Pulseaudio Discussion - Date Index
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- [PATCH] pa_modargs interface question
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] webrtc: C++11 is only required for WebRTC support
- From: romain.naour@xxxxxxxxx (Romain Naour)
- [PATCH] pa_modargs interface question
- From: pulseaudio@xxxxxxxxxx (Ulrich Eckhardt)
- pa_modargs interface question
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 0/5] Add access control to protocol-native
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH] protocol-native: DRY: Remove pdispatch callbacks declarations
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- pa_modargs interface question
- From: pulseaudio@xxxxxxxxxx (Ulrich Eckhardt)
- [PATCH] protocol-native: DRY: Remove pdispatch callbacks declarations
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [RESEND] [PATCH v3 1/2] bluetooth: Add support for automatic switch between hsp and a2dp profiles
- From: pali.rohar@xxxxxxxxx (Pali Rohár)
- [PATCH v4] bluetooth: Add support for automatic switch between hsp and a2dp profiles
- From: pali.rohar@xxxxxxxxx (Pali Rohár)
- [PATCH 0/5] Add access control to protocol-native
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 0/5] Add access control to protocol-native
- From: diwic@xxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH 0/5] Add access control to protocol-native
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH] allow-passthrough module
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [RFC][PATCH] improve missing handling in memblockq (was Re: stream wedged in non-playing state)
- From: pulseaudio@xxxxxxxxxx (Ulrich Eckhardt)
- [Support] epic fail on espeak research (fwd)
- From: jdashiel@xxxxxxxxx (Jude DaShiell)
- [Support] epic fail on espeak research (fwd)
- From: jdashiel@xxxxxxxxx (Jude DaShiell)
- [PATCH v2 0/6] Fix initial HDMI profile selection
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Volume ramping APIs
- From: sangchul1011@xxxxxxxxx (Sangchul Lee)
- Volume ramping APIs
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Using PulseAudio for patchbay between a lot of clients
- From: marcin@xxxxxxxxxx (marcin@xxxxxxxxxx)
- How can I record from multiple inputs
- From: shadowofdarkness@xxxxxxxxx (Dark Shadow)
- Pulseaudio bluetooth sink problems
- From: backupluis@xxxxxxxxx (backup luis)
- How can I record from multiple inputs
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- How can I record from multiple inputs
- From: shadowofdarkness@xxxxxxxxx (Dark Shadow)
- [PATCH 0/5] Add access control to protocol-native
- From: diwic@xxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- Flushing other programs' streams
- From: ju.orth@xxxxxxxxx (Julian Orth)
- Volume ramping APIs
- From: see2002@xxxxxxxxx (김정연)
- [PATCH 0/5] Add access control to protocol-native
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 9.0 is out
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [ANNOUNCE] WebRTC AudioProcessing v0.3
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- webrtc: build failures on i386
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 0/2] v9.0: Fix valgrind warnings
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- pulseaudio 8.99.2 compiled from sources doesn't work
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- Prevent sound being lost on all applications after a pulseaudio restart?
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 0/1] alsa: Make profiles' availability dynamic
- From: bob.ham@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Bob Ham)
- Prevent sound being lost on all applications after a pulseaudio restart?
- From: laszlo.kertesz@xxxxxxxxx (Laszlo KERTESZ)
- Notes on pulse latest GCC 6 warnings
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Notes on pulse latest GCC 6 warnings
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- Valgrind warnings, again
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 0/2] v9.0: Fix valgrind warnings
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH 2/2] pstream: Fix use of uninitialized value: ancillary fd cleanup flag
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 1/2] shm: Fix use of uninitialized value: segment's shared-memory type
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 0/2] v9.0: Fix valgrind warnings
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- Valgrind warnings, again
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- pulseaudio 8.99.2 compiled from sources doesn't work
- From: marcotrapanese@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Trapanese)
- [PATCH] pstream: Add rationale for pa_cmsg_ancil_data_close_fds()
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Mostly away until June 28th
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Valgrind warnings, again
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- Valgrind warnings, again
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH] pstream: Add rationale for pa_cmsg_ancil_data_close_fds()
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH] filter-apply, ladspa-sink, virtual-surround-sink: filter-apply supports ladspa-sink and virtual-surround-sink properly
- From: jeongyeon.kim@xxxxxxxxxxx (KimJeongYeon)
- How to avoid daemon shutdown
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- How to avoid daemon shutdown
- From: marcotrapanese@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Trapanese)
- [PATCH] filter-apply, ladspa-sink: filter-apply supports ladspa-sink properly
- From: jeongyeon.kim@xxxxxxxxxxx (KimJeongYeon)
- Test and Evaluate Echo Cancellation in an Embedded Device
- From: caiortp@xxxxxxxxx (Caio)
- [PATCH v6 02/25] loopback: Improve latency estimation in snapshots
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 3/6] card: move profile selection after pa_card_new()
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH v2 2/6] card: don't allow the CARD_NEW hook to fail
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- run pulseaudio with DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS set
- From: marcotrapanese@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Trapanese)
- [PATCH v2 5/6] card: simplify setting pa_card.name
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 3/6] card: move profile selection after pa_card_new()
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 2/6] card: don't allow the CARD_NEW hook to fail
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 1/6] alsa, bluetooth: fail if user-requested profile doesn't exist
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Valgrind warnings, again
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH v2 6/6] alsa: set availability for (some) unavailable profiles
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH v2 6/6] alsa: set availability for (some) unavailable profiles
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH v2 5/6] card: simplify setting pa_card.name
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH v2 4/6] card: remove pa_card_new_data.active_profile
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH v2 3/6] card: move profile selection after pa_card_new()
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH v2 2/6] card: don't allow the CARD_NEW hook to fail
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH v2 1/6] alsa, bluetooth: fail if user-requested profile doesn't exist
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- pulseaudio and switch user in linux
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH v2 6/6] alsa: set availability for (some) unavailable profiles
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 5/6] card: simplify setting pa_card.name
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 4/6] card: remove pa_card_new_data.active_profile
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 3/6] card: move profile selection after pa_card_new()
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 2/6] card: don't allow the CARD_NEW hook to fail
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 1/6] alsa, bluetooth: fail if user-requested profile doesn't exist
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 0/6] Fix initial HDMI profile selection
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Problems with splitting surround sound signal and sending over network (RTP crash backtrace)
- From: chris@xxxxxxx (Christian Glodt)
- update to FAQ about Linux to Windows
- From: dmccasland@xxxxxxxxx (Doug McCasland)
- [PATCH] alsa-ucm: Drop support for PlaybackPCM on devices
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- HFP HF - Reject SCO Issue
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- HFP HF - Reject SCO Issue
- From: jomon.john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jomon John)
- [PATCH 2/2] alsa-ucm: Add the ability to set modargs from UCM config
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] memblock: multiple references should make blocks read-only
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- update to FAQ about Linux to Windows
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- update to FAQ about Linux to Windows
- From: dmccasland@xxxxxxxxx (Doug McCasland)
- [PATCH 1/2] modargs: Add a mechanism to append modargs
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- update to FAQ about Linux to Windows
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- update to FAQ about Linux to Windows
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [RFC][PATCH] improve missing handling in memblockq (was Re: stream wedged in non-playing state)
- From: ossman@xxxxxxxxx (Pierre Ossman)
- [PATCH 3/6] source, sink, core: Setting latency offsets of individual sources and sinks.
