Fedora KDE
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Trouble with screen locking and suspend,
Orion Poplawski
Switch Window mouse action not working in F21?, Ian Pilcher
KMail changed IMAP behaviour in F21,
Piotr Gbyliczek
konqueror: move files terrible slow, Reindl Harald
systemd: how to get current target,
Glenn Holmer
Timothy Murphy
Switching to SDDM,
Patrick O'Callaghan
F21: evince under KDE,
George Avrunin
Network Manager is More Modular,
Garry T. Williams
Dmitrij S. Kryzhevich
Konsole colors,
Orcan Ogetbil
Turning off touchpad in Fedora-21?,
Timothy Murphy
Does Fedora want to expel KDE from its offerings?,
bad interaction with evince (oxygen-gtk),
Neal Becker
Apper inconsistent with yum and dnf,
Peter G.
Fedora 21 Final Release Candidate 5 (RC5) Available Now!, Adam Williamson
f20->f21 fedup update warnings (kde related),
Neal Becker
Fedora 21 Final Release Candidate 4 (RC4) Available Now!, Adam Williamson
kde-plasma-nm problem,
Neal Becker
qca review, Rex Dieter
rdieter / kde4,
Orion Poplawski
F21: pam-kwallet,
Peter G.
announce fedora 20 kde-4.14.3 on updates-testing,
Sérgio Basto
tomahawk-0.8 update blockers,
Rex Dieter
apper - yum - dnf a connection?,
Ed Greshko
KDE yum gui?,
Timothy Murphy
broken deps in updates-testing,
Reindl Harald
Setting Up PAM KWallet on Fedora 21,
Sudhir Khanger
Reporting validation results with relval: please update python-mwclient to 0.7, Adam Williamson
Fwd: [Test-Announce] Fedora 21 Beta Release Candidate 4 (RC4) Available Now!, Adam Williamson
Fedora 21 Beta RC4 live images available for early testing, Adam Williamson
sddm in F21, really?,
Ed Greshko
fedora 21 kde article for Fedora magazine?,
Matthew Miller
[Fwd: [Test-Announce] Fedora 21 Beta Release Candidate 1 (RC1) Available Now!],
Adam Williamson
KDE SIG Badge,
Ralph Bean
KDE Frameworks 5.3 and Plasma 5.1 available,
Daniel Vratil
KMail cannot create top-level folder, Timothy Murphy
ask for notifications,
Sérgio Basto
Removing dvratil/kde-frameworks COPR, Daniel Vratil
SDDM as default status, Orion Poplawski
ktorrent and ARP,
Ed Greshko
Why such an unusual name?,
Ed Greshko
Ark - 4.14.1 Unar/Unrar,
Colin J Thomson
Unable to update digikam, kipi, marble, okular etc.,
Peter Gueckel
Fedora 21 Alpha RC testing request, Adam Williamson
Configuring the Recently Used tab,
Patrick O'Callaghan
GPG not working with K-Softwares, Sudhir Khanger
Fwd: [owncloud-devel] Resend: Announcement: Dolphin plugin v0.1, Sudhir Khanger
KDE on Android?,
Timothy Murphy
Report from Akademy Packager BoF, Kevin Kofler
greeter offers no KDE session,
Felix Miata
Plasma 5 boots into a blank black desktop, Sudhir Khanger
The Plasma Disease,
Timothy Murphy
KDE doesn't seem to see my webcam,
Orion Poplawski
Baloo: tags missing,
Piotr Gbyliczek
digikam problem,
George Avrunin
what's wrong with plasma-desktop-appletsrc,
Reindl Harald
John Mallett
ars technica on kde plasma 5, Neal Becker
Krunner, plasma-desktop and plasma-netbook desktop files in ~/.kde/share/autostart, Sudhir Khanger
Switch User broken,
Patrick O'Callaghan
compress context menu,
Reindl Harald
KMail bloat,
Timothy Murphy
Plasma 5 packages questions,
Loïc Yhuel
vboxnet0 constantly tries to connect,
Sudhir Khanger
Upgrade to Fedora 21 (to be) - problems with akonadi,
José Matos
KMail and mbox,
Timothy Murphy
Make a KDM greeter screenshot, Felix Miata
Panel freezing,
Timothy Murphy
Advice needed on dealing with kicad, kipi-plugins and kdepim,
Richard Hughes
Re: Advice needed on dealing with kicad, kipi-plugins and kdepim, Kevin Kofler
PyQt5 missing from KF5 packaging?,
Markus Slopianka
Re: 2014-07-09 @ **17:00 UTC** - F21 Blocker Review #1,
Bruno Wolff III
KDE cpu usage pop-up?,
Gene Smith
SSH Key Management on KDE,
Sudhir Khanger
oxygen disappeared,
Eli Wapniarski
mask udisks2.service and upower.service, Reindl Harald
KDE Connect firewall rules,
Richard Z
Message not available
Re: KDE Connect firewall rules, Garry T. Williams
Is it now "safe" to use the kde-redhat unstable repo?,
Valerio Mariani
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Is it now "safe" to use the kde-redhat unstable repo?, Rex Dieter
Recent update breaks KDE,
Arjun AK
http://apt.kde-redhat.org/ dead,
Reindl Harald
Fwd: Schedule for Today's Board Meeting (2014-06-23), Matthew Miller
Nepomuk once again,
Markus Slopianka
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Nepomuk once again, Rex Dieter
Annoying Maximize Window setting,
Patrick O'Callaghan
Re: Annoying Maximize Window setting, g
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Annoying Maximize Window setting, Rex Dieter
Meeting attendance statistics, Proposal: replace siddharts with danofsatx as voting WG member,
Kevin Kofler
KDevelop crashes when I execute a simple while loop without increment, Dhaval Anjaria
Adding a tool to the Dolphin menu,
Patrick O'Callaghan
Chrome (35+) System Tray Issues and KDE,
Gerald B. Cox
display brightness management not working,
Neal Becker
LibreOffice Sifr theme and system tray icon broken after installing libreoffice-kde,
Sudhir Khanger
Fedora Plasma refocused,
Lukáš Tinkl
immediate session abort?,
Felix Miata
Fedora plasma and Fedora scientific,
Amit Saha
Update libnm-qt strangeness,
Peter Gueckel
KDE asking for SIM PIN for UMTS modem although no pin is set in SIM card,
Lukas Middendorf
Redux: KDM Segfaults on logging in to any desktop, except KDE., Eli Wapniarski
Bug# for the Attaching file crash, Colin J Thomson
Colin J Thomson
What to do,
url for latest ked spin,
KDM Segfaults on logging in to any desktop, except KDE.,
Dhaval Anjaria
PwManager mangled for good,
KDE5 Packages unsigned and libKF5Wallet.so.5 conflict,
Sudhir Khanger
bluetooth mouse and kdm,
Eli Wapniarski
SDDM doesn't unlock gnome-keyring?,
Juan Orti Alcaine
Re: SDDM doesn't unlock gnome-keyring?, Martin Bříza
Mozilla Firefox breaks KParts,
Update Disables Desktop Effects,
Peter Gueckel
baloo-kcmadv in f20/kde-unstable repo,
Rex Dieter
qt-mobility on a generic non-wireless F21 KDE desktop PC?,
Felix Miata
pam-kwallet review/testing,
Rex Dieter
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