Fedora Cloud SIG
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- [atomic-wg] Issue #279: talk/workshop proposals for Flock
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Requesting freeze exception for atomic in F26 to drop rpm-build deps
- From: Jonathan Lebon <jlebon@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [Fedocal] Reminder meeting : Fedora Cloud Workgroup
- From: dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- [atomic-wg] Issue #160: Ship fedora-motd in F24 atomic image
- From: Ratnadeep Debnath <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #273: bodhi: allow fast track from pending->stable for updates with enough karma
- From: Trishna Guha <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #252: Fix rawhide ISO
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #229: decide on version scheme and image naming scheme for f26
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Atomic WG Meeting Minutes 2017-05-24
- From: Jerry Zhang <jzehrarnyg@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #181: Vagrant cannot create synced folder
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #181: Vagrant cannot create synced folder
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [cloud-sig] Issue #138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly
- From: Dennis Gilmore <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [cloud-sig] Issue #138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly
- From: Dennis Gilmore <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [cloud-sig] Issue #138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly
- From: Matthew Miller <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [cloud-sig] Issue #138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly
- From: Dennis Gilmore <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [cloud-sig] Issue #278: Cannot update dnf in Vagrant F25 libvirt box
- From: Randy Barlow <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [cloud-sig] Issue #278: Cannot update dnf in Vagrant F25 libvirt box
- From: Randy Barlow <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [cloud-sig] Issue #278: Cannot update dnf in Vagrant F25 libvirt box
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [cloud-sig] Issue #278: Cannot update dnf in Vagrant F25 libvirt box
- From: Randy Barlow <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [cloud-sig] Issue #278: Cannot update dnf in Vagrant F25 libvirt box
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #278: Cannot update dnf in Vagrant F25 libvirt box
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #278: Cannot update dnf in Vagrant F25 libvirt box
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fedpkg container-build labels error
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #278: Cannot update dnf in Vagrant F25 libvirt box
- From: Randy Barlow <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #228: clarify policy on atomic host support for older Fedora "number" releases
- From: Jason Brooks <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #277: Enforce ENV usage as a requirement for release label
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #277: Enforce ENV usage as a requirement for release label
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #61: manifest: Remove plymouth
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Jan Pazdziora <jpazdziora@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Adam Miller <maxamillion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #61: manifest: Remove plymouth
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [cloud-sig] Issue #138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #277: Enforce ENV usage as a requirement for release label
- From: Adam Miller <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #60: manifest: Remove plymouth
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #60: manifest: Remove plymouth
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #60: manifest: Remove plymouth
- From: Dennis Gilmore <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #60: manifest: Remove plymouth
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Adam Miller <maxamillion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Jan Pazdziora <jpazdziora@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #276: Set architecture label in the base container image
- From: Honza Horak <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #249: The build system should provide an automatically populated VERSION label
- From: Honza Horak <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [cloud-sig] Issue #138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly
- From: Joe Doss <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [Fedocal] Reminder meeting : Fedora Cloud Workgroup
- From: dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170522
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [cloud-sig] Issue #4: f26: firewall on by default in cloud image
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #59: f26: add back in kube/storage clients for now
- From: Dennis Gilmore <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: doctl package for Fedora
- From: Dharmit Shah <shahdharmit@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262: F26 Talking Points
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262: F26 Talking Points
- From: Eduard Lucena <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #275: add an container review link to reviews web page
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [cloud-sig] Issue #138: Produce updated cloud base images monthly
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #59: f26: add back in kube/storage clients for now
- From: Jonathan Lebon <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #59: f26: add back in kube/storage clients for now
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #59: f26: add back in kube/storage clients for now
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Minutes for May 17 meeting
- From: Josh Berkus <jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #59: f26: add back in kube/storage clients for now
- From: Jason Brooks <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #59: f26: add back in kube/storage clients for now
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #59: f26: add back in kube/storage clients for now
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #166: RFE : vagrant user with id=1000
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Adding kube back to AH in f26
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #59: add back in kube/storage clients for now
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262: F26 Talking Points
- From: Eduard Lucena <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Adam Miller <maxamillion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [Fedocal] Reminder meeting : Fedora Cloud Workgroup
- From: dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- [atomic-wg] Issue #274: osbs: ensure the bump_release plugin is installed in OSBS
- From: Adam Miller <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Jan Pazdziora <jpazdziora@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: doctl package for Fedora
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #274: osbs: ensure the bump_release plugin is installed in OSBS
- From: Ralph Bean <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262: F26 Talking Points
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Dennis Gilmore <dennis@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Adam Miller <maxamillion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Atomic WG Meeting Minutes 2017-05-10
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #153: design, deploy and document Fedora OpenShift Playground (FOSP)
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #228: clarify policy on atomic host support for older Fedora "number" releases
- From: Jason Brooks <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #228: clarify policy on atomic host support for older Fedora "number" releases
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #273: bodhi: allow fast track from pending->stable for updates with enough karma
- From: Trishna Guha <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #270: Update getfedora.org with Digital Ocean
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #271: fedimg: support ENA for fedimg upload
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #273: bodhi: allow fast track from pending->stable for updates with enough karma
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #271: fedimg: support ENA for fedimg upload
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #271: fedimg: support ENA for fedimg upload
