Hi All,
users on my network have been complaining of slow browsing sessions for a
while now..
i'm trying to figure out ways to speed sessions up without necessarily
upgrading my current bandwidth plan...
i've thought about Squid, i've set it up on centOS and it's under testing.
so my question is, an out of the box squid configuration would be enough to
speed things up with it's caching options? or is there specific config to do
so.. ?
PS: i've done the minimal following config so far:
- added an ACL defining my trusted subnet
- allowed all access to this ACL
i can browse the net and so on through squid, but am i actually caching? i
check the caching directory and i see it's growing in size (as minimal as
one user could cause it to do so) but while using wireshark, i see that for
each browsing session i retrieve all "Static" objects from the net! at the
same time caching logs shows hit after another...
am at a loss..!
is that normal ?! what did i do wrong ? why am I retrieving static objects
times and times again off the internet instead of squid's caching directory