Fedora Infrastructure
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- change puppet report retention to 1months worth,
seth vidal
- [Change Request] Fix FAS Chinese translation,
Ricky Zhou
- serverbeach network maint on 2011-05-31,
Kevin Fenzi
- [Change Request] Fix fasClient restorecon issue,
Ricky Zhou
- Change request - pkgs01 items,
Kevin Fenzi
- Meeting *TODAY* 2011-05-12 at 1900 UTC in #fedora-meeting,
Derek Carter
- [Fwd: [NOTICE] - Bugzilla Update on May 26 - XMLRPC changes],
seth vidal
- Self Introduction.,
Julio Villarreal
- Introductory email from Philip / Pip / l7i7,
p s
- [Change Request] fasClient fix,
Toshio Kuratomi
- update puppet to 2.6.6. from epel-test on a handful of boxes,
seth vidal
- change request - make robots.txt work on fho,
Ricky Elrod
- REMINDER: Outage: pkgs.fedoraproject.org - 2011-05-10 17:00 UTC,
Kevin Fenzi
- change request - move from '*' in cron spec in puppet to 'absent',
seth vidal
- REMINDER: We are in Final freeze,
Kevin Fenzi
- Outage: fedorapeople.org moving - 2011-05-09 15:00UTC,
Kevin Fenzi
- Outage: pkgs.fedoraproject.org - 2011-05-10 17:00 UTC,
Kevin Fenzi
- Meeting *TODAY* 2011-05-05 at 1900 UTC in #fedora-admin,
Derek Carter
- Fw: lame delegation of fedoraproject.org,
Kévin Raymond
- Upcoming Changes to Fedora DNS,
Stephen John Smoogen
- Outage: fedorapeople.org (unplanned) - 2011-05-04 21:50 UTC to ?,
Kevin Fenzi
- Re: *** SECURITY information for people01.fedoraproject.org ***,
Stephen John Smoogen
- [Fwd: Introduction],
Michael Osburn
- Introduction: Hope to contribute some day,
Nic Young
- apache hostnamelookups sanity-check,
seth vidal
- Outage: FAS and dependent web apps - 2011-05-02 21:00 UTC,
Toshio Kuratomi
- serverbeach dns,
seth vidal
- System Naming Schema,
Adam M. Dutko
- Outage: Wiki, Insight, Smolt, Wordpress, Zarafa database outage - 2011-05-04 20:00 UTC,
Kevin Fenzi
- farewell to cvs.fedoraproject.org,
Kevin Fenzi
- Meeting *TODAY* 2011-04-28 at 1900 UTC in #fedora-admin,
Derek Carter
- new machines/moves over the next few weeks,
Kevin Fenzi
- talk.fedoraproject.org sunset - 2011-05-05,
Kevin Fenzi
- Zombie Processes in hosted01,
Rafael Gomes
- ticket#1152 - SSL cert monitoring,
Rafael Gomes
- Changes to PHX2 netapp ISCSI,
Stephen John Smoogen
- FAmSCo survey,
Igor Pires Soares
- Plan for tomorrow's infrastructure meeting (2011-04-21 at 19:00UTC in #fedora-meeting),
Kevin Fenzi
- nagios cleanup today,
Stephen John Smoogen
- Outage: BuildSystem: Bodhi, Koji, Pkgs - 2011-04-20 20:00 UTC,
Kevin Fenzi
- Outage: Fedora Account System (fas01) - 2011-04-21 20:00 UTC,
Kevin Fenzi
- RFC: Making changes to secondary,
Stephen John Smoogen
- Meeting today (2011-04-14) at 19:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting,
Kevin Fenzi
- publictest machines,
Kevin Fenzi
- Add myself to pager app,
Kevin Fenzi
- proxy02 testing,
Stephen John Smoogen
- Infrastructure repo,
Kevin Fenzi
- chasing down files not in puppet that should be,
seth vidal
- change lockwrapper to dump out more PS info,
seth vidal
- [PATCH REQUEST] Use sysadmin-dns for nameservers,
- Re: [Insight] insight.dev host status?,
Andrea Veri
- Introduction - jpattonwx,
Jason Patton
- updating func and certmaster on puppet1,
seth vidal
- Meeting today (2011-04-07) at 19:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting,
Kevin Fenzi
- Outage: hosted servers 2011-04-12 04:00 UTC,
Stephen John Smoogen
- Re: Meeting tomorrow (2011-03-31) at 19:00UTC in #fedora-meeting -- MINUTES (Derek Carter (aka goozbach)),
Adam M. Dutko
- [Insight] [IMPORTANT] Staging on insight.stg.fp.o now uses REAL FAS,
Paul W. Frields
Meeting tomorrow (2011-03-31) at 19:00UTC in #fedora-meeting,
Kevin Fenzi
[Bug 656076] BFO installation PITA (fwd),
Mike McGrath
loggerhead updated for a CVE,
Toshio Kuratomi
