card order with usb devices,
John Anderson
- [linux-audio-user] m-audio ozone alsa support?,
Lukas Erni
- [linux-audio-user] Alsa mixer bummers emu10k1,
Brian Dunn
- [linux-audio-user] External SB Live USB,
Sean Edwards
- [linux-audio-user] low fidelity, long duration recording,
Kevin Cosgrove
- [linux-audio-user] Edirol UA-1EX?,
Ketil Thorgersen
- [linux-audio-user] Re: vst: emulate mac instead of win?,
- [linux-audio-user] Re: linux-audio-user Digest, Vol 27, Issue 102,
- [linux-audio-user] Re: I'm back with some more music,
Gavin Stevens
- [linux-audio-user] Guitar amp emulation using LADSPA FX,
- [linux-audio-user] vst: emulate mac intead of win?,
- [linux-audio-user] VST + Linux tutorial final update,
Dave Phillips
- [linux-audio-user] Latency using limits.conf problem,
- [linux-audio-user] Recording FM Radio Card,
Kenneth Jacker
- [linux-audio-user] active nearfield monitors,
- [linux-audio-user] Tour coming up!,
Spencer Russell
- [linux-audio-user] Call for WhySynth presets,
Sean Bolton
- [linux-audio-user] Low Latency Problems with limits.conf,
- [linux-audio-user] where is muse ?,
Hartmut Noack
- [linux-audio-user] Re: A bit of homemade music,
Gavin Stevens
- [linux-audio-user] Re: Current merrits of tmpfs with Jack,
Kjetil S. Matheussen
- [linux-audio-user] Current merrits of tmpfs with Jack,
Russell Hanaghan
- [linux-audio-user] I'm back with some more music,
- [linux-audio-user] Terratec cards ?,
Dave Phillips
- [linux-audio-user] CLI vs. GUI and other Linux sound issues,
- [linux-audio-user] Reminder: LAC2006 Call For Papers/Music/Demos,
Frank Neumann
- [linux-audio-user] Re: recording from jack,
Kjetil S. Matheussen
- [linux-audio-user] midi-through vs virmidi,
Atte André Jensen
- [linux-audio-user] kernel - using rtlimits, realtime_lsm,
Josh Lawrence
- [linux-audio-user] recording from jack,
Atte André Jensen
- [linux-audio-user] A bit of homemade music,
Steve D
- [linux-audio-user] Favorite way to use Jamin?,
Paul Winkler
- [linux-audio-user] Professional Sound Card Choices,
Thomas Vecchione
- [linux-audio-user] NOTEEDIT to use Lilypond as an external printer?,
I. I. Ooisen
- [linux-audio-user] U.S. Copyright: was FOLKS, PAY......,
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
- [linux-audio-user] Re: extract and mix,
- [linux-audio-user] noteedit, the score editor!,
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
I. I. Ooisen
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
Hans Fugal
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
Lars Luthman
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
Carlos Pino
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
I. I. Ooisen
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
I. I. Ooisen
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
Emiliano Grilli
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
Emiliano Grilli
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
I. I. Ooisen
- [linux-audio-user] CLI vs. GUI and other Linux sound issues, was FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT,
Dave Phillips
- [linux-audio-user] CLI vs. GUI and other Linux sound issues,
Greg Wilder
- [linux-audio-user] CLI vs. GUI and other Linux sound issues, was FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT,
I. I. Ooisen
- [linux-audio-user] CLI vs. GUI and other Linux sound issues, was FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT,
S. Massy
- [linux-audio-user] CLI vs. GUI and other Linux sound issues, was FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT,
Dave Robillard
- [linux-audio-user] CLI vs. GUI and other Linux sound issues, was FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT,
Esben Stien
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
tim hall
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
Dave Phillips
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
Noah Roberts
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
Florian Schmidt
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
Christoph Eckert
- <Possible follow-ups>
- [linux-audio-user] FOLKS, PAY ATTENTION TO NOTEEDIT, the score editor!,
- [linux-audio-user] qsynth not visible in noteedit (but visible in kmid, rosegarden),
I. I. Ooisen
- [linux-audio-user] [ANNOUNCE] pdsend_3113 LADSPA plugin,
Orm Finnendahl
- [linux-audio-user] mac mini & imic problem whit jack,
Pedro Hernansáez
- [linux-audio-user] Looking for soundcard.,
lilli chiffon
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