Thanks Amos and Matus. I just wanted to know so that I can scratch
the idea. I will scratch it :)
Thanks again.
On May 7, 2009, at 6:36 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
Parvinder Bhasin wrote:
I have searched everywhere and cannot find anything regarding
this. I would like to place a banner on every request client
browser makes. I hear that it can maybe be done using Squid 3.1
and ICAP server. Is there any example of this config? I am ok
with coding something for this purpose.
Thanks and sorry if I have asked the same question in one way or
the other before.
Ah for the love of all that is Internet. No!
There are much better alternatives than scribbling additions all
over every web object.
The one I highly recommend is to use a captive-portal approach,
where users see a full page of your content on arrival and
optionally at regular intervals. This is much safer and socially
acceptable than altering external content. Squid provides the
session helper for a kick start. Alternative helpers can easily be
written to suit other use cases.
Please note the problems with your original request:
* what you see as a "page" is often a very large collection of small
objects. Altering any of them can have a range of effects, from
disastrous to ineffectual.
* there is close to zero chance of identifying on the fly the
linkage between certain web objects displayed on the same page.
Which can royally screw over your users experience.
* adding company banners to other companies content can quickly get
you into big legal issues (them voluntarily using banner ads is a
contract agreement, yours is a violation of someone elses service
* consider the poor user who opens their banking website or facebook
page only to see your company name. How are they to differentiate
you from a spammer/phisher out to grab their personal details? Why
should they trust you ever again after that?
/thinking I'll have to write this up one day or find a good how-why
reference article on net-neutrality.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE14
Current Beta Squid