On Mon, 23 Jan 2006, Cesare Marilungo wrote:
In Rosegarden open the dialog in composition->studio->manage MIDI devices and check if your midi device is listed into 'Play devices'.
Listed and selected as the "MIDI output system device".
Then, in the main sequencer editor, right click on the channel you want to play and select that device.
Done. All tracks unmuted (just to be sure); no output from MIDI jack. I use an LED soldered to a DIN-5 socket as a tester, and aplaymidi produces the expected type of LED blinking if I use it to "play" a MIDI file. This confirms to me (I believe) that both the hardware and the OS level support are functioning properly. If there's something else I can do to provide additional confirmation whether that's true, I hope someone will suggest it.
Hope this helps,
I'm seriously wondering about the fact that Rosegarden does not show up in JACK's MIDI "readable clients / output ports" list, and would appreciate confirmation of whether I should be expecting to see it listed there. -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sylvain Robitaille syl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Major in Electroacoustic Studies Concordia University Faculty of Fine Arts / Music Department Montreal, Quebec, Canada ----------------------------------------------------------------------