- From: chrisjbillington@xxxxxxxxx (Chris Billington)
- update to FAQ about Linux to Windows
- From: dmccasland@xxxxxxxxx (Doug McCasland)
- update to FAQ about Linux to Windows
- From: dmccasland@xxxxxxxxx (Doug McCasland)
- HFP HF - Reject SCO Issue
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- HFP HF - Reject SCO Issue
- From: jomon.john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jomon John)
- pulseaudio and switch user in linux
- From: suseuser04@xxxxxxxxxxx (Istvan Gabor)
- HFP HF - Reject SCO Issue
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- HFP HF - Reject SCO Issue
- From: jomon.john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jomon John)
- Add support for volume controls from UCM
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 3/3] alsa-ucm: Support Playback/CaptureVolume
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- HFP HF - Reject SCO Issue
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- HFP HF - Reject SCO Issue
- From: jomon.john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jomon John)
- HFP HF - Reject SCO Issue
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- HFP HF - Reject SCO Issue
- From: jomon.john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jomon John)
- Problems with splitting surround sound signal and sending over network
- From: chris@xxxxxxx (Christian Glodt)
- Problems with splitting surround sound signal and sending over network
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Problems with splitting surround sound signal and sending over network
- From: chris@xxxxxxx (Christian Glodt)
- radeon with hdmi and displayport
- From: fhenryco@xxxxxxxx (Frédéric Henry-Couannier)
- radeon with hdmi and displayport
- From: fhenryco@xxxxxxxx (Frédéric Henry-Couannier)
- Theoretical background for loopback and smoother patches
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH 4/4] alsa-{source, sink}: Add Kalman filter to smoother function
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH 3/4] alsa-sink: Add hack to compensate USB startup behavior
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH 2/4] alsa-{source, sink}: Remove old smoother code
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH 1/4] alsa-{source, sink}: Add alternative smoother functions
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH 0/4] Replace smoother code in alsa-sink and alsa-source
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 25/25] loopback: Add log_interval parameter
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 24/25] loopback: Add adjust_threshold_usec parameter
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 23/25] loopback: Add low_device_latency parameter
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 22/25] loopback: Allow shorter adjust_time
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 21/25] loopback: Track prediction error; debug and cosmetic changes
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 20/25] loopback: Add latency prediction and Kalman filter
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 19/25] loopback: Implement adaptive re-sampling
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 18/25] loopback: Limit controller step size to 2.01‰
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 17/25] loopback: Track and use average adjust time
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 16/25] loopback: Reset sink input rate when source or sink changes
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 15/25] alsa-{source, sink}.c: Handle PA_{SOURCE, SINK}_MESSAGE_GET_RAW_LATENCY
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 14/25] source.c, sink.c: Implement pa_{source, sink}_get_raw_latency_within_thread() calls
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 13/25] sample.c: Allow module-loopback to exceed PA_RATE_MAX
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 12/25] loopback: Implement underrun protection
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 11/25] loopback: Calculate and track minimum possible latency
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 10/25] loopback: Do not skip audio at startup
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 09/25] loopback: Refactor latency initialization
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 08/25] loopback: Stop tracking max_request and min_memblockq_length
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 07/25] loopback: Adjust rate based on latency difference
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 06/25] loopback: Restart timer after 1/3 second
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 05/25] loopback: Move timer restart and snapshots to timer callback
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 04/25] loopback: Change memblockq length
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 03/25] loopback: Improve latency estimation
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 02/25] loopback: Improve latency estimation in snapshots
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 01/25] loopback: Save time stamps during latency snapshots
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v6 00/25] Optimize latency handling in module-loopback
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH 3/6] source, sink, core: Setting latency offsets of individual sources and sinks.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/6] sink, source, device-port: renames to distinguish latency offsets
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] webrtc: improve comment
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- cannot set volume in c++
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- cannot set volume in c++
- From: pfl@xxxxxxxxxxx (pfl)
- [PATCH v2 1/9] pulse: Add a JSON-parsing library
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 0/9] Implement JSON parsing
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 1/9] pulse: Add a JSON-parsing library
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] webrtc: improve comment
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 1/6] source.c: Fixed bug: pa_source_set_port() did not update the latency_offset.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] webrtc: improve comment
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 0/9] Implement JSON parsing
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 1/9] pulse: Add a JSON-parsing library
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- EXT: Re: Cracks in the beginning of playback
- From: hannu.lounento@xxxxxx (Hannu Lounento)
- webrtc: build failures on i386
- From: rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Rex Dieter)
- webrtc: build failures on i386
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [PATCH v2 9/9] json: Drop refcounting of json objects
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 8/9] json: Add some more negative test cases
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 7/9] json: Add a positive test for nested objects
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 6/9] json: Error out for objects and arrays that are nested too deep