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #272: FLIBS: bogus 'authorative-source-url' in layered images
- From: Micah Abbott <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256: atomic command changes: prefer file over label
- From: Tomas Tomecek <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Dennis Gilmore <dennis@xxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #272: FLIBS: bogus 'authorative-source-url' in layered images
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #272: FLIBS: bogus 'authorative-source-url' in layered images
- From: Micah Abbott <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Jan Pazdziora <jpazdziora@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #272: FLIBS: bogus 'authorative-source-url' in layered images
- From: Tomas Tomecek <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Adam Miller <maxamillion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [Fedocal] Reminder meeting : Fedora Cloud Workgroup
- From: dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- [atomic-wg] Issue #272: FLIBS: bogus 'authorative-source-url' in layered images
- From: Micah Abbott <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- fedpkg container-build labels error
- From: Marek Skalický <mskalick@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256: atomic command changes: prefer file over label
- From: Tomas Tomecek <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Jan Pazdziora <jpazdziora@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Jan Pazdziora <jpazdziora@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: will miss today's meeting
- From: Jason Brooks <jbrooks@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #228: clarify policy on atomic host support for older Fedora "number" releases
- From: Jason Brooks <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: will miss today's meeting
- From: Josh Berkus <jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- will miss today's meeting
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Dennis Gilmore <dennis@xxxxxxxx>
- [Fedocal] Reminder meeting : Fedora Cloud Workgroup
- From: dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: [atomic-devel] Storage for system containers
- From: Daniel Walsh <dwalsh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Atomic WG Meeting Minutes April 19
- From: Josh Berkus <jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Atomic WG Meeting Minutes 2017-04-26
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #271: support ENA for fedimg upload
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic-devel] Storage for system containers
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #270: Update getfedora.org with Digital Ocean
- From: Matthew Miller <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Adam Miller <maxamillion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Jan Pazdziora <jpazdziora@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #270: Update getfedora.org with Digital Ocean
- From: Jeff Ligon <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic-devel] Storage for system containers
- From: Daniel Walsh <dwalsh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256: atomic command changes: prefer file over label
- From: Tomas Tomecek <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #263: open up read permission on our AMIs
- From: Sayan Chowdhury <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #270: Update getfedora.org with Digital Ocean
- From: Matthew Miller <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #243: Require DESCRIPTION label for FLIBS containers
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #243: Require DESCRIPTION label for FLIBS containers
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #243: Require DESCRIPTION label for FLIBS containers
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256: atomic command changes: prefer file over label
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256: atomic command changes: prefer file over label
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #270: Update getfedora.org with Digital Ocean
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic-devel] Many new dependencies in f25 updates-testing
- From: Colin Walters <walters@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: [atomic-devel] Many new dependencies in f25 updates-testing
- From: Daniel Walsh <dwalsh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #264: 2WK Atomic Release Criteria
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #228: clarify policy on atomic host support for older Fedora "number" releases
- From: Kushal Das <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #264: 2WK Atomic Release Criteria
- From: Mike Ruckman <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #263: open up read permission on our AMIs
- From: Sayan Chowdhury <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic-devel] Many new dependencies in f25 updates-testing
- From: Colin Walters <walters@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Many new dependencies in f25 updates-testing
- From: Jonathan Lebon <jlebon@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Many new dependencies in f25 updates-testing
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Many new dependencies in f25 updates-testing
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: doctl package for Fedora
- From: Kushal Das <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #269: fedimg: don't use 'builder' instance for uploading AMIs
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #269: fedimg: don't use 'builder' instance for uploading AMIs
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170426
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic-devel] Storage for system containers
- From: Daniel Walsh <dwalsh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic-devel] Storage for system containers
- From: Josh Berkus <jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic-devel] Storage for system containers
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic-devel] Storage for system containers
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic-devel] Storage for system containers
- From: Daniel Walsh <dwalsh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic-devel] Storage for system containers
- From: Daniel Walsh <dwalsh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic-devel] Storage for system containers
- From: Daniel Walsh <dwalsh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: firewalld in atomic host
- From: Jason DeTiberus <jdetiber@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Storage for system containers
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [Fedocal] Reminder meeting : Fedora Cloud Workgroup
- From: dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: doctl package for Fedora
- From: "Jan Chaloupka" <jchaloup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: firewalld in atomic host
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: firewalld in atomic host
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: doctl package for Fedora
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: doctl package for Fedora
- From: Dharmit Shah <shahdharmit@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: firewalld in atomic host
- From: Jason DeTiberus <jdetiber@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: firewalld in atomic host
- From: Subhendu Ghosh <sghosh151@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic-devel] firewalld in atomic host
- From: Colin Walters <walters@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic-devel] firewalld in atomic host
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- firewalld in atomic host
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Adam Miller <maxamillion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- please test this NetworkManager update
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256: atomic command changes: prefer file over label
- From: Tomas Tomecek <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256: atomic command changes: prefer file over label
- From: Tomas Tomecek <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Atomic openQA result emails ('compose check report')
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Atomic openQA result emails ('compose check report')
- From: Adam Williamson <adamwill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #263: open up read permission on our AMIs
- From: Daniel Bruno <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #263: open up read permission on our AMIs
- From: Sayan Chowdhury <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: You are Invited!