Re: Outage: Upgrading nagios - 2011-03-25 18:00 UTC,
Stephen John Smoogen
Outage: Upgrading nagios - 2011-03-24 18:00 UTC,
Stephen Smoogen
Meeting today (2011-03-24) at 19:00UTC in #fedora-meeting,
Kevin Fenzi
Sign-vault01 outage Retrospective - 2011-03-22 at 20UTC,
Kevin Fenzi
Second rounds of lists clean-up,
Andrea Veri
changing a few things in our host mgmt tools,
seth vidal
Can I authenticate against FAS without python?,
Sean Flanigan
FAS password complexity requirements,
Ricky Zhou
Removing users from sysadmin-* accounts,
Stephen John Smoogen
Meeting *Tomorrow* 2011-03-17 at 1900 UTC in #fedora-meeting **NOTE NEW TIME**,
Derek Carter
RFR Owner Expectations,
Toshio Kuratomi
ticket#2673 - nitrate deployment,
James Laska
mismatch_cnt on various raid's,
Kevin Fenzi
Converting old fedora-git-commit-mail-hook users to gnome mail hook on hosted,
Todd Zullinger
Outage: Serverbeach servers downtime 2011-03-16 03:00 UTC -> 2011-03-16 09:00 UTC,
Stephen Smoogen
Fixes for git repos not configured as bare on hosted1,
Todd Zullinger
Meeting *TODAY* 2011-03-10 at 2000 UTC in #fedora-admin,
Derek Carter
Updating SSL keys on fedoraproject.org 2011-03-10,
Stephen Smoogen
updating elusive contributor stats,
Karsten Wade
Freeze change request: increase varnish timeout for pkgdb to 90s,
Kevin Fenzi
out of topic,
Vivani, Hernán Ignacio
Top 10 services/servers/etc,
Stephen John Smoogen
Meeting *TODAY* 2011-03-03 at 2000 UTC in #fedora-admin,
Derek Carter
Gathering community feedback...,
"Jóhann B. Guðmundsson"
Re: Gathering community feedback...,
Kevin Fenzi
Re: Gathering community feedback...,
Draciron Smith
Hosted Mailing Lists Clean-up,
Andrea Veri
Naming convention for kickstarts,
Stephen John Smoogen
ibiblio01 rename/renumber,
Stephen John Smoogen
Updated: Outage: Ibiblio/ipv6 servers - 2011-03-02 14:00 UTC,
Stephen John Smoogen
Outage Notification: Ibiblio proxy, app and other services [2011-03-02 1200 UTC->1500 UTC],
Stephen John Smoogen
Application to group,
Oliver R
RE: BFO config problem causes annoying "retry" messages (with easy fix),
Fwd: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender,
Stephen John Smoogen
Meeting Tomorrow 2011-02-24 2000 UTC -- *NEW CHANNEL*,
Derek Carter
[Change Request] New bodhi release,
Luke Macken
[Fwd: [puppet] Fix more indenting],
Nick Bebout
[(RETROACTIVE) CHANGE REQUEST] [Fwd: [puppet] Set ADMINS to nobody@fpo to stop spamming root@redhat with ~20-30 errors per minute],
Nick Bebout
Re: Strange problem with robotics@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
Stephen John Smoogen
[Change Request] Fix transifex disablement to not traceback w/ search engines,
Toshio Kuratomi
Question regarding broken deps (WAS: Fwd: Broken dependencies: scanssh),
Oliver Falk
[Change Request] Disable transifex logins,
Toshio Kuratomi
[FAS auth] - question,
Jose Mathew Manimala
Consolidating services: secondary/alt onto download servers.,
Stephen John Smoogen
Resetting expectations: Fedora Infrastructure Changes,
Stephen John Smoogen
[CHANGE Request] koji-builder hot patch,
Dennis Gilmore
Updated git- heading to EL-5,
Todd Zullinger
[Fwd: FedoraProject page FUDCon:Berlin 2009 has been changed by anonymous user],
Gerold Kassube
Removing rhold docs and docs.old,
Stephen John Smoogen
Hi, I'm Matt, and I would love to help,
Matthew Knapp
Updating SSL keys on fedorahosted.org,
Stephen Smoogen
[Fwd: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender] - mail address ncmpcpp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx missing,
Dominic Hopf
Re: New User CAPTCHA,
Jon Stanley
seth vidal
Lost access to retrace01 machine,
Michal Toman
Fwd: Permission denied (publickey),
Tomas Lestach
Requirements for us using externally hosted services,
Ricky Zhou
GNOME 3 Test Day prep,
Adam Williamson