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 5/9] json: Handle error cases while parsing numbers
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 4/9] json: Add overflow checks for integer and float parsing
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 3/9] json: Correctly handle bad strings with missing closing quotes
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 2/9] format: Drop dependency on json-c
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 1/9] pulse: Add a JSON-parsing library
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v2 0/9] Implement JSON parsing
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Bluetooth latencies
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Test and Evaluate Echo Cancellation in an Embedded Device
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Pulse Audio plugins - Dynamic Output control
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Cracks in the beginning of playback
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [RFC][PATCH] improve missing handling in memblockq (was Re: stream wedged in non-playing state)
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Unable to get any audio output from module-equalizer-sink
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- webrtc: build failures on i386
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [RFC][PATCH] improve missing handling in memblockq (was Re: stream wedged in non-playing state)
- From: ossman@xxxxxxxxx (Pierre Ossman)
- [PATCH 2/2] format: Drop dependency on json-c
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 1/2] pulse: Add a JSON-parsing library
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Results of valgrinding today's git version of pulseaudio
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [RFC][PATCH] improve missing handling in memblockq (was Re: stream wedged in non-playing state)
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] Don't allow unreferencing linked object.
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Autocreate both HDMI and analog sink when detecting audiocard
- From: lode.cools1@xxxxxxxxx (Lode Cools)
- Autocreate both HDMI and analog sink when detecting audiocard
- From: lode.cools1@xxxxxxxxx (Lode Cools)
- [PATCH] Don't set font-size on widgets
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 9.0 RC2
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- HFP HF - Reject SCO Issue
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Bluetooth latencies
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- HFP HF - Reject SCO Issue
- From: jomon.john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jomon John)
- Test and Evaluate Echo Cancellation in an Embedded Device
- From: caiortp@xxxxxxxxx (Caio)
- Test and Evaluate Echo Cancellation in an Embedded Device
- From: caiortp@xxxxxxxxx (Caio)
- webrtc: build failures on i386
- From: rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Rex Dieter)
- Autocreate both HDMI and analog sink when detecting audiocard
- From: lode.cools1@xxxxxxxxx (Lode Cools)
- webrtc: build failures on i386
- From: rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Rex Dieter)
- webrtc: build failures on i386
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- webrtc: build failures on i386
- From: rdieter@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Rex Dieter)
- pulseaudio-discuss Digest, Vol 61, Issue 38
- From: fhenryco@xxxxxxxx (Frédéric Henry-Couannier)
- Include xrdp source/sink modules?
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- pa stream write routine return values
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Pulse Audio plugins - Dynamic Output control
- From: samiran.s@xxxxxxx (Samiran Sarkar)
- Cracks in the beginning of playback
- From: hannu.lounento@xxxxxx (Hannu Lounento)
- [PATCH] ladspa-sink: avoid to configure invalid format
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] Fixed memory leak in resampler.c
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- webrtc: build failures on i386
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- HFP HF - Reject SCO Issue
- From: jomon.john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jomon John)
- Unable to get any audio output from module-equalizer-sink
- From: mailinglist.subscriptions@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Lutchy Horace (Mailing List))
- system mode alternative for multiseats
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- system mode alternative for multiseats
- From: fhenryco@xxxxxxxx (Frédéric Henry-Couannier)
- webrtc: build failures on i386
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- Improve behaviour of pa_replace()
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/3] Add tests for core-util.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- HFP HF - Reject SCO Issue
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- HFP HF - Reject SCO Issue
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- HFP HF - Reject SCO Issue
- From: denkenz@xxxxxxxxx (Denis Kenzior)
- [PATCH] pstream: fix revoke callback setting
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] pstream: fix revoke callback setting
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- HFP HF - Reject SCO Issue
- From: jomon.john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jomon John)
- [PATCH] Don't set font-size on widgets
- From: aidalgol@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Aidan Gauland)
- [PATCH] Disabled LFE remixing by default
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/2] format: Drop dependency on json-c
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/2] pulse: Add a JSON-parsing library
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/7] module-new: allow omitting the server argument
- From: ossman@xxxxxxxxx (Pierre Ossman)
- [PATCH 0/7] Improve new tunnel modules
- From: ossman@xxxxxxxxx (Pierre Ossman)
- [PATCH 2/7] tunnel-sink-new: log buffer events
- From: ossman@xxxxxxxxx (Pierre Ossman)
- [PATCH 5/7] tunnel-sink-new: don't force latency limit
- From: ossman@xxxxxxxxx (Pierre Ossman)
- [PATCH 6/7] tunnel-new: respect client latency requirements better
- From: ossman@xxxxxxxxx (Pierre Ossman)
- [PATCH 3/7] tunnel-new: allow streams to be moved
- From: ossman@xxxxxxxxx (Pierre Ossman)
- [PATCH 4/7] tunnel-new: Pass through volume changes to and from remote server
- From: ossman@xxxxxxxxx (Pierre Ossman)
- [PATCH 7/7] tunnel-new: Increase latency on underflow/overflow
- From: ossman@xxxxxxxxx (Pierre Ossman)
- [PATCH] alsa: reread configuration when opening new devices
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] alsa: reread configuration when opening new devices
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH] alsa: reread configuration when opening new devices
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- Results of valgrinding today's git version of pulseaudio
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH] Disabled LFE remixing by default
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- Include xrdp source/sink modules?