- From: Josh Berkus <jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: [atomic-devel] 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170418
- From: Josh Berkus <jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170418
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: doctl package for Fedora
- From: "Dharmit Shah" <shahdharmit@xxxxxxxxx>
- 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170418
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- doctl package for Fedora
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #225: Review Container Request for owncload (replacement of Fedora-Dockerfiles GitHub)
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256: atomic command changes: prefer file over label
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #258: Proposal: suggest ContainerApplicationGenericLabels as Optional labels for FLIBS
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #258: Proposal: suggest ContainerApplicationGenericLabels as Optional labels for FLIBS
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #242: Clarify requirements for INSTALL / UNINSTALL labels
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #242: Clarify requirements for INSTALL / UNINSTALL labels
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262: F26 Talking Points
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #242: Clarify requirements for INSTALL / UNINSTALL labels
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262: F26 Talking Points
- From: Eduard Lucena <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262: F26 Talking Points
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262: F26 Talking Points
- From: Eduard Lucena <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #242: Clarify requirements for INSTALL / UNINSTALL labels
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #242: Clarify requirements for INSTALL / UNINSTALL labels
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [Fedocal] Reminder meeting : Fedora Cloud Workgroup
- From: dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- new kernel in updates testing
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Adam Williamson <adamwill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Adam Williamson <adamwill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #58: make the fedora 25 repos pull from mirrors
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #58: make the fedora 25 repos pull from mirrors
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #58: make the fedora 25 repos pull from mirrors
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256: atomic command changes: prefer file over label
- From: Honza Horak <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256: atomic command changes: prefer file over label
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256: atomic command changes: prefer file over label
- From: Tomas Tomecek <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256: atomic command changes: prefer file over label
- From: Honza Horak <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #196: moving to docker 1.13 in Fedora 25
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #196: moving to docker 1.13 in Fedora 25
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256: atomic command changes: prefer file over label
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #234: Container guidelines for containers with volumes
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #234: Container guidelines for containers with volumes
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256: atomic command changes: prefer file over label
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #255: Consider creating redirection site for image Help Files
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #255: Consider creating redirection site for image Help Files
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #239: Update BZ Container Review Component Template to allow fedora-review flag
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Atomic WG Meeting Minutes 2017-04-12
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Announce: DistGit namespace migration: docker -> container
- From: Adam Miller <maxamillion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #255: Consider creating redirection site for image Help Files
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #264: 2WK Atomic Release Criteria
- From: Micah Abbott <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #263: open up read permission on our AMIs
- From: Sayan Chowdhury <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #199: fedora-websites: Plan for Atomic prerelease images
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #199: fedora-websites: Plan for Atomic prerelease images
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #267: Label 'help' in the guidelines and in atomic tool
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #267: Label 'help' in the guidelines and in atomic tool
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #239: Update BZ Container Review Component Template to allow fedora-review flag
- From: Kevin Fenzi <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #264: 2WK Atomic Release Criteria
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #264: 2WK Atomic Release Criteria
- From: Micah Abbott <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #264: 2WK Atomic Release Criteria
- From: Adam Miller <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #234: Container guidelines for containers with volumes
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #234: Container guidelines for containers with volumes
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #234: Container guidelines for containers with volumes
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #233: Container guidelines for systemd based containers
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #255: Consider creating redirection site for image Help Files
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #268: Container Guidelines: tracking changes to notify maintainers about
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #268: Container Guidelines: tracking changes to notify maintainers about
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #254: Label/comment for primary RPM?
