Info Cyrus
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- Re: Remote mailbox creation error / unified murder, (continued)
- Disabling the POP3 request time limit,
Johannes Luber
- Murder member startup ctl_mboxlist -m signal 6, Janne Peltonen
- cyrus on sparc,
Davide Bettio
- expunging deleted messages?,
- unified murder gets mailboxes list truncated,
Janne Peltonen
- test email,
Timo Schoeler
- auth against mssql server, ram
- is it possible to add a delevered-to header, ram
- ctl_mboxlist -m takes hours, Janne Peltonen
- Mailbox list corruption,
Janne Peltonen
- cyradm is not running with imaps,
- subscribtion and seen flags, Dmitriy Kirhlarov
- SSL options ..., Brasseur Valéry
- Authors wanted for Linux Magazine, Markus Feilner
- Recommend how to move 31GB of mail to a new server,
Jose Hales-Garcia
- Migrating from 2.2 on one server to 2.3 on another,
Bruce Pennypacker
- Patch to quota_db.c from June 17 breaks quota, Arne Schwabe
- Re: cyrus 2.3.8, internal dates not stored in message file time ? [SOLVED],
- cyrus 2.3.8, internal dates not stored in message file time ?,
- Cyrus managment from php..,
Kristaps Armanis
- problems with quota warning script,
Rafael Mahecha
- archiving emails,
Mike Zupan
- 2 functional questions, Brian Dial
- Moving from redhat 7.2 cyrus 2.0.9 to Centos 5 cyrus 2.2, Richmond Dyes
- Control over account expiry within cyrus, D G Teed
- new-bie cyrus-sasl question, JOYDEEP
- system hangs after "tls_start_servertls() failed", David Newman
- System I/O errors?,
Anders Norrbring
- regenerate quota files,
- Infos about bug 2967,
Michael Menge
- Bugzilla Login, Michael Menge
- Replication question - cross replication?,
Nels Lindquist
- Rw: DBERROR "strange character": db4, Arnau Bria
- Username length limit in cyrus, Stefan Gohmann
- pam_mssql plugin for cyrus-sasl, ram
- DBERROR "strange character": db4, Arnau Bria
- index on custom headers for fast ipurge,
- imapd process hanging, Joshua Van Horn
- Sieve vacation,
- Starting imapd 2.3.8 with db 4.5 (patched), Chris Wesdorp
- Renaming top-level user mailboxes. Is it still impossible?,
Igor Zhbanov
- Writeup on Cyrus authentication config,
Torsten Schlabach
- Move sasldb2 between two servers,
Martin Schweizer
- How to keep flags after move mailboxes to another server,
Amy Jin
- one user folder appears under all accounts,
D G Teed
- renaming INBOX,
Dudi Goldenberg
- AutoCreate Inbox. Create on login not working,
- howto auto create user mailbox ?,
- Cyrus wiki SquirrelMailKerberos, Thomas Vogt
- Ghost emails,
Giuseppe Ravasio
- problem with virtualdomain,
setrlimit: Unable to set file descriptors limit to -1: Operation not permitted,
Per-mailbox or per-folder expunge?, Karl Boyken
problem with admin-user,
Philippe Trolliet
trying to build kind of dropbox,
Boris Andratzek
groups, members, LDAP and ptloader,
Toschi Pietro
forensic question,
Tim Cline
Thunderbird causes weird saslauthd auth failure, Zoran Kikic
Superior hiearchical mailbox creation, after the fact,
Ross Boylan
imapd can't auth to sasl (imap[13935]: [ID 702911 auth.notice] cannot connect to saslauthd server: Permission denied), Yedidia Klein
Cyrus/postfix troubles,
Mads M. Hansen
duplicatesuppression based on mail content?,
Florian Gleixner
Message expiration policy question,
Jason Bailey, Sun Advocate Webmaster
I give up... How do I unsubscribe?,
Chris Ernst
backup imapd with TSM,
Hans Moser
all clients but mutt dont see several existing messages, peter pilsl
delete messages from the command-line?,
How Cyrus works?, Toschi Pietro
pop3s autentication error,
Martin Schiøtz
problem with Websieve,
Rajeev R Veedu
SYSERR(root): ldap_init/ldap_bind failed ??, BipinDas
Misdelivered messages,
Dana Canfield
Moving mailboxes,
Sebastian Hagedorn
Connection throttling POP3.,
Matthew Schumacher
need a tutorial, JOYDEEP
Catch All Account,
Jonathan Villa
Weird cyrus user,
Bob Marcan
Impossible migration from 2.0.16 to 2.2.12 ?, Bernard FRIT
Simon Matter's Cyrus RPM,
ADS authentication with SASL works with old password, ram
problem in Authentication.,
Rajeev R Veedu
Cyrus 'cluster' general upgrade strategy?,
Nik Conwell
Maximum amount of mailboxes,
synchronization/backup mx,
Philippe Trolliet
creating group.<some-name>, what does it really mean,
Toschi Pietro
presering read/seen status - migrating from 2.1.5 to 2.3.3, Dickson Law
cyrus-imap + cyrus-sasl : "user not found", Corey
subfolder delivery with plus addressing, lmtp, Ross Boylan
sync startup script, Roberto R. Morelli
A setting method of REPLICATION in Cyrus-IMAP, Seiichirou Hiraoka
Sieve vacation does not catch alias-addresses?,
paul-erik . torronen
Trouble with Eudora and cyrus-imapd-2.3.8,
Gary Mills
Cyrus failover steps,
Ilya Vishnyakov
lmtpadinject - alpha version.,
Benjamin Donnachie
