On Wednesday 21 December 2005 18:57, Christoph Eckert wrote: > > Which other programs will do the job? > > One further candidate is qarecord: > > http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php? > group_id=69130&package_id=136333 > &release_id=284650 > > > Best regards > > > ce Hi Christoph. I'm playing around with mhwaveedit from a previous post at the moment. It seems a nice little app. It played back a stock .wav just fine, but recording a live audio stream from bbc.co.uk via realplayer is giving a very stuttery playback. I probably need to play with the knobs and settinngs a bit more, as this is only about 2 hours since I started to install it on FC2. Time machine I've had installed for a while, and since seeing the option for saving in .wav format tried it again. Recording to Timemachine was out of this world. I was doing a test recording from a demo Hydrogen file. I think it must have been recording while in some terrible feedback loop, as the playback was similar to very worst of the "Thrash" that John Peel used to play, along with huge cymbal crashes. In 43 secs I got 18.4MB of .wav. This seems a bit over the top. Anyway, I'm happy to persevere with both of these apps. After all it does take a bit of time to get used to the controls. Nigel. OT. By the way, I'm still using Gentoo, but on dial-up, a load of KDE updates, along with another kernel, and nearly 38MB of yet another Firefox update. Man. The machine was tied up for about 30 hours. It's still a good distro, but probably better if you have an ADSL connection, and a very fast machine for the compiles. It would be nice if while one package was being compiled, the next one in line could be downloading.