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #255: Consider creating redirection site for image Help Files
- From: Adam Miller <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #244: require, supply guidelines for "run" label for container in FLIBS
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #244: require, supply guidelines for "run" label for container in FLIBS
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #248: Container Guidelines: Layered Images used as a base for other Layered Builds
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #267: Label 'help' in the guidelines and in atomic tool
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #243: Require DESCRIPTION label for FLIBS containers
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #248: Container Guidelines: Layered Images used as a base for other Layered Builds
- From: Micah Abbott <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #258: Proposal: suggest ContainerApplicationGenericLabels as Optional labels for FLIBS
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #258: Proposal: suggest ContainerApplicationGenericLabels as Optional labels for FLIBS
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #268: Container Guidelines: tracking changes to notify maintainers about
- From: Jason Brooks <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #253: lower case vs Initial Cap in Labels
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #253: lower case vs Initial Cap in Labels
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256: atomic command changes: prefer file over label
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #263: open up read permission on our AMIs
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #258: Proposal: suggest ContainerApplicationGenericLabels as Optional labels for FLIBS
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Mike Ruckman <roshi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Mike Ruckman <roshi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #261: Issue Tracker for F26 release blockers
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256: atomic command changes: prefer file over label
- From: Tomas Tomecek <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #248: Container Guidelines: Layered Images used as a base for other Layered Builds
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #267: Label 'help' in the guidelines and in atomic tool
- From: Honza Horak <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #267: Label 'help' in the guidelines and in atomic tool
- From: Vadim Rutkovsky <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #267: Label 'help' in the guidelines and in atomic tool
- From: Honza Horak <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #248: Container Guidelines: Layered Images used as a base for other Layered Builds
- From: Honza Horak <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Delay of Fedora Two Week Atomic Release
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262: F26 Talking Points
- From: Eduard Lucena <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Colin Walters <walters@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Josh Berkus <jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Adam Miller <maxamillion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170410
- From: Dusty Mabe <dustymabe@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170410
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170410
- From: Josh Berkus <jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #253: lower case vs Initial Cap in Labels
- From: Yu Qi Zhang <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #253: lower case vs Initial Cap in Labels
- From: Yu Qi Zhang <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [Fedocal] Reminder meeting : Fedora Cloud Workgroup
- From: dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170410
- From: Dusty Mabe <dustymabe@xxxxxxxxx>
- 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170410
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #248: Container Guidelines: Layered Images used as a base for other Layered Builds
- From: Eliska Slobodova <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #248: Container Guidelines: Layered Images used as a base for other Layered Builds
- From: Honza Horak <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #266: rpmostree_compose Ansible module
- From: Trishna Guha <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #261: Issue Tracker for F26 release blockers
- From: Spyros Trigazis <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #265: atomic host mirroring plans
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #265: atomic host mirroring plans
- From: Randy Barlow <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #265: atomic host mirroring plans
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #261: Issue Tracker for F26 release blockers
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Test f26 version of docker/container-storage-setup
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #264: 2WK Atomic Release Criteria
- From: Kushal Das <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #261: Issue Tracker for F26 release blockers
- From: Spyros Trigazis <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #263: open up read permission on our AMIs
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262: F26 Talking Points
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262: F26 Talking Points
- From: Jason Brooks <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262: F26 Talking Points
- From: Jason Brooks <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Atomic WG Meeting Minutes 2017-04-05
- From: Jason Brooks <jbrooks@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #263: open up read permission on our AMIs
- From: Sayan Chowdhury <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #263: open up read permission on our AMIs
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #264: 2WK Atomic Release Criteria
- From: Sayan Chowdhury <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #264: 2WK Atomic Release Criteria
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pagure notification outage
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #253: lower case vs Initial Cap in Labels
- From: Jason Brooks <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #265: test issue
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262: F26 Talking Points
- From: Matthew Miller <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262: F26 Talking Points
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: pagure notification outage
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- pagure notification outage
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora 26 - pre-release images
- From: Adam Williamson <adamwill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora 26 - pre-release images
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [Fedocal] Reminder meeting : Fedora Cloud Workgroup
- From: dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Adam Williamson <adamwill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #261: Issue Tracker for F26 release blockers
- From: Pierre-YvesChibon <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Adam Miller <maxamillion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #230: enable ostree gpg verification in our baked images
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Atomic WG Meeting Minutes 2017-03-29
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #263: open up read permission on our AMIs
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #263: open up read permission on our AMIs
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- 2017-03-22 Atomic WG Meeting Minutes
- From: Mike Ruckman <roshi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #240: Wrong Summary in Container Review BZ link
- From: Adam Miller <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #236: container scratch build without a dist-git
- From: Adam Miller <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #184 `ISO file is missing: Mirrors lag behind FAH release email`
- From: Patrick "マルタインアンドレアス" Uiterwijk <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #184 `ISO file is missing: Mirrors lag behind FAH release email`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #259 `testing cloud-init 0.7.9 in Fedora 25`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #259 `testing cloud-init 0.7.9 in Fedora 25`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #259 `testing cloud-init 0.7.9 in Fedora 25`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Kushal on emergency PTO today, 29-03-2017
- From: Sayan Chowdhury <sayan.chowdhury2012@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #241 `static deltas not working from released images`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #241 `static deltas not working from released images`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic-devel] Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic-devel] Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: Chenxiong Qi <qcxhome@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- [atomic-wg] Issue #259 `testing cloud-init 0.7.9 in Fedora 25`