How to stop IMAP referrals?,
Gary Mills
Selective sieve service,
Tom Plancon
configure errors on x86_64 linux,
Michael Menge
Quota with Cyrus !!!,
Donatien Vrielynck
upgrade 2.3.7 -> 2.3.8,
Rudy Gevaert
Replication speeds?,
Nik Conwell
cyrus postfix,
Jim McIver
unknown flag notjunk, Forrest Aldrich
defaultbc vs. default.bc,
Janne Peltonen
Postfix quota integration,
Omni Flux
installation issue..., Jared (Forced Distribution)
Bug? xfermailbox to murder front-end is broken but using rename to xfer a mailbox works just fine., Nik Conwell
Sieve Charset problem,
Liviu Ilie
ZFS for Cyrus IMAP storage,
Gary Mills
How do I eliminate duplicate emails., Chuck Amadi
imapd make error, J.J. Day
ANNOUNCE: gyrus 0.3.7, Claudio Saavedra
Cyrus Quota vs. du,
Dana Canfield
Cyrus with a NFS storage. random DBERROR,
copying and renaming mailboxes to clean up directories,
Thorsten Büker
Hardware opinion sought - Sun X4500,
Qin Li
Mailbox rights, Anders Norrbring
is it possible to get multi-domain ?,
little question:get cyrus version by command line,
OT: Cyrus IMAP Interacting with Thunderbird 2.0,
Forrest Aldrich
corruption when using sieve vacation message?,
Sieve vacation message corrupting database?,
permission problem on lmtp socket,
authentication failure: cross-realm, JOYDEEP
what would be my imap.conf configuration ?,
Restrictive access to some users,
mail coming without MX; how ?,
Building Cyrus with GCC 4.0+ (Debian Etch), autoconf issues,
Bron Gondwana
ZFS compression?,
Vincent Fox
Postfix/Cyrus/LDAP unixhierarchysep=yes leads "Mailbox does not exist", TOUZEAU DAVID
lmtpd -a and unified murder,
Janne Peltonen
I have a domain with MX now, how to use it ?,
How to move mailbox across domains?,
Igor Zhbanov
how to configure ACL right on mailboxes ?,
Error registering service with slp -20,
is there any difference btwn cyrus-imapd-2.2.12-5 and cyrus-imapd-2.2.12-27.6 ?, JOYDEEP
how to run sieve scripts?,
Andy Howell
explain the murder, jeff donovan
inbox creration in cyrus,
sieveshell and sivtest is not working here :-(,
FastMail.FM and autocreate folder/sieve patch conflict, Patrick T. Tsang
squatter segfaults on large mailboxes - FreeBSD,
Per olof Ljungmark
"Not registered yet", Sebastian Hagedorn
How many copies of the mupdate master should run?,
Gary Mills
cyrus 2.3.x and thunderbird 2.x delete issue,
Wolfgang Breyha
cyrus autorization identifier trick,
Nestor A. Diaz
how to create MX record in remote server ?,
imtest successful but sivtest is not :-(,
urgent - cyrus stop working after restarting the pc,
'batch move' of a few thousand mailboxes to different partitions,
Eric Luyten
how to enable digestmd5 and crammd5 ?,
RTCyrus3 - sendmail and cyrus-imap integration,
Andrzej Adam Filip
ACL for moving messages?,
Heinz Ulrich Stille
syncserver[4715]: Fatal error: Virtual memory exhausted,
Per olof Ljungmark
Deleting mailboxes on master, Joseph Brennan
sync_clients: all users group?, Per olof Ljungmark
login problems on 2.3.8,
Roberto R. Morelli
can I use encrypted ldap_bind_pw ?,
cyradm can't lolgin with --port 993,
Re: cyradm can't lolgin with --port 993, Dmitriy Kirhlarov
Re: cyradm can't lolgin with --port 993, Jorey Bump
sasldb: userPassword vs. cmusaslsecret*, Marco Colombo
Lost mail 2.3.8,
allowed characters in user names,
Per olof Ljungmark
saslauthd pam_mysql problem for virtualdomains,
cyrus imapd MIBS?, Dmitriy Kirhlarov
sync_client & ptloader problem, Dmitriy Kirhlarov
simple mailbox accounting, Alain Spineux
Managing Cyrus partitions & managing from php?, Kristaps Armanis
Global sieve scripts and spamfolders/bb,
Janne Peltonen
Réf. : Re: Réf. : Re: Aliases in Cyrus ?,
daniel . sipasseuth
Group list, c1090
Aliases in Cyrus ?,
daniel . sipasseuth
Cyrus authentication with ADS,
remove entry from deliver.db,
Derek T. Yarnell
Unified Murder, lost Mupdate Master, over-eager Mupdate Slaves, Janne Peltonen
Replication design, configuration, and bandwidth, Anthony Chavez
limiting unsuccessful login attempts?,
Per olof Ljungmark
huge mail hangs lmtpd,
Michael Menge
Postfix + cyrus imapd data format error. Command output Mailbox does not exist => Virtual mailboxes user@xxxxxxxxxx, TOUZEAU DAVID
Recomendations for a 15000 Cyrus Mailboxes,
Nestor A. Diaz
Re: Recomendations for a 15000 Cyrus Mailboxes, Andrew Morgan
Re: Recomendations for a 15000 Cyrus Mailboxes, Greg A. Woods
Re: Recomendations for a 15000 Cyrus Mailboxes, Rudy Gevaert
Cyrus virtual domains quota, ram
Mailbox subscriptions in a murder,
Eli Ben-Shoshan
cyrus replication validation,
Ilya Vishnyakov
Is it possible to run a mailserver on a remote pc which doesn't have DNS server on it ?,
Can list mailboxes through impad. limtpd cannot,
Stephen Forster
LMTP AUTH with sendmail?,
Andreas Haumer
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