- From: hcoin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Harry Coin)
- pa stream write routine return values
- From: jpromersberger@xxxxxxxxxxx (John Promersberger)
- pa stream write routine return values
- From: jpromersberger@xxxxxxxxxxx (John Promersberger)
- [RFC][PATCH] improve missing handling in memblockq (was Re: stream wedged in non-playing state)
- From: ossman@xxxxxxxxx (Pierre Ossman)
- [PATCH] ladspa-sink: avoid to configure invalid format
- From: jeongyeon.kim@xxxxxxxxxxx (KimJeongYeon)
- stream wedged in non-playing state
- From: ossman@xxxxxxxxx (Pierre Ossman)
- Test and Evaluate Echo Cancellation in an Embedded Device
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 3/3] Improve pa_replace() behaviour.
- From: ulrich.eckhardt@xxxxxxxxxx (Ulrich Eckhardt)
- [PATCH 2/3] Add tests for core-util.
- From: ulrich.eckhardt@xxxxxxxxxx (Ulrich Eckhardt)
- [PATCH 1/3] Add boilerplate for core-utils tests.
- From: ulrich.eckhardt@xxxxxxxxxx (Ulrich Eckhardt)
- Improve behaviour of pa_replace()
- From: ulrich.eckhardt@xxxxxxxxxx (Ulrich Eckhardt)
- stream wedged in non-playing state
- From: ossman@xxxxxxxxx (Pierre Ossman)
- bluetooth latency gets gradually worse over time
- From: mudrunka@xxxxxxxxx (mudrunka@xxxxxxxxx)
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 9.0 RC1
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 9.0 RC1
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- Test and Evaluate Echo Cancellation in an Embedded Device
- From: caiortp@xxxxxxxxx (Caio)
- Test and Evaluate Echo Cancellation in an Embedded Device
- From: caiortp@xxxxxxxxx (Caio)
- [PATCH] Don't allow unreferencing linked object.
- From: jusa@xxxxxxxxx (Juho Hämäläinen)
- pulseaudio and ofono integration
- From: marcotrapanese@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Trapanese)
- [PATCH] Fixed memory leak in resampler.c
- From: barun.singh@xxxxxxxxxxx (Barun Kumar Singh)
- pulseaudio and ofono integration
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- pulseaudio and ofono integration
- From: marcotrapanese@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Trapanese)
- [PATCH] Resampler: Fix a memory leak in pa_resampler_ffmpeg_init()
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] Resampler: Fix a memory leak in pa_resampler_ffmpeg_init()
- From: sachin.kc@xxxxxxxxxxx (Sachin Kumar Chauhan)
- pulseaudio and ofono integration
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- pulseaudio and ofono integration
- From: marcotrapanese@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Trapanese)
- pulseaudio and ofono integration
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- pulseaudio and ofono integration
- From: marcotrapanese@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Trapanese)
- pulseaudio and ofono integration
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- pulseaudio and ofono integration
- From: marcotrapanese@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Trapanese)
- pulseaudio and ofono integration
- From: marcotrapanese@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Trapanese)
- [PATCH 8/8] rtp: Add a GStreamer-based RTP implementation
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [ANNOUNCE] PulseAudio 9.0 RC1
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 0/3] rtp-recv: interoperability fixes
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- pulseaudio and ofono integration
- From: marcotrapanese@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Trapanese)
- [PATCH 0/3] rtp-recv: interoperability fixes
- From: cschieli@xxxxxxxxx (Cédric Schieli)
- [PATCH 0/3] rtp-recv: interoperability fixes
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- pulseaudio and ofono integration
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Config option to disable auto microphone boost?
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Test and Evaluate Echo Cancellation in an Embedded Device
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- PA 8.0 -- what happened to soxr- resamplers
- From: luke.yelavich@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Yelavich)
- PA 8.0 -- what happened to soxr- resamplers
- From: matt.feifarek@xxxxxxxxx (Matt Feifarek)
- PA 8.0 -- what happened to soxr- resamplers
- From: luke.yelavich@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Yelavich)
- Test and Evaluate Echo Cancellation in an Embedded Device
- From: caiortp@xxxxxxxxx (Caio)
- PA 8.0 -- what happened to soxr- resamplers
- From: matt.feifarek@xxxxxxxxx (Matt Feifarek)
- PA 8.0 -- what happened to soxr- resamplers
- From: luke.yelavich@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Yelavich)
- Config option to disable auto microphone boost?
- From: laszlo.kertesz@xxxxxxxxx (Laszlo KERTESZ)
- [ANNOUNCE] WebRTC AudioProcessing v0.2 release
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [ANNOUNCE] WebRTC AudioProcessing v0.2 release
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- PA 8.0 -- what happened to soxr- resamplers
- From: andrey.semashev@xxxxxxxxx (Andrey Semashev)
- PA 8.0 -- what happened to soxr- resamplers
- From: andrey.semashev@xxxxxxxxx (Andrey Semashev)
- PA 8.0 -- what happened to soxr- resamplers
- From: matt.feifarek@xxxxxxxxx (Matt Feifarek)
- PA 8.0 -- what happened to soxr- resamplers
- From: luke.yelavich@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Luke Yelavich)
- PA 8.0 -- what happened to soxr- resamplers
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- PA 8.0 -- what happened to soxr- resamplers
- From: matt.feifarek@xxxxxxxxx (Matt Feifarek)
- [PATCH 2/3] module-filter-apply: Don't implement policy in module-device-manager
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 2/2] alsa: Reread and upate jack status when a card is unsuspended
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 2/2] alsa: Reread and upate jack status when a card is unsuspended
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/3] module-filter-apply: Don't implement policy in module-device-manager
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] modules: Dynamic memory allocated to 'module_name' and 'fltr' was being leaked. Its now freed properly before return.