- From: Garrett Holmstrom <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170327
- From: Mike Ruckman <roshi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170327
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [Fedocal] Reminder meeting : Fedora Cloud Workgroup
- From: dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170327
- From: Josh Berkus <jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170327
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170327
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256 `atomic command changes: prefer file over label`
- From: Brent Baude <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256 `atomic command changes: prefer file over label`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262 `F26 Talking Points`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Josh Boyer <jwboyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Colin Walters <walters@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Proposal: Release blocking for F27
- From: Colin Walters <walters@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #259 `testing cloud-init 0.7.9 in Fedora 25`
- From: Spyros Trigazis <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #250 `Improve idea list for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Summer_coding_ideas_for_2017`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #230 `enable ostree gpg verification in our baked images`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262 `F26 Talking Points`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #250 `Improve idea list for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Summer_coding_ideas_for_2017`
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262 `F26 Talking Points`
- From: Eduard Lucena <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262 `F26 Talking Points`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262 `F26 Talking Points`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #153 `design, deploy and document Fedora OpenShift Playground (FOSP)`
- From: Michael Scherer <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #257 `atomic host tree in F26 does not boot properly`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #257 `atomic host tree in F26 does not boot properly`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262 `F26 Talking Points`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #262 `F26 Talking Points`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #248 `Container Guidelines: Layered Images used as a base for other Layered Builds`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #248 `Container Guidelines: Layered Images used as a base for other Layered Builds`
- From: Adam Miller <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #261 `Issue Tracker for F26 release blockers`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #248 `Container Guidelines: Layered Images used as a base for other Layered Builds`
- From: Jason Brooks <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Missing the meeting tonight
- From: Trishna Guha <trishnaguha17@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #57 `add in dnsmasq since NM dropped the dep`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #57 `add in dnsmasq since NM dropped the dep`
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #57 `add in dnsmasq since NM dropped the dep`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #153 `design, deploy and document Fedora OpenShift Playground (FOSP)`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #153 `design, deploy and document Fedora OpenShift Playground (FOSP)`
- From: Karsten Wade <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #259 `testing cloud-init 0.7.9 in Fedora 25`
- From: Lars Kellogg-Stedman <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #232 `ssh issue on libvirt based images`
- From: Amel Hodzic <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Atomic openQA result emails ('compose check report')
- From: Adam Williamson <adamwill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Atomic openQA result emails ('compose check report')
- From: Adam Williamson <adamwill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Atomic openQA result emails ('compose check report')
- From: Adam Williamson <adamwill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Atomic openQA result emails ('compose check report')
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora Release Tools Status Update - March 20
- [Fedocal] Reminder meeting : Fedora Cloud Workgroup
- From: dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Re: Atomic openQA result emails ('compose check report')
- From: Mike Ruckman <roshi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Meeting about rolling releases
- From: Trishna Guha <trishnaguha17@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Atomic openQA result emails ('compose check report')
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Atomic openQA result emails ('compose check report')
- From: Colin Walters <walters@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Atomic openQA result emails ('compose check report')
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #259 `testing cloud-init 0.7.9 in Fedora 25`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Atomic openQA result emails ('compose check report')
- From: Adam Williamson <adamwill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Meeting about rolling releases
- From: Josh Berkus <jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Meeting about rolling releases
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #231 `clarify meaning of "rolling" for future fedora atomic releases`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Meeting about rolling releases
- From: Trishna Guha <trishnaguha17@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Meeting about rolling releases
- From: Jason Brooks <jbrooks@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256 `atomic command changes: prefer file over label`
- From: Tomas Tomecek <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256 `atomic command changes: prefer file over label`
- From: Brent Baude <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Meeting about rolling releases
- From: Colin Walters <walters@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Meeting about rolling releases
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Meeting about rolling releases
- From: Matthew Miller <mattdm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Meeting about rolling releases
- From: Jan Kurik <jkurik@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #254 `Label/comment for primary RPM?`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Meeting about rolling releases
- From: Josh Berkus <jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #231 `clarify meaning of "rolling" for future fedora atomic releases`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #234 `Container guidelines for containers with volumes`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #245 `add DEPENDS label for FLIBS containers`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #245 `add DEPENDS label for FLIBS containers`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #243 `Require DESCRIPTION label for FLIBS containers`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #257 `atomic host tree in F26 does not boot properly`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Adam Miller <maxamillion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Adam Miller <maxamillion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #257 `atomic host tree in F26 does not boot properly`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #257 `atomic host tree in F26 does not boot properly`
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #257 `atomic host tree in F26 does not boot properly`
- From: Micah Abbott <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #257 `atomic host tree in F26 does not boot properly`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #257 `atomic host tree in F26 does not boot properly`
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #257 `atomic host tree in F26 does not boot properly`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256 `atomic command changes: prefer file over label`
- From: Tomas Tomecek <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #199 `Plan for Atomic prerelease images`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #256 `atomic command changes: prefer file over label`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #251 `Advise users that updates/ ref should be deleted`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #251 `Advise users that updates/ ref should be deleted`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic] Space leak issue in new installs of the *previous* Fedora Atomic Host release
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Atomic WG Meeting Minutes 2017-03-15
