Dear list, I have "mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp" in I have "lmtpunix cmd="lmtpd" listen="/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp" prefork=1" in cyrus.conf now when ever I try to sent mail from user@xxxxxxxxxxxx to user@xxxxxxxxxxxx it reports error ------------------------------- Apr 27 11:31:25 lvps87-230-8-228 postfix/lmtp[3433]: 2BF37BFE10C: to=<test@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, relay=none, delay=2822, status=deferred (connect to /var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp[/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp]: Permission denied) ------------------------------------------ I have checked the permission and it is own by cyrus mail I have also checked the parent path starting from /var/lib/imap and it alongwith the underlying structures are owned by cyrus:mail more over lmtptest command reports ---------------------------------- getaddrinfo: Servname not supported for ai_socktype failure: Network initialization - can not connect to localhost:lmtp -------------------------------- I am using suse 9.2. How can I solve it ? please help ---- Cyrus Home Page: Cyrus Wiki/FAQ: List Archives/Info: