Squid Proxy Cache Users
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Reverse proxy with remote ssl,
Thomas Glover
Display how much bandwidth saved,
Maxime Gaudreault
Using NTLM authentication + possible to split class of access,
michael hiatt
delay_pools to "slow down" instead of "blocking" sites like ebay.com,
Ralf Hildebrandt
position of Proxy-Authorization header (ICAP),
HTTP_OK handling of CONNECT access via cache_peer_access,
Mikio Kishi
Running Squid without disk cache,
MAC + IP Combined ACL - WIll it work???,
Truth Seeker
how to redirect HEAD method to url redirect program,
johan firdianto
Filter sites containing keywords (not by url),
michael hiatt
The cache_dir size limit,
Hua Su
Strange problem whit my Squid,
Help needed setting up ssl proxy,
Magnus Moraberg
Re: [dansguardian] Re: DG without Squid,
RSCL Mumbai
Compiling squid 4 windows,
Load average problem,
Maxime Gaudreault
squid2.6.STABLE21: reverse proxy+chained SSL certificates,
Joaquín Puga
ICAP Respmod service does not receive any message after first exchange,
Shree Raman
bandwidht control with delay_pools,
Leonardo Carneiro
gnome session integration possible ?,
Guillermo Gómez
How to check whether a URL is cached or not?,
Hua Su
tproxy on freebsd,
How to write squid.conf for this special proxy?,
Hua Su
Re: Need help on using squid as Client Library,
delay pool: limit download on file types,
Dooda Dave
squid_ldap_group group names cannot have spaces?,
Justin Yaple
Connecting two networks via Squid,
Harry Griff
squid 2.7 win32 version doesn't work,
Hua Su
assertion failed: MemBuf.cc:383: "new_cap > (size_t) capacity,
Alex Montoanelli
Is COSS storage scheme stable?,
Thanks for 3.0-STABLE14/15,
George Herbert
service squid reload - gives some messages in the stderr,
Truth Seeker
Hot Objects suddenly decrease,
2-tiers proxy farm,
Ryan Raymond
how to setup a SSL reverse proxy,
Ryan Raymond
unsubscribed, BUT still received message,
DIRTY cache problem,
murrah boswell
block a particular country with squid acl,
Benedict simon
ACLChecklist::~ACLChecklist: destroyed ERROR Messages,
Truth Seeker
Squid sporadic performance - goes OFF every 5-10 minutes,
Using Squid as in-memory Proxy,
q6Yr7e0o nIJDVMjC
Question about np-query option in cache_peer,
Sergio Belkin
Caching Video Content,
Dror Galron
Forward SSH on internal machine through Squid to external server,
Simon L
Proxy and cache of SSL with client auth?,
Justin Binns
Reverse Proxy, multiple web servers, only one is reachable,
Joaquín Puga
http request not going through proxy ?,
david vauquelin
Is it true that even threaded Squid can't benefit from SMP systems?,
How to log only the MISS,
Chudy Fernandez
Upstream Squid to identify user,
Does Squid scale well?,
How to make squid caches windows + anti-virus updates?,
Henrique M.
TCP_MISS/503 and icp,
Sergio Belkin
Can't access non-anymous FTP via Internet Explorer,
James Zuelow
New Squid3 Stable 13 Setup,
httpReadReply: Excess data from GET - Corrupt download,
Emanuel dos Reis Rodrigues
Transparent Squid Stalls For Up To Two Minutes,
Doug Eubanks
Authentication problem. Squid3+ntlm_auth+Firefox.,
Squid suddenly crashes (Maybe a bug),
Omid Kosari
The acl for cache_peer_access,
Mikio Kishi
Any way to redirect pages on return code?,
Blocked Domains help :(,
How do I Ubuntu 9.04 + Squid3 + likewise-open +Active Directory on Windows Server 2003 R2,
michael hiatt
Tproxy + FreeBSD,
squid and ssl connect over ssl-proxy,
Frank Patzig
Squid 3.0.STABLE16-RC1 is available,
Amos Jeffries
ultramonkey + squid settings,
Hiroshi Kouda
New squid3 install,
Jason Staudenmayer
Cache everything (except when client explicitely sends No-Cache directive),
Forwarding to different ports,
3 ISPs: Routing problem,
RSCL Mumbai
Squid Near Impossible to shutdown,
Babelo Gmvsdm
acl acl_name external class_name [arguments ...] and external_acl_type name ... [helper arguments...],
louis gonzales
transparent proxy with Active Directory Login,
Jeff Sadowski
acl to logs,
the request or reply is too large squid,
goody goody
Continue:Tproxy with WCCP error configuration,
Engr.M.monzur Alam
gre0 configuration error,
Engr.M.monzur Alam
Tproxy and WCCP configuration error,
Engr.M.monzur Alam
Squid Slowness,
Charles Melbye
problem for large refresh_pattern,
How to strip/ignore header in squid?,
Kurt Buff
Website not working through squid,
Joseph L. Casale
OT: software to force the client to use the proxy,
Al - Image Hosting Services
RE: Error with ntlm authentication,
Delgado Contreras, Verónica
%{Referer} or %{Referrer} header to external helper?,
louis gonzales
TProxy not faking source address.,
How to set different delay_initial_bucket_level for different pools,
Dayo Adewunmi
Squid 2.X for Windows 7,
Balaji Ganesan
Problem with ntlm_auth: dying,
Gonzalo PG
Squid logs into MySQL database,
Visolve Squid Team
Problem using external acl with tcp_outgoing_address,
Log Request Header,
Mario Remy Almeida
speeding up browsing? any advice?!,
Roland Roland
cache deny and no_cache,
Tech W.
