Fedora Art
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- Re: [Echo] New object-* icon set draf (part 2), (continued)
- [Echo] New object-* icon set draft (part 1),
Luya Tshimbalanga
- [Echo] New package releases, first echo-add-icon script bug,
Martin Sourada
- [Echo] working on new mail-* action icons,
Martin Sourada
- [Echo] New system-root-password icon set draft,
Luya Tshimbalanga
- Four F's designs,
Máirín Duffy
- Last-minute request - any packagers for wallpapers in beta?,
Máirín Duffy
- R: Re: R: Re: Solar Round 3 - Almost ended,
Samuele Storari
- R: Re: Solar Round 3 - Almost ended,
Samuele Storari
- Criteria for theme selection,
Máirín Duffy
- Solar Round 3 - Almost ended,
Samuele Storari
- Fedora Art at FUDCon,
Nicu Buculei
- Need a wall paper for Fedora Security Spin,
Huzaifa Sidhpurwala
- [Echo] Icons that need to be done,
Martin Sourada
- [Echo] New system-network-control icon set,
Martin Sourada
- [Echo] New preferences-system-bootloader icon set draft,
Luya Tshimbalanga
- [Echo] Guidelines change, tutorials update, new screencasts,
Martin Sourada
- R: Re: Solar round3 first step,
Samuele Storari
- Solar round3 first step,
Samuele Storari
- [Echo] New utilities-lvm icon set draft,
Luya Tshimbalanga
- Good news about Echo,
Luya Tshimbalanga
- Photo for InvinXble,
Samuele Storari
- [Echo] New preferences-desktop-locale icon set DRAFT,
Martin Sourada
- [Echo] New system-software-sources icon set,
Martin Sourada
- Fedora 10 round 3,
Samuele Storari
- You have been sent a file (Description: New desktop sound theme for GNOME),
- Fedora work,
Mola Pahnadayan
- Echo Monthly News, Issue 1,
Martin Sourada
- [Echo] Need feedback about Features Echo Icon theme,
Luya Tshimbalanga
- New desktop sound theme.,
Chris Norman
- [Echo] New preferences-system-authentication icon set,
Martin Sourada
- Round 2: Neon submission,
Michael Beckwith
- Fedora Kickoff button artwork request,
Jaroslav Reznik
- Fedora 10 Art Schedule,
John Poelstra
- [Echo] user scripts updates,
Martin Sourada
- [Echo] August 2008 News,
Martin Sourada
- My love for art, "coding'', graphics...,
Leo Jackson
- [Echo] echo-set-up Script,
Martin Sourada
- K12Linux LDM Login Screen Theme,
Warren Togami
- [Echo] Updated echo-add-icon Script + Usage Screencast,
Martin Sourada
- R: Re: R: Re: InvinXble Updates,
Samuele Storari
- accessible login,
Matthias Clasen
- R: Re: InvinXble Updates,
Samuele Storari
- InvinXble release poster rough.,
Samuele Storari
- InvinXble Updates,
Samuele Storari
- R: Re: Solar Round 2 updates,
Samuele Storari
- Original Fedora Posters,
Frank Murphy
- Hi from Paolo,
Paolo Leoni
- Solar Round 2 updates,
Samuele Storari
- InvinXble F10 Theme round 2 step1,
Samuele Storari
- Fedora Art Team Monthly Picks,
Máirín Duffy
- [Echo] One Canvas workflow + making commits easier,
Martin Sourada
- Neon,
Michael Beckwith
- Fedora logo history,
Nicu Buculei
- Music and sound effects,
Chris Norman
- R: Re: Solar theme Round 2,
Samuele Storari
- Solar theme Round 2,
Samuele Storari
- packaging alternative themes?,
Ian Weller
- Ideas and wining,
Ben Hamment
- gears ideas,
Ben Hamment
- Round 2 Deadline: 1 Sept 2008,
Máirín Duffy
- [F10 themes: round 2] Gears: lot of gears,
Nicu Buculei
- Hello hello,
Evangeline McGlynn
- Small Suggestion Please,
Vara Prasad Pepakayala
- Fedora hosted logo,
ryan lerch
- [Echo] Preferences-system-users draft,
Luya Tshimbalanga
- [Linux Day Italy] Fedora Distribution Kit,
Luca Foppiano
- new member,
Khairul Anwar
- Updated Artwork Wallpapers,
Vara Prasad Pepakayala
- Re: Fedora Theme Contest: What happenes to the runners-up?,
Nicu Buculei
- [Fwd: Comedy: On Art and, Specifically, Fedora Art Concepts],
Nicu Buculei
- [Nodoka] Coding on 0.8.x started - first real screenshots available,
Martin Sourada
- Wallpaper Extras,
Martin Sourada
- Using photos rather than "art",
Bob Peterson
Design Service Request - AmbassadorKit Box,
Clint Savage
Learning Inkscape,
Ashok Gautham
About me and my work,
TransNet Informática
FUDCon Brno banner,
Paul W. Frields
Release Artwork Process,
ryan lerch
Greetings and Salutations,
Sean M Gatton
How To?,
Vara Prasad Pepakayala
Karthik e
- Re: Hi,
Nicu Buculei
- <Possible follow-ups>
- hi,
jude ui
Tracking logo approval requests,
Rahul Sundaram
[Echo] printer sketches,
Martin Sourada
Problems with system-config-*'s .desktop files,
Martin Sourada
help with feature process diagram,
John Poelstra
Re: help with feature process diagram,
John Poelstra
[Echo] git screencasts,
Martin Sourada
Apply to be a new,
Farkas Csaba
Fedora 9 CD/DVDs,
Luca Foppiano
Does blue make you blue?,
Paul W. Frields
- Re: Does blue make you blue?,
Ian Weller
- Re: Does blue make you blue?,
Gian Paolo Mureddu
- Re: Does blue make you blue?,
David Nielsen
- Re: Does blue make you blue?,
Diego Búrigo Zacarão
- Re: Does blue make you blue?,
Frank Murphy
- Re: Does blue make you blue?,
Sri Ram
- Re: Does blue make you blue?,
Luya Tshimbalanga
- Re: Does blue make you blue?,
Michael Beckwith
- Re: Does blue make you blue?,
Nicu Buculei
- Re: Does blue make you blue?,
Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams
- Re: Does blue make you blue?,
Andy Fitzsimon
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Does blue make you blue?,
Some Ubuntu people about our team,
Nicu Buculei
[F10 Themes] add Cambridge to some of the proposals?,
Martin Sourada
Art list Artists... Greetings,
Jonathan Francis
T-shirt design feed back,
Erick Henrique
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