akinf wrote:
We are planning to use squid as a http proxy as an alternative to wapgw.
Our requirements include:
reject some requests based on a businesslogic( we used redirector and
implented this.
Squid forward each url request wiht ip to our java based application.
Actually this a telecom application we alose listen to radius packets and
get msisdn using this ip and reject some requests from some misisdns ie
phone number).
Our next requirementsi to write log infiromation inculding, url ,duration
time, contentsize from terminal, content size to terminal, some http
headers, and some http response headers.
How can i confiugre squid to forward these information to our external java
based application?
What you are asking for is called ICAP protocol.
It is available from Squid-3.0 onwards.
Though from your description you only need an external_acl_type helper
to receive a custom formatted set of information and send an allow/deny
back to Squid.
These are available in all current Squid, with some small variation on
the details passable.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE14
Current Beta Squid