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] modules: Dynamic memory allocated to 'module_name' and 'fltr' was being leaked. Its now freed properly before return.
- From: sachin.kc@xxxxxxxxxxx (Sachin Kumar Chauhan)
- pulseaudio and ofono integration
- From: marcotrapanese@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Trapanese)
- bluetooth source not created
- From: marcotrapanese@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Trapanese)
- bluetooth source not created
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- bluetooth source not created
- From: marcotrapanese@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Trapanese)
- bluetooth source not created
- From: marcotrapanese@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Trapanese)
- bluetooth source not created
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- bluetooth source not created
- From: marcotrapanese@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Trapanese)
- Jack events and multiple PulseAudio instances
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 2/2] alsa: Reread and upate jack status when a card is unsuspended
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 1/2] alsa: ignore jack events when the user is inactive
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Jack events and multiple PulseAudio instances
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 3/3] rtp-recv: Allow same timestamp in consecutive packets
- From: cschieli@xxxxxxxxx (Cédric Schieli)
- [PATCH 2/3] rtp: Fix typo in the chunk length calculation
- From: cschieli@xxxxxxxxx (Cédric Schieli)
- [PATCH 1/3] rtp: Support CR/LF separators in SDP packets
- From: cschieli@xxxxxxxxx (Cédric Schieli)
- [PATCH 0/3] rtp-recv: interoperability fixes
- From: cschieli@xxxxxxxxx (Cédric Schieli)
- [PATCH] allow-passthrough: Add module to allow passthrough streams always go through
- From: guillaume.desmottes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Guillaume Desmottes)
- bluez5 and ofono not detected
- From: marcotrapanese@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Trapanese)
- bluez5 and ofono not detected
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- bluez5 and ofono not detected
- From: marcotrapanese@xxxxxxxxx (Marco Trapanese)
- [PATCH] allow-passthrough: Add module to allow passthrough streams always go through
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 2/3] module-filter-apply: Don't implement policy in module-device-manager
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 3/3] module-device-manager: Refine logic to ignore filtered streams
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/3] module-filter-apply: Don't implement policy in module-device-manager
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/3] module-filter-apply: Remove some dead code
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 3/3] module-device-manager: Refine logic to ignore filtered streams
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [PATCH 2/3] module-filter-apply: Don't implement policy in module-device-manager
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [PATCH 1/3] module-filter-apply: Remove some dead code
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- module-device-manager vs. module-filter-apply again
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [PATCH] pulsecore: Fixed possible memory leak
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] pulsecore: Fixed possible memory leak
- From: srivastava.d@xxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak Srivastava)
- Should we ban Raymond from bugzilla? (No)
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- Should we ban Raymond from bugzilla?
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Should we ban Raymond from bugzilla?
- From: diwic@xxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- Should we ban Raymond from bugzilla?
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH] alsa-ucm: Drop support for PlaybackPCM on devices
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [PATCH 2/2] alsa-ucm: Add the ability to set modargs from UCM config
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [PATCH 1/2] modargs: Add a mechanism to append modargs
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Allow adding modargs from UCM
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [PATCH 3/3] alsa-ucm: Support Playback/CaptureVolume
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [PATCH 2/3] alsa: Use pa_device_port->impl_free() for freeing port data
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [PATCH 1/3] device-port: Add mechanism to free implementation data
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Add support for volume controls from UCM
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [PATCH v3 0/6] Remember card's "preferred ports"
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Bluetooth A2DP AAC passthrough?
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- bluetooth latency gets gradually worse over time
- From: mudrunka@xxxxxxxxx (mudrunka@xxxxxxxxx)
- need help building/cross compiling tests
- From: pmeerw@xxxxxxxxxx (Peter Meerwald-Stadler)
- Bluetooth A2DP AAC passthrough?
- From: pierre-louis.bossart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Pierre-Louis Bossart)
- need help building/cross compiling tests
- From: pbo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Parag Borkar)
- bluetooth latency gets gradually worse over time
- From: jerome@xxxxxxxxx (Jerome Leclanche)
- bluetooth latency gets gradually worse over time
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Add filter to module-switch-on-connect
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Bluetooth A2DP AAC passthrough?
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Bluetooth A2DP AAC passthrough?
- From: pierre-louis.bossart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Pierre-Louis Bossart)
- [PATCH 1/2] pulse: Add a JSON-parsing library
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- bluetooth latency gets gradually worse over time
- From: mudrunka@xxxxxxxxx (mudrunka@xxxxxxxxx)
- Add filter to module-switch-on-connect
- From: mudrunka@xxxxxxxxx (mudrunka@xxxxxxxxx)
- Bluetooth A2DP AAC passthrough?
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Bluetooth A2DP AAC passthrough?
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] module-stream-restore: With dbus-proto fix segfault if e->device is NULL.
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] client, protocol-native: Use macros for protocol version/flag access
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Heads up: PulseAudio mutes when you reconnect your line cable (fwd)
- From: jdashiel@xxxxxxxxx (Jude DaShiell)
- mainloop n defer events assertion
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- mainloop n defer events assertion
- From: jpromersberger@xxxxxxxxxxx (John Promersberger)
- [ANNOUNCE] WebRTC AudioProcessing v0.2 release
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [PATCH] client, protocol-native: Use macros for protocol version/flag access
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- Bluetooth A2DP AAC passthrough?
