I. I. Ooisen wrote: > >REFERENCE: >http://rnvs.informatik.tu-chemnitz.de/~jan/noteedit/noteedit.html > >(i just found this!) the developers of noteedit say on their site they >want to end noteedit development because nobody cares about noteedit. >this makes me angry. > >on their official page, they are blaming us for this situation. (maybe >they are right, maybe they are wrong.) > > While I can appreciate your concern you should know that NoteEdit version 2.8.0 rc1 was released on June 4 of this year. If you click on the BerliOS link a little further down on the page you linked you'll find that NE development has indeed been continued. The page you linked to is no longer the official page and this is old news, sorry. The original author felt that NE hadn't received sufficient attention from the community, and his assertion that there was a Linux Finale on the way was unfounded. Nevertheless he decided to discontinue his involvement with its development. Thankfully it has been continued by other developers. I agree that it's a fine application. As to who else uses it, I don't know. I don't work with notation much these days, but I found that NE had a transparent interface and many useful features. I've been writing a series of articles for the Linux Journal on music notation software for Linux, NE will be profiled in the next installment, along with LilyPond. Best, dp