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Atomic WG Meeting Minutes 2017-03-01
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Atomic WG Meeting Minutes 2017-03-01
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #257 `atomic host tree in F26 does not boot properly`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #56 `Updates for f26 repos.`
- From: Dennis Gilmore <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #56 `Updates for f26 repos.`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #56 `Updates for f26 repos.`
- From: Dennis Gilmore <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #258 `Proposal: suggest ContainerApplicationGenericLabels as Optional labels for FLIBS`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #248 `Container Guidelines: Layered Images used as a base for other Layered Builds`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #258 `Proposal: suggest ContainerApplicationGenericLabels as Optional labels for FLIBS`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #257 `atomic host tree in F26 does not boot properly`
- From: Chris Murphy <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #257 `atomic host tree in F26 does not boot properly`
- From: Micah Abbott <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #253 `lower case vs Initial Cap in Labels`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #228 `clarify policy on atomic host support for older Fedora "number" releases`
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #254 `Label/comment for primary RPM?`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #254 `Label/comment for primary RPM?`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #254 `Label/comment for primary RPM?`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #251 `Advise users that updates/ ref should be deleted`
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #251 `Advise users that updates/ ref should be deleted`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #257 `atomic host tree in F26 does not boot properly`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #257 `atomic host tree in F26 does not boot properly`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- I am on PTO today
- From: Kushal Das <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #233 `Container guidelines for systemd based containers`
- From: Jason Brooks <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- notice about daylight savings: meeting at 17:00:00 UTC
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- [atomic-wg] Issue #253 `lower case vs Initial Cap in Labels`
- From: Tomas Tomecek <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #252 `Fix rawhide ISO`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #252 `Fix rawhide ISO`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #56 `Updates for f26 repos.`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #56 `Updates for f26 repos.`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #56 `Updates for f26 repos.`
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #56 `Updates for f26 repos.`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #233 `Container guidelines for systemd based containers`
- From: Jason Brooks <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170314
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #235 `Container guidelines for versioning of packages in the container`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #255 `Consider creating redirection site for image Help Files`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #254 `Label/comment for primary RPM?`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #255 `Consider creating redirection site for image Help Files`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #254 `Label/comment for primary RPM?`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #253 `lower case vs Initial Cap in Labels`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #254 `Label/comment for primary RPM?`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #253 `lower case vs Initial Cap in Labels`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #253 `lower case vs Initial Cap in Labels`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #242 `Clarify requirements for INSTALL / UNINSTALL labels`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #234 `Container guidelines for containers with volumes`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #235 `Container guidelines for versioning of packages in the container`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #244 `require, supply guidelines for "run" label for container in FLIBS`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #235 `Container guidelines for versioning of packages in the container`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #243 `Require DESCRIPTION label for FLIBS containers`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #238 `VFAD: Settle container policy open questions`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #238 `VFAD: Settle container policy open questions`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #235 `Container guidelines for versioning of packages in the container`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #243 `Require DESCRIPTION label for FLIBS containers`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #244 `require, supply guidelines for "run" label for container in FLIBS`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #233 `Container guidelines for systemd based containers`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #233 `Container guidelines for systemd based containers`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- 20170313: Please test out the updates-testing tree
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #252 `Fix rawhide ISO`
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [Fedocal] Reminder meeting : Fedora Cloud Workgroup
- From: dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- [atomic-wg] Issue #251 `Advise users that updates/ ref should be deleted`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #252 `Fix rawhide ISO`
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- etcd 3.0.17 bug when using TLS
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #225 `Review Container Request for owncload (replacement of Fedora-Dockerfiles GitHub)`
- From: James Hogarth <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #234 `Container guidelines for containers with volumes`
- From: James Hogarth <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #243 `Require DESCRIPTION label for FLIBS containers`
- From: James Hogarth <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #56 `Updates for f26 repos.`
- From: Dennis Gilmore <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #56 `Updates for f26 repos.`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #241 `static deltas not working from released images`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #249 `The build system should provide an automatically populated VERSION label`
- From: Adam Miller <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #236 `container scratch build without a dist-git`
- From: Adam Miller <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #236 `container scratch build without a dist-git`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #233 `Container guidelines for systemd based containers`
- From: James Hogarth <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #242 `Clarify requirements for INSTALL / UNINSTALL labels`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora 26-20170309.n.0 compose check report
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Schedule for Container Policy VFAD
- From: Daniel J Walsh <dwalsh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Updated Container Guidelines
- From: Kushal Das <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora 26-20170309.n.0 compose check report
- From: Adam Williamson <adamwill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora 26-20170309.n.0 compose check report
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora 26-20170309.n.0 compose check report
- From: Adam Williamson <adamwill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #238 `VFAD: Settle container policy open questions`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #23 `post: Enable dhcp=internal by default for NetworkManager`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #23 `post: Enable dhcp=internal by default for NetworkManager`
- From: Dennis Gilmore <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Updated Container Guidelines
- From: Honza Horak <hhorak@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #248 `Container Guidelines: Layered Images used as a base for other Layered Builds`
- From: Honza Horak <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Updated Container Guidelines
- From: Adam Miller <maxamillion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Schedule for Container Policy VFAD
- From: Josh Berkus <jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Schedule for Container Policy VFAD
- From: Daniel J Walsh <dwalsh@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Atomic WG Meeting Minutes [2017-03-08]
- From: "Trishna Guha" <trishnaguha17@xxxxxxxxx>
- Schedule for Container Policy VFAD
- From: Josh Berkus <jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #238 `VFAD: Settle container policy open questions`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #228 `clarify policy on atomic host support for older Fedora "number" releases`
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #244 `require, supply guidelines for "run" label for container in FLIBS`
- From: Trishna Guha <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #235 `Container guidelines for versioning of packages in the container`
- From: Trishna Guha <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #228 `clarify policy on atomic host support for older Fedora "number" releases`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- missing the meeting today
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- I am on leave today
- From: Kushal Das <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #246 `Period of fedimg downtime`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #246 `Period of fedimg downtime`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #238 `VFAD: Settle container policy open questions`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora Atomic VFAD 2: Container Guidelines
- From: Josh Berkus <jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #238 `VFAD: Settle container policy open questions`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #245 `add DEPENDS label for FLIBS containers`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #244 `require, supply guidelines for "run" label for container in FLIBS`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #243 `Require DESCRIPTION label for FLIBS containers`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #243 `Require DESCRIPTION label for FLIBS containers`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #238 `VFAD: Settle container policy open questions`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #238 `VFAD: Settle container policy open questions`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #238 `VFAD: Settle container policy open questions`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #238 `VFAD: Settle container policy open questions`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [Fedocal] Reminder meeting : Fedora Cloud Workgroup
- From: dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- [atomic-wg] Issue #196 `moving to docker 1.13 in Fedora 25`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #198 `move ostree ref to be "container-host"`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #198 `move ostree ref to be "container-host"`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #181 `Vagrant cannot create synced folder`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [X-POST] Example of running gotun inside Taskotron
- From: Kushal Das <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [X-POST] Example of testing MariaDB layered image using gotun tool
- From: Kushal Das <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #232 `ssh issue on libvirt based images`
- From: Matthew Miller <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #232 `ssh issue on libvirt based images`
- From: Kushal Das <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #235 `Container guidelines for versioning of packages in the container`
- From: James Hogarth <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #239 `Update BZ Container Review Component Template to allow fedora-review flag`
- From: James Hogarth <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Adam Miller <maxamillion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #232 `ssh issue on libvirt based images`
- From: Matthew Miller <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #201 `Planning for the first Atomic VFAD`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #201 `Planning for the first Atomic VFAD`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #241 `static deltas not working from released images`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #241 `static deltas not working from released images`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #238 `VFAD: Settle container policy open questions`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #233 `Container guidelines for systemd based containers`
- From: Daniel J Walsh <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #240 `Wrong Summary in Container Review BZ link`
- From: Tomas Orsava <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #239 `Update BZ Container Review Component Template to allow fedora-review flag`
- From: James Hogarth <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #239 `Update BZ Container Review Component Template to allow fedora-review flag`
- From: Mike Ruckman <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #235 `Container guidelines for versioning of packages in the container`
- From: Tomas Tomecek <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #238 `VFAD: Settle container policy open questions`
- From: Tomas Tomecek <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #233 `Container guidelines for systemd based containers`
- From: Jan Pazdziora <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #238 `VFAD: Settle container policy open questions`
- From: Christoph Görn <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Cloud AMIs are not readable
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Cloud Meeting Minutes 2017-03-01
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #233 `Container guidelines for systemd based containers`
- From: Daniel J Walsh <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #238 `VFAD: Settle container policy open questions`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #238 `VFAD: Settle container policy open questions`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #237 `Migrate fedimg EC2Service from libcloud to boto`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #237 `Migrate fedimg EC2Service from libcloud to boto`
- From: Sayan Chowdhury <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #186 `switch to overlay2`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Cloud AMIs are not readable
- From: Sayan Chowdhury <sayan.chowdhury2012@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #229 `decide on version scheme and image naming scheme for f26`
- From: Kushal Das <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #236 `container scratch build without a dist-git`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #198 `move ostree ref to be "container-host"`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #121 `Migrate Dockerfiles to systemd, update for Fedora:latest, clean up READMEs`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #121 `Migrate Dockerfiles to systemd, update for Fedora:latest, clean up READMEs`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #127 `Working with the Server WG`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #127 `Working with the Server WG`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #162 `Milestones, components need updating`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ansible woes for FAO
- From: Jason DeTiberus <jdetiber@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ansible woes for FAO
- From: Michael Scherer <mscherer@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #225 `Review Container Request for owncload (replacement of Fedora-Dockerfiles GitHub)`
- From: James Hogarth <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #235 `Container guidelines for versioning of packages in the container`
- From: James Hogarth <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- [atomic-wg] Issue #234 `Container guidelines for containers with volumes`
- From: James Hogarth <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ansible woes for FAO
- From: Jason DeTiberus <jdetiber@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ansible woes for FAO
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ansible woes for FAO
- From: Josh Berkus <jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ansible woes for FAO
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Ansible woes for FAO
- From: Josh Berkus <jberkus@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic-devel] 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170228
- From: Kushal Das <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Rawhide-20170227.n.0 compose check report
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic-devel] 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170228
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [atomic-devel] 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170228
- From: Colin Walters <walters@xxxxxxxxxx>
- 2wk atomic release candidate: 20170228
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #232 `ssh issue on libvirt based images`
- From: Trishna Guha <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Rawhide-20170227.n.0 compose check report