- From: nicole.faerber@xxxxxxx (Nicole Færber)
- [PATCH] client, protocol-native: Use macros for protocol version/flag access
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [PATCH 0/2] Deploy memfd support
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [ANNOUNCE] WebRTC AudioProcessing v0.2 release
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] Add checkbutton for disabling volume meters
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] module-stream-restore: With dbus-proto fix segfault if e->device is NULL.
- From: jusa@xxxxxxxxx (Juho Hämäläinen)
- [PATCH v4 1/2] client audio: Support memfd transport
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [PATCH v4 1/2] client audio: Support memfd transport
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v4 1/2] client audio: Support memfd transport
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v4 1/2] client audio: Support memfd transport
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- [PATCH 2/2] format: Drop dependency on json-c
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [PATCH 1/2] pulse: Add a JSON-parsing library
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Replace json-c with internal parser
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- [RFC] [PATCH] module-gsettings: new module to store configuration using gsettings
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Master is frozen
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v4 1/2] client audio: Support memfd transport
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v4 1/2] client audio: Support memfd transport
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v4 1/2] client audio: Support memfd transport
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] alsa: Fix device reservation fails when a device string has seperator(, )
- From: jeongyeon.kim@xxxxxxxxxxx (KimJeongYeon)
- [PATCH v4 1/2] client audio: Support memfd transport
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v4 1/2] client audio: Support memfd transport
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 2/2] modules: Don't deprecate module-detect on non-Linux systems
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v4 1/2] client audio: Support memfd transport
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 6/6] streams: Document pa_stream_write() size and offset requirements
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/2] protocol-native: Disable srbchannel for setups without SCM_CREDENTIALS
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH v4 1/2] client audio: Support memfd transport
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH v4 1/2] client audio: Support memfd transport
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH v4 1/2] client audio: Support memfd transport
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 3/7] device-manager, filter-apply: don't reroute streams that have a filter
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 3/7] device-manager, filter-apply: don't reroute streams that have a filter
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 3/7] device-manager, filter-apply: don't reroute streams that have a filter
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 3/7] device-manager, filter-apply: don't reroute streams that have a filter
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 3/7] device-manager, filter-apply: don't reroute streams that have a filter
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 3/7] device-manager, filter-apply: don't reroute streams that have a filter
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- mainloop n defer events assertion
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Config option to disable auto microphone boost?
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/2] protocol-native: Disable srbchannel for setups without SCM_CREDENTIALS
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- mainloop n defer events assertion
- From: jpromersberger@xxxxxxxxxxx (John Promersberger)
- Config option to disable auto microphone boost?
- From: laszlo.kertesz@xxxxxxxxx (Laszlo KERTESZ)
- Config option to disable auto microphone boost?
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- mainloop n defer events assertion
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Sound complications
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 4/6] compilation: Set C language standard to gnu11
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- (help request) Degrading audio when pavucontrol not open
- From: hex@xxxxxxxxxx (Hex)
- [PATCH 2/2] modules: Don't deprecate module-detect on non-Linux systems
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 1/2] protocol-native: Disable srbchannel for setups without SCM_CREDENTIALS
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 8/8] rtp: Add a GStreamer-based RTP implementation
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Microphone not being detected after reboot (Tanu Kaskinen)
- From: larsphilip@xxxxxx (LPK)
- [PATCH 2/7] don't move streams to devices that are going away
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 2/7] don't move streams to devices that are going away
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/7] don't move streams to devices that are going away
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Config option to disable auto microphone boost?
- From: laszlo.kertesz@xxxxxxxxx (Laszlo KERTESZ)
- mainloop n defer events assertion
- From: jpromersberger@xxxxxxxxxxx (John Promersberger)
- Need help measuring latency using Pulseaudio
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Need help measuring latency using Pulseaudio
- From: pbo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Parag Borkar)
- Microphone not being detected after reboot
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH] stream-interaction: Fix crash in case of invalid argument for volume
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v3] role-ducking: Add support for ducking group
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2 3/6] log: Print systemd journal API failure cause
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Microphone not being detected after reboot
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 7/8] rtpoll: Separate out before/after/work callback userdata
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Sound complications
- From: jpromersberger@xxxxxxxxxxx (John Promersberger)
- How to disable microphone auto adjust?
- From: pessoal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Luis Cavalheiro)
- How to disable microphone auto adjust?
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- How to disable microphone auto adjust?
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- How to disable microphone auto adjust?
- From: pessoal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Luis Cavalheiro)
- How to disable microphone auto adjust?
- From: pessoal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Luis Cavalheiro)
- Splitting a 7.1 device into virtual 5.1 + 2.0 devices?
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card with latest firmware
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Splitting a 7.1 device into virtual 5.1 + 2.0 devices?
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/6] log: Fix compilation error when HAVE_SYSLOG_H is undefined
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH 6/8] rtp: Don't release memblock until we stop accessing underlying data
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] build-sys: Don't build glib-dependent things with --disable-glib2
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH] build-sys: Don't build glib-dependent things with --disable-glib2
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- build pulseaudio for windows
- From: zwickelbier@xxxxxx (Volker S.)
- [PATCH] build-sys: Don't build glib-dependent things with --disable-glib2
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Freeze impending
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Freeze impending
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- build pulseaudio for windows
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- build pulseaudio for windows
- From: zwickelbier@xxxxxx (Volker S.)
- PulseAudio flapping ALSA playback sink
- From: 79271355261@xxxxx (Secret Top)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH] Porting pavumeter to GTK3
- From: nekohayo@xxxxxxxxx (Jeff F. T.)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Freeze impending
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH v4 2/2] core: Support memfd transport; bump protocol version
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH v4 1/2] client audio: Support memfd transport
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 0/2] Deploy memfd support
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card with latest firmware
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- Freeze impending
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- Freeze impending
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Freeze impending
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- Freeze impending
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 5/8] rtp: Hide RTP implementation details from module-rtp-*
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Microphone not being detected after reboot
- From: larsphilip@xxxxxx (LPK)
- [PATCH v3] role-ducking: Add support for ducking group
- From: sangchul1011@xxxxxxxxx (Sangchul Lee)
- Splitting a 7.1 device into virtual 5.1 + 2.0 devices?
- From: chrno-sphered@xxxxxxxxxxx (紅 蒼穹)
- [PATCH v3] role-ducking: Add support for ducking group
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] build-sys: build gtk-test only when glib is enabled
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 4/8] rtp: Move MTU handling to the RTP implementation
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] build-sys: build gtk-test only when glib is enabled
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH 3/8] rtp: Drop support for non-L16 media
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Splitting a 7.1 device into virtual 5.1 + 2.0 devices?
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/8] rtp; Make init return a boolean value for success/failure
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 1/8] rtp; Make init return a boolean value for success/failure
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 1/8] rtp; Make init return a boolean value for success/failure
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- [PATCH 3/8] rtp: Drop support for non-L16 media
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Rethinking how we do reviews
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 3/8] rtp: Drop support for non-L16 media
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Problem with HFP profile with ofono
- From: christian.becker.mail@xxxxxx (Christian Becker)
- Splitting a 7.1 device into virtual 5.1 + 2.0 devices?
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH 1/8] rtp; Make init return a boolean value for success/failure
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 0/7] Fix for an echo-cancel related crash
- From: rocketraman@xxxxxxxxx (Raman Gupta)
- Splitting a 7.1 device into virtual 5.1 + 2.0 devices?
- From: chrno-sphered@xxxxxxxxxxx (紅 蒼穹)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH 1/8] rtp; Make init return a boolean value for success/failure
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/8] rtp: Don't use cookie for SSRC
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Mixing audio from multiple sink-inputs to multiple sinks dynamically
- From: lode.cools1@xxxxxxxxx (Lode Cools)
- Mixing audio from multiple sink-inputs to multiple sinks dynamically
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Rethinking how we do reviews
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/8] rtp; Make init return a boolean value for success/failure
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Mixing audio from multiple sink-inputs to multiple sinks dynamically
- From: lode.cools1@xxxxxxxxx (Lode Cools)
- Rethinking how we do reviews
- From: diwic@xxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Mixing audio from multiple sink-inputs to multiple sinks dynamically
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Rethinking how we do reviews
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Rethinking how we do reviews
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Splitting ALSA card ports into
- From: S0lll0s@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (S0lll0s)
- Splitting ALSA card ports into
- From: S0lll0s@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (S0lll0s)
- Mixing audio from multiple sink-inputs to multiple sinks dynamically
- From: lode.cools1@xxxxxxxxx (Lode Cools)
- Rethinking how we do reviews
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Rethinking how we do reviews
- From: diwic@xxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- Rethinking how we do reviews
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Splitting ALSA card ports into
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Splitting ALSA card ports into
- From: S0lll0s@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (S0lll0s)
- Splitting ALSA card ports into
- From: S0lll0s@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (S0lll0s)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Splitting ALSA card ports into seperate Sinks
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- Splitting ALSA card ports into seperate Sinks
- From: S0lll0s@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (S0lll0s)
- [PATCH] rtp: Do all receive side rate calculations in sink-input domain
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Splitting ALSA card ports into seperate Sinks
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Splitting ALSA card ports into seperate Sinks
- From: S0lll0s@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (S0lll0s)
- Issues with HSP profile on Bluetooth Headset
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Issues with HSP profile on Bluetooth Headset
- From: jerome@xxxxxxxxx (Jerome Leclanche)
- Rethinking how we do reviews
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Issues with HSP profile on Bluetooth Headset
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v3 00/11] Introduce memfd support
- From: diwic@xxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- Issues with HSP profile on Bluetooth Headset
- From: jerome@xxxxxxxxx (Jerome Leclanche)
- Splitting a 7.1 device into virtual 5.1 + 2.0 devices?
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- [PATCH v3 00/11] Introduce memfd support
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH v3 00/11] Introduce memfd support
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- Splitting a 7.1 device into virtual 5.1 + 2.0 devices?
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH] mainwindow: Don't add a border on the outermost vbox
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- default endpoint switches on monitor resolution change
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- memblock.c: Pool full
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] mainwindow: Don't add a border on the outermost vbox
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- [PATCH] mainwindow: Don't add a border on the outermost vbox
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v3 00/11] Introduce memfd support
- From: alexl@xxxxxxxxxx (Alexander Larsson)
- [PATCH v3 00/11] Introduce memfd support
- From: diwic@xxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- Rethinking how we do reviews
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Rethinking how we do reviews
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Rethinking how we do reviews
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Rethinking how we do reviews
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v3] role-ducking: Add support for ducking group
- From: sangchul1011@xxxxxxxxx (Sangchul Lee)
- Rethinking how we do reviews
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Stepping down; future thoughts
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- default endpoint switches on monitor resolution change
- From: maruthi.srinivas.b@xxxxxxxxx (maruthi srinivas)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH] stream-interaction: Fix crash in case of invalid argument for volume
- From: sangchul1011@xxxxxxxxx (Sangchul Lee)
- memblock.c: Pool full
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Stepping down; future thoughts
- From: fsateler@xxxxxxxxxx (Felipe Sateler)
- Latency problem with long latencies
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Rethinking how we do reviews
- From: diwic@xxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- [PATCH] Implement event Volume has changed (org.bluez.MediaTransport1) in order to take into account volume changes of A2DP sources.