Single NIC transparent proxy,
Robert Kluttz
Denied script for SquidGuard,
Thys de Beer
Squid 3.0.STABLE15 is available,
Amos Jeffries
Squid ICP,
Thys de Beer
Attempt to retrieve interface list failed: (9) Bad file descriptor,
Dayo Adewunmi
Placing COMPANY logo / BANNER,
Parvinder Bhasin
Thys de Beer
Limiting per Host/Stream,
Marc Hansen
Kernel config options for Tproxy,
vivian t
CARP Failover behavior - multiple parents chosen for URL,
Chris Woodfield
Follow up question from Wiki... "how do I configure Squid not to cache a specific server?",
Andy McCall
Multiples real IP's address for tramsparent proxy,
Roberto Salazar M.
bungled squid.conf,
Jason Fierro
cache.log: Permission denied,
Monzur Md.. Alam
Message "assertion failed: HttpHeader.cc:1196: "Headers[id].type == ftInt64",
Limit Download Accelerators using req_header and maxconn,
limit download size,
A Big Thank you..,
Dustin Hane
real time sarg,
Arun Shrimali
problem with acl urlpath_regex,
How can i forwadr headers and response to an external application?,
Squid internals,
Laurent Luce
adding content to cache,
Laurent Luce
How to make squid cache files and webpages?,
Henrique M.
Please give a solution - Tproxy,
Monzur Md.. Alam
CISCO + WCCP Stopping forward packets,
Alex Montoanelli
<Possible follow-ups>
CISCO + WCCP Stopping forward packets,
Troubleshooting squid: modified content,
Sig Pam
/dev/poll solaris 10 fixes,
Adrian Chadd
SQUID proxy server configuration,
Ahmed Akkad
Getting REFERRER info - Squid,
Parvinder Bhasin
replacement_policy heap LFUDA but cachemgr says Removal policy: lru,
Chudy Fernandez
Scalability in serving large ammount of concurrent requests,
Roy M.
OpenBSD / Transparent proxy and session helper :),
Parvinder Bhasin
NTLM negotiate + IP authentication caching for heavily used squid deployments...,
jason lawrence
weight for what?,
Tech W.
Re[squid-users] cording username for secure connection,
Re[squid-users] cording username for tunnel connection,
Squid DENY access "www.Symantec.com",
panagiotis polychronopoulos
Pass the IP?,
Recroding traffic,
Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz
Parent Proxy's, Not Failing over when Primary Parent is Down.,
Dean Weimer
WCCP return method,
Writing Plugins for Squid,
Parvinder Bhasin
squid + auth + safari + SSL = TCP_DENIED/407,
Gavin McCullagh
Squid for Apache Authentification,
Tech W.
squid in a 2 nic configuration,
Mister Raven
Cache channel,
Getting Connection Refused When Multiple Interfaces Enabled,
Liam Campbell
connection between cache objects and the site url,
Transparent proxy with HTTPS on freebsd,
abdul sami
Multiple different parents and no default,
Markus Meyer
problem with ACL.,
Jagdish Rao
External C program,
Julien Philibin
ICP vs Cache Digest,
Squid and auth and Custom banner.,
Parvinder Bhasin
Proxy/no proxy GET results differ,
Dan Sopher
squid 2.7 stable 6 increased load from 2.6,
Tory M Blue
Strange Problem regarding Accept-Encoding ans compression,
Stefan Hartmann
number of clients,
Tech W.
GURU opinion required.,
goody goody
Help me save bandwidth,
Wilson Hernandez - MSD, S. A.
2.7 to 3.0.13 upgrade issue,
Adam Carter
Question on changing from ufs to aufs+coss,
Pandu E Poluan
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