- From: Adam Williamson <adamwill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Testing new kernel with fix for CVE-2017-6074
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [Fedocal] Reminder meeting : Fedora Cloud Workgroup
- From: dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- [atomic-wg] Issue #232 `ssh issue on libvirt based images`
- From: Mike Ruckman <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #232 `ssh issue on libvirt based images`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #232 `ssh issue on libvirt based images`
- From: Kushal Das <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Testing new kernel with fix for CVE-2017-6074
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Meeting with Openstack magnum team today
- From: Jonathan Lebon <jlebon@xxxxxxxxxx>
- FYI - changed ostree ref for rawhide
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Meeting with Openstack magnum team today
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Meeting with Openstack magnum team today
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Meeting with Openstack magnum team today
- From: Jonathan Lebon <jlebon@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Meeting with Openstack magnum team today
- From: Micah Abbott <miabbott@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #231 `clarify meaning of "rolling" for future fedora atomic releases`
- From: Jason Brooks <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #231 `clarify meaning of "rolling" for future fedora atomic releases`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #231 `clarify meaning of "rolling" for future fedora atomic releases`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Updated Container Guidelines
- From: "Tomas Tomecek" <ttomecek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Meeting with Openstack magnum team today
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #229 `decide on version scheme and image naming scheme for f26`
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #231 `clarify meaning of "rolling" for future fedora atomic releases`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #231 `clarify meaning of "rolling" for future fedora atomic releases`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #231 `clarify meaning of "rolling" for future fedora atomic releases`
- From: Jason Brooks <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #231 `clarify meaning of "rolling" for future fedora atomic releases`
- From: Jason Brooks <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #231 `clarify meaning of "rolling" for future fedora atomic releases`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #228 `clarify policy on atomic host support for older Fedora "number" releases`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #231 `clarify meaning of "rolling" for future fedora atomic releases`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #231 `clarify meaning of "rolling" for future fedora atomic releases`
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Updated Container Guidelines
- From: Honza Horak <hhorak@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #231 `clarify meaning of "rolling" for future fedora atomic releases`
- From: Jason Brooks <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #198 `move ostree ref to be "container-host"`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #229 `decide on version scheme and image naming scheme for f26`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #229 `decide on version scheme and image naming scheme for f26`
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #229 `decide on version scheme and image naming scheme for f26`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #229 `decide on version scheme and image naming scheme for f26`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #228 `clarify policy on atomic host support for older Fedora "number" releases`
- From: Jason Brooks <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #229 `decide on version scheme and image naming scheme for f26`
- From: Jason Brooks <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #229 `decide on version scheme and image naming scheme for f26`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #180 `Future of Fedora Dockerfiles`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #169 `Spec for IRC bot to notify about blockers`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Meeting Minutes - February 22, 2017
- From: Sayan Chowdhury <sayan.chowdhury2012@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #198 `move ostree ref to be "container-host"`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #198 `move ostree ref to be "container-host"`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #228 `clarify policy on atomic host support for older Fedora "number" releases`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #229 `decide on version scheme and image naming scheme for f26`
- From: Jason Brooks <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #229 `decide on version scheme and image naming scheme for f26`
- From: Sayan Chowdhury <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #229 `decide on version scheme and image naming scheme for f26`
- From: Josh Berkus <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Meeting Today
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #160 `Ship fedora-motd in F24 atomic image`
- From: Ratnadeep Debnath <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Cloud AMIs are not readable
- From: Sayan Chowdhury <sayan.chowdhury2012@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Cloud AMIs are not readable
- From: Adam Miller <maxamillion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Cloud AMIs are not readable
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora Cloud AMIs are not readable
- From: Stephen John Smoogen <smooge@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #229 `decide on version scheme and image naming scheme for f26`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #229 `decide on version scheme and image naming scheme for f26`
- From: Colin Walters <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #230 `enable ostree gpg verification in our baked images`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #230 `enable ostree gpg verification in our baked images`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #228 `clarify policy on atomic host support for older Fedora "number" releases`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #228 `clarify policy on atomic host support for older Fedora "number" releases`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [Fedocal] Reminder meeting : Fedora Cloud Workgroup
- From: dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- [atomic-wg] Issue #229 `decide on version scheme and image naming scheme for f26`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #170 `Finish new Fedora Atomic PRD`
- From: Mike Ruckman <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #170 `Finish new Fedora Atomic PRD`
- From: Mike Ruckman <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #218 `Move postgresql container image from Fedora-Dockerfiles GitHub into DistGit`
- From: Pavel Raiskup <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [atomic-wg] Issue #170 `Finish new Fedora Atomic PRD`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Login Credentials for Fedora 25 AWS image
- From: Jason Brooks <jbrooks@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #54 `manifest: Change the ref/branch name to be fedora/.../atomic-host`
- From: Dusty Mabe <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- [fedora-atomic] PR #54 `manifest: Change the ref/branch name to be fedora/.../atomic-host`
- From: Jonathan Lebon <pagure@xxxxxxxxx>
- Login Credentials for Fedora 25 AWS image
- From: Michael Reilly <michael.sez@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ownership of the Cloud Base Image
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Ownership of the Cloud Base Image
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: what is the default password for vagrant cloud-based images?
- Re: what is the default password for vagrant cloud-based images?
- From: Thomas Mueller <thomas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: what is the default password for vagrant cloud-based images?
- From: Thomas Mueller <thomas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- what is the default password for vagrant cloud-based images?
- Re: Ownership of the Cloud Base Image
- From: Thomas Mueller <thomas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Adam Williamson <adamwill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Announce: Fedora Layered Image Release
- From: Adam Miller <maxamillion@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: Dusty Mabe <dusty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fedora Atomic Host Two Week Release Announcement
- From: noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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