- From: mathieutournier@xxxxxxxxx (Mathieu Tournier)
- Stepping down; future thoughts
- From: diwic@xxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: pierre-louis.bossart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Pierre-Louis Bossart)
- Stepping down; future thoughts
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Latency problem with long latencies
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Latency problem with long latencies
- From: pierre-louis.bossart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Pierre-Louis Bossart)
- Latency problem with long latencies
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Latency problem with long latencies
- From: pierre-louis.bossart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Pierre-Louis Bossart)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: pierre-louis.bossart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Pierre-Louis Bossart)
- [PATCH v3 00/11] Introduce memfd support
- From: sjoerd.simons@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sjoerd Simons)
- Rethinking how we do reviews
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- Stepping down; future thoughts
- From: diwic@xxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- Rethinking how we do reviews
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
- Rethinking how we do reviews
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Stepping down; future thoughts
- From: arun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Arun Raghavan)
- Stepping down; future thoughts
- From: diwic@xxxxxxxxxx (David Henningsson)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: superquad.vortex2@xxxxxxxxx (Raymond Yau)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v2] role-ducking: Add support for ducking group
- From: sangchul1011@xxxxxxxxx (Sangchul Lee)
- Splitting a 7.1 device into virtual 5.1 + 2.0 devices?
- From: chrno-sphered@xxxxxxxxxxx (紅 蒼穹)
- pulseaudio overwrites correct channel mapping provided by alsa
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Issues with HSP profile on Bluetooth Headset
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- pulseaudio overwrites correct channel mapping provided by alsa
- From: einz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dennis Heuer)
- pulseaudio overwrites correct channel mapping provided by alsa
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Issues with HSP profile on Bluetooth Headset
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- pulseaudio overwrites correct channel mapping provided by alsa
- From: einz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dennis Heuer)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- pulseaudio overwrites correct channel mapping provided by alsa
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v2] role-ducking: Add support for ducking group
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Front audio panel "forgets" state after reboot, no sound until replug
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Issues with HSP profile on Bluetooth Headset
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Front audio panel "forgets" state after reboot, no sound until replug
- From: chrno-sphered@xxxxxxxxxxx (紅 蒼穹)
- Front audio panel "forgets" state after reboot, no sound until replug
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Issues with HSP profile on Bluetooth Headset
- From: jerome@xxxxxxxxx (Jerome Leclanche)
- [PATCH v2] role-ducking: Add support for ducking group
- From: sangchul1011@xxxxxxxxx (Sangchul Lee)
- Front audio panel "forgets" state after reboot, no sound until replug
- From: chrno-sphered@xxxxxxxxxxx (紅 蒼穹)
- [PATCH 1/6] log: journal: Prevent duplicate values for CODE_* fields
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] role-ducking: Add support for ducking group
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] alsa: Fix device reservation fails when a device string has seperator(, )
- From: jeongyeon.kim@xxxxxxxxxxx (KimJeongYeon)
- [PATCH] role-ducking: Add support for ducking group
- From: sangchul1011@xxxxxxxxx (Sangchul Lee)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card with latest firmware
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- [PATCH] alsa-mixer: Support for Creative SoundBlaster Omni Surround 5.1 USB sound card with latest firmware
- From: nazar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nazar Mokrynskyi)
- [PATCH] role-ducking: Add support for ducking group
- From: sangchul1011@xxxxxxxxx (Sangchul Lee)
- pulseaudio overwrites correct channel mapping provided by alsa
- From: einz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dennis Heuer)
- [PATCH] role-cork: Use the PA_IDXSET_FOREACH macro
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH] role-ducking: Add support for ducking group
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v3 00/11] Introduce memfd support
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- Using native HSP support
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] role-ducking: Add support for ducking group
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH v3 00/11] Introduce memfd support
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH v3 00/11] Introduce memfd support
- From: darwish.07@xxxxxxxxx (Ahmed S. Darwish)
- [PATCH 08/13] loopback: Track underruns and cant-peek events
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- Using native HSP support
- From: Alexandre.DaCosta@xxxxxxxxxx (DaCosta, Alexandre)
- [PATCH] role-ducking: Add support for ducking group
- From: sangchul1011@xxxxxxxxx (Sangchul Lee)
- [PATCH 0/7] Fix for an echo-cancel related crash
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH 0/7] Fix for an echo-cancel related crash
- From: rocketraman@xxxxxxxxx (Raman Gupta)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH] role-ducking: Add support for ducking group
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 08/13] loopback: Track underruns and cant-peek events
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH 08/13] loopback: Track underruns and cant-peek events
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 08/13] loopback: Track underruns and cant-peek events
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 3/7] device-manager, filter-apply: don't reroute streams that have a filter
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 7/7] filter-apply: simplify proplist updating
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 6/7] loopback: refactor proplist updating
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 5/7] sink-input, source-output: remove set_name()
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 4/7] sink-input, source-output: rework property setting
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 3/7] device-manager, filter-apply: don't reroute streams that have a filter
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 2/7] don't move streams to devices that are going away
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 1/7] echo-cancel: rework move handling
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 0/7] Fix for an echo-cancel related crash
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH] role-cork: Fix improper uncork behavior in case of operating globally
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- [PATCH 4/4] stream_intercaction: interact if a stream starts corked
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH 08/13] loopback: Track underruns and cant-peek events
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH 4/4] stream_intercaction: interact if a stream starts corked
- From: tanuk@xxxxxx (Tanu Kaskinen)
- alsa sink latency - how to account for startup delay
- From: georg@xxxxxxxx (Georg Chini)
- [PATCH v3 00/11] Introduce memfd support
- From: patrakov@xxxxxxxxx (Alexander E. Patrakov)
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