Hi, Today we finished a job with a man called Juan M. Bogado: a nice song! He did the MIDI job with his PC and then I imported the .mid file into Rosegarden. We used Specimen for the piano, Zynaddsubfx for Bass and synths, Qsynth for GM percusion, Hydrogen for the main drums (kit: yamaha vintage), and his acustic guitar. We recorded all the audio files into Ardour, and then mastered with Jamin, you can listen to it by clicking here: www.musix.org.ar/ogg/Juan-Martin-Bogado__Yira_Mundo__Musix_GNU-Linux.ogg Hope you like it! -- Marcos Guglielmetti(www.pc-musica.com.ar) Coordinador del desarrollo de Musix GNU+Linux (www.musix.org.ar) ___________________________________________________________ 1GB gratis, Antivirus y Antispam Correo Yahoo!, el mejor correo web del mundo http://correo.yahoo.com.ar