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Re: Squid Near Impossible to shutdown

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On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 9:36 AM, Babelo Gmvsdm <hercule18@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello
> I don't know why but i can't stop or restart squid whith this command : sud=
> o /etc/init.d/squid stop or restart.
> the only ways i found is:
> sudo squid -k shutdown
> or
> sudo kill []
> please help

Hi Babelo,
  we need more information to be able to help you:

What operating system are you running on?
Did you build squid yourself or are you running a version distributed
with the operating system?
Anything in the logs?
What did you change in the configuration file? (the pid_filename
parameter is the most relevant parameter here)

>From the look of it, the init script may be buggy or it may be
misdirected, and the questions above will be the ones most likely to
be helpful in understanding why


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