Support for BFO?,
Ray Van Dolson
rpm -Va report,
seth vidal
Re: Security incident on Fedora infrastructure on 23 Jan 2011,
Jose Manimala
Methods for reducing spam,
Mike McGrath
OUTAGE: PHX2 Network outage - 2011-01-25 02:00 UTC,
Stephen John Smoogen
Meeting Re: Eucalyptus hosting,
Garrett Holmstrom
Querying FAS details through IRC,
Misha Shnurapet
Wiki extension request,
Adam Williamson
Outage notes,
seth vidal
Outage: Fedora related services 2010-01-11 1900 UTC -> 2300 UTC.,
Stephen John Smoogen
RE: New Fedora Mirror in Vietnam,
Turbogears downgraded on fas servers,
Toshio Kuratomi
REMINDER: publictest box motd [this means you :)],
Stephen John Smoogen
delta rpm compose debugging change,
Kevin Fenzi
Introducing myself.,
Projects for after break (eg next year.),
Stephen John Smoogen
Self Introduction for joining sysadmin-test, sysadmin-hosted and sysadmin-web,
Outage: blogs.fedoraproject.org - 2010-12-21 00:00 UTC,
Ricky Zhou
Slush break requested -- Upgrade gitolite package on pkgs01 (pkgs.fedoraproject.org),
Jesse Keating
Meeting today?,
Derek Carter
Outage: Fedora related services down 2010-12-15 22:00 UTC,
Stephen John Smoogen
Introduction of Ioannis Aslanidis,
Ioannis Aslanidis
Trac-0.12.1 upgrade for Fedora Hosted,
Jesse Keating
Sponsor wanted.,
Mailing Lists
Transifex update - intltool requirement (was: Need a Sysadmin Greeter),
Domingo Becker
Meeting Reminder 20:00 UTC Tomorrow,
Derek Carter
RFC: SSH cipher change on pt7,
Jason Brown
Tim Casey
RFC: hosted VCS changes, do we offer that as a service?,
David Nalley
Requesting for sponsor,
kavitha.c.k kavitha.c.k
RFC: Need a Sysadmin Greeter,
Stephen John Smoogen
Rebuilding publictest03 2010-12-08 [monday],
Stephen John Smoogen
xmpp based nagios notifications,
seth vidal
Infrastructure Meeting 2010-12-02,
Stephen John Smoogen
thoughts for a mail forwarding nagios check,
seth vidal
RFC: Work needed to be done.,
Stephen John Smoogen
Want to help,
Fwd: confirm e1fb36078368f495b125e001360771cf2a03fe53,
Reminder no infrastructure meeting tomorrow.,
Derek Carter
Infrastructure late November Freeze,
Stephen John Smoogen
RFR sponsor for Upstream Release Monitoring wanted,
Till Maas
Introduction and request for sponsor,
Larry Brower
Would like to help out!,
Chris Egeland
Mirrormanager's crawler not running,
Adrian Reber
What is filling up app http logs?,
Stephen John Smoogen
Koji push failure,
Viji V Nair
RFC: Backup upgrade,
Stephen John Smoogen
Changing FAS password,
Misha Shnurapet
Infra meeting at 20:00 UTC,
Mike McGrath
Out: Smoogen 2010-10-10->2010-10-11,
Stephen John Smoogen
Misha Shnurapet
Fwd: fpo allowed programming\coding?,
Frank Murphy
www and git of fedoraproject.org do not respond,
Miroslav Suchý
Changes in FAmSCo and why it matters, or how to get stuff,
David Nalley
Out: Smoogen 2010-10-07->2010-10-09,
Stephen John Smoogen
[PATCH] Disabling sites from building for GA,
Sijis Aviles
[PATCH] fix F-14 updates pushing,
Bill Nottingham
[PATCH] disable branched compose,
Bill Nottingham
[PATCH][bodhi] Fix a bug in our masher sanity check,
Luke Macken
Patch - New Website Release,
Sijis Aviles
[PATCH] mount netapp at /pub/ and not below,
RFE: change meetbot log layout (or add an alternate),
Bill Nottingham
FW: Fedora Videos,
Newbie to infrastructure team,
Aneesh Kesavan
Review Needed: fas02 /var/log/httpd overloaded,
Stephen John Smoogen
Upcoming Fedora 14 Tasks--GA is 1 week away,
John Poelstra
Asterisk 1.8 for EPEL6,
Waiting for fas03 to reboot,
Stephen John Smoogen
Joining Fedora Infrastructure group,
sagar dashora
Frozen today!,
Mike McGrath
MD1000 Nagios monitoring,
Walter Justen
why dont't include ruby 1.9 version in fedora?,
Zark Yoc
Outage: postgres upgrade - 2010-10-16 00:30 UTC,
Mike McGrath
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